Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
June 30, 2017
Greg Orr
Reliance Construction Consulting
201 Commerce Dr
Suite 1
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: 729 S Shields St - Kappa Kappa Gamma Addition
Description of project: This is a request to expand and renovate the Kappa Kappa Gamma
Sorority house located at 729 S. Shields St. (parcel #9715104940). Renovations include
removing paving/parking and a retaining wall on the rear (west) of the existing building to
build a 3-story, 4,300 square foot addition to the existing 3-story, 19,000 square foot
building. Site access would remain unchanged, however, the amount of parking would be
reduced from approximately 48 to 42 spaces.\A new outdoor courtyard with walkways will
be added to the north side of the property. The project is located within the Community
Commercial (CC) Zone District and is subject to a Basic Development Review (BDR).
Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referenced
above. The comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you
in preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions
to these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
Comment Summary:
Department: Zoning
Contact: Marcus Glasgow, 970-416-2338, mglasgow@fcgov.com
1. For each fraternity or sorority house, there shall be two (2) parking spaces per three (3)
beds. The alternative compliance provisions of Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a)(2) may be applied
to vary this standard.
Response: Alternative parking compliance letter has been included.
2. Standard vehicle parking space dimensions for proposed angle is 19x9 ft. Two way
drive aisle width must be 24 ft.
Response: Parking meets requirements in LUC 3.2.2.
3. Bicycle parking required is 1 space per bed. 60% must be enclosed/covered and 40%
must be fixed rack.
Response: Required bicycle parking is provided. 71 total spaces is required, 27 fixed spaces are required
as shown on the site plan. 44 covered spaces are provided in the basement. The owner feels strongly that
interior bike parking will provide the residence with a safe and assessable alternative to the exterior bike
parking. (2) copies of the basement plan are provided with this submittal as a diagram of bike parking
4. A landscape plan and tree mitigation plan will be required.
Response: Landscape and Tree Mitigation plans are included in this submittal.
5. A trash and recycling enclosure is required with walk- in access separate from the main
service gate. Please provide elevation of the enclosure.
Response: Response: We have attached exterior elevations and a reference image for the design of the trash
enclosure, below.
6. Please provide detail and elevation of proposed fence.
Response: The proposed fence will match the existing metal picket fence in height, color and character.
Below is a colored image of the fence. Please see the site plan for the fence location, see the landscape plan
for a black and white image of the fence.
7. Site lighting shall be provided as per 3.2.4 (C). A lighting plan is required, including
photometrics and fixture cut sheets. Use of warmer color temperatures (3000 Kelvin) in
site light fixtures is preferred.
Response: We have included sheets for a Site Photometric Plan and Details that indicate
our site lighting design.
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Heather McDowell, 970-224-6065, hmcdowell@fcgov.com
1. There is an existing 6-inch waterline in Shields Street that provides water service to this
building through a 2-inch service. If the size of this meter and service need to be upsized
due to the building addition, you will be required to abandon the existing service at the
main in Shields Street and re-tap the water main in a new location. A fire service may
be required to be installed for this building. If so, the fire service must be a separate fire
service from the water main and cannot be combined with or tapped from the service
Response: The existing 2” service is sufficient to provide the domestic water to the building We are
investigating the possibility of adding a fire service to the addition, but leaving the existing water and fire service
as is.
2. It appears as though the existing 6-inch sanitary sewer main along Aster Street provides
sewer service to this building.
Response: Yes, additional survey has been done in this area to confirm this.
3. The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on
these requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards
Response: Drawings are included.
4. Development fees and water rights will be due at building permit.
Response: Understood
5. The water service and meter for this project site will need to be sized based on the
AWWA M22 manual design procedure. A sizing justification letter that includes demand
calculations for maximum flows and estimated continuous flows will need to be provided
as a part of the final submittal package for this project.
Response: Understood
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Nicole Hahn, 970-221-6820, nhahn@fcgov.com
1. We’ll need to get an estimate of the anticipated traffic associated with the proposal to
determine whether any further traffic analysis or traffic impact study is needed. Can you
provide the number of proposed bedrooms for this addition?
Response: The addition will bring the total number of beds up to 71. (2) copies of a traffic study waiver letter is
included as part of this submittal that included detailed information on parking spaces provided before and
after the addition to help with this decision.
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. As of January 1, 2015 all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
Response: The NAVD88 datum has been used for the design.
2. We show that this property is not platted. If submitting a Subdivision Plat for this
property/project, addresses are not acceptable in the Plat title/name.
Response: Noted.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Heather McDowell, 970-224-6065, hmcdowell@fcgov.com
1. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Old Town
Master Drainage Plan as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual.
Response: Proposed design conforms to the above standards.
2. A drainage report and construction plans are required and they must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must
address the four-step process for selecting structural BMPs.
Response: Drainage letter included in the submittal.
3. It is important to document the existing impervious area since drainage requirements
and fees are based on new impervious area. An exhibit showing the existing and proposed impervious
areas with a table summarizing the areas is required prior to the time fees are calculated for each building
Response: A drainage map has been included in the appendix of the drainage report.
4. When improvements are being added to an existing developed site, onsite detention is
only required if there is an increase in impervious area greater than 5000 square feet. If
it is greater, onsite detention is required with a 2-year historic release rate for water
Response: Proposed design incorporates the above requirements.
5. Fifty percent of the site runoff is required to be treated using the standard water quality
treatment as described in the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual, Volume 3-Best
Management Practices (BMPs).
delines-regulations/stormwater-criteria) Extended detention is the usual method
selected for water quality treatment; however the use of any of the BMPs is encouraged.
Response: The proposed design conforms to the above standard.
6. Low Impact Development (LID) requirements are required on all new or redeveloping
property which includes sites required to be brought into compliance with the Land Use
Code. These require a higher degree of water quality treatment with one of the two
following options:
a. 50% of the newly added or modified impervious area must be treated by LID
techniques and 25% of new paved areas must be pervious.
b. 75% of all newly added or modified impervious area must be treated by LID
Response: Over 75% of the added impervious area is treated by a rain garden.
7. The erosion control report requirements are in Section 1.3.3, Volume 3, Chapter 7 of the
Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. If you need clarification concerning this section,
please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse Schlam at 224-6015 or
Response: Erosion control section can be found in the drainage and erosions control letter.
8. There will be a final site inspection of the stormwater facilities when the project is
complete and the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance
organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for on-going maintenance of all
onsite drainage facilities will be included as part of the Development Agreement. More
information and links can be found at:
Response: Noted.
9. Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8) effective August 5, 2015, criteria
regarding detention drain time will apply to this project. As part of the drainage design,
the engineer will be required to show compliance with this statute using a standard
spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in the drainage report.
Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to upload the
approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will apply to any
volume based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins.
Response: The proposed design conforms to the above standards.
10. The 2017 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $8,217/acre for new
impervious area over 350 square feet and there is a $1,045/acre of site review fee. No
fee is charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each
building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the
Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by
the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Response: Noted.
Department: Historic Preservation
Contact: Cassandra Bumgarner, 970-416-2990, cbumgarner@fcgov.com
1. On March 26, 2015 this property was determined to individually eligible as a Fort Collins
Local Landmark under criteria A and C. Because of this the proposed plans will need to
meet the code requirements for compatibility with historic resources as laid out in LUC
3.4.7. Per the code, "the decision maker shall receive and consider a written
recommendation from the Landmark Preservation Commission unless the Director has
issued a written determination that the plans would not have a significant impact on the
individual eligibility or potential individual eligibility of the site, structure, object or
Based on the conceptual design, staff has minimal comments and feels that this could
qualify for a staff sign off after a determination of no effect pursuant LUC 3.4.7; however,
this cannot be guaranteed until after we have confirmation of the materials and
dimensions and you've submitted your BDR. Please provide more detailed information
about the material choices and building dimensions of the original structure and the
proposed addition. If for any reason your design changes substantially or staff assesses
that it is not in compliance with the code, you will need to go before the Landmark
Preservation Commission. Please contact me for more information.
Response: Please see the included color elevations that indicate our material choices and building
dimensions for the project. The colors shown on the elevations are reflective of the colors for the
materials that will be specified for this project.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Cal Sheesley, 970-416-2599, csheesley@poudre-fire.org
Fire access is required to within 150' of all exterior portions of any building, or facility as
measured by an approved route around the perimeter. For the purposes of this section,
fire access cannot be measured from an arterial road (S. Shields). The private drive
within the drive and parking lot to the south and west of the building shall serve as the
fire lane to provide access to the building.
Code language follows:
> IFC 503.1.1: Approved fire Lanes shall be provided for every facility, building or
portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The
fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall
extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls
of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of
the building or facility. When any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of
the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access,
the fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension if the building is equipped
throughout with an approved, automatic fire-sprinkler system.
Response: (2) copies of a fire apparatus turning exhibit has been included as part of this submittal to
illustrate the Poudre Fire truck route.
A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the
design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane
must meet the following general requirements:
> Shall be designated on the plat as an Emergency Access Easement.
> Maintain the required 20 foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum
overhead clearance.
> Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons.
> Dead-end roads shall not exceed 660' in length without providing for a second point of
> Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an
approved area for turning around fire apparatus.
> The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25
feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans.
> Be visible by painting and/or signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. Sign
locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans.
Response: Fire line is 20’ wide. A fire apparatus turning exhibit has been included to illustrate the Poudre
Fire truck route.
Hydrant spacing and flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of
occupancy. A hydrant is required within 300' of any Commercial Building as measured
along an approved path of vehicle travel. The hydrant located at the north terminus of
Aster street appears to meet hydrant location requirements.
> IFC 507.5 and PFA Policy: Hydrants to provide 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual
pressure, spaced not further than 300 feet to the building, on 600-foot centers thereafter
Response: The hydrant north of Aster Street is 200’ from the on-site building.
The addition shall have an automatic sprinkler system under a separate permit. Please
contact Assistant Fire Marshal, Joe Jaramillo with any fire sprinkler related questions at
Response: The new addition will provide the 13R sprinkler system. This will make the building
fully-sprinkled under the 13R system.
Addresses shall be posted on each structure and where otherwise needed to aid in
wayfinding. Verification of this shall take place upon final inspection.
Code language follows:
> IFC 505.1: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building
numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible,
visible from the street or road fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of
six-inch numerals on a contrasting background. Where access is by means of a private
road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other
sign or means shall be used to identify the structure.
Response: The existing build fronting S. Shields Street has address numbers 6” or larger
in size on a contrasting background mounted next to the front door that are visible from the street.
Security gates across a fire lane as well as man gates obstructing perimeter access
shall have approved means of emergency personnel access with a Knox Box product.
> IFC 503.6: The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road shall
be approved by the fire chief. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an
approved means of emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency
operation shall be maintained operational at all times.
> IFC D103.5: Gates securing fire apparatus access roads shall comply with all of the following criteria:
1. The minimum gate width for vehicle access shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of the swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of materials that allow manual operation by one person.
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times and
replaced or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire department
personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices shall be approved by the
fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with an unapproved padlock, or chain and
padlock, unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the key(s) to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Gate design and locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the
fire code official prior to installation.
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325.
9. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed
to comply with the requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Response: The security gates across the fire lane shall comply with the regulations as outlined above.
The design team will work with PFA to gain approval of gate type and locking mechanism. As currently
designed, the gate at the southwest corner of the site slides along the fence line to open while the gate
at the southeast corner swings to open.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Stephanie Blochowiak, 970-416-4290, sblochowiak@fcgov.com
1. City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)], requires that to the extent
reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate water conservation materials
and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants and grasses in landscaping
or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much as possible. Native plants and
wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds) landscaping and maintenance are
also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins Native Plants document available
online and published by the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department for guidance
on native plants is: http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. Also
see the City of Fort Collins Plant List: https://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf.
Response: The landscape plan has been designed with low-water-use plants while minimizing the
use of turf. Please see the landscape plan for a full list of plant species and locations.
2. In regard to lighting, especially LED light fixtures, cooler color temperatures are harsher
at night and cause more disruption to circadian (biological) rhythms for both humans and
wildlife. Warmer color temperature (warm white, 3000K or less) for any LED light fixtures
is preferred. Please also consider fixtures with dimming capabilities so that light levels
can be adjusted as needed. Site light sources shall be fully shielded and
down-directional to minimize up-light, light spillage and glare [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(3)]. For
further information regarding health effects please see:
Several departments within the City of Fort Collins have been working together to
address this issue; they are referred to as the City¿s Night Sky team. Results of the
team¿s work can currently be viewed on the City¿s Public Records website in
Resolution 2016-074, a summary of City of Fort Collins City Council Intent and General
Policy Regarding Night Sky Objectives.
Response: It is our understanding that the fixtures that have been selected meet these requirements.
Please see the attached Site Photometric Plan and Detail Sheets.
3. If trees are to be removed note LUC Section 3.2.1(C) requiring developments to submit
a landscape and tree protection plan, and if receiving water service from the City, an
irrigation plan, that: "...(4) protects significant trees, natural systems, and habitat, and (5)
enhances the pedestrian environment.¿ Note that a significant tree is defined as a tree
having DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of six inches or more. If any of the trees within
this site have a DBH of greater than six inches, a review of the trees shall be conducted
with Tim Buchanan, City Forester (970-221-6361 or tbuchanan@fcgov.com) to determine the status of the
existing trees and any mitigation requirements that could result from the proposed development.
Response: A mitigation plan is provided as part of this submittal and a landscape plan is provided with tree
protection notes per city forester. Irrigation plans will be provided with building permit.
4. Our city has an established identity as a forward-thinking community that cares about the
quality of life it offers its citizens now and generations from now. Thus, the City of Fort
Collins has many sustainability programs and goals that may benefit this project. Of
particular interest may be:
1) ClimateWise program: fcgov.com/climatewise/, contact Heidi Wagner
At 970-416-2230 or climatewise@fcgov.com
2) Zero Waste Plan and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance Program
(WRAP): fcgov.com/recycling/pdf/_20120404_WRAP_ProgramOverview.pdf, contact
Caroline Mitchell at 970-221-6288 or cmitchell@fcgov.com
3) Green Building Program: fcgov.com/enviro/green-building.php, contact Tony Raeker
at 970-416-4238 or traeker@fcgov.com
4) Solar Energy: www.fcgov.com/solar
5) Integrated Design Assistance Program: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact Gary
Schroeder at 970-224-6003 or gschroeder@fcgov.com
Response: Thank you. The team will review these programs to see if any are a good fit for this project.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Marc Virata, 970-221-6567, mvirata@fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of
building permit. Please contact Kyle Lambrecht at 221-6566 if you have any questions.
Response: Understood
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
Response: Understood
3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Response: Note added to plan set.
4. All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the
site, need to meet ADA standards. If they currently do not, they will need to be
reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project.
Response: Proposed sidewalks have been designed to meet ADA requirements.
5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Response: No public improvements are proposed at this time.
6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are
necessary or required by the City for this project. Most easements to be dedicated need
to be public easements dedicated to the City. This shall include the standard utility
easements that are to be provided behind the right-of-way (15 foot along an arterial, 8
foot along an alley, and 9 foot along all other street classifications). Information on the
dedication process can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php
Response: Additional dedication will be required along S. Shields as part of this project. Please see the
plat for new easements.
7. Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the
project is finalized.
Response: Utility plans included in this submittal.
8. As of January 1, 2015 all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
Response: The proposed design is on the NAVD88 datum.
9. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any
work on the site.
Response: We understand that a DCP will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site.
10. LCUASS parking setbacks (Figure 19-6) apply and will need to be followed depending
on parking design.
Response: Parking setbacks have been incorporated into the proposed design.
11. All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to the Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance.
Response: Our plan is to add a fence to the south end of the property to mitigate trespassing from the
neighboring properties. We would like to add a gate to the South West property corner – however we
understand Traffic Engineering’s concern and will address this.
12. Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if
placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked
they do not extend into the right-of-way.
Response: Bike parking is not proposed to be in the right-of-way.
13. In regards to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for staging
or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be
used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or
hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find a
location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary staging and/or parking
needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the
location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the
Development Construction Permit application.
Response: We understand that the public right-of-way shall not be not be used for staging
or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be
used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or
hired by the Developer to construct the Development
14. The previous comments were more standard typical comments. The following
comments are more specific to the site proposal:
Response: Thank you.
15. Relating to comment number 4, the exit drive approach onto Shields Street will need to
be looked at with regarding to DA compliance for the sidewalk along Shields Street and
will likely require the rebuilding of the driveway approach to meet City standards and
ADA compliance.
Response: Additional survey is required to determine the existing ADA compliance. This will be done with
the next round to ensure that this project meets ADA.
16. The gated access onto the site off of Aster Street is of concern with regard to stopping
in the right-of-way for access (and in that regard blocking driveway access to the
property directly south on the east side of Aster. If gated access is to be proposed, the
gated access would need to be designed to allow for stacking of vehicles outside of the
right-of-way, which would requiring the moving of the gate further north into the site.
Response: The current queueing length is 18 feet south of the gate.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Coy Althoff, 970-224-6150, CAlthoff@fcgov.com
1. Light & Power currently serves this address.
Response: Understood.
2. Any changes to the existing electric capacity and or location will initiate electric system
modification charges. Please coordinate power requirements with Light and Power
Engineering at 221-6700.
Response: Changes to the existing electric capacity and or location has been designed to meet the
requirements of Light and Power Engineering. We understand that charges for these changes will
initiate modification charges.
3. You may contact FCU Light & Power, project engineering if you have questions. (970)
221-6700. You may reference Light & Power’s Electric Service Standards at
You may reference our policies, development charge processes, and use our fee
estimator at http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers.
Response: Understood
Planning Services
Contact: Jason Holland, 970-224-6126, jholland@fcgov.com
1. The project would be required to plat the property as well as obtain Planning/Zoning
approval of a site plan, landscape plan, lighting plan, building elevations and necessary
utility plan documents prior to submitting for building permit review. The above documents
would be reviewed/approved administratively through a Basic Development Review
(BDR) process prior to building permit submittal. For the submittal application checklist,
please refer to the BDR checklist and requirements at
Response: Understood.
2. Please review the parking drive aisle and parking space dimensional options under LUC
3.2.2(L) to ensure that drive aisle widths and parking dimensions meet city standards.
Response: Parking meets requirements in LUC 3.2.2.
3. With the landscape plan, you will need to coordinate with Forestry to document any
significant trees to be removed. No trees may be removed prior to approval of a
mitigation plan and new landscape plan. Landscaping in and around the parking lot,
building and site will be required per code standards outlined in Section 3.2.1 of the Land
Use Code.
Response: Forestry has provided documentation of the significant trees on site and this information
is provided on the mitigation plans. Mitigation tree locations are provided on the landscape plan.
4. It appears that to implement the drive aisle and grading transitions shown along the south
boundary that the existing trees along the south boundary will need to be removed to
implement the concept design. This will need to be reviewed to understand the
health/vitality of these trees and whether they could be retained is reviewed by staff under
Section 3.2.1 of the Land Use Code which requires that significant existing trees shall be
preserved to the extent reasonably feasible.
Response: The health and vitality of the existing trees along the south border is included in the
mitigation plan schedule. These trees will be removed to meet the PFA firelane requirements but will
be mitigated either on site or in close proximity per LUC 3.2.1 (F). Please see site plan for on site
mitigation locations. Off-site locations are currently being coordinated with Forestry and Parks and
will be included in the next round of review.
5. Parking lot boundary min. perimeter boundary requirement is 5 feet per LUC 3.2.2(J).
Minimum parking lot island width is 8 feet. Minimum interior parking lot landscaping shall
be 6% per LUC 3.2.2(M).
Response: Parking meets requirements in LUC 3.2.2.
6. Per the City's landscaping, tree stocking, parking lot standards, and tree mitigation
standards, please configure the parking lot so that all ends of parking bays are defined by
curbing and landscape areas in which shade trees can be planted to define the parking
lot. Please line up any perimeter trees with the parking stalls so that cars will not back into
the trees.
Response: The parking lot islands have been reconfigured to allow for the placement of shade trees.
Perimeter trees have been aligned with parking stalls to minimized tree damage during parking
maneuvers. Both the perimeter and parking lot islands are landscaped. Please see the landscape plan
planting for locations.
7. The proposed development is subject to a Basic Development Review, please contact
the Zoning Department regarding your formal submittal.
Response: Understood.
Pre-Submittal Meetings for Building Permits
Pre-Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early on
in the design, that the new commercial or multi-family projects are on track to complying
with all of the adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project
should be in the early to mid-design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically
scheduled after the Current Planning conceptual review meeting.
Applicants of new commercial or multi-family projects are advised to call 970-416-2341
to schedule a pre-submittal meeting. Applicants should be prepared to present site
plans, floor plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy,
square footage and type of construction being proposed.
Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended:
2012 International Building Code (IBC)
2012 International Residential Code (IRC)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2012 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009.
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B.
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5.
Energy Code Use
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2012 IRC Chapter 11 or 2012 IECC Chapter 4.
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2012 IECC Chapter 4 Residential
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2012 IECC Chapter 4 Commercial
Fort Collins Amendments effective starting 2/17/2014. A copy of these requirements
can be obtained at the Building Office or contact the above phone number.
City of Fort Collins
Building Services
Plan Review