625 Peterson Street
submitted to:
City of Fort Collins, Colorado
Prepared February 2016
Erosion Control Plan Administrator
Construction Site Operator
Page 1
1.0 Site Description ............................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Project Description ................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Proposed Sequence of Activities ........................................................................... 3
1.4 Existing Soil and Surface Conditions ..................................................................... 3
1.5 Wetlands and Receiving Waters ............................................................................ 4
1.6 Storm Water Management Plan Administrator ....................................................... 4
1.7 Potential Pollutants ................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Pollution Controls ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Controls Overview .................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Erosion and Sediment controls .............................................................................. 4
2.2.1 Structural Practices ............................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Non-Structural Practices .................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Other Controls ....................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Materials Management........................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Potential Pollution Sources .................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Pollution Prevention Measures ........................................................................... 9
2.4 Spill Management .................................................................................................10
2.5 Non-Storm Water Components of Discharge ........................................................11
3.0 Inspection and Maintenance.......................................................................................12
3.1 Inspection and Maintenance Overview ..................................................................12
3.2 Minimum Monitoring and Requirements ................................................................12
3.3 Reporting Requirements/ Inspection Reports........................................................13
3.4 Site Maps ..............................................................................................................13
4.0 Final Stabilization/ Conclusion...................................................................................14
5.0 References ...................................................................................................................14
Figure 1: Vicinity Map................................................................................................................. 2
Technical Appendix
Appendix A – Urban Drainage and Flood Control District BMPs
Appendix B – Reporting Chemical Spills and Releases in Colorado
Appendix C – Sample Inspection Form
Appendix D – Inactivation/Reassignment Notices
Appendix E – Soil Survey Information
Back Pocket – Erosion Control Map
Page 2
1.0 Site Description
1.1 Introduction
The following Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been prepared for use during the
construction of the 625 Peterson Street project, located in the northwest quarter of Section 13,
Township 7 North, Range 69 West, in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. The site consists of
approximately 11,000sf of disturbance. This plan describes recommended procedures and
best management practices, BMP’s, to assist the contractor in complying with the Colorado
Water Quality Control Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Since the site is less
than an acre the CDPHE General Permit for discharge is not required for this site. The general
permit is the State law that requires reports for sites greater than one acre, though this report
has been written in accordance to the City of Fort Collins standards which require a SWMP for
any site which disturbs more than 10,000 sf. The intent of this plan is to provide the contractor
a place to consolidate records, logs, permits, applications etc. as well as guidance on water
quality protection. It is critical that the contractor understands that this plan is a living
document that must be updated and maintained throughout the construction process.
1.2 Project Description
The site, consisting of just under a third of an acre, is expected to be disturbed by demolition of
Page 3
the existing yard, grading activities, and construction of a new parking lot, pathways and an
addition onto the existing residence. The completed project will include a driveway entrance off
Peterson Street and a small parking lot in the rear of the property accessed from the rear lane. A
map of the proposed improvements is included in the back pocket of this report. The map is an
important document that the contractor will need to use throughout the construction project and is
discussed in later sections.
1.3 Proposed Sequence of Activities
The contractor is the SWMP Administrator and will be responsible for implementing and
maintaining the erosion and sediment control, and pollution prevention measures described in
this document and the accompanying construction drawings and specifications. The contractor
may designate certain tasks as he sees fit, but the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the
implementation of these controls and their proper function remains with the contractor. The
order of major activities will be as follows:
1. Site Preparation: Confirm project disturbance limitations with those indicated on the
Erosion Control Plan, and install initial sediment and erosion control and pollution
prevention BMP’s. All BMP’s must be shown on the Erosion Control Plan in the back
pocket of this report. Some BMP locations must be determined by the contractor and
marked on the plans (ex. Concrete Washout).
2. Schedule internal pre-construction inspection of BMPs to insure proper installation and
functionality. Fill out an inspection report, provided in Appendix C, and file it in this
report notebook.
3. Site Construction Preparation: clearing, grubbing and backfill grading.
4. Installation of permanent BMP’s: seeding, mulching, spray-on matrix or rolled erosion
control blankets on slopes
5. Permanent and temporary seeding: temporary seeding of areas that won’t be stabilized
within 30 days, permanent seeding of any areas that are complete.
6. Remove all temporary BMPs upon establishment of sufficient vegetative cover or other
permanent stabilization.
If at any time construction ceases for a period expected to exceed 90 days, such as the project
being split into multiple phases, temporary seeding of future phases shall be installed until
construction of each future phase has begun. In the event that the project is split into phases
or suspended, the permit may need to be inactivated or reassigned to next administrator.
1.4 Existing Soil and Surface Conditions
The site entails an existing single family lot that is grassed covered and has a small gravel
driveway. The existing slopes within the site generally slope from back to front (west to east)
toward Peterson Street at approximately 1 to 2%. The estimated 2-yr runoff coefficient (c) for the
existing site conditions is 0.65.
According to the USDA Web Soil Survey, the site consists of mainly Fort Collins loam. The
erosion factor, K, indicates the susceptibility of a soil to sheet and rill erosion by water. According
to the results of the survey, the site’s potential for erosion is slight, K=0.30, and the majority of the
soil belongs to hydrologic group C. The web soil survey data is included in Appendix E.
Page 4
1.5 Wetlands and Receiving Waters
There are no wetlands on the project site.
1.6 Storm Water Management Plan Administrator
______________________________ shall be the designated SWMP Administrator for the
Project. It will be his/her responsibility to insure the SWMP's adequacy at all times to effectively
manage potential storm water pollutants throughout the course of construction.
1.7 Potential Pollutants
During earthwork infill activities, there is a potential for storm water to be contaminated with
pollutants such as soil sediments, slurry from equipment fueling, construction waste and other
related activities.
2.0 Pollution Controls
2.1 Controls Overview
During construction, several control measures shall be implemented under the direction of the
contractor to prevent discharge of contaminated water. Specifications and details for specific
control measures are included in Appendix A of this report for use on the project. In addition to
those structural measures, other controls include non-structural practices, materials
management, spill prevention and management, and other miscellaneous controls as described
in the following sections.
2.2 Erosion and Sediment controls
The objective of erosion control is to limit the amount of erosion occurring on disturbed areas
until stabilized. The objective of sediment control is to capture soil that has eroded before it
leaves the construction site. Despite the use of both erosion and sediment control measures, it
is recognized the some sediment could remain in runoff, especially during very large storm
events. The contractor shall utilize the best management practices (BMP’s) described in the
following sections to minimize the above potential to the maximum extent practicable.
During all phases of construction, the contractor should plan ahead of possible rainfall events
and work to limit erosion from occurring where potential exists. Where potential does exist
provide adequate conveyance, temporary or permanent, and direct runoff to BMP’s that trap
sediment. The erosion and sediment BMP’s anticipated for use on the site include both
structural and non-structural practices.
2.2.1 Structural Practices
Structural BMPs are structures that limit erosion and sediment transport. Such
Practices include wattle check dams, silt fence, inlet and outlet protection, water quality
ponds, and grading techniques. The structural BMP’s that will be utilized on the subject
site are described in more detail as follows
Page 5
Check Dams
Can be constructed of rock, gravel bags or sandbags across a swale or channel
Used to slow the velocity of concentrated flow in a channel and reduce erosion
Used to catch sediment by capturing contaminated runoff
Most effective when used with other erosion prevention BMPs
Should not be used for basins exceeding 2-5 acres
Should be used in series with the base elevation of the upstream dam set at the
same elevation or lower than the downstream dam.
Sediment Control Logs (Wattles)
A linear roll made of natural materials such as straw or coconut fiber and staked
to the ground with a wooden stake
To be used as a sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow from disturbed areas –
as perimeter control around stockpiles, inlet protection, check dams for small
drainage swales with low velocity
To be installed along the contour
Remove accumulated sediment once the depth is one half the height of the
sediment log and repair damage
Brush Barrier
A perimeter sediment control constructed with stacked shrubs, tree limbs and
bushy vegetation that has been cleared from the construction area
Appropriate for areas where adequate brush has been cleared from the site
Used at toe of slopes and should be implemented in combination with other
BMP’s such as surface roughening and seeding.
Considered short-term BMP because the materials naturally decompose
An effective brush barrier will be constructed with small shrubs and limbs with 6”
diameter or less. The brush barrier mound should be at least 3’ high and 5’ wide
at its base.
A filter fabric can be placed over the top of the pile to avoid significant
Silt Fence
A temporary vertical barrier attached to and supported by posts entrenched in
the ground
Utilized to intercept sediment from disturbed areas during construction
For use in areas of shallow flow, not concentrated runoff
Typically used at the toe of fills and in transitions between cuts and fills and
along streams
Usually used as a perimeter control.
Installed prior to any land disturbing activity
Shall be inspected periodically and after each rain or snowmelt event
Not effective as a wind break.
Water Quality Ponds
A small temporary or permanent ponding area with a hard lined spillway
Utilized to detain sediment laden storm water and allow particles to settle out
Should be installed prior to other land disturbing activities upstream
Page 6
Best used with other erosion prevention practices to limit sediment load in pond
During construction, sediment shall be removed when the wet storage is reduced
by half
Full capacity of ponds shall be re-established following stabilization
Grading Techniques
Soil surface roughening, terracing and rounding at tops of cuts, transitions and
roadway ditches to facilitate vegetation and minimize erosion
Disk surface to create ridges at least 6 inches deep following the land contour
Used to temporarily stabilize disturbed areas immediately after grading
After rain storm events, rills that formed should be repaired immediately
2.2.2 Non-Structural Practices
Non-structural BMPs are both temporary and permanent stabilization practices. Such
practices may include surface roughening, temporary or permanent seeding, mulching,
geotextiles and maintaining existing vegetation. The non-structural BMPs that will be
used on the site include the following:
Surface Roughening
Tracking, scarifying, tilling a disturbed area to provide temporary stabilization and
minimize wind and water erosion.
Not a stand-alone BMP and should be used with other BMP’s
Temporary and Permanent Seeding
Soil preparation, disking, and soil amendment may be necessary for proper seed
bed establishment.
Seeded areas should be inspected regularly. Areas that fail to establish shall be
re-seeded promptly.
Any area exposed for more than 30 days after construction has ceased shall be
seeded or mulched
Permanent landscape cover shall be installed according to the landscape plan
Application of plant residues to the soil surface. Typical mulching materials
include certified weed free hay or straw, certified under the Colorado Department
of Agriculture Weed Free Forage Certification Program.
Utilized in combination with tackifier during high winds, steep slopes, or due to
seasonal constraints.
Used to cover permanent and temporarily seeded areas.
Inspect frequently and reapply in areas where mulching has loosened or
Maintain Existing Vegetation – Vegetated Buffers
Preserved natural vegetation helps protect waterways and wetlands from land
disturbing activities and improve storm water runoff quality by straining sediment
and promoting infiltration.
Concentrated flow should not be directed through a vegetated buffer, instead
runoff should be in the form of sheet flow
Page 7
Used in conjunction with other perimeter control BMP’s such as sediment control
logs or silt fence
Clearly delineate the boundary of the natural buffer area using construction or silt
Construction Fence
Used to restrict site access to designated entrances and exits and delineates
construction site boundaries
Used to protect natural areas or areas that should not be disturbed
Construction fencing may be chain link or plastic mesh fencing
Rolled Erosion Control Products:
A special blanket or liner that prevents erosion while vegetation is established
and aids in establishment by preserving moisture available to the seed
The blankets need to cover the necessary area of the graded slope and bottom
The blanket will be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and
specifications. The number of staples or fasteners is critical while vegetation is
still germinating
The erosion control blankets will be installed once the slopes of the vegetated
swales have reached final grade or on areas where erosion is occurring during
The erosion control blanket will be inspected weekly and immediately after storm
events to determine if cracks, tears, or breaches have been formed in the fabric.
If so the blanket will be repaired or replaced immediately.
Good contact with the soil will be maintained and erosion will not occur under the
blanket. Any areas where he blanket is not in close contact with the ground will
be repaired or replaced.
Utilized as both temporary and permanent feature depending on grade.
2.2.3 Other Controls
Vehicle Tracking Control/ Construction Entrance
A temporary stabilized layer of aggregate underlined with geotextile or gravel
located where traffic enters or exits the construction site
Should be installed prior to any construction and inspected daily
Does not work well alone in muddy conditions – use tire washing when mud is
present. Implementation of tire washing should include provisions for collecting
wash water and directing it to a treatment pond
Whenever possible locate the construction entrance as far from the disturbed
area as possible to allow maximum travel time for sediment removal from tires.
Public and Private roadways shall be kept clear of accumulated sediment.
Cleaning sediment shall not be accomplished by flushing with water. Sediment
should be shoveled or swept from the street and placed away from storm water
Consider limiting vehicles from entering the site when conditions are wet or
Wind Erosion / Dust Control
Page 8
Dust from the site will be controlled using a mobile pressure-type distributor truck
to apply portable water to disturbed areas. The mobile unit will apply water only
as necessary to prevent runoff and ponding.
Dust control will be implemented as needed once site grading has been initiated
and during windy conditions while site grading is occurring.
Spraying of portable water will be performed whenever the dryness of the soil
warrants it.
At least one mobile unit will be available at all time to distribute portable water to
control dust on the project area.
During high winds limit traffic speeds to 12 mph or less on areas without gravel
or pavement.
Gravel can be placed on construction roads, entrances, and construction staging
areas. Stone/gravel provides an effective protective cover over the soil.
In areas where wind erosion is expected soil-binding tackifiers can be applied
with high success.
Stabilized Staging Area
A clearly designated area where construction equipment and vehicles, waste
bins and other construction related materials are stored
This area should be designated on the SWMP map.
Appropriate space to provide loading/unloading operations and parking
A stabilized surface, paved or covered in 3” diameter aggregate or larger
Perimeter controls such as silt fence, sediment control logs or construction
Vehicle Tracking Control pad to be used in conjunction with a Stabilized Staging
Area if this area is adjacent to a public roadway
Dewatering Operations
Dewatering typically involves pumping water from an inundated area to a BMP
and then downstream to a receiving waterway, sediment basin or vegetated
area. Dewatering typically involves the use of several BMP’s in sequence
All dewatering discharges must be treated to remove sediment before
discharging from a construction site. Discharging water into a sediment trap or
basin or filter bag, series of sediment logs are options.
Stockpile Management
Implement measures to minimize erosion and sediment transport from
Locate stockpiles away from all drainage system components
Place BMP’s around the perimeter of the stockpile such as sediment control
logs, rock socks, silt fence, and sand bags
For active use stockpiles, provide a stabilized access point upgradient of the
Surface roughening, temporary seeding and mulching, erosion control blankets
may be needed for stockpiles older than 60 days.
2.3 Materials Management
Page 9
2.3.1 Potential Pollution Sources
Abnormal or especially hazardous materials are not expected to be utilized during the
construction of the project, but like most construction projects, some materials or
substances used have the potential to be hazardous when leaked into the storm water
runoff. The following materials could potentially be present onsite during construction:
Concrete/Additives/Wastes Cleaning Solvents
Detergents Petroleum based products
Paints/Solvents Pesticides
Acids Fertilizers
Construction Wastes Sanitary wastes
Soil Stabilization additives
Activities on the site that may impact storm water include the following:
Equipment storage/Washing/Fueling
Storage of Fertilizers/Chemicals/Paint/Fuel
Waste storage/disposal
Sanitary facility use and disposal
As construction progresses, specific areas shall be designated for the above mentioned
activities and materials management operations. The contractor is responsible to
marking the location of these facilities on the site map and reporting on the condition,
effectiveness and corrections or changes made and why.
2.3.2 Pollution Prevention Measures
Pollution prevention measures should be utilized to prevent construction materials with
the potential for polluting storm water from coming in contact with runoff. Measures
include good housekeeping, proper disposal and storage, spill prevention, and
secondary containment. BMPs for most common construction materials and wastes
with the greatest potential for adversely affecting water quality are as follows:
BMPs for Construction Waste:
Select a designated waste collection area onsite
Locate containers in level areas away from storm water conveyance structures
Provide covers for containers that contain very hazardous or soluble chemicals
Avoid putting paint/solvent containers in open dumpsters or allow them to dry
completely before disposing
If a container does spill, provide clean up immediately
Make sure waste is disposed of at authorized disposal areas
BMPs for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Check with local waste management authorities with regard to requirements for
disposing of hazardous materials
Use entire product before disposing
Dispose of containers with lids on and tightly sealed
Page 10
Provide a separate dumpster for large amounts of chemical or hazardous
material and maintain more stringent controls on that dumpster
Do not remove the product label from containers, it contains important disposal
BMPs for Sanitary/Septic Wastes
If self-contained, temporary sanitary facilities are used, the waste disposal
company should service the facilities based on the number of workers
anticipated to avoid over use.
All facilities should be anchored to the ground to prevent overturning due to wind
or accident
Locate portable toilets away from curbs, swales or other locations where
concentrated runoff may occur.
Do not dump any hazardous materials into the sanitary waste disposal systems.
BMPs for pesticides/fertilizers
Store pesticides in a dry covered area and elevate above the ground
Provide secondary containment barriers around areas where a lot of material is
stored. Straw Wattles are NOT appropriate containment barriers!
Strictly follow recommended application rates and application methods
Apply fertilizer more frequently and at lower rates.
Reduce exposure of nutrients to storm events by working fertilizer deep into soil
BMPs for petroleum products
Fueling operations shall occur in a designated area.
Store petroleum products in covered areas and away from areas where
concentrated runoff occurs.
Provide secondary containment barriers around areas where a lot of material is
stored. Straw Wattles are NOT appropriate containment barriers!
Schedule preventative maintenance for onsite equipment and fix any gas/oil
leaks on a regular basis
Follow procedures for proper handling of asphalt and sealers
Secure fueling equipment and install valves to prevent vandalism/theft
2.4 Spill Management
Construction site supervisors should create and adopt a spill control plan that includes
measures and procedures to stop the source of the spill, contain the spill, clean up, and dispose
of contaminated materials. Key personnel should be identified and trained to be responsible for
spill prevention and control. The following measures would be appropriate for a spill prevention
response plan:
Store and handle materials to prevent spills
Tightly seal containers
Make sure all containers are neatly labeled
Stack containers carefully for stability to avoid spills.
Limit the height of stacks of stored materials
Whenever possible store materials on covered pallets or in trailers with adequate
Page 11
Eliminate storm water contact if there is a spill
Have cleanup procedures clearly posted
Have cleanup materials readily available and posted
Immediately contain any liquid
Stop the source of the spill
Cover spill with absorbent material and dispose of properly
Additionally, records of spills, leaks, or overflows that result in the discharge of pollutants must
be documented and maintained.
When any spill occurs:
1) Notify the controlling operator of the site immediately following a hazardous spill.
2) Document the spill and its clean-up procedures whether reporting is required or not.
3) At a minimum document the following:
Nature of spill
Quantity of spill
Date/time spill occurred
Agency notification if necessary
Clean-up procedures used
Daily monitoring (7 days) after clean-up
Interview(s) with any witnesses of the event
Some spills will need to be reported to the Division of Water Quality immediately including the
Over 25 gallons of petroleum
5 CCs of mercury
a release of any chemical, oil, petroleum product which entered waters of the State of
Colorado (which include surface water, groundwater, dry gullies or storm sewers leading
to surface water).
Any spill or release of raw sewage
If any of the above criteria is met or exceeded, the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, Local Emergency Planning committee, downstream users and other agencies
(MS4s) will be notified. The CDPHE will be notified by telephone within 24 hours. In addition,
written notification describing the spill and the clean up procedures used will be sent to the
agencies 5 days following the spill. If a spill does not meet the above criteria, reporting is not
See Appendix B for the Divisions requirements. The Divisions 24-hour environmental
emergency spill reporting line is 1-877-518-5608.
2.5 Non-Storm Water Components of Discharge
Non-storm water discharges must be avoided or reduced to the maximum extent possible. This
SWMP plan assumes construction dewatering will be required. Pumping or draining
Page 12
groundwater, even groundwater that has infiltrated an excavation, requires a separate permit
from the State. Storm water that mixes with groundwater is also subject to the controls in the
general permit for Construction Dewatering. The permit requirements and application for
Construction dewatering is available at:
No materials shall be discharged in quantities that may impact storm water runoff. Possible
discharge sources that need to be contained include:
Locations where water tanks are being filled. Seal all leaks and avoid over filling. Any
leaks should be directed to a water quality pond or protected to prevent erosion.
Contain excess water during fire hydrant blow off, water system cleaning or other
instances where potable water is discharged onto the surface. Convey any discharge to
a water quality pond and avoid causing erosion by avoiding steep slopes, disturbed
areas, etc.
Monitor irrigation systems and fix leaks promptly. Avoid over irrigating areas where
vegetation is not yet established.
3.0 Inspection and Maintenance
3.1 Inspection and Maintenance Overview
A site inspection of all erosion control facilities shall be conducted at least once every two
weeks and immediately following any significant storm event, including snowmelt that can
cause surface erosion and at least every 30 days for inactive projects. The inspection must
determine if there is any evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage
system. BMPs should be inspected to see if they meet the design and operation criteria in the
SWMP and that they are adequately controlling potential pollutants. Any defects shall be
corrected promptly. Where spill kits have been used, or storage areas moved, supplies shall be
restocked and re-protected. The site shall be inspected by the SWMP administrator or
someone with adequate training who should monitor and follow the procedures outlined below:
3.2 Minimum Monitoring and Requirements
Inspections of the site shall be conducted by the contractor (or agent) every two
weeks and after significant storm events.
Inspections are required at least every 30 days and after measurable storm
events for sites that are no longer under construction, but do not have 70%
established ground cover.
A qualified superintendent familiar with this SWMP and BMPs shall perform the
The contractor shall certify that the site is in compliance with the permit by:
Ensuring areas where significant runoff is occurring are identified on the site map
Storm water outfall shall be observed to determine whether or not measurable
quantities of sediment or other pollutants have been or are being transported
BMPs shall be addressed to determine if they are functioning properly or if they
are in need of repair or maintenance. If the report describes deficiencies in
pollution control structures or procedures, such deficiencies shall be corrected
Page 13
A brief description of measures taken to correct deficiencies shall be recorded.
Determine if additional controls will be needed to next week’s activities.
When an inspection does not identify any incidents of non-compliance, the report
shall contain a certification that the site is in compliance with the SWMP and this
The date and inspector identity shall also be recorded. This record shall be
signed made available to the State or City upon request.
Based on the results of the inspection, the description of potential pollutant sources, and
the control measures used should be updated on the SWMP and Site Maps as soon as
possible. Typically corrective action shall commence immediately when a deficiency is
observed. SWMP and Map updates shall be completed within 72 hours. Another
inspection should follow up and include the date, corrective action taken, and initials of
who certified the work.
3.3 Reporting Requirements/ Inspection Reports
The contractor is responsible for reporting of all BMP inspections and maintaining
records of reports and maps throughout the project. The record shall be retained onsite
and/or readily available until the inactivation notice has been filed. All inspection reports
shall be submitted to the owner when the permit becomes inactive. A
recommended/example inspection for is included in Appendix C. At a minimum, the
inspection reports shall contain the following:
Name(s) of inspectors
Purpose of inspection e.g. spill event, leakage of materials, storm event, bi-
weekly inspection, etc.
When a bi-weekly report, an assessment of the entire property as related to
SWMP issues
An estimated area of currently disturbed area.
Evaluation of all active BMPs
Actions needed to assure continued compliance with SWMP guidelines
Document all areas of potential pollution sources and how they are protected
Documentation of any needed changes
Training events
Uncontrolled releases of mud or muddy water or measureable amounts of
An estimated amount of precipitation. An onsite rain gauge is suggested.
3.4 Site Maps
In the back pocket of this report notebook there is an Erosion Control Plan for use
during construction. The purpose of this plan is to provide the contractor a place to
document and plan BMP’s used during construction. Because the placement of
individual BMP’s will depend on the condition of the site and the contractor’s judgment,
not all BMP’s are shown on the plans. It is the contractor’s duty as site administrator to
Page 14
determine the need for and placement of BMPs and mark them on the map.
4.0 Final Stabilization/ Conclusion
Permanent stabilization will be achieved by establishing vegetative or permanent surface cover on
all disturbed areas. The final vegetative cover is specified on the Erosion Control Plan.
Vegetative cover is considered complete when 70 percent of the pre-disturbance plant density is
restored. In cases where the site was already disturbed, the pre-disturbance density will be the
naturally occurring cover on currently vegetated areas.
The contractor shall remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs after stabilization is
achieved or after temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment will be removed by
the contractor or stabilized onsite. Disturbed soil areas resulting from removal of BMPs or the
contractor will permanently stabilize vegetation as soon as possible.
Again this plan is a living document that will need to be updated and maintained
throughout the construction process and until all areas of the site have been stabilized.
The Inactivation Notice and Reassignment Notices are included in Appendix D.
5.0 References
1. CDOT Erosion Control and Storm water Quality Guide, Colorado Department of
Transportation, 2002
2. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (Rev. July,
3. Storm Water Risk Management, LLC; April 11, 2008; Pre-Construction & Engineering
Training for Construction Storm water Management Manual.
4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control – National Menu of best practices, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1999
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District BMPs
Surface Roughening (SR) EC-1
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SR-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph SR-1. Surface roughening via imprinting for temporary
Surface roughening is an erosion control
practice that involves tracking,
scarifying, imprinting, or tilling a
disturbed area to provide temporary
stabilization of disturbed areas. Surface
roughening creates variations in the soil
surface that help to minimize wind and
water erosion. Depending on the
technique used, surface roughening may
also help establish conditions favorable
to establishment of vegetation.
Appropriate Uses
Surface roughening can be used to
provide temporary stabilization of
disturbed areas, such as when
revegetation cannot be immediately established due to seasonal planting limitations. Surface roughening
is not a stand-alone BMP, and should be used in conjunction with other erosion and sediment controls.
Surface roughening is often implemented in conjunction with grading and is typically performed using
heavy construction equipment to track the surface. Be aware that tracking with heavy equipment will also
compact soils, which is not desirable in areas that will be revegetated. Scarifying, tilling, or ripping are
better surface roughening techniques in locations where revegetation is planned. Roughening is not
effective in very sandy soils and cannot be effectively performed in rocky soil.
Design and Installation
Typical design details for surfacing roughening on steep and mild slopes are provided in Details SR-1 and
SR-2, respectively.
Surface roughening should be performed either after final grading or to temporarily stabilize an area
during active construction that may be inactive for a short time period. Surface roughening should create
depressions 2 to 6 inches deep and approximately 6 inches apart. The surface of exposed soil can be
roughened by a number of techniques and equipment. Horizontal grooves (running parallel to the
contours of the land) can be made using tracks from equipment treads, stair-step grading, ripping, or
Fill slopes can be constructed with a roughened surface. Cut slopes that have been smooth graded can be
roughened as a subsequent operation. Roughening should follow along the contours of the slope. The
tracks left by truck mounted equipment working perpendicular
to the contour can leave acceptable horizontal depressions;
however, the equipment will also compact the soil.
Surface Roughening
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management No
EC-1 Surface Roughening (SR)
SR-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Maintenance and Removal
Care should be taken not to drive vehicles or equipment over areas that have been surface roughened.
Tire tracks will smooth the roughened surface and may cause runoff to collect into rills and gullies.
Because surface roughening is only a temporary control, additional treatments may be necessary to
maintain the soil surface in a roughened condition.
Areas should be inspected for signs of erosion. Surface roughening is a temporary measure, and will not
provide long-term erosion control.
Surface Roughening (SR) EC-1
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SR-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
EC-1 Surface Roughening (SR)
SR-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph TS/PS -1. Equipment used to drill seed. Photo courtesy of
Douglas County.
Temporary seeding can be used to
stabilize disturbed areas that will be
inactive for an extended period.
Permanent seeding should be used to
stabilize areas at final grade that will not
be otherwise stabilized. Effective seeding
includes preparation of a seedbed,
selection of an appropriate seed mixture,
proper planting techniques, and protection
of the seeded area with mulch, geotextiles,
or other appropriate measures.
Appropriate Uses
When the soil surface is disturbed and
will remain inactive for an extended
period (typically 30 days or longer),
proactive stabilization measures should be implemented. If the inactive period is short-lived (on the order
of two weeks), techniques such as surface roughening may be appropriate. For longer periods of
inactivity, temporary seeding and mulching can provide effective erosion control. Permanent seeding
should be used on finished areas that have not been otherwise stabilized.
Typically, local governments have their own seed mixes and timelines for seeding. Check jurisdictional
requirements for seeding and temporary stabilization.
Design and Installation
Effective seeding requires proper seedbed preparation, selection of an appropriate seed mixture, use of
appropriate seeding equipment to ensure proper coverage and density, and protection with mulch or fabric
until plants are established.
The USDCM Volume 2 Revegetation Chapter contains detailed seed mix, soil preparations, and seeding
and mulching recommendations that may be referenced to supplement this Fact Sheet.
Drill seeding is the preferred seeding method. Hydroseeding is not recommended except in areas where
steep slopes prevent use of drill seeding equipment, and even in these instances it is preferable to hand
seed and mulch. Some jurisdictions do not allow hydroseeding or hydromulching.
Seedbed Preparation
Prior to seeding, ensure that areas to be revegetated have
soil conditions capable of supporting vegetation. Overlot
grading can result in loss of topsoil, resulting in poor quality
subsoils at the ground surface that have low nutrient value,
little organic matter content, few soil microorganisms,
rooting restrictions, and conditions less conducive to
infiltration of precipitation. As a result, it is typically
necessary to provide stockpiled topsoil, compost, or other
Temporary and Permanent Seeding
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management No
EC-2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS)
TS/PS-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
soil amendments and rototill them into the soil to a depth of 6 inches or more.
Topsoil should be salvaged during grading operations for use and spread on areas to be revegetated later.
Topsoil should be viewed as an important resource to be utilized for vegetation establishment, due to its
water-holding capacity, structure, texture, organic matter content, biological activity, and nutrient content.
The rooting depth of most native grasses in the semi-arid Denver metropolitan area is 6 to 18 inches. At a
minimum, the upper 6 inches of topsoil should be stripped, stockpiled, and ultimately respread across
areas that will be revegetated.
Where topsoil is not available, subsoils should be amended to provide an appropriate plant-growth
medium. Organic matter, such as well digested compost, can be added to improve soil characteristics
conducive to plant growth. Other treatments can be used to adjust soil pH conditions when needed. Soil
testing, which is typically inexpensive, should be completed to determine and optimize the types and
amounts of amendments that are required.
If the disturbed ground surface is compacted, rip or rototill the surface prior to placing topsoil. If adding
compost to the existing soil surface, rototilling is necessary. Surface roughening will assist in placement
of a stable topsoil layer on steeper slopes, and allow infiltration and root penetration to greater depth.
Prior to seeding, the soil surface should be rough and the seedbed should be firm, but neither too loose
nor compacted. The upper layer of soil should be in a condition suitable for seeding at the proper depth
and conducive to plant growth. Seed-to-soil contact is the key to good germination.
Seed Mix for Temporary Vegetation
To provide temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas which will not be paved, built upon, or fully
landscaped or worked for an extended period (typically 30 days or more), plant an annual grass
appropriate for the time of planting and mulch the planted areas. Annual grasses suitable for the Denver
metropolitan area are listed in Table TS/PS-1. These are to be considered only as general
recommendations when specific design guidance for a particular site is not available. Local governments
typically specify seed mixes appropriate for their jurisdiction.
Seed Mix for Permanent Revegetation
To provide vegetative cover on disturbed areas that have reached final grade, a perennial grass mix should
be established. Permanent seeding should be performed promptly (typically within 14 days) after
reaching final grade. Each site will have different characteristics and a landscape professional or the local
jurisdiction should be contacted to determine the most suitable seed mix for a specific site. In lieu of a
specific recommendation, one of the perennial grass mixes appropriate for site conditions and growth
season listed in Table TS/PS-2 can be used. The pure live seed (PLS) rates of application recommended
in these tables are considered to be absolute minimum rates for seed applied using proper drill-seeding
If desired for wildlife habitat or landscape diversity, shrubs such as rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus
nauseosus), fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) and skunkbrush sumac (Rhus trilobata) could be
added to the upland seedmixes at 0.25, 0.5 and 1 pound PLS/acre, respectively. In riparian zones,
planting root stock of such species as American plum (Prunus americana), woods rose (Rosa woodsii),
plains cottonwood (Populus sargentii), and willow (Populus spp.) may be considered. On non-topsoiled
upland sites, a legume such as Ladak alfalfa at 1 pound PLS/acre can be included as a source of nitrogen
for perennial grasses.
Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Seeding dates for the highest success probability of perennial species along the Front Range are generally
in the spring from April through early May and in the fall after the first of September until the ground
freezes. If the area is irrigated, seeding may occur in summer months, as well. See Table TS/PS-3 for
appropriate seeding dates.
Table TS/PS-1. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Various Temporary Annual Grasses
(Common name)
Pounds of
Pure Live Seed
1. Oats Cool 35 - 50 1 - 2
2. Spring wheat Cool 25 - 35 1 - 2
3. Spring barley Cool 25 - 35 1 - 2
4. Annual ryegrass Cool 10 - 15 ½
5. Millet Warm 3 - 15 ½ - ¾
6. Sudangrass Warm 5–10 ½ - ¾
7. Sorghum Warm 5–10 ½ - ¾
8. Winter wheat Cool 20–35 1 - 2
9. Winter barley Cool 20–35 1 - 2
10. Winter rye Cool 20–35 1 - 2
11. Triticale Cool 25–40 1 - 2
a Successful seeding of annual grass resulting in adequate plant growth will
usually produce enough dead-plant residue to provide protection from
wind and water erosion for an additional year. This assumes that the cover
is not disturbed or mowed closer than 8 inches.
Hydraulic seeding may be substituted for drilling only where slopes are
steeper than 3:1 or where access limitations exist. When hydraulic
seeding is used, hydraulic mulching should be applied as a separate
operation, when practical, to prevent the seeds from being encapsulated in
the mulch.
b See Table TS/PS-3 for seeding dates. Irrigation, if consistently applied,
may extend the use of cool season species during the summer months.
c Seeding rates should be doubled if seed is broadcast, or increased by 50
percent if done using a Brillion Drill or by hydraulic seeding.
EC-2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS)
TS/PS-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table TS/PS-2. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Perennial Grasses
Pounds of
Alakali Soil Seed Mix
Alkali sacaton Sporobolus airoides Cool Bunch 1,750,000 0.25
Basin wildrye Elymus cinereus Cool Bunch 165,000 2.5
Sodar streambank wheatgrass Agropyron riparium 'Sodar' Cool Sod 170,000 2.5
Jose tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum 'Jose' Cool Bunch 79,000 7.0
Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii 'Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5
Total 17.75
Fertile Loamy Soil Seed Mix
Ephriam crested wheatgrass Agropyron cristatum
'Ephriam' Cool Sod 175,000 2.0
Dural hard fescue Festuca ovina 'duriuscula' Cool Bunch 565,000 1.0
Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss
'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0
Sodar streambank wheatgrass Agropyron riparium 'Sodar' Cool Sod 170,000 2.5
Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii 'Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 7.0
Total 15.5
High Water Table Soil Seed Mix
Meadow foxtail Alopecurus pratensis Cool Sod 900,000 0.5
Redtop Agrostis alba Warm Open sod 5,000,000 0.25
Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea Cool Sod 68,000 0.5
Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss
'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0
Pathfinder switchgrass Panicum virgatum
'Pathfinder' Warm Sod 389,000 1.0
Alkar tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum
'Alkar' Cool Bunch 79,000 5.5
Total 10.75
Transition Turf Seed Mixc
Ruebens Canadian bluegrass Poa compressa 'Ruebens' Cool Sod 2,500,000 0.5
Dural hard fescue Festuca ovina 'duriuscula' Cool Bunch 565,000 1.0
Citation perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne 'Citation' Cool Sod 247,000 3.0
Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss
'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0
Total 7.5
Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS) EC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District TS/PS-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table TS/PS-2. Minimum Drill Seeding Rates for Perennial Grasses (cont.)
Pounds of
Sandy Soil Seed Mix
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod-forming
bunchgrass 825,000 0.5
Camper little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium
'Camper' Warm Bunch 240,000 1.0
Prairie sandreed Calamovilfa longifolia Warm Open sod 274,000 1.0
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Cool Bunch 5,298,000 0.25
Vaughn sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula
'Vaughn' Warm Sod 191,000 2.0
Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii 'Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5
Total 10.25
Heavy Clay, Rocky Foothill Seed Mix
Ephriam crested wheatgrass
Agropyron cristatum
'Ephriam' Cool Sod 175,000 1.5
Oahe Intermediate wheatgrass Agropyron intermedium
'Oahe' Cool Sod 115,000 5.5
Vaughn sideoats grama
Bouteloua curtipendula
'Vaughn' Warm Sod 191,000 2.0
Lincoln smooth brome Bromus inermis leyss
'Lincoln' Cool Sod 130,000 3.0
Arriba western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii 'Arriba' Cool Sod 110,000 5.5
Total 17.5
All of the above seeding mixes and rates are based on drill seeding followed by crimped hay or straw mulch. These rates
should be doubled if seed is broadcast and should be increased by 50 percent if the seeding is done using a Brillion Drill or is
applied through hydraulic seeding. Hydraulic seeding may be substituted for drilling only where slopes are steeper than 3:1.
If hydraulic seeding is used, hydraulic mulching should be done as a separate operation.
See Table TS/PS-3 for seeding dates.
If site is to be irrigated, the transition turf seed rates should be doubled.
Crested wheatgrass should not be used on slopes steeper than 6H to 1V.
Can substitute 0.5 lbs PLS of blue grama for the 2.0 lbs PLS of Vaughn sideoats grama.
EC-2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding (TS/PS)
TS/PS-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table TS/PS-3. Seeding Dates for Annual and Perennial Grasses
Annual Grasses
(Numbers in table reference
species in Table TS/PS-1)
Perennial Grasses
Seeding Dates Warm Cool Warm Cool
January 1–March 15
March 16–April 30 4 1,2,3
May 1–May 15 4
May 16–June 30 4,5,6,7
July 1–July 15 5,6,7
July 16–August 31
September 1–September 30 8,9,10,11
October 1–December 31
Cover seeded areas with mulch or an appropriate rolled erosion control product to promote establishment
of vegetation. Anchor mulch by crimping, netting or use of a non-toxic tackifier. See the Mulching BMP
Fact Sheet for additional guidance.
Maintenance and Removal
Monitor and observe seeded areas to identify areas of poor growth or areas that fail to germinate. Reseed
and mulch these areas, as needed.
An area that has been permanently seeded should have a good stand of vegetation within one growing
season if irrigated and within three growing seasons without irrigation in Colorado. Reseed portions of
the site that fail to germinate or remain bare after the first growing season.
Seeded areas may require irrigation, particularly during extended dry periods. Targeted weed control may
also be necessary.
Protect seeded areas from construction equipment and vehicle access.
Soil Binders (SB) EC-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Soil binders include a broad range of
treatments that can be applied to exposed
soils for temporary stabilization to reduce
wind and water erosion. Soil binders may
be applied alone or as tackifiers in
conjunction with mulching and seeding
Acknowledgement: This BMP Fact Sheet
has been adapted from the 2003
California Stormwater Quality
Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMP
Handbook: Construction
Appropriate Uses
Soil binders can be used for short-term, temporary stabilization of soils on both mild and steep slopes.
Soil binders are often used in areas where work has temporarily stopped, but is expected to resume before
revegetation can become established. Binders are also useful on stockpiled soils or where temporary or
permanent seeding has occurred.
Prior to selecting a soil binder, check with the state and local jurisdiction to ensure that the chemicals
used in the soil binders are allowed. The water quality impacts of some types of soil binders are relatively
unknown and may not be allowed due to concerns about potential environmental impacts. Soil binders
must be environmentally benign (non-toxic to plant and animal life), easy to apply, easy to maintain,
economical, and should not stain paved or painted surfaces.
Soil binders should not be used in vehicle or pedestrian high traffic areas, due to loss in effectiveness
under these conditions.
Site soil type will dictate appropriate soil binders to be used. Be aware that soil binders may not function
effectively on silt or clay soils or highly compacted areas. Check manufacturer's recommendations for
appropriateness with regard to soil conditions. Some binders may not be suitable for areas with existing
Design and Installation
Properties of common soil binders used for erosion control
are provided in Table SB-1. Design and installation
guidance below are provided for general reference. Follow
the manufacturer's instructions for application rates and
Soil Binders
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management Moderate
Photograph SB-1. Tackifier being applied to provide temporary soil
stabilization. Photo courtesy of Douglas County.
EC-3 Soil Binders (SB)
SB-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table SB-1. Properties of Soil Binders for Erosion Control (Source: CASQA 2003)
Evaluation Criteria
Binder Type
Plant Material
(short lived)
Plant Material
(long lived)
Emulsion Blends
Based Binders
Resistance to Leaching High High Low to Moderate Moderate
Resistance to Abrasion Moderate Low Moderate to High Moderate to High
Longevity Short to Medium Medium Medium to Long Medium
Minimum Curing Time
before Rain 9 to 18 hours 19 to 24 hours 0 to 24 hours 4 to 8 hours
Compatibility with
Existing Vegetation Good Poor Poor Poor
Mode of Degradation Biodegradable Biodegradable
Specialized Application
Water Truck or
Water Truck or
Water Truck or
Hydraulic Mulcher
Water Truck or
Hydraulic Mulcher
Liquid/Powder Powder Liquid Liquid/Powder Powder
Surface Crusting
Yes, but
dissolves on
Yes Yes, but dissolves on
rewetting Yes
Clean Up Water Water Water Water
Erosion Control
Application Rate Varies Varies Varies
4,000 to 12,000
lbs/acre Typ.
Soil Binders (SB) EC-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Factors to consider when selecting a soil binder generally include:
Suitability to situation: Consider where the soil binder will be applied, if it needs a high resistance
to leaching or abrasion, and whether it needs to be compatible with existing vegetation. Determine
the length of time soil stabilization will be needed, and if the soil binder will be placed in an area
where it will degrade rapidly. In general, slope steepness is not a discriminating factor.
Soil types and surface materials: Fines and moisture content are key properties of surface
materials. Consider a soil binder's ability to penetrate, likelihood of leaching, and ability to form a
surface crust on the surface materials.
Frequency of application: The frequency of application can be affected by subgrade conditions,
surface type, climate, and maintenance schedule. Frequent applications could lead to high costs.
Application frequency may be minimized if the soil binder has good penetration, low evaporation,
and good longevity. Consider also that frequent application will require frequent equipment clean up.
An overview of major categories of soil binders, corresponding to the types included in Table SB-1
Plant-Material Based (Short Lived) Binders
Guar: A non-toxic, biodegradable, natural galactomannan-based hydrocolloid treated with dispersant
agents for easy field mixing. It should be mixed with water at the rate of 11 to 15 lbs per 1,000
gallons. Recommended minimum application rates are provided in Table SB-2.
Table SB-2. Application Rates for Guar Soil Stabilizer
Slope (H:V)
Flat 4:1 3:1 2:1 1:1
Application Rate (lb/acre) 40 45 50 60 70
Psyllium: Composed of the finely ground muciloid coating of plantago seeds that is applied as a wet
slurry to the surface of the soil. It dries to form a firm but rewettable membrane that binds soil
particles together but permits germination and growth of seed. Psyllium requires 12 to 18 hours
drying time. Application rates should be from 80 to 200 lbs/acre, with enough water in solution to
allow for a uniform slurry flow.
Starch: Non-ionic, cold-water soluble (pre-gelatinized) granular cornstarch. The material is mixed
with water and applied at the rate of 150 lb/acre. Approximate drying time is 9 to 12 hours.
Plant-Material Based (Long Lived) Binders
Pitch and Rosin Emulsion: Generally, a non-ionic pitch and rosin emulsion has a minimum solids
content of 48 percent. The rosin should be a minimum of 26 percent of the total solids content. The
soil stabilizer should be a non-corrosive, water dilutable emulsion that upon application cures to a
water insoluble binding and cementing agent. For soil erosion control applications, the emulsion is
diluted and should be applied as follows:
o For clayey soil: 5 parts water to 1 part emulsion
EC-3 Soil Binders (SB)
SB-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
o For sandy soil: 10 parts water to 1 part emulsion
Application can be by water truck or hydraulic seeder with the emulsion and product mixture applied
at the rate specified by the manufacturer.
Polymeric Emulsion Blend Binders
Acrylic Copolymers and Polymers: Polymeric soil stabilizers should consist of a liquid or solid
polymer or copolymer with an acrylic base that contains a minimum of 55 percent solids. The
polymeric compound should be handled and mixed in a manner that will not cause foaming or should
contain an anti-foaming agent. The polymeric emulsion should not exceed its shelf life or expiration
date; manufacturers should provide the expiration date. Polymeric soil stabilizer should be readily
miscible in water, non-injurious to seed or animal life, non-flammable, should provide surface soil
stabilization for various soil types without inhibiting water infiltration, and should not re-emulsify
when cured. The applied compound should air cure within a maximum of 36 to 48 hours. Liquid
copolymer should be diluted at a rate of 10 parts water to 1 part polymer and the mixture applied to
soil at a rate of 1,175 gallons/acre.
Liquid Polymers of Methacrylates and Acrylates: This material consists of a tackifier/sealer that is
a liquid polymer of methacrylates and acrylates. It is an aqueous 100 percent acrylic emulsion blend
of 40 percent solids by volume that is free from styrene, acetate, vinyl, ethoxylated surfactants or
silicates. For soil stabilization applications, it is diluted with water in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations, and applied with a hydraulic seeder at the rate of 20 gallons/acre. Drying time is
12 to 18 hours after application.
Copolymers of Sodium Acrylates and Acrylamides: These materials are non-toxic, dry powders
that are copolymers of sodium acrylate and acrylamide. They are mixed with water and applied to the
soil surface for erosion control at rates that are determined by slope gradient, as summarized in Table
Table SB-3. Application Rates for Copolymers of Sodium Acrylates and Acrylamides
Slope (H:V)
Flat to 5:1 5:1 to 3:1 2:2 to 1:1
Application Rate (lb/acre) 3.0-5.0 5.0-10.0 10.0-20.0
Polyacrylamide and Copolymer of Acrylamide: Linear copolymer polyacrylamide is packaged as
a dry flowable solid. When used as a stand-alone stabilizer, it is diluted at a rate of 11 lb/1,000 gal. of
water and applied at the rate of 5.0 lb/acre.
Hydrocolloid Polymers: Hydrocolloid Polymers are various combinations of dry flowable
polyacrylamides, copolymers, and hydrocolloid polymers that are mixed with water and applied to the
soil surface at rates of 55 to 60 lb/acre. Drying times are 0 to 4 hours.
Cementitious-Based Binders
Gypsum: This formulated gypsum based product readily mixes with water and mulch to form a thin
protective crust on the soil surface. It is composed of high purity gypsum that is ground, calcined and
processed into calcium sulfate hemihydrate with a minimum purity of 86 percent. It is mixed in a
hydraulic seeder and applied at rates 4,000 to 12,000 lb/acre. Drying time is 4 to 8 hours.
Soil Binders (SB) EC-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SB-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
After selecting an appropriate soil binder, the untreated soil surface must be prepared before applying the
soil binder. The untreated soil surface must contain sufficient moisture to assist the agent in achieving
uniform distribution. In general, the following steps should be followed:
Follow manufacturer's written recommendations for application rates, pre-wetting of application area,
and cleaning of equipment after use.
Prior to application, roughen embankment and fill areas.
Consider the drying time for the selected soil binder and apply with sufficient time before anticipated
rainfall. Soil binders should not be applied during or immediately before rainfall.
Avoid over spray onto roads, sidewalks, drainage channels, sound walls, existing vegetation, etc.
Soil binders should not be applied to frozen soil, areas with standing water, under freezing or rainy
conditions, or when the temperature is below 40°F during the curing period.
More than one treatment is often necessary, although the second treatment may be diluted or have a
lower application rate.
Generally, soil binders require a minimum curing time of 24 hours before they are fully effective.
Refer to manufacturer's instructions for specific cure time.
For liquid agents:
o Crown or slope ground to avoid ponding.
o Uniformly pre-wet ground at 0.03 to 0.3 gal/yd2 or according to manufacturer's recommendations.
o Apply solution under pressure. Overlap solution 6 to 12 in.
o Allow treated area to cure for the time recommended by the manufacturer, typically at least 24
o Apply second treatment before first treatment becomes ineffective, using 50 percent application
o In low humidity, reactivate chemicals by re-wetting with water at 0.1 to 0.2 gal/yd2.
Maintenance and Removal
Soil binders tend to break down due to natural weathering. Weathering rates depend on a variety of site-
specific and product characteristics. Consult the manufacturer for recommended reapplication rates and
reapply the selected soil binder as needed to maintain effectiveness.
Soil binders can fail after heavy rainfall events and may require reapplication. In particular, soil binders
will generally experience spot failures during heavy rainfall events. If runoff penetrates the soil at the top
of a slope treated with a soil binder, it is likely that the runoff will undercut the stabilized soil layer and
discharge at a point further down slope.
EC-3 Soil Binders (SB)
SB-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Areas where erosion is evident should be repaired and soil binder or other stabilization reapplied, as
needed. Care should be exercised to minimize the damage to protected areas while making repairs.
Most binders biodegrade after exposure to sun, oxidation, heat and biological organisms; therefore,
removal of the soil binder is not typically required.
Mulching (MU) EC-4
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District MU-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph MU-1. An area that was recently seeded, mulched,
and crimped.
Mulching consists of evenly applying
straw, hay, shredded wood mulch, bark or
compost to disturbed soils and securing
the mulch by crimping, tackifiers, netting
or other measures. Mulching helps reduce
erosion by protecting bare soil from
rainfall impact, increasing infiltration, and
reducing runoff. Although often applied
in conjunction with temporary or
permanent seeding, it can also be used for
temporary stabilization of areas that
cannot be reseeded due to seasonal
Mulch can be applied either using
standard mechanical dry application
methods or using hydromulching equipment
that hydraulically applies a slurry of water,
wood fiber mulch, and often a tackifier.
Appropriate Uses
Use mulch in conjunction with seeding to help protect the seedbed and stabilize the soil. Mulch can also
be used as a temporary cover on low to mild slopes to help temporarily stabilize disturbed areas where
growing season constraints prevent effective reseeding. Disturbed areas should be properly mulched and
tacked, or seeded, mulched and tacked promptly after final grade is reached (typically within no longer
than 14 days) on portions of the site not otherwise permanently stabilized.
Standard dry mulching is encouraged in most jurisdictions; however, hydromulching may not be allowed
in certain jurisdictions or may not be allowed near waterways.
Do not apply mulch during windy conditions.
Design and Installation
Prior to mulching, surface-roughen areas by rolling with a crimping or punching type roller or by track
walking. Track walking should only be used where other methods are impractical because track walking
with heavy equipment typically compacts the soil.
A variety of mulches can be used effectively at construction
sites, including the following types:
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control Moderate
Site/Material Management No
EC-4 Mulching (MU)
MU-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Clean, weed- and seed-free, long-stemmed grass hay (preferred) or cereal grain straw. Hay is preferred
because it is less susceptible to removal by wind. Mulch should be applied evenly at a rate of 2 tons per
acre and must be tacked or fastened by an approved method suitable for the type of mulch used. At least
50 percent of the grass hay mulch, by weight, should be 10 inches or more in length.
Grass hay mulch must be anchored and not merely placed on the surface. This can be accomplished
mechanically by crimping or with the aid of tackifiers or nets. Anchoring with a crimping implement is
preferred, and is the recommended method for areas flatter than 3:1. Mechanical crimpers must be
capable of tucking the long mulch fibers into the soil to a depth of 3 inches without cutting them. An
agricultural disk, while not an ideal substitute, may work if the disk blades are dull or blunted and set
vertically; however, the frame may have to be weighted to afford proper soil penetration.
On small areas sheltered from the wind and heavy runoff, spraying a tackifier on the mulch is satisfactory
for holding it in place. For steep slopes and special situations where greater control is needed, erosion
control blankets anchored with stakes should be used instead of mulch.
Hydraulic mulching consists of wood cellulose fibers mixed with water and a tackifying agent and should
be applied at a rate of no less than 1,500 pounds per acre (1,425 lbs of fibers mixed with at least 75 lbs of
tackifier) with a hydraulic mulcher. For steeper slopes, up to 2000 pounds per acre may be required for
effective hydroseeding. Hydromulch typically requires up to 24 hours to dry; therefore, it should not be
applied immediately prior to inclement weather. Application to roads, waterways and existing vegetation
should be avoided.
Erosion control mats, blankets, or nets are recommended to help stabilize steep slopes (generally 3:1 and
steeper) and waterways. Depending on the product, these may be used alone or in conjunction with grass
or straw mulch. Normally, use of these products will be restricted to relatively small areas.
Biodegradable mats made of straw and jute, straw-coconut, coconut fiber, or excelsior can be used instead
of mulch. (See the ECM/TRM BMP for more information.)
Some tackifiers or binders may be used to anchor mulch. Check with the local jurisdiction for allowed
tackifiers. Manufacturer's recommendations should be followed at all times. (See the Soil Binder BMP
for more information on general types of tackifiers.)
Rock can also be used as mulch. It provides protection of exposed soils to wind and water erosion and
allows infiltration of precipitation. An aggregate base course can be spread on disturbed areas for
temporary or permanent stabilization. The rock mulch layer should be thick enough to provide full
coverage of exposed soil on the area it is applied.
Maintenance and Removal
After mulching, the bare ground surface should not be more than 10 percent exposed. Reapply mulch, as
needed, to cover bare areas.
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph RECP-1. Erosion control blanket protecting the slope from
erosion and providing favorable conditions for revegetation.
Rolled Erosion Control Products
(RECPs) include a variety of
temporary or permanently installed
manufactured products designed to
control erosion and enhance vegetation
establishment and survivability,
particularly on slopes and in channels.
For applications where natural
vegetation alone will provide sufficient
permanent erosion protection,
temporary products such as netting,
open weave textiles and a variety of
erosion control blankets (ECBs) made
of biodegradable natural materials
(e.g., straw, coconut fiber) can be used.
For applications where natural
vegetation alone will not be sustainable under expected flow conditions, permanent rolled erosion control
products such as turf reinforcement mats (TRMs) can be used. In particular, turf reinforcement mats are
designed for discharges that exert velocities and sheer stresses that exceed the typical limits of mature
natural vegetation.
Appropriate Uses
RECPs can be used to control erosion in conjunction with revegetation efforts, providing seedbed
protection from wind and water erosion. These products are often used on disturbed areas on steep
slopes, in areas with highly erosive soils, or as part of drainageway stabilization. In order to select the
appropriate RECP for site conditions, it is important to have a general understanding of the general types
of these products, their expected longevity, and general characteristics.
The Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC 2005) characterizes rolled erosion control products
according to these categories:
Mulch control netting: A planar woven natural fiber or extruded geosynthetic mesh used as a
temporary degradable rolled erosion control product to anchor loose fiber mulches.
Open weave textile: A temporary degradable rolled erosion control product composed of processed
natural or polymer yarns woven into a matrix, used to provide erosion control and facilitate
vegetation establishment.
Erosion control blanket (ECB): A temporary
degradable rolled erosion control product composed of
processed natural or polymer fibers which are
mechanically, structurally or chemically bound together
to form a continuous matrix to provide erosion control
and facilitate vegetation establishment. ECBs can be
further differentiated into rapidly degrading single-net
and double-net types or slowly degrading types.
Rolled Erosion Control Products
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management No
EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)
RECP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM): A rolled erosion control product composed of non-degradable
synthetic fibers, filaments, nets, wire mesh, and/or other elements, processed into a permanent, three-
dimensional matrix of sufficient thickness. TRMs, which may be supplemented with degradable
components, are designed to impart immediate erosion protection, enhance vegetation establishment
and provide long-term functionality by permanently reinforcing vegetation during and after
maturation. Note: TRMs are typically used in hydraulic applications, such as high flow ditches and
channels, steep slopes, stream banks, and shorelines, where erosive forces may exceed the limits of
natural, unreinforced vegetation or in areas where limited vegetation establishment is anticipated.
Tables RECP-1 and RECP-2 provide guidelines for selecting rolled erosion control products appropriate
to site conditions and desired longevity. Table RECP-1 is for conditions where natural vegetation alone
will provide permanent erosion control, whereas Table RECP-2 is for conditions where vegetation alone
will not be adequately stable to provide long-term erosion protection due to flow or other conditions.
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table RECP-1. ECTC Standard Specification for Temporary Rolled Erosion Control Products
(Adapted from Erosion Control Technology Council 2005)
Product Description Slope
Gradient C Factor2,5 Max. Shear
Mulch Control Nets 5:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @
0.25 lbs/ft2
(12 Pa)
5 lbs/ft
(0.073 kN/m)
Up to 12
Netless Rolled
Erosion Control
4:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @
0.5 lbs/ft2
(24 Pa)
5 lbs/ft
(0.073 kN/m)
Single-net Erosion
Control Blankets &
Open Weave Textiles
3:1 (H:V) ≤0.15 @
1.5 lbs/ft2
(72 Pa)
50 lbs/ft
(0.73 kN/m)
Double-net Erosion
Control Blankets 2:1 (H:V)
≤0.20 @
1.75 lbs/ft2
(84 Pa)
75 lbs/ft
(1.09 kN/m)
Mulch Control Nets 5:1 (H:V) ≤0.10 @
0.25 lbs/ft2
(12 Pa)
25 lbs/ft
(0.36 kN/m) 24 months
Erosion Control
Blankets & Open
Weave Textiles
EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)
RECP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Table RECP-2. ECTC Standard Specification for Permanent1 Rolled Erosion Control Products
(Adapted from: Erosion Control Technology Council 2005)
Product Type Slope
Applications Channel Applications
TRMs with a minimum thickness of
0.25 inches (6.35 mm) per ASTM D
6525 and UV stability of 80% per
ASTM D 4355 (500 hours
Shear Stress4,5
0.5:1 (H:V) 6.0 lbs/ft2 (288 Pa) 125 lbs/ft (1.82
0.5:1 (H:V) 8.0 lbs/ft2 (384 Pa) 150 lbs/ft (2.19
0.5:1 (H:V) 10.0 lbs/ft2 (480 Pa) 175 lbs/ft (2.55
1 For TRMs containing degradable components, all property values must be obtained on the non-
degradable portion of the matting alone.
2 Minimum Average Roll Values, machine direction only for tensile strength determination using ASTM
D 6818 (Supersedes Mod. ASTM D 5035 for RECPs)
3 Field conditions with high loading and/or high survivability requirements may warrant the use of a TRM
with a tensile strength of 44 kN/m (3,000 lb/ft) or greater.
4 Required minimum shear stress TRM (fully vegetated) can sustain without physical damage or excess
erosion (> 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) soil loss) during a 30-minute flow event in large scale testing.
5 Acceptable large-scale testing protocols may include ASTM D 6460, or other independent testing
deemed acceptable by the engineer.
Design and Installation
RECPs should be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines. Regardless of the
type of product used, it is important to ensure no gaps or voids exist under the material and that all
corners of the material are secured using stakes and trenching. Continuous contact between the product
and the soil is necessary to avoid failure. Never use metal stakes to secure temporary erosion control
products. Often wooden stakes are used to anchor RECPs; however, wood stakes may present installation
and maintenance challenges and generally take a long time to biodegrade. Some local jurisdictions have
had favorable experiences using biodegradable stakes.
This BMP Fact Sheet provides design details for several commonly used ECB applications, including:
ECB-1 Pipe Outlet to Drainageway
ECB-2 Small Ditch or Drainageway
ECB-3 Outside of Drainageway
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Staking patterns are also provided in the design details according to these factors:
ECB type
Slope or channel type
For other types of RECPs including TRMs, these design details are intended to serve as general
guidelines for design and installation; however, engineers should adhere to manufacturer’s installation
Maintenance and Removal
Inspection of erosion control blankets and other RECPs includes:
Check for general signs of erosion, including voids beneath the mat. If voids are apparent, fill the
void with suitable soil and replace the erosion control blanket, following the appropriate staking
Check for damaged or loose stakes and secure loose portions of the blanket.
Erosion control blankets and other RECPs that are biodegradable typically do not need to be removed
after construction. If they must be removed, then an alternate soil stabilization method should be installed
promptly following removal.
Turf reinforcement mats, although generally resistant to biodegradation, are typically left in place as a
dense vegetated cover grows in through the mat matrix. The turf reinforcement mat provides long-term
stability and helps the established vegetation resist erosive forces.
EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)
RECP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-7
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
EC-6 Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP)
RECP-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP) EC-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District RECP-9
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Check Dams (CD) EC-12
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CD-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph CD-1. Rock check dams in a roadside ditch. Photo
courtesy of WWE.
Check dams are temporary grade control
structures placed in drainage channels to
limit the erosivity of stormwater by
reducing flow velocity. Check dams are
typically constructed from rock, gravel
bags, sand bags, or sometimes,
proprietary devices. Reinforced check
dams are typically constructed from rock
and wire gabion. Although the primary
function of check dams is to reduce the
velocity of concentrated flows, a
secondary benefit is sediment trapping
upstream of the structure.
Appropriate Uses
Use as a grade control for temporary drainage ditches or swales until final soil stabilization measures are
established upstream and downstream. Check dams can be used on mild or moderately steep slopes.
Check dams may be used under the following conditions:
As temporary grade control facilities along waterways until final stabilization is established.
Along permanent swales that need protection prior to installation of a non-erodible lining.
Along temporary channels, ditches or swales that need protection where construction of a non-
erodible lining is not practicable.
Reinforced check dams should be used in areas subject to high flow velocities.
Design and Installation
Place check dams at regularly spaced intervals along the drainage swale or ditch. Check dams heights
should allow for pools to develop upstream of each check dam, extending to the downstream toe of the
check dam immediately upstream.
When rock is used for the check dam, place rock mechanically or by hand. Do not dump rocks into the
drainage channel. Where multiple check dams are used, the top of the lower dam should be at the same
elevation as the toe of the upper dam.
When reinforced check dams are used, install erosion control fabric under and around the check dam to
prevent erosion on the upstream and downstream sides. Each
section of the dam should be keyed in to reduce the potential
for washout or undermining. A rock apron upstream and
downstream of the dam may be necessary to further control
Check Dams
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control Moderate
Site/Material Management No
EC-12 Check Dams (CD)
CD-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Design details with notes are provided for the following types of check dams:
Rock Check Dams (CD-1)
Reinforced Check Dams (CD-2)
Sediment control logs may also be used as check dams; however, silt fence is not appropriate for use as a
check dam. Many jurisdictions also prohibit or discourage use of straw bales for this purpose.
Maintenance and Removal
Replace missing rocks causing voids in the check dam. If gravel bags or sandbags are used, replace or
repair torn or displaced bags.
Remove accumulated sediment, as needed to maintain BMP effectiveness, typically before the sediment
depth upstream of the check dam is within ½ of the crest height. Remove accumulated sediment prior to
mulching, seeding, or chemical soil stabilization. Removed sediment can be incorporated into the
earthwork with approval from the Project Engineer, or disposed of at an alternate location in accordance
with the standard specifications.
Check dams constructed in permanent swales should be removed when perennial grasses have become
established, or immediately prior to installation of a non-erodible lining. All of the rock and accumulated
sediment should be removed, and the area seeded and mulched, or otherwise stabilized.
Check Dams (CD) EC-12
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CD-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
EC-12 Check Dams (CD)
CD-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Check Dams (CD) EC-12
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CD-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
EC-12 Check Dams (CD)
CD-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Wind Erosion/Dust Control (DC) EC-14
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DC-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph DC-1. Water truck used for dust suppression. Photo
courtesy of Douglas County.
Wind erosion and dust control BMPs
help to keep soil particles from entering
the air as a result of land disturbing
construction activities. These BMPs
include a variety of practices generally
focused on either graded disturbed areas
or construction roadways. For graded
areas, practices such as seeding and
mulching, use of soil binders, site
watering, or other practices that provide
prompt surface cover should be used.
For construction roadways, road
watering and stabilized surfaces should
be considered.
Appropriate Uses
Dust control measures should be used on any site where dust poses a problem to air quality. Dust control
is important to control for the health of construction workers and surrounding waterbodies.
Design and Installation
The following construction BMPs can be used for dust control:
An irrigation/sprinkler system can be used to wet the top layer of disturbed soil to help keep dry soil
particles from becoming airborne.
Seeding and mulching can be used to stabilize disturbed surfaces and reduce dust emissions.
Protecting existing vegetation can help to slow wind velocities across the ground surface, thereby
limiting the likelihood of soil particles to become airborne.
Spray-on soil binders form a bond between soil particles keeping them grounded. Chemical
treatments may require additional permitting requirements. Potential impacts to surrounding
waterways and habitat must be considered prior to use.
Placing rock on construction roadways and entrances will help keep dust to a minimum across the
construction site.
Wind fences can be installed on site to reduce wind
speeds. Install fences perpendicular to the prevailing
wind direction for maximum effectiveness.
Maintenance and Removal
When using an irrigation/sprinkler control system to aid in
dust control, be careful not to overwater. Overwatering will
cause construction vehicles to track mud off-site.
Wind Erosion Control/
Dust Control
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management Moderate
Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph SP-1. A topsoil stockpile that has been partially
revegetated and is protected by silt fence perimeter control.
Stockpile management includes
measures to minimize erosion and
sediment transport from soil stockpiles.
Appropriate Uses
Stockpile management should be used
when soils or other erodible materials
are stored at the construction site.
Special attention should be given to
stockpiles in close proximity to natural
or manmade storm systems.
Design and Installation
Locate stockpiles away from all drainage system components including storm sewer inlets. Where
practical, choose stockpile locations that that will remain undisturbed for the longest period of time as the
phases of construction progress. Place sediment control BMPs around the perimeter of the stockpile, such
as sediment control logs, rock socks, silt fence, straw bales and sand bags. See Detail SP-1 for guidance
on proper establishment of perimeter controls around a stockpile. For stockpiles in active use, provide a
stabilized designated access point on the upgradient side of the stockpile.
Stabilize the stockpile surface with surface roughening, temporary seeding and mulching, erosion control
blankets, or soil binders. Soils stockpiled for an extended period (typically for more than 60 days) should
be seeded and mulched with a temporary grass cover once the stockpile is placed (typically within 14
days). Use of mulch only or a soil binder is acceptable if the stockpile will be in place for a more limited
time period (typically 30-60 days). Timeframes for stabilization of stockpiles noted in this fact sheet are
"typical" guidelines. Check permit requirements for specific federal, state, and/or local requirements that
may be more prescriptive.
Stockpiles should not be placed in streets or paved areas unless no other practical alternative exists. See
the Stabilized Staging Area Fact Sheet for guidance when staging in roadways is unavoidable due to
space or right-of-way constraints. For paved areas, rock socks must be used for perimeter control and all
inlets with the potential to receive sediment from the stockpile (even from vehicle tracking) must be
Maintenance and Removal
Inspect perimeter controls and inlet protection in accordance with their respective BMP Fact Sheets.
Where seeding, mulch and/or soil binders are used, reseeding or reapplication of soil binder may be
When temporary removal of a perimeter BMP is necessary
to access a stockpile, ensure BMPs are reinstalled in
accordance with their respective design detail section.
Stockpile Management
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management Yes
MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM)
SP-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
When the stockpile is no longer needed, properly dispose of excess materials and revegetate or otherwise
stabilize the ground surface where the stockpile was located.
Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM)
SP-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Stockpile Management (SP) MM-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SP-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
MM-2 Stockpile Management (SM)
SP-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photographs GH-1 and GH-2. Proper materials
storage and secondary containment for fuel tanks
are important good housekeeping practices. Photos
courtesy of CDOT and City of Aurora.
Implement construction site good housekeeping practices to
prevent pollution associated with solid, liquid and hazardous
construction-related materials and wastes. Stormwater
Management Plans (SWMPs) should clearly specify BMPs
including these good housekeeping practices:
Provide for waste management.
Establish proper building material staging areas.
Designate paint and concrete washout areas.
Establish proper equipment/vehicle fueling and
maintenance practices.
Control equipment/vehicle washing and allowable non-
stormwater discharges.
Develop a spill prevention and response plan.
Acknowledgement: This Fact Sheet is based directly on
EPA guidance provided in Developing Your Stormwater
Pollution Prevent Plan (EPA 2007).
Appropriate Uses
Good housekeeping practices are necessary at all construction sites.
Design and Installation
The following principles and actions should be addressed in SWMPs:
Provide for Waste Management. Implement management procedures and practices to prevent or
reduce the exposure and transport of pollutants in stormwater from solid, liquid and sanitary wastes
that will be generated at the site. Practices such as trash disposal, recycling, proper material handling,
and cleanup measures can reduce the potential for stormwater runoff to pick up construction site
wastes and discharge them to surface waters. Implement a comprehensive set of waste-management
practices for hazardous or toxic materials, such as paints, solvents, petroleum products, pesticides,
wood preservatives, acids, roofing tar, and other materials. Practices should include storage,
handling, inventory, and cleanup procedures, in case of spills. Specific practices that should be
considered include:
Solid or Construction Waste
o Designate trash and bulk waste-collection areas on-
Good Housekeeping
Erosion Control No
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management Yes
MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH)
GH-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph GH-3. Locate portable toilet facilities on level
surfaces away from waterways and storm drains. Photo
courtesy of WWE.
o Recycle materials whenever possible (e.g., paper, wood, concrete, oil).
o Segregate and provide proper disposal options for hazardous material wastes.
o Clean up litter and debris from the construction site daily.
o Locate waste-collection areas away from streets, gutters, watercourses, and storm drains. Waste-
collection areas (dumpsters, and such) are often best located near construction site entrances to
minimize traffic on disturbed soils. Consider secondary containment around waste collection
areas to minimize the likelihood of contaminated discharges.
o Empty waste containers before they are full and overflowing.
Sanitary and Septic Waste
o Provide convenient, well-maintained, and properly located toilet facilities on-site.
o Locate toilet facilities away from storm drain inlets and waterways to prevent accidental spills
and contamination of stormwater.
o Maintain clean restroom facilities and empty portable toilets regularly.
o Where possible, provide secondary containment pans under portable toilets.
o Provide tie-downs or stake-downs for portable toilets.
o Educate employees, subcontractors, and suppliers on locations of facilities.
o Treat or dispose of sanitary and septic waste in accordance with state or local regulations. Do not
discharge or bury wastewater at the construction site.
o Inspect facilities for leaks. If found, repair or replace immediately.
o Special care is necessary during maintenance (pump out) to ensure that waste and/or biocide are
not spilled on the ground.
Hazardous Materials and Wastes
o Develop and implement employee and
subcontractor education, as needed, on
hazardous and toxic waste handling,
storage, disposal, and cleanup.
o Designate hazardous waste-collection
areas on-site.
o Place all hazardous and toxic material
wastes in secondary containment.
Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
o Hazardous waste containers should be inspected to ensure that all containers are labeled properly
and that no leaks are present.
Establish Proper Building Material Handling and Staging Areas. The SWMP should include
comprehensive handling and management procedures for building materials, especially those that are
hazardous or toxic. Paints, solvents, pesticides, fuels and oils, other hazardous materials or building
materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater should be stored indoors or under cover
whenever possible or in areas with secondary containment. Secondary containment measures prevent
a spill from spreading across the site and may include dikes, berms, curbing, or other containment
methods. Secondary containment techniques should also ensure the protection of groundwater.
Designate staging areas for activities such as fueling vehicles, mixing paints, plaster, mortar, and
other potential pollutants. Designated staging areas enable easier monitoring of the use of materials
and clean up of spills. Training employees and subcontractors is essential to the success of this
pollution prevention principle. Consider the following specific materials handling and staging
o Train employees and subcontractors in proper handling and storage practices.
o Clearly designate site areas for staging and storage with signs and on construction drawings.
Staging areas should be located in areas central to the construction site. Segment the staging area
into sub-areas designated for vehicles, equipment, or stockpiles. Construction entrances and exits
should be clearly marked so that delivery vehicles enter/exit through stabilized areas with vehicle
tracking controls (See Vehicle Tracking Control Fact Sheet).
o Provide storage in accordance with Spill Protection, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)
requirements and plans and provide cover and impermeable perimeter control, as necessary, for
hazardous materials and contaminated soils that must be stored on site.
o Ensure that storage containers are regularly inspected for leaks, corrosion, support or foundation
failure, or other signs of deterioration and tested for soundness.
o Reuse and recycle construction materials when possible.
Designate Concrete Washout Areas. Concrete contractors should be encouraged to use the washout
facilities at their own plants or dispatch facilities when feasible; however, concrete washout
commonly occurs on construction sites. If it is necessary to provide for concrete washout areas on-
site, designate specific washout areas and design facilities to handle anticipated washout water.
Washout areas should also be provided for paint and stucco operations. Because washout areas can
be a source of pollutants from leaks or spills, care must be taken with regard to their placement and
proper use. See the Concrete Washout Area Fact Sheet for detailed guidance.
Both self-constructed and prefabricated washout containers can fill up quickly when concrete, paint,
and stucco work are occurring on large portions of the site. Be sure to check for evidence that
contractors are using the washout areas and not dumping materials onto the ground or into drainage
facilities. If the washout areas are not being used regularly, consider posting additional signage,
relocating the facilities to more convenient locations, or providing training to workers and
When concrete, paint, or stucco is part of the construction process, consider these practices which will
help prevent contamination of stormwater. Include the locations of these areas and the maintenance
and inspection procedures in the SWMP.
MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH)
GH-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
o Do not washout concrete trucks or equipment into storm drains, streets, gutters, uncontained
areas, or streams. Only use designated washout areas.
o Establish washout areas and advertise their locations with signs. Ensure that signage remains in
good repair.
o Provide adequate containment for the amount of wash water that will be used.
o Inspect washout structures daily to detect leaks or tears and to identify when materials need to be
o Dispose of materials properly. The preferred method is to allow the water to evaporate and to
recycle the hardened concrete. Full service companies may provide dewatering services and
should dispose of wastewater properly. Concrete wash water can be highly polluted. It should
not be discharged to any surface water, storm sewer system, or allowed to infiltrate into the
ground in the vicinity of waterbodies. Washwater should not be discharged to a sanitary sewer
system without first receiving written permission from the system operator.
Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices. Create a clearly
designated on-site fueling and maintenance area that is clean and dry. The on-site fueling area should
have a spill kit, and staff should know how to use it. If possible, conduct vehicle fueling and
maintenance activities in a covered area. Consider the following practices to help prevent the
discharge of pollutants to stormwater from equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance. Include the
locations of designated fueling and maintenance areas and inspection and maintenance procedures in
the SWMP.
o Train employees and subcontractors in proper fueling procedures (stay with vehicles during
fueling, proper use of pumps, emergency shutoff valves, etc.).
o Inspect on-site vehicles and equipment regularly for leaks, equipment damage, and other service
o Clearly designate vehicle/equipment service areas away from drainage facilities and watercourses
to prevent stormwater run-on and runoff.
o Use drip pans, drip cloths, or absorbent pads when replacing spent fluids.
o Collect all spent fluids, store in appropriate labeled containers in the proper storage areas, and
recycle fluids whenever possible.
Control Equipment/Vehicle Washing and Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges. Implement
practices to prevent contamination of surface and groundwater from equipment and vehicle wash
water. Representative practices include:
o Educate employees and subcontractors on proper washing procedures.
o Use off-site washing facilities, when available.
o Clearly mark the washing areas and inform workers that all washing must occur in this area.
o Contain wash water and treat it using BMPs. Infiltrate washwater when possible, but maintain
separation from drainage paths and waterbodies.
Good Housekeeping Practices (GH) MM-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District GH-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
o Use high-pressure water spray at vehicle washing facilities without detergents. Water alone can
remove most dirt adequately.
o Do not conduct other activities, such as vehicle repairs, in the wash area.
o Include the location of the washing facilities and the inspection and maintenance procedures in
the SWMP.
Develop a Spill Prevention and Response Plan. Spill prevention and response procedures must be
identified in the SWMP. Representative procedures include identifying ways to reduce the chance of
spills, stop the source of spills, contain and clean up spills, dispose of materials contaminated by
spills, and train personnel responsible for spill prevention and response. The plan should also specify
material handling procedures and storage requirements and ensure that clear and concise spill cleanup
procedures are provided and posted for areas in which spills may potentially occur. When developing
a spill prevention plan, include the following:
o Note the locations of chemical storage areas, storm drains, tributary drainage areas, surface
waterbodies on or near the site, and measures to stop spills from leaving the site.
o Provide proper handling and safety procedures for each type of waste. Keep Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDSs) for chemical used on site with the SWMP.
o Establish an education program for employees and subcontractors on the potential hazards to
humans and the environment from spills and leaks.
o Specify how to notify appropriate authorities, such as police and fire departments, hospitals, or
municipal sewage treatment facilities to request assistance. Emergency procedures and contact
numbers should be provided in the SWMP and posted at storage locations.
o Describe the procedures, equipment and materials for immediate cleanup of spills and proper
o Identify personnel responsible for implementing the plan in the event of a spill. Update the spill
prevention plan and clean up materials as changes occur to the types of chemicals stored and used
at the facility.
MM-3 Good Housekeeping Practices (GH)
GH-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
Construction sites may be subject to 40 CFR Part 112 regulations that require the preparation and
implementation of a SPCC Plan to prevent oil spills from aboveground and underground storage tanks.
The facility is subject to this rule if it is a non-transportation-related facility that:
Has a total storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons or a completely buried storage capacity
greater than 42,000 gallons.
Could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful to navigable waters
of the United States and adjoining shorelines.
Furthermore, if the facility is subject to 40 CFR Part 112, the SWMP should reference the SPCC Plan.
To find out more about SPCC Plans, see EPA's website on SPPC at www.epa.gov/oilspill/spcc.htm.
Reporting Oil Spills
In the event of an oil spill, contact the National Response Center toll free at 1-800-424- 8802 for
assistance, or for more details, visit their website: www.nrc.uscg.mil.
Maintenance and Removal
Effective implementation of good housekeeping practices is dependent on clear designation of personnel
responsible for supervising and implementing good housekeeping programs, such as site cleanup and
disposal of trash and debris, hazardous material management and disposal, vehicle and equipment
maintenance, and other practices. Emergency response "drills" may aid in emergency preparedness.
Checklists may be helpful in good housekeeping efforts.
Staging and storage areas require permanent stabilization when the areas are no longer being used for
construction-related activities.
Construction-related materials, debris and waste must be removed from the construction site once
construction is complete.
Design Details
See the following Fact Sheets for related Design Details:
MM-1 Concrete Washout Area
MM-2 Stockpile Management
SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control
Design details are not necessary for other good housekeeping practices; however, be sure to designate
where specific practices will occur on the appropriate construction drawings.
Silt Fence (SF) SC-1
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph SF-1. Silt fence creates a sediment barrier, forcing
sheet flow runoff to evaporate or infiltrate.
A silt fence is a woven geotextile fabric
attached to wooden posts and trenched
into the ground. It is designed as a
sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow
runoff from disturbed areas.
Appropriate Uses
A silt fence can be used where runoff is
conveyed from a disturbed area as sheet
flow. Silt fence is not designed to
receive concentrated flow or to be used
as a filter fabric. Typical uses include:
Down slope of a disturbed area to
accept sheet flow.
Along the perimeter of a receiving
water such as a stream, pond or
At the perimeter of a construction site.
Design and Installation
Silt fence should be installed along the contour of slopes so that it intercepts sheet flow. The maximum
recommended tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of silt fence, installed along the contour, is
approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no
steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only
applies to silt fence installed along the contour. Silt fence installed for other uses, such as perimeter
control, should be installed in a way that will not produce concentrated flows. For example, a "J-hook"
installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather
than concentrate and cause erosive conditions parallel to the silt fence.
See Detail SF-1 for proper silt fence installation, which involves proper trenching, staking, securing the
fabric to the stakes, and backfilling the silt fence. Properly installed silt fence should not be easily pulled
out by hand and there should be no gaps between the ground and the fabric.
Silt fence must meet the minimum allowable strength requirements, depth of installation requirement, and
other specifications in the design details. Improper installation
of silt fence is a common reason for silt fence failure; however,
when properly installed and used for the appropriate purposes, it
can be highly effective.
Silt Fence
Erosion Control No
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management No
SC-1 Silt Fence (SF)
SF-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph SF-2. When silt fence is not installed along
the contour, a "J-hook" installation may be appropriate
to ensure that the BMP does not create concentrated
flow parallel to the silt fence. Photo courtesy of Tom
Maintenance and Removal
Inspection of silt fence includes observing the
material for tears or holes and checking for slumping
fence and undercut areas bypassing flows. Repair of
silt fence typically involves replacing the damaged
section with a new section. Sediment accumulated
behind silt fence should be removed, as needed to
maintain BMP effectiveness, typically before it
reaches a depth of 6 inches.
Silt fence may be removed when the upstream area
has reached final stabilization.
Silt Fence (SF) SC-1
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SF-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SC-1 Silt Fence (SF)
SF-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photographs SCL-1 and SCL-2. Sediment control logs used as 1) a
perimeter control around a soil stockpile; and, 2) as a "J-hook"
perimeter control at the corner of a construction site.
A sediment control log is a linear roll
made of natural materials such as
straw, coconut fiber, or other fibrous
material trenched into the ground and
held with a wooden stake. Sediment
control logs are also often referred to
as "straw wattles." They are used as a
sediment barrier to intercept sheet flow
runoff from disturbed areas.
Appropriate Uses
Sediment control logs can be used in
the following applications to trap
As perimeter control for stockpiles
and the site.
As part of inlet protection designs.
As check dams in small drainage
ditches. (Sediment control logs
are not intended for use in
channels with high flow
On disturbed slopes to shorten flow
lengths (as an erosion control).
As part of multi-layered perimeter control along a receiving water such as a stream, pond or wetland.
Sediment control logs work well in combination with other layers of erosion and sediment controls.
Design and Installation
Sediment control logs should be installed along the contour to avoid concentrating flows. The maximum
allowable tributary drainage area per 100 lineal feet of sediment control log, installed along the contour, is
approximately 0.25 acres with a disturbed slope length of up to 150 feet and a tributary slope gradient no
steeper than 3:1. Longer and steeper slopes require additional measures. This recommendation only
applies to sediment control logs installed along the contour. When installed for other uses, such as
perimeter control, it should be installed in a way that will not
produce concentrated flows. For example, a "J-hook"
installation may be appropriate to force runoff to pond and
evaporate or infiltrate in multiple areas rather than concentrate
and cause erosive conditions parallel to the BMP.
Sediment Control Log
Erosion Control Moderate
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management No
SC-2 Sediment Control Log (SCL)
SCL-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Although sediment control logs initially allow runoff to flow through the BMP, they can quickly become
a barrier and should be installed is if they are impermeable.
Design details and notes for sediment control logs are provided in Detail SCL-1. Sediment logs must be
properly trenched and staked into the ground to prevent undercutting, bypassing and displacement. When
installed on slopes, sediment control logs should be installed along the contours (i.e., perpendicular to
Improper installation can lead to poor performance. Be sure that sediment control logs are properly
trenched, anchored and tightly jointed.
Maintenance and Removal
Be aware that sediment control logs will eventually degrade. Remove accumulated sediment before the
depth is one-half the height of the sediment log and repair damage to the sediment log, typically by
replacing the damaged section.
Once the upstream area is stabilized, remove and properly dispose of the logs. Areas disturbed beneath
the logs may need to be seeded and mulched. Sediment control logs that are biodegradable may
occasionally be left in place (e.g., when logs are used in conjunction with erosion control blankets as
permanent slope breaks). However, removal of sediment control logs after final stabilization is typically
recommended when used in perimeter control, inlet protection and check dam applications.
Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SC-2 Sediment Control Log (SCL)
SCL-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Sediment Control Log (SCL) SC-2
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SCL-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Brush Barrier (BB) SC-4
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District BB-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
A brush barrier is a perimeter sediment
control constructed with stacked shrubs,
tree limbs, and bushy vegetation that has
been cleared from a construction area.
Brush barriers reduce sediment loads by
intercepting and slowing sheet flow
from disturbed areas.
Appropriate Uses
A brush barrier is an appropriate BMP at
sites where there is adequate brush from
the clearing and grubbing of the
construction site to construct an
effective brush barrier. Brush barriers
are typically used at the toe of slopes and
should be implemented in combination
with other BMPs such as surface
roughening and reseeding. Brush barriers should be considered short-term, supplemental BMPs because
they are constructed of materials that naturally decompose. Brush barriers are not acceptable as a sole
means of perimeter control, but they may be used internally within a site to reduce slope length or at the
site perimeter in combination with other perimeter control BMPs for multi-layered protection.
Brush barriers are not appropriate for high-velocity flow areas. A large amount of material is needed to
construct a useful brush barrier; therefore, alternative perimeter controls such as a fabric silt fence may be
more appropriate for sites with little material from clearing.
Design and Installation
The drainage area for brush barriers should be no greater than 0.25 acre per 100 feet of barrier length.
Additionally, the drainage slope leading down to a brush barrier must be no greater than 3:1 and no longer
than 150 feet.
To construct an effective brush barrier, use only small shrubs and limbs with diameters of 6 inches or less.
Larger materials (such as a tree stump) can create void spaces in the barrier, making it ineffective. The
brush barrier mound should be at least 3 feet high and 5 feet wide at its base.
In order to avoid significant movement of the brush and improve effectiveness, a filter fabric can be
placed over the top of the brush pile, keyed in on the upstream side, and anchored on the downstream
side. On the upgradient side, the filter fabric cover should be
buried in a trench 4 inches deep and 6 inches wide.
Brush Barrier
Erosion Control Moderate
Sediment Control Moderate
Photograph BB-1. Brush barrier constructed with chipped wood.
Photo courtesy of EPA.
SC-4 Brush Barrier (BB)
BB-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Maintenance and Removal
Inspect the brush barrier for voids where concentrated flow or erosion is occurring. Voids in the brush
barrier should be filled with additional brush. Accumulated sediment should be removed from the uphill
side of the barrier when sediment height reaches one-third of the height of the barrier.
If filter fabric is used, inspect the filter fabric for damage; replace and properly secure it, as needed.
Once the upstream area has been vegetated or stabilized, the brush barrier should be removed and the
underlying area revegetated.
Vegetated Buffers (VB) SC-9
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VB-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph VB-1. A vegetated buffer is maintained between the
area of active construction and the drainage swale. Photo courtesy
of WWE.
Buffer strips of preserved natural
vegetation or grass help protect
waterways and wetlands from land
disturbing activities. Vegetated buffers
improve stormwater runoff quality by
straining sediment, promoting
infiltration, and slowing runoff
Appropriate Uses
Vegetated buffers can be used to
separate land disturbing activities and
natural surface waters or conveyances.
In many jurisdictions, local governments
require some type of setback from natural waterways. Concentrated flow should not be directed through
a buffer; instead, runoff should be in the form of sheet flow. Vegetated buffers are typically used in
combination with other perimeter control BMPs such as sediment control logs or silt fence for multi-
layered protection.
Design and Installation
Minimum buffer widths may vary based on local regulations. Clearly delineate the boundary of the
natural buffer area using construction fencing, silt fence, or a comparable technique. In areas that have
been cleared and graded, vegetated buffers such as sod can also be installed to create or restore a
vegetated buffer around the perimeter of the site.
Maintenance and Removal
Inspect buffer areas for signs of erosion such as gullies or rills. Stabilize eroding areas, as needed. If
erosion is due to concentrated flow conditions, it may be necessary to install a level spreader or other
technique to restore sheet flow conditions. Inspect perimeter controls delineating the vegetative buffer
and repair or replace as needed.
Vegetated Buffers
Erosion Control Moderate
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management Yes
Construction Fence (CF) SM-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph CF-1. A construction fence helps delineate areas where
existing vegetation is being protected. Photo courtesy of Douglas
A construction fence restricts site access
to designated entrances and exits,
delineates construction site boundaries,
and keeps construction out of sensitive
areas such as natural areas to be
preserved as open space, wetlands and
riparian areas.
Appropriate Uses
A construction fence can be used to
delineate the site perimeter and locations
within the site where access is restricted
to protect natural resources such as
wetlands, waterbodies, trees, and other
natural areas of the site that should not be
If natural resource protection is an objective, then the construction fencing should be used in combination
with other perimeter control BMPs such as silt fence, sediment control logs or similar measures.
Design and Installation
Construction fencing may be chain link or plastic mesh and should be installed following manufacturer’s
recommendations. See Detail CF-1 for typical installations.
Do not place construction fencing in areas within work limits of machinery.
Maintenance and Removal
Inspect fences for damage; repair or replace as necessary.
Fencing should be tight and any areas with slumping or fallen posts should be reinstalled.
Fencing should be removed once construction is complete.
Construction Fence
Erosion Control No
Sediment Control No
Site/Material Management Yes
SM-3 Construction Fence (CF)
CF-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Construction Fence (CF) SM-3
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District CF-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph VTC-1. A vehicle tracking control pad constructed with
properly sized rock reduces off-site sediment tracking.
Vehicle tracking controls provide
stabilized construction site access where
vehicles exit the site onto paved public
roads. An effective vehicle tracking
control helps remove sediment (mud or
dirt) from vehicles, reducing tracking onto
the paved surface.
Appropriate Uses
Implement a stabilized construction
entrance or vehicle tracking control where
frequent heavy vehicle traffic exits the
construction site onto a paved roadway. An
effective vehicle tracking control is
particularly important during the following conditions:
Wet weather periods when mud is easily tracked off site.
During dry weather periods where dust is a concern.
When poorly drained, clayey soils are present on site.
Although wheel washes are not required in designs of vehicle tracking controls, they may be needed at
particularly muddy sites.
Design and Installation
Construct the vehicle tracking control on a level surface. Where feasible, grade the tracking control
towards the construction site to reduce off-site runoff. Place signage, as needed, to direct construction
vehicles to the designated exit through the vehicle tracking control. There are several different types of
stabilized construction entrances including:
VTC-1. Aggregate Vehicle Tracking Control. This is a coarse-aggregate surfaced pad underlain by a
geotextile. This is the most common vehicle tracking control, and when properly maintained can be
effective at removing sediment from vehicle tires.
VTC-2. Vehicle Tracking Control with Construction Mat or Turf Reinforcement Mat. This type of
control may be appropriate for site access at very small construction sites with low traffic volume over
vegetated areas. Although this application does not typically remove sediment from vehicles, it helps
protect existing vegetation and provides a stabilized entrance.
Vehicle Tracking Control
Erosion Control Moderate
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management Yes
SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC)
VTC-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph VTC-2. A vehicle tracking control pad with wheel wash
facility. Photo courtesy of Tom Gore.
VTC-3. Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit with Wheel Wash. This is an aggregate pad, similar
to VTC-1, but includes equipment for tire washing. The wheel wash equipment may be as simple as
hand-held power washing equipment to more advance proprietary systems. When a wheel wash is
provided, it is important to direct wash water to a sediment trap prior to discharge from the site.
Vehicle tracking controls are sometimes installed in combination with a sediment trap to treat runoff.
Maintenance and Removal
Inspect the area for degradation and
replace aggregate or material used for a
stabilized entrance/exit as needed. If the
area becomes clogged and ponds water,
remove and dispose of excess sediment
or replace material with a fresh layer of
aggregate as necessary.
With aggregate vehicle tracking controls,
ensure rock and debris from this area do
not enter the public right-of-way.
Remove sediment that is tracked onto the
public right of way daily or more
frequently as needed. Excess sediment
in the roadway indicates that the
stabilized construction entrance needs
Ensure that drainage ditches at the
entrance/exit area remain clear.
A stabilized entrance should be removed only when there is no longer the potential for vehicle tracking to
occur. This is typically after the site has been stabilized.
When wheel wash equipment is used, be sure that the wash water is discharged to a sediment trap prior to
discharge. Also inspect channels conveying the water from the wash area to the sediment trap and
stabilize areas that may be eroding.
When a construction entrance/exit is removed, excess sediment from the aggregate should be removed
and disposed of appropriately. The entrance should be promptly stabilized with a permanent surface
following removal, typically by paving.
Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC)
VTC-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) SM-4
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District VTC-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SM-4 Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC)
VTC-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph SSA-1. Example of a staging area with a gravel surface to
prevent mud tracking and reduce runoff. Photo courtesy of Douglas
A stabilized staging area is a clearly
designated area where construction
equipment and vehicles, stockpiles, waste
bins, and other construction-related
materials are stored. The contractor
office trailer may also be located in this
area. Depending on the size of the
construction site, more than one staging
area may be necessary.
Appropriate Uses
Most construction sites will require a
staging area, which should be clearly
designated in SWMP drawings. The layout
of the staging area may vary depending on
the type of construction activity. Staging areas located in roadways due to space constraints require
special measures to avoid materials being washed into storm inlets.
Design and Installation
Stabilized staging areas should be completed prior to other construction activities beginning on the site.
Major components of a stabilized staging area include:
Appropriate space to contain storage and provide for loading/unloading operations, as well as parking
if necessary.
A stabilized surface, either paved or covered, with 3-inch diameter aggregate or larger.
Perimeter controls such as silt fence, sediment control logs, or other measures.
Construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to construction materials.
Provisions for Good Housekeeping practices related to materials storage and disposal, as described in
the Good Housekeeping BMP Fact Sheet.
A stabilized construction entrance/exit, as described in the Vehicle Tracking Control BMP Fact Sheet,
to accommodate traffic associated with material delivery and waste disposal vehicles.
Over-sizing the stabilized staging area may result in disturbance of existing vegetation in excess of that
required for the project. This increases costs, as well as
requirements for long-term stabilization following the
construction period. When designing the stabilized staging area,
minimize the area of disturbance to the extent practical.
Stabilized Staging Area
Erosion Control Yes
Sediment Control Moderate
SM-6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA)
SSA-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
See Detail SSA-1 for a typical stabilized staging area and SSA-2 for a stabilized staging area when
materials staging in roadways is required.
Maintenance and Removal
Maintenance of stabilized staging areas includes maintaining a stable surface cover of gravel, repairing
perimeter controls, and following good housekeeping practices.
When construction is complete, debris, unused stockpiles and materials should be recycled or properly
disposed. In some cases, this will require disposal of contaminated soil from equipment leaks in an
appropriate landfill. Staging areas should then be permanently stabilized with vegetation or other surface
cover planned for the development.
Minimizing Long-Term Stabilization Requirements
Utilize off-site parking and restrict vehicle access to the site.
Use construction mats in lieu of rock when staging is provided in an area that will not be disturbed
Consider use of a bermed contained area for materials and equipment that do not require a
stabilized surface.
Consider phasing of staging areas to avoid disturbance in an area that will not be otherwise
Stabilized Staging Area (SSA) SM-6
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District SSA-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SM-6 Stabilized Staging Area (SSA)
SSA-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Dewatering Operations (DW) SM-9
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DW-1
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Photograph DW-1. A relatively small dewatering operation using straw
bales and a dewatering bag.
Photograph DW-2. Dewatering bags used for a relatively large
dewatering operation.
The BMPs selected for construction
dewatering vary depending on site-
specific features such as soils,
topography, anticipated discharge
quantities, and discharge location.
Dewatering typically involves pumping
water from an inundated area to a BMP,
and then downstream to a receiving
waterway, sediment basin, or well-
vegetated area. Dewatering typically
involves use of several BMPs in
Appropriate Uses
Dewatering operations are used when an
area of the construction site needs to be
dewatered as the result of a large storm
event, groundwater, or existing ponding
conditions. This can occur during deep
excavation, utility trenching, and wetland
or pond excavation.
Design and Installation
Dewatering techniques will vary
depending on site conditions. However,
all dewatering discharges must be treated
to remove sediment before discharging
from the construction site. Discharging
water into a sediment trap or basin is an
acceptable treatment option. Water may
also be treated using a dewatering filter bag,
and a series of straw bales or sediment logs. If these previous options are not feasible due to space or the
ability to passively treat the discharge to remove sediment, then a settling tank or an active treatment
system may need to be utilized. Settling tanks are manufactured tanks with a series of baffles to promote
settling. Flocculants can also be added to the tank to induce more rapid settling. This is an approach
sometimes used on highly urbanized construction sites. Contact the state agency for special requirements
prior to using flocculents and land application techniques.
Some commonly used methods to handle the pumped
water without surface discharge include land application
to vegetated areas through a perforated discharge hose
(i.e., the "sprinkler method") or dispersal from a water
truck for dust control.
Dewatering Operations
Erosion Control Moderate
Sediment Control Yes
Site/Material Management Yes
SM-9 Dewatering Operations (DW)
DW-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Dewatering discharges to non-paved areas must minimize the potential for scour at the discharge point
either using a velocity dissipation device or dewatering filter bag.
Design Details are provided for these types of dewatering situations:
DW-1. Dewatering for Pond Already Filled with Water
DW-2 Dewatering Sump for Submersed Pump
DW-3 Sump Discharge Settling Basin
DW-4 Dewatering Filter Bag
Maintenance and Removal
When a sediment basin or trap is used to enable settling of sediment from construction dewatering
discharges, inspect the basin for sediment accumulation. Remove sediment prior to the basin or trap
reaching half full. Inspect treatment facilities prior to any dewatering activity. If using a sediment
control practice such as a sediment trap or basin, complete all maintenance requirements as described in
the fact sheets prior to dewatering.
Properly dispose of used dewatering bags, as well as sediment removed from the dewatering BMPs.
Depending on the size of the dewatering operation, it may also be necessary to revegetate or otherwise
stabilize the area where the dewatering operation was occurring.
Dewatering Operations (DW) SM-9
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DW-3
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
SM-9 Dewatering Operations (DW)
DW-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District November 2010
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Dewatering Operations (DW) SM-9
November 2010 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District DW-5
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3
Reporting Chemical Spills in Colorado
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
(303) 692-3300
January 2009
Purpose of this Guidance
This guidance is intended to provide an overview of various reporting
requirements for a variety of releases to the environment. Please check all of
the possible requirements for reporting. This guidance does not cover all
potential release scenarios. This guidance is not intended to modify or replace
statutes or regulations, which undergo periodic revisions. In the event of a
conflict between this guidance and statutes or regulations, the statutes and
regulations govern.
Some reporting requirements are complex and overlapping, and this guidance
does not go into details of all situations. If a release situation is not described
in this guidance, or if clarification is desired, please obtain an official
interpretation from the governing agency enforcing the statute or regulation.
Table of Contents
Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................... ii
Colorado Environmental Release Reporting..................................................................................................1
A. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)...................1
B. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).................................................3
Reportable Quantities Under CERCLA and EPCRA ............................................................................4
Exceptions and Exclusions.....................................................................................................................5
C. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ............................................................................7
D. Radiation Control .................................................................................................................................9
E. Clean Water Act ...................................................................................................................................9
F. Safe Drinking Water Act ....................................................................................................................10
G. Clean Air Act .....................................................................................................................................10
H. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) ...............................11
I. Hazardous Materials Transportation....................................................................................................12
J. Oil and Gas Exploration and Production.............................................................................................15
K. Polychlorinated Biphenyls .................................................................................................................16
Abbreviations & Definitions........................................................................................................................17
Contact Information
Release Reporting Numbers
National Response Center (NRC) 1 (800) 424-8802
24-hour reporting
Colorado Environmental Release and Incident Reporting Line 1 (877) 518-5608
24-hour reporting
Radiation Incident Reporting Line (303) 877-9757
24-hour reporting
Colorado State Patrol (303) 239-4501
24-hour reporting
US EPA Region 8 Emergency Response Spill Report Line 1 (800) 227-8914
24-hour reporting
Division of Oil and Public Safety (Dept. of Labor and Employment) (303) 318-8547
Fax (303) 318-8546
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (Dept. of Natural Resources) (303) 894-2100
Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (Dept. of Natural Resources) (303) 866-3567
Colorado Public Utilities Commission Gas Pipeline Safety Section (303) 894-2851
(Dept. of Regulatory Agencies)
Local Emergency Planning Committee (Dept. of Local Affairs) (720) 852-6603
Business hours only - to obtain a list of LEPC contacts
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Mailing Address:
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, except holidays 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Environmental Divisions
Air Pollution Control Division (303) 692-3100
Website http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ap/
Email comments.apcd@state.co.us
Consumer Protection Division (303) 692-3620
Website http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/cp/
Email comments.cpd@state.co.us
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division (303) 692-3300
Website http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/
Email comments.hmwmd@state.co.us
Water Quality Control Division (303) 692-3500
Website http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/
Email comments.wqcd@state.co.us
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Colorado Environmental Release Reporting
Additional reporting requirements
may be found in permits, licenses,
registrations, contingency and
pollution prevention plans, fire
codes, and local ordinances.
When a release of a hazardous material or other substance occurs to the environment, there are a
number of reporting and notification requirements that must be followed by the company or
individual responsible for the release. Environmental releases must be reported to the appropriate
authorities so that necessary response actions are taken in a timely fashion to ensure maximum
protection of human health and the environment.
However, taking appropriate and timely response actions
do not relieve you of your responsibility to report a release.
In addition, the responsible party is always liable for any
damages that may result from a release, and is responsible
for appropriate clean up actions whether or not the release
is required to be reported.
There is no penalty for over-reporting, but there are for failing to report a release. If you are unsure
if a release needs to be reported, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (the
Department) recommends that releases be reported immediately even if the quantity of the release
has not yet been determined. Your follow-up report will provide details that explain why the
release was or was not reportable.
“Release” includes any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging,
injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment, including abandonment
or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing any hazardous
substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
Most spills and releases are
covered by more than one
reporting requirement, and all
requirements must be met.
"Environment" is generally defined as any surface water, ground water, drinking water supply, land
surface, subsurface strata, or ambient air. Releases into containment devices and those completely
contained within a building or other structure are not releases into the environment as long as the
hazardous substance does not volatilize into the ambient air or
otherwise have the potential to enter the environment (e.g.,
through the floor or cracks in the floor). Releases of a substance
into a storm drain or sewer, or onto a parking lot or roadway, are
considered to be releases to the environment.
Release reporting requirements are based on the type of material released and/or the situation under
which the release occurred. Additional reporting requirements may be found in permits, licenses,
registrations, contingency and pollution prevention plans, fire codes, and local ordinances. Please
check all of the possible requirements for reporting. Most spills and releases are covered by more
than one reporting requirement, and ALL requirements must be met. Enforcement action may be
taken against those who fail to provide required notifications or reports.
A. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly known
as Superfund or CERCLA, provided broad Federal authority to respond directly to releases or
threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment.
This Act also enabled revision of the National Contingency Plan, which provides the guidelines and
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
procedures needed to respond to releases and threatened releases of hazardous substances,
pollutants, or contaminants.
Under CERCLA, the US EPA was directed to establish reporting quantities for all hazardous
substances. The term "hazardous substance" is defined in CERCLA Section 101(14). These are
defined by reference to substances that are listed or designated under other environmental statutes.
They include:
all hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) listed under Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Radio-nuclides are hazardous substances because EPA designated them generically as
hazardous air pollutants under Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act. Even though the source
of their listing is the Clean Air Act, releases of radionuclides to all media, not just to air, are
covered by CERCLA's reporting requirements.
toxic pollutants that are subject to pretreatment standards under Section 307(a) of the Clean
Water Act (CWA) and toxic pollutants that present an imminent danger to public health
when discharged to waters of the United States as designated under Section 311(b)(2)(A) of
the Clean Water Act. All Clean Water Act hazardous substances are CERCLA hazardous
substances, but only some CERCLA hazardous substances are Clean Water Act hazardous
wastes that are regulated as listed and/or characteristic
hazardous wastes under the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA). This includes thousands of
hazardous wastes that are not specifically listed but that
exhibit one or more of the characteristics of ignitability,
reactivity, corrosivity or toxicity. A material is
considered to be a release of a CERCLA hazardous
substance if the material was a waste prior to release, or if
the substance is not cleaned up for reuse and thus must be
disposed of as a RCRA hazardous waste after release.
Report releases at or above
the reportable quantity (RQ)
within 24 hours:
Hazardous air pollutants
under Section 112(b) of
Clean Air Act
Toxic pollutants under
Section 307(a) or under
Section 311(b)(2)(A) of
Clean Water Act
RCRA hazardous wastes
Elements, compounds or
substances under Section
102 of CERCLA
any element, compound, mixture solution or substance
designated under Section 102 of CERCLA that may
present substantial danger to public health or welfare or
the environment.
any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture that EPA has taken action against
under Section 7 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Any hazardous chemical
substance or mixture that EPA has taken action against under this Act would automatically
become a hazardous substance. To date, EPA hasn't designated any hazardous substances
under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
The person in charge of a facility or vessel must immediately report a release to the National
Response Center (NRC) as soon as they have knowledge of a release to the environment of a
CERCLA hazardous substance at or above the reportable quantity assigned to that substance within
a 24-hour period. If the release is a mixture or solution of hazardous substances, it must be reported
if the reportable quantity for any hazardous constituents is met or exceeded. If the responsible party
doesn't know the quantity of one or more of the hazardous constituents contained in a mixture or
solution, they must report the release if the total amount of the mixture or solution released equals
or exceeds the reportable quantity for the hazardous constituent with the lowest reportable quantity.
Reporting is also required if a non-CERCLA substance is released into the environment and rapidly
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 40 CFR Part 302. A list of CERCLA
hazardous substances is included in Table 302.4 of these regulations.
B. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 reauthorized the Comprehensive
Response, Compensation and Liability Act to continue cleanup activities around the country.
Several amendments, definitions, clarifications and technical requirements were added to the
legislation, including additional enforcement authorities. Title III of the Superfund Amendments
also authorized the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), which
established the community's right to information about the chemicals that are stored, used at and/or
released from local facilities. It also established a framework for developing emergency plans for
responding to releases and reporting requirements for facilities.
A list of EPCRA threshold
planning quantities (TPQ) is
included in 40 CFR Part
355 Appendices A & B.
Under this Act, owners or operators of facilities at which a
hazardous substance or extremely hazardous substance is produced,
used or stored must provide immediate notification to the National
Response Center (NRC), the State Emergency Response
Commission (SERC) and the affected Local Emergency Planning
Committee (LEPC) when there is a release of a hazardous substance or extremely hazardous
substance with the potential to affect off-site persons that equals or exceeds its reportable quantity
within a 24-hour period. If the release is an EPCRA extremely hazardous substance, but not a
CERCLA hazardous substance, then only the SERC and LEPC need to be notified. Note – there
may be more than one SERC and/or LEPC potentially affected by a release. Don’t wait until there
is a release to contact the SERC and LEPC(s) to ensure that the correct contacts will be made in the
event of a spill. For a list of LEPCs, contact the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
The owner or operator of the facility must report a release as soon as they know about it. In
addition to immediate telephone notification, the responsible party must also send a follow-up
written report as soon as practicable after the release to both the State Emergency Response
Commission (in this case, to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) and the
Local Emergency Planning Committee. This report must describe the release, associated response
actions taken, and any known or anticipated health risks associated with the release.
A table of CERCLA reportable quantities
(RQ) isincludedin40CFRSection 302.4.
Although EPCRA requires notification only for
releases that have the potential to affect persons beyond
the facility boundary, EPA and the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment strongly encourage facilities to report onsite releases
if there is ANY potential for the release to migrate offsite. The burden of proof is on the facility to
show that any release into the environment of a reportable quantity or more of a hazardous
substance or extremely hazardous substance has NO POTENTIAL for offsite migration (e.g., via
groundwater, the wind or getting tracked offsite by workers and vehicles).
The State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) in Colorado is called the Colorado
Emergency Planning Commission (CEPC). It consists of representatives of the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment – Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
Division, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs – Colorado Division of Emergency
Management and the Division of Local Government, the Colorado Department of Public Safety –
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Fire Safety Division, and the Colorado State Patrol. The Commission also includes representatives
of affected industries, local governments, public interest or community groups and the Local
Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) community. The Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment represents the Commission for reporting purposes.
Reportable Quantities Under CERCLA and EPCRA
All reportable quantities are listed in pounds (except radionuclides, which are in curies). Congress
established a one pound reportable quantity for all hazardous substances and extremely hazardous
substances until EPA could evaluate each substance and adjust the reportable quantity to a level
more appropriate for the substance. During this assessment, each hazardous substance was
evaluated for six primary criteria: aquatic toxicity, mammalian toxicity, ignitability, reactivity,
chronic toxicity, and potential carcinogenicity. Reportable quantities for CERCLA hazardous
substances are listed in 40 CFR Section 302.4.
EPCRA extremely hazardous substances that are also hazardous substances under CERCLA have
the same reportable quantity that is applicable under CERCLA. If not also listed as a CERCLA
hazardous substance, extremely hazardous substances have a reportable quantity equal to the
EPCRA threshold planning quantity (TPQ) for that substance. The threshold planning quantity is
the quantity designated for each chemical in 40 CFR Part 355 Appendices A and B that triggers
notification by facilities to the State Emergency Response Commission that those facilities are
subject to emergency planning requirements.
For convenience, reportable quantities for hazardous substances and extremely hazardous
substances can also be found in the EPA List of Lists (EPA 550-B-01-003). Bear in mind that
because this document is only updated periodically, it may not contain recently added substances.
EPCRA extremely hazardous substances that
are also CERCLA hazardous substances have
the same RQ as under CERCLA.
EPCRA extremely hazardous substances that
are not listed under CERCLA have an RQ
equal to their TPQ under EPCRA.
All concurrent releases of the same substance from a single facility must be combined to determine
if a reportable quantity has been met or exceeded. Releases of different substances from a single
facility should not be combined for purposes of determining if the releases need to be reported.
Rather, each substance should be evaluated separately to determine if one or more reportable
quantities have been met or exceeded. For example, spilling a mixture containing half the
reportable quantity of one hazardous substance and
half the reportable quantity of another hazardous
substance does not trigger the reporting
requirement. Releases from separate facilities
should be treated as separate releases and should
not be combined to determine if a reportable
quantity has been met or exceeded.
Most hazardous substances and extremely hazardous substances are not used or stored in pure form,
but are mixtures or solutions. If a mixture of hazardous substances or extremely hazardous
substances is released and the concentration of all hazardous substances and extremely hazardous
substances in the mixture is known, then you must calculate the amount of each hazardous
substance and extremely hazardous substance that has been released. If there is more than one
hazardous substance or extremely hazardous substance in a mixture, you must check the reportable
quantity for each substance. The release must be reported if the reportable quantity for any
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
hazardous substance or extremely hazardous substance has been met or exceeded. If the
concentrations of the hazardous substances or extremely hazardous substances in the mixture are
not known, then the release must be reported when the total amount of the mixture released equals
or exceeds the reportable quantity for the constituent with the lowest reportable quantity.
Releases of radionuclides in a mixture are additive. These releases are subject to reporting:
if each radionuclide in a released mixture or solution is known, then the ratio between the
quantity released and the reportable quantity for the radionuclide must be determined for
each radionuclide. If the sum of the ratios for the radionuclides in the mixture or solution
released is equal to or greater than one, it must be reported.
if all of the radionuclides in the mixture are known but the quantity released of one or more
of the radionuclides is unknown, it must be reported if the total quantity released is equal to
or greater than the lowest reportable quantity of any one radionuclide in the mixture.
if one or more radionuclides in the mixture is unknown, it must be reported if the total
quantity released is equal to or greater than either one curie or the lowest reportable quantity
of any of the known radionuclides in the mixture (whichever is lower).
Exceptions and Exclusions
Petroleum Products
A release of a petroleum product
containing a reportable quantity of
an EPCRA extremely hazardous
substance is reportable.
Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA),
petroleum products are excluded from the definition of hazardous substance. "Petroleum product"
includes crude oil, any fraction of crude oil that is not specifically listed as a hazardous substance,
natural and synthetic gases, and mixtures of natural and synthetic gases. EPA interprets petroleum
as including those amounts of hazardous substances, like
benzene, that are indigenous to crude oil or its fractions or
that are normally added during the refining process.
Hazardous substances added to the petroleum or increased
in concentration solely as a result of contamination during
use are not included in the petroleum exclusion.
Unlike the petroleum exclusion under CERCLA, extremely hazardous substances that are naturally
occurring in petroleum products or that are normally added during refining are subject to reporting
under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Therefore, a release
of a petroleum product containing a reportable quantity of one or more extremely hazardous
substances is reportable to the Colorado Emergency Planning Commission (CERC) and the Local
Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) if a reportable quantity is met or exceeded.
Note: releases of oil and petroleum to water are also covered
under the Clean Water Act (Section E of this document).
Releases of petroleum from regulated storage tanks are covered
under the Colorado storage tank regulations (Section H of this
The responsible party is always
responsible for appropriate clean
up actions whether or not the
release is required to be reported.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Under normal handling and use, solid forms of most metals present few health hazards. Metal fines
and metal dust may cause irritation of the eyes, skin, and respiratory system, and fine particles of
certain metals, including antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel,
selenium, silver, thallium, or zinc, dispersed in the air can be an explosion and/or health hazard.
EPA has determined that releases of these metals with particles larger than 100 micrometers would
not normally require response action due to the unlikely inhalation of such large particles.
However, notification of the release of a reportable quantity of antimony, arsenic, beryllium,
cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, or zinc is required if the mean
diameter of the particles released is less than 100 micrometers (0.004 inches). An exception to this
is a release of a metal classified as a radionuclide, which does not qualify for this exemption even if
the particles meet the size criteria.
Naturally Occurring Radionuclides
Notification of the release of naturally occurring radionuclides from large land holdings, like parks
or golf courses, is not required. EPA broadened this exemption to include land containing ore
reserves even if the undisturbed ores contain elevated natural concentrations of radionuclides, and
to land disturbance activities including farming, construction, and disturbance incidental to
extraction activities at all mines except uranium, phosphate, tin, zircon, hafnium, vanadium,
monazite, and rare earth mines. Land disturbance incidental to extraction activities includes land
clearing, overburden removal and stockpiling, and excavating, handling, transporting and storing
ores and other raw materials. Land disturbance incidental to extraction also includes replacing
materials in mined-out areas as long as those materials have not been processed and don't contain
elevated radionuclide concentrations. Notification of the release of naturally occurring
radionuclides from sites where coal and coal ash (fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag) are stored or
disposed is also not required.
Federally Permitted Releases
Releases that are regulated under one or more of the following programs are exempt from CERCLA
and EPCRA reporting requirements:
permitted discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES);
permitted dredge and fill discharges under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act;
permitted and interim status hazardous waste units under the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act;
permitted discharges under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act;
permitted injection of fluids under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program in
accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act;
air emissions subject to permit or control regulations under the Clean Air Act;
permitted or allowed injection of fluids to develop crude oil or natural gas supplies;
discharges of contaminants to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) if in compliance
with pretreatment requirements under the Clean Water Act;
releases of certain nuclear materials if in compliance with a license, permit, regulation or
order issued in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act.
Registered Pesticides
The normal application of a pesticide product registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide
and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is exempt from CERCLA and EPCRA reporting. This exemption
includes the handling and storage of the product by an agricultural producer, but does not include
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
any spills of the pesticide. Pesticide spills are reportable if the amount spilled meets or exceeds the
reportable quantity.
Continuous Releases
A continuous release is a release that occurs without interruption or abatement or that is routine,
anticipated, intermittent, and incidental to normal operations or treatment processes. When a
release of this type occurs, officials do not have to be notified each time. Instead, the facility can
report it as a continuous release to the National Response Center, the Colorado Emergency Planning
Commission and the Local Emergency Planning Committee(s) by telephone. This should be
followed by a written report submitted to EPA Region 8, the Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment and the Local Emergency Planning Committee within 30 days of the initial
telephone call. The written report should provide information about the source, composition, and
normal range of the release. Periodic follow-up reports may also be required. Any release that
exceeds the normal range (called a “statistically significant increase”) must be reported immediately
to the National Response Center, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and
the Local Emergency Planning Committee as if they were new release events. The normal range is
determined by the amount of a hazardous substance released over any 24-hour period under normal
operating conditions during the preceding year. Only releases that are both continuous and stable in
quantity and rate can be included in the normal range.
Continuous release of an extremely hazardous substance that is not a CERCLA hazardous substance
need only be reported to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Local
Emergency Planning Committee. A written report should also be sent to these two agencies within
30 days and any statistically significant increases in the release should be reported to both agencies.
Periodic follow-up reports may also be required.
C. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
All Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) listed and characteristic hazardous wastes
are designated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). For more information on listed and characteristic
hazardous wastes, please review the Hazardous Waste Identification Guidance Document from the
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division (http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hm/hwid.pfd).
The reportable quantity for F- and K-listed hazardous wastes is based on the hazardous waste code.
If the composition and concentrations of all included constituents is not known, the reportable
quantity would be as listed for the waste code in 40 CFR Section 302.4. If the waste is analyzed
and the concentrations of ALL of its hazardous constituents are identified, then reportable quantities
of the specific constituents can be used to determine when reporting is required. For example, if a
release of an F005 listed hazardous waste occurred and the concentrations of the constituents
making up the waste were unknown, the reportable quantity would be 100 pounds. If it were known
that the F005 waste was comprised of 50% toluene (reportable quantity 1000 pounds) and 50%
methyl ethyl ketone (reportable quantity 5000 pounds), then the release would be reported when
2000 pounds of the mixture were released. [Since the reportable quantity for toluene is less than
that for methyl ethyl ketone, the amount of toluene released will determine when the release must
be reported. Since the mixture is 50% toluene, it would take 2000 pounds of the mixture to meet
the reportable quantity of 1000 pounds for toluene.]
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
P- and U-listed hazardous wastes are reported based on the reportable quantity for the hazardous
substance that the waste is listed for. For example, the reportable quantity for hazardous waste code
U122 (formaldehyde) is 100 pounds. For the purposes of release reporting, it doesn't matter if the
formaldehyde is used or unused or is the "sole active ingredient" in order to be reportable. (Related
note: Colorado's hazardous waste regulations (6 CCR 1007-3) do not include the footnote regarding
sole active ingredients. In Colorado, chemicals may have more than one active ingredient and still
meet the listing description.)
All RCRA listed and characteristic
hazardous wastes are designated
as hazardous substances under
Unlisted hazardous wastes exhibiting the characteristics of
ignitability, corrosivity and/or reactivity have a reportable
quantity of 100 pounds unless the concentrations of all the
constituents in the waste are known. If the waste is analyzed
and the concentrations of ALL its hazardous constituents are
identified, the reportable quantities of the specific constituents should be used to determine when
reporting is required. For example, a corrosive-only waste of unknown composition has a
reportable quantity of 100 pounds. If the waste is analyzed to determine that it was a 50% solution
of hydrochloric acid in water, then the reportable quantity of the solution would be 10,000 pounds.
[The reportable quantity for hydrochloric acid is 5000 pounds. Therefore it would take 10,000
pounds of the 50% solution to meet the reportable quantity for hydrochloric acid.]
Unlisted hazardous wastes that exhibit toxicity have reportable quantities specific to the constituent
on which the characteristic of toxicity is based. The reportable quantity applies to the waste itself,
not just to the toxic contaminant. If an unlisted hazardous waste exhibits toxicity on the basis of
more than one contaminant, the reportable quantity for the waste is the lowest of the reportable
quantities for those contaminants. For example, if a waste exhibits toxicity characteristics for the
heavy metals lead (D008) and selenium (D010), with reportable quantities of 10 and 100 pounds
respectively, the reportable quantity would be 10 pounds of the waste, or the lower of the two
reportable quantities. If a waste exhibits a toxicity characteristic and one or more other hazardous
waste characteristics, the reportable quantity for that waste is the lowest of the applicable reportable
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 40 CFR Part 302.
Permitted and Interim Status Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities and Large
Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste
Large quantity generators of hazardous waste and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal
facilities (TSDF) are required to have and implement a contingency plan that describes the actions
facility personnel must take in response to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-
sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, surface water or
groundwater at the facility. Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation,
appropriate State and local agencies with designated response roles as described in the contingency
plan must be notified immediately. Appropriate local authorities and the National Response Center
or government official designated as the regional on-scene coordinator must be notified
immediately if the facility's emergency coordinator determines that the facility has had a release,
fire, or explosion that could threaten human health or the environment outside the facility. A
treatment, storage, and disposal facility's permit generally requires reporting to the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment – Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
Division of any release, fire or explosion, even if the amount of the release is less than an otherwise
reportable quantity.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
The Department and local authorities must be notified when the facility is back in compliance and
ready to resume operations. In addition, the facility must send a written report to both the EPA
Regional Administrator and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment within 15
days of any incident that requires implementation of the facility contingency plan.
In the case of a release of hazardous waste stored in tanks, the facility must notify the Hazardous
Materials and Waste Management Division within 24 hours of a release to the environment of more
than one pound. A leak or spill of hazardous waste that is less than or equal to one pound from a
tank or tank system does not need to be reported if the release is immediately contained and cleaned
up. Within 30 days of the release, a written report must be submitted to the Division.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 6 CCR 1007-3 Sections 264.56 and
265.56 and Sections 264.196(d) and 265.196(d).
D. Radiation Control
Releases of radionuclides are
reportable under CERCLA.
The state of Colorado has specific reporting requirements for stolen, lost or missing licensed or
registered sources of radiation. Each licensee or registrant must report to the Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment by telephone in the event of lost, stolen or missing licensed or
registered radioactive materials, a lost, stolen, or missing radiation machine, releases of radioactive
materials, contamination events, and fires or explosions involving radioactive materials. Incidents
should be reported to the Radiation Incident Reporting Line. Based on the severity of the event,
notification may be required immediately, within 24 hours or within 30 days. A follow-up written
report must also be submitted to the Department within 30
days of initial notification. The licensee must also report any
additional substantive information regarding a loss or theft
incident within 30 days after learning of such information.
These release and notification requirements are contained in 6 CCR 1007-1 Sections 4.51 - 4.53.
E. Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the person in charge of a facility or vessel to make an
immediate report to the National Response Center of discharges of harmful quantities of oil to
navigable waters as soon as they have knowledge of the release. In this case, oil means oil of any
kind or in any form including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil
mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil. Discharges of oil that violate applicable water quality
standards and those that cause a film, sheen or discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining
shorelines, or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or on
adjoining shorelines must be reported. In effect, this means that any discharge of oil to waters of
the United States must be reported to the National Response Center. These release and notification
requirements are contained in 40 CFR Part 110.
The Clean Water Act (CWA) also requires the person in charge of a facility or vessel to report to
the National Response Center the discharge of a designated hazardous substance from the vessel or
facility to waters of the United States in quantities that equal or exceed the reportable quantity as
soon as they have knowledge of the release. Under the Act, the US EPA was directed to establish
reporting quantities for all hazardous substances listed in Table 116.4 A and B (40 CFR Part 116),
which were designated as hazardous substances in accordance with Section 311(b)(2)(A) of the
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Clean Water Act. This designation includes any isomers and hydrates as well as any solutions and
mixtures containing these substances. Each of these substances is included in the CERCLA list of
hazardous substances (40 CFR Part 302 Table 302.4) and is assigned the reportable quantity listed
in Table 302.4 for that substance. These release and notification requirements are contained in 40
CFR Parts 116 and 117.
Under the Clean Water Act, anyone that has a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit must report to the National Response Center within 24 hours of becoming aware
of any unanticipated bypasses or upsets that cause an exceedance of the effluent limits in their
permit and any violation of their maximum daily discharge limits for any pollutant listed in the
permit. A written report must be provided within five days. Other instances of noncompliance
must be reported when monitoring reports are submitted.
The Clean Water Act also requires all industrial users of Publicly Owned Treatment Works
(POTWs) to notify their treatment plant immediately if they have a discharge that could cause
problems at the treatment plant.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 40 CFR Parts 122 and 403.
State Requirements
A spill of any chemical, oil, petroleum product, sewage, etc., which may enter waters of the state of
Colorado (which include surface water, ground water, and dry gullies and storm sewers leading to
surface water) must be reported immediately to the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment. Any accidental discharge to the sanitary sewer system must be reported immediately
to the local sewer authority and the affected wastewater treatment plant. If a release occurs at a
mining operation, the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety should also be notified.
For more information regarding State reporting requirements under 25-8-601(2) CRS, please refer
to the “Guidance for Reporting Spills under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and Colorado
Discharge Permits” adopted by the Water Quality Control Division. This policy is available at
F. Safe Drinking Water Act
The owner or operator of a public water system (community water systems, non-transient non-
community water systems, and transient non-community water systems) must immediately report
any credible threat to the water supply system to the Colorado Environmental Release and Incident
Reporting Line and to the local emergency manager. The local emergency manager may be the
county sheriff or a member of the fire department. A list of local emergency managers is available
from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
G. Clean Air Act
Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) are designated
as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act (CERCLA). Hazardous air pollutants are known or suspected to cause cancer or other
serious health effects or adverse environmental effects. Health effects can include immunological,
neurological, reproductive, developmental, and respiratory problems. In some cases, hazardous air
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
pollutants can be deposited onto soils or other surfaces, where they are taken in by plants and
animals and can accumulate in organic tissue or pass up the food chain due to the inability of
organisms to process the substance.
The release (or air emission) of a hazardous air pollutant that is allowed and less than any limit
specified in a facility's air permit is considered to be a federally permitted release. If the facility
releases more than is allowed under its air permit within a 24 hour period, the facility must report
the release if the quantity released exceeded the facility's permitted level by a reportable quantity or
more. For example, if a facility has an air permit that allows the release of 30 pounds of a
hazardous substance and that substance has a reportable quantity of 100 pounds, the facility would
have to report all releases of 130 pounds or more of that substance. Releases of less than 130
pounds would not need to be reported under CERCLA or EPCRA because even though the facility
exceeded its permit limit, the amount released did not exceed the permitted level by its reportable
quantity (in this case, 100 pounds) or more. If the air permit does not allow or does not specify the
release of a hazardous air pollutant, then releases in excess of the CERCLA / EPCRA reportable
quantity for that substance must be reported. Please be aware that other reporting requirements are
triggered, however, based on the facility's air permit. The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires that
permits for stationary air sources have language requiring prompt reporting of any emergencies,
upsets and deviations from what is allowed in the permit. Releases must be reported to the National
Response Center and to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Contact the
Air Pollution Control Division for details on additional air-related requirements that may also apply.
Hazardous air pollutants are included in the CERCLA list of hazardous substances in 40 CFR Part
302 and are assigned the reportable quantity listed in Table 302.4 for each substance.
State Requirements
In the case of excess emissions during an emergency or malfunction, the owner or operator must
notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as soon as possible, but no later
than noon of the next working day, and provide a written follow-up report to the Air Pollution
Control Division by the end of the facility’s next reporting period.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 5 CCR 1001-2 Section II.E and 5
CCR 1001-5, Regulation 3 Part C, Section VII.C.
H. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Aboveground Storage Tanks
The reportable quantity for petroleum
from a regulated storage tank system
is 25 gallons.
Owners and operators of regulated storage tank systems
must report a release or suspected release of regulated
substances to the Division of Oil and Public Safety at the
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment within 24
hours by telephone or facsimile. If outside normal working hours or on a weekend or holiday and
emergency assistance is needed, the release can be reported to the Colorado Environmental Release
and Incident Reporting line at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Any
suspected release or release of unknown quantity is a reportable quantity unless the owner/operator
can conclusively show the release is less than the reportable quantity for the released substance.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Under this program, the reportable quantity for petroleum releases is 25 gallons or more from
regulated aboveground and underground storage tank systems, or any amount that causes a sheen on
nearby surface water. This is interpreted to include releases from fuel pumps and fuel delivery
trucks while connected to the petroleum storage tank system. Releases of less than 25 gallons from
regulated petroleum storage tank systems, or a release of a hazardous substance that is less than the
CERCLA reportable quantity, do not need to be reported to the Division of Oil and Public Safety if
they are immediately contained and cleaned up. If cleanup cannot be accomplished within 24
hours, the Division of Oil and Public Safety must be notified immediately.
Spills or releases of hazardous substances in excess of the CERCLA reportable quantity from
regulated underground storage tanks must also be reported to the National Response Center and the
local fire authority immediately. Any release, regardless of quantity, that has or may impact waters
of the state (including surface water, groundwater, dry gullies leading to surface water or storm
sewers) must also be reported to the Colorado Environmental Release and Incident Reporting line
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 7 CCR 1101-14 Article 4, 8-20.5-208
CRS and 25-8-601 CRS.
I. Hazardous Materials Transportation
Highway, Aircraft, Rail and Vessel
Federal hazardous materials transportation regulations cover the transportation of hazardous
materials by highway, aircraft, rail, and vessel. Transportation includes activities related to
transportation like loading, unloading, and temporary storage. "Hazardous material" includes
hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials as
defined in 49 CFR Section 171.8, materials designated as hazardous in the Hazardous Materials
Table in 49 CFR Section 172.101 and materials that meet the criteria for hazardous classes and
division in 49 CFR Part 173.
The person in physical possession of the hazardous material during transportation must notify the
National Response Center as soon as practical, but not more than 12 hours after an incident, if as a
direct result of a hazardous material:
a person is killed or is injured and requires hospitalization,
there is an evacuation of the general public that lasts more than an hour,
a major transportation artery or facility is shut down for an hour or more,
the operational flight pattern or routine of an aircraft is altered,
there is fire, breakage, spillage, or suspected contamination involving a radioactive material,
there is fire, breakage, spillage, or suspected contamination involving an infectious
substance other than a regulated medical waste,
there is a release of a marine pollutant in a quantity exceeding 119 gallons for liquids or 882
pounds for solids,
or any situation that, in the judgment of the person in possession of the hazardous material,
should be reported even though it doesn't meet the above criteria.
Notice of incidents involving an infectious substance may be given to the Director of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (1-800-232-0124) instead of notifying the National Response
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
The person in possession of the hazardous material at the time of the incident must submit a written
report within 30 days of the incident to the US Department of Transportation. In addition, a written
report must be submitted if there is an unintentional release of a hazardous material or the discharge
of any quantity of hazardous waste even though verbal notification may not be required. If the
incident involves air transportation, a copy of the report must also be submitted to the Federal
Aviation Administration Security Field Office nearest the location of the incident.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 49 CFR Sections 171.15 and 171.16.
State Requirements
The State also has specific requirements for reporting incidents involving hazardous materials or
nuclear materials as cargo during transportation. The driver of a motor vehicle involved in a spill of
hazardous material from a fuel tank that provides fuel for the vehicle and/or equipment on that
vehicle must immediately notify the nearest law enforcement agency. The driver of a vehicle
transporting nuclear or hazardous materials as cargo that is involved in a spill, or an incident which
may result in a potential spill, must immediately notify the nearest law enforcement agency. As
soon as possible after the initial notification of the spill or incident to the nearest law enforcement
agency, the driver or a company representative must notify the Colorado State Patrol and the 24-
hour Colorado Environmental Release and Incident Reporting Line. In addition, the driver of a
motor vehicle transporting nuclear materials as cargo must immediately notify the Colorado State
Patrol if the vehicle is involved in a crash, whether or not there is damage to the vehicle.
Report releases along a highway to the
National Response Center, nearest local
law enforcement agency, Colorado State
Patrol, and Colorado Environmental
Release and Incident Reporting Line.
If the incident involves the release of hazardous
waste, the transporter must notify the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment and
report the ultimate disposition of the waste to the
Department in addition to the notifications above. In
the event of a spill of hazardous waste at a transfer
facility, the transporter must notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
within 24 hours of a spill exceeding 55 gallons or if there is a fire or explosion. A written report
must be sent to the Department within 15 days after the incident.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 8 CCR 1507-25 Parts I and IV and 6
CCR 1007-3 Part 263.
In Colorado, the US Department of Transportation Office of Pipeline Safety inspects, regulates, and
enforces interstate gas pipeline safety requirements. They also inspect, regulate, and enforce both
intra- and interstate liquid pipeline safety requirements in this state. Through certification by the
Office of Pipeline Safety, the Gas Pipeline Safety Division of the Colorado Public Utilities
Commission regulates, inspects, and enforces intrastate gas pipeline safety requirements. Pipeline
facilities include transmission, distribution, regulated gathering, master metered, liquefied natural
gas, and propane gas systems. Be aware that these regulations are primarily for pipeline safety. Be
sure to review other environmental release reporting requirements.
Hazardous Liquids and Carbon Dioxide
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Federal hazardous materials transportation regulations cover the transportation of hazardous liquids
and carbon dioxide by pipeline. In this case, hazardous liquid is limited to petroleum, petroleum
products, and anhydrous ammonia in a non-gaseous state. Petroleum includes crude oil,
condensate, natural gasoline, natural gas liquids, and liquefied petroleum gas. Petroleum product
includes flammable, toxic or corrosive products obtained from distilling and processing of crude oil,
unfinished oils, natural gas liquids, blend stocks, and other miscellaneous hydrocarbon compounds.
As early as practicable following discovery of a release of a hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide
from a pipeline system, the operator must notify the National Response Center by telephone if:
a person is killed or is injured and requires hospitalization,
there is a fire or explosion not intentionally set by the operator,
there is estimated property damage (including cost of cleanup and recovery, value of lost
product, and damage to property) exceeding $50,000,
there is pollution of any stream, river, reservoir, or other body of water that violated
applicable water quality standards, caused a discoloration of the surface of the water or
adjoining shoreline, or deposited a sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water or
adjoining shoreline, or
there is any situation that, in the judgment of the operator, should be reported even though it
doesn't meet the above criteria.
A written accident report must be submitted to the US Department of Transportation Office of
Pipeline Safety as soon as practicable, but not later than 30 days after discovery of a release. A
supplemental report must be submitted within 30 days if the operator receives any updates or
additions to the information originally reported.
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 49 CFR Part 195.
Natural Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas
Federal hazardous materials transportation regulations also cover the transportation of natural gas
by pipeline and activities occurring at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility where natural and
synthetic gas are liquefied, transferred or stored.
As early as practicable following discovery of a release of gas from a pipeline or of liquefied natural
gas or gas from a liquefied natural gas facility, but generally not to exceed two hours after
discovery, the operator must notify the National Response Center and the Colorado Public Utilities
Commission Gas Pipeline Safety Section by telephone if:
a person is killed or is injured and requires hospitalization,
there is estimated property damage (including value of lost product and damage to property)
of $50,000 or more,
there is an event that results in an emergency shutdown of a liquefied natural gas facility, or
there is any situation that, in the judgment of the operator, should be reported even though it
doesn't meet the above criteria.
As early as practicable, but not later than 30 days after discovery and verbal report of a release, the
operator must submit a written report to the US Department of Transportation Office of Pipeline
Safety. A supplemental report must be submitted within 30 days if the operator receives relevant
updates or additions to the information originally reported.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
These notification and reporting requirements are included in 49 CFR Part 191 and 4 CCR 723-4
Sections 4900 - 4914.
State Requirements
If there is a leak on a gas pipeline, a liquefied natural gas system, a master meter system, or a
propane system that results in the evacuation of 50 or more people from a normally occupied
building or results in the closure of a roadway, the operator must contact the Colorado Public
Utilities Commission Gas Pipeline Safety Section by telephone within two hours of discovery.
This notification requirement is contained in 4 CCR 723-4 Section 4911.
J. Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Federal oil and gas lease surface operations are managed by the US Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in cooperation with the appropriate Federal surface
management agency or non-Federal surface owner. On National Forest System lands, the Forest
Service has approval authority for the surface use portion of Federal oil and gas operations and for
appeals related to Forest Service decisions and approvals. The BLM considers the Bureau of Indian
Affairs to be the surface management agency for all Indian lands unless a Tribe has contracted the
Bureau of Indian Affairs realty function for its lands.
“… All spills or leakages of oil, gas, salt water, toxic liquids or waste materials, blowouts, fires,
personal injuries, and fatalities shall be reported by the operator to the BLM and the surface
management agency in accordance with the requirements of Notice to Lessees NTL-3A; Reporting
of Undesirable Events, and in accordance with any applicable local requirements.
The BLM requires immediate reporting of all Class I major events, such as spills of more than 100
barrels of fluid/500 MCF of gas released; fires that consume 100 bbl or more oil or 500 MCF gas;
life threatening or fatal injury/loss of well control; release of reportable quantities of hazardous
substances; spill, venting, or fire in sensitive areas, such as parks, recreation sites, wildlife refuges,
lakes, reservoirs, streams, and urban or suburban areas” … “Volumes discharged during any of the
above incidents will be estimated as necessary. Operators must take immediate action to prevent
and control spills and the BLM, the surface management agency, and other applicable regulatory
authorities must be consulted prior to treating or disposing of wastes and spills. Operators should
become familiar with local surface management agency requirements for reporting and managing
spills and leaks. …” (BLM “The Gold Book,” Fourth Edition, Revised 2007)
State Requirements
Spills and releases of Exploration and Production (E&P) waste and produced fluids should be
controlled and contained immediately upon discovery. Impacts resulting from spills and releases
should be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable.
If there is a spill or release of more than 20 barrels of
E&P waste, it must be verbally reported to the Colorado
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) as soon
as practicable, but not more than 24 hours after discovery.
If there is a spill or release of any size that impacts or
The rules and regulations for oil and
gas exploration and production have
recently been revised. Most of these
changes become effective May 1,
2009 on federal land and April 1, 2009
on all other land.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
could impact waters of the state, a residence or an occupied structure, livestock or a public byway, it
must be verbally reported to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission as soon as
practicable, but not more than 24 hours after discovery. Spills or releases of any size that impact or
threaten to impact any surface water supply area must be reported to the Colorado Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission and to the Colorado Environmental Release and Incident Reporting Line.
If the release impacts or threatens to impact a surface water intake, it must be verbally reported to
the emergency contact for that facility immediately after discovery. The operator must notify the
affected surface owner or their appointed tenant of all reportable spills as soon as practicable, but
not more than 24 hours after discovery.
Chemical spills and releases must be reported in accordance with all applicable state and federal
laws, including the Emergency Planning and community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Oil
Pollution Act, and the Clean Water Act.
Releases of more than 5 barrels of E&P waste, and all other reportable releases, must also be
reported on COGCC Form 19 and submitted to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation
Commission within 10 days after discovery of the release.
These notification requirements are contained in the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation
Commission 900-Series Rules.
K. Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are managed under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Substances with concentrations greater than or equal to 50 parts per million PCBs are regulated
under 40 CFR Part 761, which is implemented by the US Environmental Protection Agency. If a
spill of the substance directly contaminates surface water, sewers, drinking water supplies, grazing
lands, or vegetable gardens and/or the spill exceeds 10 pounds of PCBs by weight, the responsible
party must notify the EPA within 24 hours. In Colorado, contact the Region 8 Emergency Response
Spill Report Line. If the spill involves 10 pounds or less of PCBs and does not involve any of these
resources, the spill must still be cleaned up, but notification to EPA isn't required. Unless
commingled with a hazardous waste, releases of substances containing less than 50 parts per million
PCBs are regulated under Colorado's solid waste regulations 6 CCR 1007-2. The solid waste
regulations do not have specific release reporting requirements at this time.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) has set
the reportable quantity for PCBs at one (1) pound. Any release of oil or other substance containing
greater than or equal to one pound of PCBs must be reported to the National Response Center as
soon as the release is discovered. In addition, if the release impacts waters of the state of Colorado,
the release must be reported as per the Water Quality Control Division’s reporting policy (see
“Guidance for Reporting Spills under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and Colorado
Discharge Permits”, http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/op/wqcc/Resources/Guidance/spillguidance.pdf).
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Abbreviations & Definitions
CAA – Clean Air Act
CCR – Code of Colorado Regulations
CDPHE – Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
CEPC – Colorado Emergency Planning Commission
CERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
CRS – Colorado Revised Statues
CWA – Clean Water Act
EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA – Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
LEPC – Local Emergency Planning Committee
NRC – National Response Center
RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SERC – State Emergency Response Commission
SDWA – Safe Drinking Water Act
EPA's List of Lists is a compendium of the lists of chemicals subject to reporting requirements
under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and chemicals listed under
section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Lists are also provided of Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous wastes and radionuclides reportable under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. These lists should be used as reference
tools, not as a definitive source of compliance information. Reporting requirements for the
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act are published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
40 CFR Parts 302 and 355 respectively. Compliance information for the Clean Air Act section
112(r) is published in 40 CFR Part 68. The List of Lists is available on the Internet at
Exploration and production (E&P) wastes are associated with operations to locate or remove oil
or gas from the ground or to remove the impurities from oil or gas.
Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) are chemicals that present the most serious hazards
during release (in terms of toxicity, reactivity, volatility, combustibility, and flammability) and are
regulated under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). The
extremely hazardous substances list consists of approximately 360 substances and is included in
EPA’s List of Lists.
Facility means any building, equipment, structure, installation, containment structure, pipe, other
stationary feature, motor vehicle, rolling stock, or aircraft. Facility also includes any site where a
hazardous substance is or has been located.
Hazardous Materials are chemicals posing a hazard to human health or the environment when
transported (49 USC 5103). They include hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine
pollutants, elevated temperature materials, all materials in the Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR
172.101), and materials meeting the criteria for hazard classes in part 173 of subchapter C of 49
CFR 172.101.
Reporting Environmental Releases in Colorado January 2009
Hazardous Substances are chemicals posing a hazard to human health or the environment and are
regulated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
(CERCLA). The hazardous substance list is included in EPA’s List of Lists.
Reportable Quantity (RQ) is a term that applies to the amount of hazardous substances or
extremely hazardous substances released within a 24-hour period. Note that the 24-hour period is
the time frame for measuring the quantity released, not the time frame for reporting a release.
Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) is a term that applies to the amount of an extremely
hazardous substance that must be present onsite in concentrations greater than 1% by weight of a
compound or mixture at which the facility must meet all emergency planning requirements. If not
also listed as a CERCLA hazardous substance, extremely hazardous substances have a reportable
quantity equal to the threshold planning quantity for that substance.
“Waters of the State of Colorado” are any and all surface waters and subsurface waters
(groundwater) that are contained in or flow in or through the state of Colorado. This includes lakes,
rivers, streams, creeks, wetlands, irrigation ditches, storm drains, livestock ponds, borrow ditches,
and dry gullies. This does not include waters in sewage systems, waters in treatment works of
disposal systems, waters in potable water distribution systems, or water withdrawn for use until use
and treatment have been completed.
Inspection Form
Inactivation and Reassignment Forms
Colorado Water Quality Control Division Notice of Termination
Construction Stormwater Inactivation Notice
Page 1 of 2 form last revised May 2010
Print or type all information. All items must be filled out completely and correctly. If the form is not complete, it
will be returned. All permit terminations dates are effective on the date approved by the Division.
Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment
Water Quality Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Dr South, WQCD-P-B2
Denver, CO 80246-1530
PART A. IDENTIFICATION OF PERMIT Please write the permit certification number to be terminated
Permit Certification Number (four digits, not “0000”): COR03 __ __ __ __
Company Name
Mailing Address
City State Zip code
Legal Contact Name Phone number
Title Email
Facility/Project Name
Location (address)
City County Zip code
Local Contact Name Phone number
Title Email
Page 2 of 2 form last revised May 2010
One of the criteria (1,2, or 3) below must be met, the appropriate box checked, and the required
additional information provided. Part E includes a certification that the criteria indicated has been met.
1: FINALLY STABILIZED OR CONSTRUCTION NOT STARTED - The permitted activities covered under the
certification listed in Part A meet the requirements for FINAL STABILIZATION in accordance with the permit, the
Stormwater Management Plan, and as described below. This criterion should also be selected if construction was never
started and no land was disturbed, and an explanation of this condition provided in the description below.
Final stabilization is reached when: all ground surface disturbing activities at the site have been completed including
removal of all temporary erosion and sediment control measure, and uniform vegetative cover has been established with
an individual plant density of at least 70 percent of predisturbance levels, or equivalent permanent, physical erosion
reduction methods have been employed.
REQUIRED - Describe the methods used to meet the final stabilization c described above (include additional pages if
2: ALTERNATIVE PERMIT COVERAGE OR FULL REASSIGNMENT - All ongoing construction activities,
including all disturbed areas, covered under the permit certification listed in Part A have coverage under a separate CDPS
stormwater construction permit, including the permit certification issued when Division’s Reassignment Form was used
by the permittee to reassign all areas/activities.
REQUIRED – Provide the permit certification number covering the ongoing activities: COR03 __ __ __ __
3: PERMITTEE IS NO LONGER THE OWNER/OPERATOR of the site and all efforts have been made to transfer
the permit to appropriate parties. Please attach copies of registered mail receipt, letters, etc.
One of the three criteria above MUST BE CHECKED and the required information for that criterion
provided, or this form will not be processed and the permit will remain active.
PART E. CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE (Required for all Termination Requests)
I understand that by submitting this notice of inactivation, I am no longer authorized to discharge stormwater associated with
construction activity by the general permit. I understand that discharging pollutants in stormwater associated with construction
activities to the waters of the State of Colorado, where such discharges are not authorized by a CDPS permit, is unlawful under
the Colorado Water Quality Control Act and the Clean Water Act.
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted herein, and based
on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true,
accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility
of fine and imprisonment. (See 18 U.S.C 1001 and 33 U.S.C. 1319.)
I also certify that I am a duly authorized representative of the permittee named in Part B.
Signature of Legally Responsible Party Date Signed
Name (printed) Title
Signatory requirements: This form shall be signed, dated, and certified for accuracy by the permittee in accordance with the following criteria:
1. In the case of a corporation, by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president, or his or her duly authorized representative, if such
representative is responsible for the overall operation of the operation from which the discharge described herein originates;
2. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner;
3. In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor;
4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public operation, by wither a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or other duly authorized
For Agency Use Only
Permit Number Assigned
Date Received ____/____/____
Month Day Year
Please print or type. Original signatures are required. This application must be considered complete by the Division prior to initiation
of permit processing. The Division will notify the applicant if additional information is needed to complete the application. If more space is
required to answer any question, please attach additional sheets to the application form. Applications must be mailed or delivered to:
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Water Quality Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530
**Part I of the application beginning below is to be filled out by the new permit applicant that will be assuming permitting
liability for the reassigned portion of the original applicant’s site.
**Part II of the application, starting on page 3 of the form, is to be completed by the current permittee.
Both Parts I (pages 1-4) and II (page 5) must be completed.
EXISTING CERT **__________________ (from Part II)
PART I - To be completed by the New permit applicant:
I hereby accept the reassignment of permit coverage for the area described in this application. I have reviewed the terms and
conditions of this permit and the Stormwater Management Plan and accept full responsibility, coverage and liability
REASSIGNMENT WILL BE EFFECTIVE _____________________________
Applicant is : Property Owner Contractor/Operator
*PERMITTEE (If more than one please add additional pages)
1) *PERMITTEE the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all
permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit.
Responsible Position (Title): ___________________________________________
Currently Held By Person):___________________________________________________________
Telephone No:__________________________________ email address__________________________________
Mailing Address:
City:_ State: Zip:
This form must be signed by the Permittee to be considered complete.
Per Regulation 61 In all cases, it shall be signed as follows:
a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible
corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the
application originates.
b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner.
c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor.
d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official
Application Part 1 page 1of 4 updated 4/2011
2) DMR COGNIZANT OFFICIAL (i.e. authorized agent) the person or position authorized to sign and certify reports required by the
Division including Discharge Monitoring Reports *DMR’s, Annual Reports, Compliance Schedule submittals, and other information
requested by the Division. The Division will transmit pre-printed reports (ie. DMR’s) to this person. If more than one, please add
additional pages. Same As 1) Permittee
Responsible Position (Title):____________________________________________________
Currently Held By (Person):__________________________________________________
Telephone No:_______________________________ email address____________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________
City:_ State: Zip: _______________________
Per Regulation 61 : All reports required by permits, and other information requested by the Division shall be signed by the
permittee or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: (i) The
authorization is made in writing by the permittee
(ii) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated
facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent
responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly
authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position); and
(iii) The written authorization is submitted to the Division
3) *SITE CONTACT local contact for questions relating to the facility & discharge authorized by this permit for the facility.
Same As 1) Permittee
Responsible Position (Title):____________________________________________________
Currently Held By (Person):__________________________________________________
Telephone No:_______________________________ email address____________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________
City:_ State: Zip: _______________________
4) * BILLING CONTACT if different than the permittee
Responsible Position (Title):____________________________________________________
Currently Held By (Person):__________________________________________________
Telephone No:_______________________________ email address____________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________
City:_ State: Zip: _______________________
5) OTHER (Please describe)_____________________________________________________
Responsible Position (Title):____________________________________________________
Currently Held By (Person):__________________________________________________
Telephone No:_______________________________ email address____________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________
City:_ State: Zip: _______________________
Application Part 1 page 2 of 4 updated 4/2011
B. Permitted Project/Facility Information
Project/Facility Name
Street Address or cross streets
City, Zip Code
Facility Latitude/Longitude— (approximate center of site to nearest 15 seconds using one of following formats
001A Latitude . Longitude . (e.g., 39.703°, 104.933°’)
degrees (to 3 decimal places) degrees (to 3 decimal places)
001A Latitude º ’ " Longitude º ’ " (e.g., 39°46'11"N, 104°53'11"W)
degrees minutes seconds degrees minutes seconds
C. MAP (Attachment)
Map: Attach a map that indicates the site location and that CLEARLY shows the boundaries of the area that will
be disturbed. Maps must be no larger than 11x17 inches.
Legal description: If subdivided, provide the legal description below, or indicate that it is not applicable (do not
supply Township/Range/Section or metes and bounds description of site)
Subdivision(s): Lot(s): Block(s):
□ Not applicable (site has not been subdivided)
Total area of project site (acres):
Area of project site to undergo disturbance (acres):
Total disturbed area of Larger Common Plan of Development or Sale, if applicable:
(i.e., total, including all phases, filings, lots, and infrastructure not covered by this application)
Check the appropriate box(s) or provide a brief description that indicates the general nature of the construction
activities. (The full description of activities must be included in the Stormwater Management Plan.)
□ Single Family Residential Development
□ Multi-Family Residential Development
□ Commercial Development
□ Oil and Gas Production and/or Exploration
(including pad sites and associated infrastructure)
□ Highway/Road Development
(not including roadways associated with commercial or residential development)
□ Other, Describe:
Construction Start Date: Final Stabilization Date:
Application Part 1 page 3 of 4 updated 4/2011
Application Part 1 page 4 of 4 updated 4/2011
(If discharge is to a ditch or storm sewer, include the name of the ultimate receiving waters)
Immediate Receiving Water(s):
Ultimate Receiving Water(s):
I. REQUIRED SIGNATURES (Both parts i. and ii. must be signed)
Signature of Applicant: The applicant must be either the owner and/or operator of the construction site.
Refer to Part B of the instructions for additional information. The application must be signed by the
applicant to be considered complete. In all cases, it shall be signed as follows:
a) In the case of corporations, by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president or
his or her duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for the overall
operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates.
b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner.
c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor.
d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer,
ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee if such representative is responsible for
the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the form originates.
STOP!:A Stormwater Management Plan must be completed prior to signing the following certifications!
i. Stormwater Management Plan Certification
“I certify under penalty of law that a complete Stormwater Management Plan, as described in Appendix A of this
application, has been prepared for my activity. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the
system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Stormwater Management Plan is,
to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for falsely certifying the completion of said SWMP, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.”
Signature of Legally Responsible Person or Authorized Agent (submission must include original signature) Date Signed
Name (printed) Title
ii. Signature of Permit Legal Contact
“I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this
application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for
obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment.
“I understand that submittal of this application is for coverage under the State of Colorado General Permit for
Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity for the entirety of the construction site/project
described and applied for, until such time as the application is amended or the certification is transferred,
inactivated, or expired.”
Signature of Legally Responsible Person (submission must include original signature) Date Signed
Name (printed Title
Application Part 2 page 1 of 1 updated 4/2011
Company Name:
Legally Responsible Person: First Name: Last Name:
Mailing Address:
City, State and Zip Code:
Email Address:
Name of Plan, Project or Development:
Latitude and Longitude (approximate center of site to nearest 15 seconds using one of following formats):
Latitude: Longitude: (e.g., 39°42’11’’, 104°55’57’’)
degrees /minutes/ seconds
degrees/ minutes/ seconds
Latitude: Longitude: (e.g., 39.703°, 104.933’)
degrees (to 3 decimal places) degrees (to 3 decimal places)
3. MAP (Attachment)
Map: Attach a map that indicates the site location and that CLEARLY shows the boundaries of the area that will be retained under this
current certification. Maps must be no larger than 11x17 inches.
Check the appropriate box(s) or provide a brief description that indicates the general nature of the construction activities. (The full
description of activities must be included in the Stormwater Management Plan.)
□ Single Family Residential Development
□ Multi-Family Residential Development
□ Commercial Development
□ Other, Describe:
9. REQUIRED SIGNATURES Certification for Reassignment
“I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in Part II of this application
and all attachments in reference to Part II and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the
information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that thereare significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment.
“As the permittee currently covered by the above-referenced certification, I hereby agree to reassign the permit coverage for the area and
activity described in Items I.b. and I.c., and all responsibilities thereof, from the above-referenced permit certification to the new permittee
listed in Part I of this form.”
Signature of Legally Responsible Person (submission must include original ink signature) Date Signed
Name (printed) Title
Soil Information
Custom Soil Resource Report
Soil Map
4492010 4492020 4492030 4492040 4492050 4492060
4492010 4492020 4492030 4492040 4492050 4492060
493820 493830 493840 493850 493860 493870 493880 493890 493900
493820 493830 493840 493850 493860 493870 493880 493890 493900
40° 34' 45'' N
105° 4' 23'' W
40° 34' 45'' N
105° 4' 19'' W
40° 34' 43'' N
105° 4' 23'' W
40° 34' 43'' N
105° 4' 19'' W
Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 13N WGS84
0 20 40 80 120
0 5 10 20 30
Map Scale: 1:428 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet.
Area of Interest (AOI)
Area of Interest (AOI)
Soil Map Unit Polygons
Soil Map Unit Lines
Soil Map Unit Points
Special Point Features
Borrow Pit
Clay Spot
Closed Depression
Gravel Pit
Gravelly Spot
Lava Flow
Marsh or swamp
Mine or Quarry
Miscellaneous Water
Perennial Water
Rock Outcrop
Saline Spot
Sandy Spot
Severely Eroded Spot
Slide or Slip
Sodic Spot
Spoil Area
Stony Spot
Very Stony Spot
Wet Spot
Special Line Features
Water Features
Streams and Canals
Interstate Highways
US Routes
Major Roads
Local Roads
Aerial Photography
The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000.
Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale.
Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause
misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line
placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting
soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale.
Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map
Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov
Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857)
Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator
projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts
distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the
Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate
calculations of distance or area are required.
This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of
Map Unit Legend
Larimer County Area, Colorado (CO644)
Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI
35 Fort Collins loam, 0 to 3 percent
0.3 100.0%
Totals for Area of Interest 0.3 100.0%
Map Unit Descriptions
The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils
or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the
maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit.
A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more
major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named
according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic
class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape,
however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability
of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend
beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic
class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic
classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas
for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes
other than those of the major soils.
Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the
map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called
noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a
particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties
and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different
management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally
are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used.
Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified
by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the
contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with
some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been
observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially
where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations
to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape.
The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness
or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic
classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that
have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments
on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If
intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to
define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas.
Custom Soil Resource Report
An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each
description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties
and qualities.
Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for
differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons
that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement.
Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity,
degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such
differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the
detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly
indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0
to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series.
Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas.
These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups.
A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate
pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The
pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all
areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example.
An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or
miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or
anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical
or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and
relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-
Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that
could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar
interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of
the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be
made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up
of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material
and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example.
Custom Soil Resource Report
Larimer County Area, Colorado
35—Fort Collins loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes
Map Unit Setting
National map unit symbol: 2tlnc
Elevation: 4,020 to 6,730 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 14 to 16 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 46 to 48 degrees F
Frost-free period: 143 to 154 days
Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated
Map Unit Composition
Fort collins and similar soils: 85 percent
Minor components: 15 percent
Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit.
Description of Fort Collins
Landform: Interfluves
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Linear
Parent material: Pleistocene or older alluvium derived from igneous, metamorphic
and sedimentary rock and/or eolian deposits
Typical profile
Ap - 0 to 4 inches: loam
Bt1 - 4 to 9 inches: clay loam
Bt2 - 9 to 16 inches: clay loam
Bk1 - 16 to 29 inches: loam
Bk2 - 29 to 80 inches: loam
Properties and qualities
Slope: 0 to 3 percent
Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches
Natural drainage class: Well drained
Runoff class: Low
Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high
(0.20 to 2.00 in/hr)
Depth to water table: More than 80 inches
Frequency of flooding: None
Frequency of ponding: None
Calcium carbonate, maximum in profile: 12 percent
Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline (0.1 to 1.0 mmhos/cm)
Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 0.5
Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.1 inches)
Interpretive groups
Land capability classification (irrigated): 2e
Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4c
Hydrologic Soil Group: C
Ecological site: Loamy Plains (R067BY002CO)
Custom Soil Resource Report
Minor Components
Percent of map unit: 10 percent
Landform: Terraces
Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Linear
Ecological site: Loamy Plains (R067BY002CO)
Percent of map unit: 5 percent
Landform: Interfluves
Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope, footslope
Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope, base slope
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Linear
Ecological site: Sandy Plains (R067BY024CO)
Custom Soil Resource Report
760 Whalers Way Bldg C, Suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 ideas@tstinc.com
970.226.0557 main 303.595.9103 metro 970.226.0204 fax www.tstinc.com
the version date(s) listed below.
Soil Survey Area: Larimer County Area, Colorado
Survey Area Data: Version 10, Sep 22, 2015
Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000
or larger.
Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 22, 2011—Apr 28,
The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were
compiled and digitized probably differs from the background
imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting
of map unit boundaries may be evident.
Custom Soil Resource Report
degrades into a CERCLA hazardous substance in an amount that equals or exceeds the reportable
quantity for the newly formed CERCLA hazardous substance.
(slowly degrading)
1.5:1 (H:V) ≤0.25 @
2.00 lbs/ft2
(96 Pa)
100 lbs/ft
(1.45 kN/m) 24 months
Erosion Control
Blankets & Open
Weave Textiles
1:1 (H:V) ≤0.25 @
2.25 lbs/ft2
(108 Pa)
125 lbs/ft
(1.82 kN/m) 36 months
* C Factor and shear stress for mulch control nettings must be obtained with netting used in conjunction
with pre-applied mulch material. (See Section 5.3 of Chapter 7 Construction BMPs for more information
on the C Factor.)
1 Minimum Average Roll Values, Machine direction using ECTC Mod. ASTM D 5035.
2 C Factor calculated as ratio of soil loss from RECP protected slope (tested at specified or greater
gradient, H:V) to ratio of soil loss from unprotected (control) plot in large-scale testing.
3 Required minimum shear stress RECP (unvegetated) can sustain without physical damage or excess
erosion (> 12.7 mm (0.5 in) soil loss) during a 30-minute flow event in large-scale testing.
4 The permissible shear stress levels established for each performance category are based on historical
experience with products characterized by Manning's roughness coefficients in the range of 0.01 - 0.05.
5 Acceptable large-scale test methods may include ASTM D 6459, or other independent testing deemed
acceptable by the engineer.
6 Per the engineer’s discretion. Recommended acceptable large-scale testing protocol may include ASTM
D 6460, or other independent testing deemed acceptable by the engineer.