St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Expansion
Statement of Planning Objectives
July 7, 2017
The project is located at 5450 South Lemay Avenue. The site contains an existing building
containing a worship area, parish offices, parish center and religious education center. The
proposed use is for a 15,650 sq. ft. expansion for a new worship addition. The process is a
Major Amendment and an amendment to the existing Overall Development Plan approved
in 1984.
The property is zoned RL- Low Density Residential. The site contains 11.70 acres. The
existing parking areas and drives will not be disturbed with the construction of the new
addition. A new fire lane will be constructed from the northwest side of the building east in
order to provide adequate access for emergency fire apparatus.
The area surrounding the church contains predominantly single-family residential properties
and the Southridge Greens Golf Course. The worship expansion is a part of the master
planning efforts anticipated by the church. When construction of the worship addition is
complete, the existing worship will be repurposed as the narthex area. There are currently
650 seats, with the addition providing another 150 new seats for a total of 800 seats.
The project is providing access via a driveway from Southridge Green Boulevard and w2
accesses off of Seton Street. All of the interior drives are private. Parking areas are located
internally to minimize impacts on the neighborhood. There are multiple pedestrian
connections into and through the site.
Both building architecture and landscape design for the addition will build upon the
momentum of the design language which has been used on the existing building. The site
and building architecture function integrally. It is the intent to activate architectural spaces
and pedestrian experience through thoughtful indoor and outdoor connections.
Statement of appropriate City Plan Principles and Policies achieved by the proposed
Community and Neighborhood Livability
Principle LIV 6: Infill and redevelopment within residential areas will be compatible
with the established character of the neighborhood. In areas where the desired
character of the neighborhood is not established, or is not consistent with the vision
of City Plan, infill and redevelopment projects will set an enhanced standard of
Policy LIV 6.2 – Seek Compatibility with Neighborhoods
The proposed expansion has a design that complements the positive qualities of the existing
building. Additionally, the building form, patterns, projections and recesses are compatible
with the existing context of the neighborhood.
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Principle T 9: Enhanced Travel Corridors will contain amenities and designs that
specifically promote walking, the use of mass transit, and bicycling.
Policy T 9.1 – Locating Enhanced Travel Corridors
Principle T10: Using transit will be a safe, affordable, easy, and convenient mobility
option for all ages and abilities.
Policy T 10.1 – Transit Stops
Policy T 10.6 – High Frequency Transit Service
Principle T11: Bicycling will be a safe, easy, and convenient mobility option for all
ages and abilities
The location of this project will promote and support the idea of utilizing alternative modes of
transportation (walking/biking) or public transportation. The on-street bike lanes will help to
encourage safe cycling. South Lemay Avenue is designated as an enhanced travel corridor.
(ii) Description of proposed open space, wetlands, natural habitats and
features, landscaping, circulation, transition areas, and associated
buffering on site and in the general vicinity of the project.
There are no wetlands or significant natural habitats within the boundaries of
the site.
(iii) Statement of proposed ownership and maintenance of public and
private open space areas; applicant's intentions with regard to future
ownership of all or portions of the project development plan.
The buildings will be owned by the building developer/owner and will be
leased to individual tenants.
(iv) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and
industrial uses.
(v) Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by
the applicant.
The impetus of this project is to create a worship center addition that is a
complimentary use to the church campus.
(vi) The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the
applicable criteria, the completed documents pursuant to these
regulations for each proposed use. The planning Director may require,
or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is
required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be
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The submittal documents address the applicable criteria. No variances are
anticipated at this time.
(vii) Narrative description of how conflicts between land uses or
disturbances to wetlands, natural habitats and features and or wildlife
are being avoided to the maximum extent feasible or are mitigated.
There are not existing wetlands, natural habitats or features currently located
on site.
(viii) Written narrative addressing each concern/issue raised at the
neighborhood meeting(s), if a meeting has been held.
A neighborhood meeting was held on June 1, 2016.
(ix) Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have
had during Conceptual Review.
The project name is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Expansion. The
project name at the Conceptual Review meeting was “5450 s. Lemay Ave. -