Noah Beals
From: Noah Beals
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 11:25 AM
To: 'lagitin@gmail.com'; Angela Milewski (amilewski@bhadesign.com); Sarah Burnett
Cc: 'meg2u@netzero.net'
Subject: FW: Pedersen Toyota Expansion(PDP140007
Thank you for getting involved in the Development Review process for the Pedersen Toyota Expansion (PDP140007). I
have included the applicant Angie Milewski in this response and also the City's Neighborhood Liaison Sarah
Burnett. Please feel free to contact any of us directly.
As you may know this project is scheduled for a public hearing on September 11, 2014 for a decision by Planning and
Zoning Board. I will include your email as part of the record for this project so that your comments may be considered.
Within the past year the Midtown Plan was approved. This plan covers the area of the Pedersen Toyota Expansion
Project Development Plan and focused on the properties between S. College Ave. and the MAX bus route. Within the
plan it does anticipate parking structures and higher density development. As development and redevelopment
occurs in the area, 4 story buildings may be typical.
With a 4 story building the advantage of this particular site is a grade change. The site is lower in grade than from the
streets surrounding it allowing the building to appear shorter. Also the fourth story of the structure will not include a
roof except at the two stair towers.
In the Development Review process staff members from several departments are involved including Traffic
Operations. In response to your email Martina Wilkinson from Traffic Operations, mwilkinson@fcgov.com 970-221-
6881, provided the following comments.
We appreciate Mr. Grell’s comments, and as a part of the proposed Pedersen project, we required them to
evaluate the traffic in and around their site, and look at how their change in traffic would impact the road
Mr. Grell asked whether the proposed building will add traffic to the system. The application indicated that the
garage component will NOT add any new traffic, but an expanded sales and services building WILL add some
additional traffic. They estimated it would add about 90 trips in the afternoon peak hour (i.e. rush hour) – 36
trips into the business and 54 trips out. We had them estimate where this additional traffic would go (to
College, to Mason, and north or south) and then analyze those intersections to see if there’s a significant
change. Those intersections did not show a significant change in function due to the added Pederson traffic.
Because we can only require a development to mitigate for their own impact, based on the analysis we are not
requiring the Pedersen development to make off-site vehicular traffic improvements. We are requiring them to
make improvements along their College frontage in terms of changes for the Frontage Road and a proposed
path, to be consistent with the Mid Town Plan for Kensington, and along Mason to dedicate public right of way
(ROW) and establish the ideal spot for an access.
You are welcome to attend the hearing next week to listen and to provide your comments in person if you would like. A
guide to help residents understand the hearing process is available at
fcgov.com/cityclerk/pdf/boards/pzbrochure.pdf. If you would like to review the meeting materials for this item, you can
find them beginning on page 11 of this document:
RD&docdate=SEP-11-2014 .
Again, please feel free to contact any of us with additional questions.
Noah Beals
Senior City Planner-Zoning
City of Fort Collins
970 416-2313
970 224-6134 Fax
From: Lyle Grell [mailto:lagitin@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:01 AM
To: Noah Beals; meg2u@netzero.net
Subject: Pedersen Toyota Expansion(PDP140007
I live very close to Pedersen Toyota's facilities. I am against a four story facility for two reasons. I see no need
to have a facility this tall in this area that is so close to residential facilities. I think it will look out of context
and it seems to me that the upper levels are for parking cars for sale. Yikes!
Reason two is the vehicle congestion on the streets of Fort Collins. Planning and Zoning seems to have no
concern for the new sites like the the Foothills Mall and proposed apartment development next to it when it
comes to the increase in auto traffic that this will add to the streets. Our streets are saturated as any resident
knows. We wait two to three lights changes just to cross College or to make a left turn at adjacent
intersections. When it comes to traffic, we have two pounds of baloney in a one pound bag. It is a serious
problem with nothing being done about it except to add more commercial sites to increase it.
Does it not remind you of the Federal governments attitude that we will just drown ourselves in debt and hope
for a lifeline from someone?
Auto traffic may not be your concern, it is time someone became concerned about this unchecked hazard.
A four story building to park cars... it seems a little ludicrous to me to say nothing of the eyesore.
I would come to your meeting even though it is during the meal hour, but I tried that when the Housing
Administration heard our comments on the 13 million dollar building for the homeless. I did not get to speak
and could easily see their mind was made up. My time was wasted.
If auto traffic planning is not in your arena, maybe it should be because we are approaching gridlock on our
streets. If Pedersen's proposed building will add more auto traffic to our streets, I am definitely against it.
Lyle Grell