HEARING DATE: March 2, 2017
PROJECT NAME: Ziegler Townhomes
APPLICANT: Cathy Mathis
TB Group
444 Mountain Ave.
Berthoud, CO 80513
OWNER: Manhattan Land Company, LLC
772 Whalers Way
Fort Collins, CO 80525
HEARING OFFICER: Kendra L. Carberry
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This is a request for Project Development Plan/Final Plan ("PDP") to
create a single-family attached townhome project with 6 buildings and a total of 36 units, each
with 3 bedrooms. The buildings will be two stories, with 4 to 7 units per building. The property
is 4.029 acres, and the overall density will be 8.93 dwelling units per acre.
ZONE DISTRICT: Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN)
HEARING: The Hearing Officer opened the hearing at approximately 5:30 p.m. on March 2,
2017, in the Conference Room A, 281 North College Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado.
EVIDENCE: During the hearing, the Hearing Officer accepted the following evidence:
(1) Planning Department Staff Report; (2) application, plans, maps and other supporting
documents submitted by the applicant; (3) an unsigned email from zalewskiwilliam@q.com dated
February 23, 2017; (4) an email dated February 19, 2017 from Karen Morris; and (5) an email
dated February 25, 2017 from Paula Mann.
TESTIMONY: The following persons testified at the hearing:
From the City: Clay Frickey, Martina Wilkinson
From the Applicant: Cathy Mathis, Russell Baker
From the Public: Frank Dayan, Mary Clifford, Robert Wagenecht, Joy Anderson,
Charles Banning, Don Hinz, Donald Cecere
1. Evidence presented to the Hearing Officer established the fact that the hearing was
properly posted, legal notices mailed and notice published.
2. The PDP complies with the applicable General Development Standards contained in
Article 3 of the Code.
a. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.1(D), Tree Planting Standards, because the
PDP includes street trees planted at 40' intervals, trees planted in clusters on the western
property line, and full tree stocking around each building.
b. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.1(D)(3), Minimum Species Diversity, because
none of the proposed trees will make up more than 15% of the overall tree count.
c. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.1(E)(3), Water Conservation, because the
landscaping uses low water use plants and has an overall annual water budget of 6.66
gallons/square foot.
d. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.1(F), because the tree mitigation plan
submitted proposes the removal of 57 trees. Of these 57 trees, 24 have mitigation value
totaling to the need for 46 mitigation trees. The landscape plan shows 46 upsized trees to
meet the mitigation requirement.
e. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(C)(4)(b), Bicycle Parking Space
Requirement, because the site plan shows 108 bicycle parking spaces, with 94 of the
spaces located in the garages of each unit. The remaining 14 spaces are provided via fixed
f. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(C)(5), Walkways, because the walkways
connect all of the building entrances to the public sidewalks along County Fair Lane. and
Ziegler Road.
g. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(D)(1), Access and Parking Lot
Requirements, because the site complies by providing an extensive sidewalk network
around each building. The sidewalk is separated from vehicle use areas by a curb.
h. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(J), Setbacks for Vehicular Use Areas,
because the parking lots are setback further than the 10' minimum from non-arterial streets
and 5-foot minimum along a lot line.
i. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a), Residential Parking Requirements,
because the project proposes 36 units and 77 spaces, exceeding the required minimum.
j. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.2(K)(5), Handicap Parking, because the site
plan shows two handicap spaces, both of which are van accessible.
k. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.3, Solar Access, Orientation, Shading, because
the building is designed and located to minimize the casting of shadows on adjacent
properties and could accommodate future active and/or passive solar installations.
l. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.4, Site Lighting, because the lighting plan is
consistent with the requirements of the Land Use Code in regards to the general standard,
lighting levels and design standards.
m. The PDP complies with Section 3.2.5, Trash and Recycling Enclosures, because
the proposed trash and recycling enclosure abuts a storage area, allows walk-in access
without having to open the main service gate, screened from public view and is built on a
concrete pad.
n. The PDP complies with Section 3.4.1(A), Natural Habitat and Features –
Applicability, because the site is within of wetlands and McClelland Creek.
o. The PDP complies with Section 3.4.1(E), Establishment of Buffer Zones, because
the applicant proposes enhanced plantings in the buffer zone to mitigate for a smaller
buffer zone. The enhanced plantings enhance the buffer zone adequately to mitigate for a
reduced buffer size,
p. The PDP complies with Section 3.5.1, Building Project and Compatibility, because
the plan is consistent with the requirements of the Land Use Code in regards to building
and project compatibility including building size, height, bulk, mass, scale, mechanical
equipment screening and operational/physical compatibility.
q. The PDP complies with Section 3.5.2(C)(2), Housing Model Variety and Variation
Among Buildings, because there are four distinctly different building designs. Each of
these designs contains variations in massing, materials, footprint size, and color to
differentiate each building.
r. The PDP complies with Section 3.5.2(E)(1), Setback from Arterial Streets, because
Ziegler Road is an arterial street. All of the buildings are setback at least 30' from Ziegler
s. The PDP complies with Section 3.5.2(E)(2), Side and Rear Yard Setbacks, because
the buildings are all set back further than the minimum side yard setback of 5' and the
minimum rear yard setback of 8'.
t. The PDP complies with Section 3.5.2(F), Garage Doors, because garages are
oriented towards the internal access drives serving the project. This orientation minimizes
the visual impact of garage doors and meets the standard.
3. The PDP complies with the applicable standards contained in Article 4 of the Code for the
LMN zone district.
a. The PDP complies with Section 4.5(B)(2)(a), Permitted Uses, because single-
family attached dwellings are permitted in the LMN zone district, subject to administrative
b. The PDP complies with Section 4.19(D)(1), Density, because the maximum
density for developments in the LMN is 9 dwelling units per gross acre, and the PDP has a
density of 8.93 dwelling units per gross acre.
c. The PDP complies with Section 4.5(E)(3), Maximum Residential Building Height,
because the buildings are two stories.
4. The first Modification of Standard (Section 3.5.2(D)(1), Orientation to Connecting
Walkway), meets the applicable requirements of Section 2.8.2(H) of the Code:
a. The Modification will not be detrimental to the public good,
b. The PDP as submitted is equal to a compliant plan, because only 3 units fail to
meet the applicable requirement, and the PDP as submitted protects the natural buffer zone.
5. The second Modification of Standard (Section 3.5.2(D)(2), Street Facing Façades), meets
the applicable requirements of Section 2.8.2(H) of the Code:
a. The Modification would not be detrimental to the public good.
b. The PDP as submitted is equal to a compliant plan, because the front doors will
face the open spaces on the western and eastern sides of the PDP.
6. The third Modification of Standard (Section 3.5.2(E)(2), Setback from Non-arterial
Streets) meets the applicable requirements of Section 2.8.2(H) of the Code:
a. The Modification would not be detrimental to the public good.
b. The PDP as submitted is equal to a compliant plan, because only Buildings C and F
fail to meet the standard, and the PDP establishes a consistent streetscape, protects the buffer, and
includes additional landscaping to mitigate the effects of the reduced setback.
During the hearing, members of the public primarily asked questions and raised concerns
about traffic. The City's traffic engineer explained that most traffic is related to the high school.
In response to that issue, the City is installing new right turn lanes installed at Ziegler at Saber Cat
and southbound onto County Fair. In addition, there will be a new signal, all buses are now
routed to Rock Creek, and the high school parking lots have been restriped. In addition, based on
recent pedestrian accidents, the City is considering installing a pedestrian crossing or signal,.
Finally, Ms. Wilkinson suggested that the neighborhood research the City's neighborhood traffic
mitigation program, which assists with speed humps and other controls such as radar signs.
However, additional traffic controls are not required for this PDP, because this PDP will not be
generating the traffic causing the concerns raised by the public.
There were also some concerns concerning maintenance of common areas and affects on
the adjacent detention pond. The Applicant testified that an homeowners' association will hire a
property management company to maintain landscaping and common areas, and will be
responsible for snow removal. In addition, the Applicant stated that the detention pond will not be
affected by this PDP. Finally, Mr. Frickey testified that the City's code enforcement will deal with
landscaping issues if someone calls.
While the Hearing Officer agrees that traffic is an issue in this area, the testimony of both
the Applicant and the City established that this PDP will not produce increases in traffic that
would justify additional traffic control measures as a condition of this PDP. The traffic issues are
largely related to the high school, and the City is working with the school district to resolve those
The questions raised by the public and the answers provided by both the Applicant and the
City were helpful to the Hearing Officer in making the findings set forth above.
Based on the foregoing findings, the Hearing Officer hereby enters the following rulings:
1. The PDP, with the three Modifications of Standard, is approved as submitted.
DATED this 14th day of March, 2017.
Kendra L. Carberry
Hearing Officer