1. Building Height (Section 4.2.D.3(A)): The maximum building height shall be (3) three
Provided: 3 Story building with partial 4 Story Shown On a Small Portion Of The Building.
This is in Accordance With Downtown Plan Innovation Subdistrict Guidelines.
The proposed single hotel building with integral restaurant and garage located within the
Innovation Subdistrict and having a portion of the property straddle the Poudre Corridor
Subdsitrict, conforms to the design criteria of allowing buildings taller than 3 stories in
appropriate character subdistricts while maximizing compatibility through appropriate
design. The building is located in the depth of the property situated North to South. Facing
Lincoln the building has a single level frontage and steps up to 3 stories. Facing the Poudre
the building has a single story stepping up to 4 stories with a setback at the forth to provide
a 2 step elevation fronting the Poudre. The middle portion of the building, directly over the
main entry to the hotel has a 4 story design that steps down in a transitional fashion with
vertical articulation in the building elevations. The small 4 story portion of the building at
the middle portion of the hotel creates a tasteful and human scale building aesthetic due
to its length.
2. Poudre River Buffer (Section 3.4.1(E): 300' buffer from top of bank.
Provided: An average 200' buffer is shown on plans with high level of performance
standards met in all (9) nine performance categories.
Standard Used: #3:
by reason of exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional situations,
unique to such property, including, but not limited to, physical conditions such as exceptional
narrowness, shallowness or topography, or physical conditions which hinder the owner's ability
to install a solar energy system, the strict application of the standard sought to be modified
would result in unusual and exceptional practical difficulties, or exceptional or undue hardship
upon the owner of such property, provided that such difficulties or hardship are not caused by
the act or omission of the applicant; or
The current lot for the Lincoln Hotel presents several limitations. These range from less
than half of the site being outside of the 300’ buffer of the Poudre River available for
development as well as multiple utility easements that run along the west side of the
property. Additional property had to be acquired from the east (Woodward Property) to
help alleviate some of the constraints for development on this site.
As discussed in the June 13, 2017 meeting with City Staff the top of bank is eroding and
has continued to creep into the Lincoln Hotel site. Staff is not sure of the timeline, but the
centerline of the river was once the south property line. The centerline of the river has
pushed north 25-35’ from this original location, we can assume the top of bank has moved
roughly the same distance.
A portion of the proposed site plan extends into the 300’ river buffer. The site plan and
landscape in this area use high performance standards to offset this. The building steps
down to a 1-story garage, permeable paving is in all parking stalls, all parking stalls are
reduced to a 17’ length with overhangs reduce the pavement impact, flush curbs,
increased buffering for light conflicts and visual concerns, native species and natural
grading all add to the enhancement of this area.
Overall with this site and landscape plan +/-0.9 acres of native habitat area has been
added along the Poudre River Trail within the buffer zone. This replaces the current site
which is almost entirely compacted gravel parking and storage area to the north side of
the Poudre Trail.
See attached Exhibit 2.A Buffer Area and Utilities
3. Parking lot perimeter landscaping on west portion of parking Lot (Section 3.2.1.E.4(A-B)):
1 Tree/25 Lf, Screening 30" Ht For 70% Of Length.
Provided: 6' wide public sidewalk connection from Lincoln Avenue to Poudre River Trail.
Standard Used: #2:
the granting of a modification from the strict application of any standard would, without
impairing the intent and purpose of this Land Use Code, substantially alleviate an existing,
defined and described problem of city-wide concern or would result in a substantial benefit to
the city by reason of the fact that the proposed project would substantially address an important
community need specifically and expressly defined and described in the city's Comprehensive
Plan or in an adopted policy, ordinance or resolution of the City Council, and the strict
application of such a standard would render the project practically infeasible; or
The Pedestrian Plan (pages 33-34) outlines the importance of improving the directness for
pedestrians to access parks, trails etc. on their routes. The new 6’-0” concrete walk with
allow for the public to have a direct access point along Lincoln without having to travel
further west for the entry point on the trail. This new sidewalk is also in line with the
residential neighborhood just to the north as well as Odell Brewing. (see attached Exhibit
3.A Trail Connection).
Earlier discussions and plans with staff showed the sidewalk in front of the hotel
connecting with the multi-modal trail in the open space. This approach was changed to a
separate sidewalk connection in order to work better with the public perception of sidewalk
being a public access point that was intended verses a feeling of cutting through a property
to get to a destination.
1.34 ac
0.49 ac from Woodward needed
to be acquired in order to make
development feasible on lot
2.40 ac
300’ Buffer area
Top of bank
Existing utilities and easements
Area without constraints for development
Original Lot Area: 3.977 ac - 2.40 ac (buffer area) = 1.58 ac (39.7%)
Lincoln Hotel
Exhibit 2.A Buffer Area and Utilities
N 0 120 240’
Existing Poudre Trail
New Trail Connection at Lincoln Hotel Site
Existing Trail Access Point on Lincoln Ave
New Trail Access Point on Lincoln Ave
Lincoln Hotel
Exhibit 3.A Trail Connection