Interstate Land Holdings Annexation
Statement of Principles and Policies
The Interstate Land Holdings Annexation is a collection of three properties and right of way totaling
12.189 acres located on the northeast corner of the I-25 and Highway 392 intersection. It is currently
located within Larimer County and the Fort Collins Growth Management Area (GMA) and the
Corridor Activity Center (CAC) as defined the intergovernmental agreements between the City and
Windsor and in Division 4.21 of the Land Use Code. The properties do not contain any structures but
have recently been graded and seeded due to the recent CDOT interchange improvements. It is
bordered by Fossil Creek Regional Open Space and Swede Lake on the west side, Interstate 25 to the
east, Highway 392 to the south, and commercial properties to the north. The I-25 frontage road in
between the properties, as well as the portion of Highway 392 to the south, is included in the
annexation to provide a continuity of service for the City of Fort Collins.
The property is currently zoned T-Tourist in Larimer County. The proposed zoning is General
Commercial (GC), which is consistent with the City Structure Plan, the Intergovernmental Agreement
Pertaining to the Development of the Interstate I25/State Highway 392 Interchange, and amendments
to Division 4.21 of the Land Use Code which specify the zoning, uses and development standards for
the CAC. Site development plans are not included in the annexation application and are to be
pursued at a later date.
City Plan Principles and Policies Achieved by the Annexation
Principle LIV 1: City development will be contained by well-defined boundaries that will be managed
using various tools including utilization of a Growth Management Area, community coordination, and
Intergovernmental Agreements.
Policy LIV 1.3 – Coordinate at Community Edges
Policy LIV 1.4 – Maintain Intergovernmental Agreements
The Interstate Land Holdings Annexation is located within the approved Growth Management Area
boundaries. The project can demonstrate the City’s vision for a compact land use pattern within a
well-defined boundary, adequate public facilities, and development paying its share of costs of public
facilities and services. The properties share an important edge with the Town of Windsor that makes
the Highway 392 interchange a coordinated City gateway.
The future land use patterns for this interchange have been outlined in the I-25/SH 392 Interchange
Improvement Plan (2008) where a specific zoning district, the Corridor Activity Center (CAC) was
defined to guide development in this area. The CAC generally follows the City of Fort Collins City
Plan (2004) and the Town of Windsor’s Comprehensive Plan (2006). Final development will
participate in the CAC Interchange Improvement Fee Program as outlined in the Intergovernmental
Agreement with the City of Fort Collins and the Town of Windsor.
Principle LIV 2: The City will consider the annexation of new territory into the City limits when the
annexation of such property conforms to the vision, goals, and policies of City Plan.
Policy LIV 2.1 – Follow Annexation Policies
The proposed annexation is located within a defined subarea plan and the Fort Collins GMA. The
future development densities shall be consistent with the vision, goals and policies of City Plan.
Principle LIV 5: The City will promote redevelopment and infill in areas identified on the Targeted Infill
and Redevelopment Areas Map.
Policy LIV 5.1 – Encourage Targeted Redevelopment and Infill
The properties are located in a Targeted Activity Center and identified on the Targeted Infill and
Redevelopment Areas Map. The annexation will promote the development of an important
underutilized commercial area and community gateway from Interstate 25.
Principle LIV 13: Community gateways are located at primary entryways into the community, including
at the I-25 corridor interchanges, at the north and south ends of College Avenue, and at entrances to
unique districts and corridors (such as the Downtown River District). The City will recognize gateways
as important locations to draw attention to and convey the character of the surrounding district.
Policy LIV 13.1 – Enhance Interchange Gateways
This corner of the I-25/Highway 392 intersection is an important first impression and gateway
identifier for the City of Fort Collins as this is the first intersection encountered by visitors from the
south. The future development of these properties will be able to set the tone and character for the
entrance to the City.