HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARMONY 23 - FDP - FDP170010 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) REPORTKumar & Associates, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY ........................................................................................... 3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 3 SITE CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 4 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................... 4 LABORATORY TESTING ............................................................................................................. 6 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................. 7 SITE GRADING AND EARTHWORK ........................................................................................... 8 SPREAD FOOTINGS FOUNDATIONS ...................................................................................... 12 DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................................ 13 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA ..................................................................................................... 18 FLOOR SLABS ........................................................................................................................... 18 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ................................................................................................ 22 UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 24 SURFACE DRAINAGE ............................................................................................................... 25 WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES .................................................................................................. 26 PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGN ............................................................................................ 27 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES .......................................................... 30 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 31 FIG. 1 – LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 2 – LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 3 – LEGEND AND NOTES FIGS 4 TO 8 - SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 9 & 10 – GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 11 – CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM FOR SUBSLAB FILL ZONES TABLE I – SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX A -- DARWIN™ PAVEMENT DESIGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B – EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Kumar & Associates, Inc. SUMMARY 1. The field exploration program for the project was performed on September 19, 2016. Six (6) exploratory borings were drilled at the general locations shown on Fig.1 to explore subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. Logs of the exploratory borings are presented on Fig. 2 and a legend and explanatory notes is presented on Fig. 3. Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings generally consisted of a few inches of topsoil containing rooted matter underlain at four boring locations and by existing fill and from the ground surface at two locations by native cohesive and granular soils extending to the full depths explored of approximately 25, feet or to bedrock at depths ranging from about 6.5 to 19.5 feet. Where encountered the existing fill extended to depths ranging from approximately 0.5 feet to 4 feet below the ground surface. The existing fill generally consisted of slightly moist to moist, brown lean clay with sand to sandy lean clay with a fine to coarse sand fraction. The horizontal and vertical limits along with the consistency of the fill were not determined during this study. Based on sampler penetration resistance blow counts the consistency of the fill appeared to be highly variable, suggesting the fill was not placed under controlled conditions. Native cohesive soils extending to depths ranging from about 4.5 feet to 24 feet were encountered beneath the existing fill or from the ground surface. The native cohesive soils generally consisted of slightly moist to moist, brown, lean clay to lean clay with sand to isolated fat clay. Native granular soils consisted of wet, tan, fine to coarse grained silty sand to poorly-graded sand with gravel were encountered beneath the cohesive soils in Boring 2 through 5 and extended to the full depths explored of about 25 feet in Borings 3 and 4 and to bedrock of depths of about 19 feet and 19.5 feet in Borings 2 and 5. The native granular soils contained isolated to occasional coarse gravel and cobbles. Based on sampler penetration resistance, the native cohesive soils ranged from medium to stiff to occasionally soft or very stiff, and the native granular soils were generally medium dense to occasionally very loose to loose. The claystone bedrock was, moist to wet and gray to brown. Based on sampler penetration resistance values, the claystone bedrock ranged from firm to very hard. Groundwater was encountered in Borings 2 through 5 during drilling at depths ranging from about 3 feet to 23 feet below ground surface; groundwater was not encountered in Borings 1 and 6. Stabilized groundwater levels were measured in all borings seven days after drilling at depths ranging from about 1.5 feet to 20.5 feet. Generally, stabilized groundwater depths were shallowest near the Box Elder ditch, ranging from about 1.5 feet to 12 feet in Borings 2, 3 and 5, and deepest along the east side of the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch, ranging from about 14.5 feet to 20.5 feet. 2. Based on the data obtained during the field and laboratory studies, we recommend straight-shaft piers drilled into the bedrock be used to support the proposed twins 5-story buildings. Piers should be designed for an allowable end bearing pressure of 30,000 psf and an allowable skin friction of 3,000 psf for the portion of pier penetration into bedrock. Piers should also be designed for a minimum dead load pressure of 15,000 psf calculated as the unfactored dead load applied to the pier cross sectional area. Piers should be drilled to a minimum of 10 feet of penetration of the underlying competent bedrock. 2 Kumar & Associates, Inc. We recommend that the 12-plex, 25-plex, garages, and recreation center buildings be founded on spread footings placed on undisturbed and/or properly compacted structural fill. Footings placed on the undisturbed natural soils or compacted structural fill extending to natural soils should be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf 3. Slab-on-grade floors may be feasible provided the slabs are underlain by a minimum 8- foot-thick zone of non- to low-swelling compacted structural fill and the increased risk of distress resulting from slab movement is accepted by the owner. Placing a zone of non- expansive to low-swelling material beneath slab-on-grade floors will require sub- excavation and backfilling the upper portion of the excavation with imported structural fill. A perimeter underdrain system should extend below the base of the subslab fill zone. 4. Based on this procedure, flexible pavements for light-duty pavement areas should consist of 6.0 inches of full-depth asphalt, or, alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 4.5 inches of asphalt over 6.0 inches of compacted aggregate base course material. Flexible pavements for heavy-duty pavement areas should consist of 7.5 inches of full-depth asphalt, or, alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 8.0 inches of asphalt over 8.5 inches of compacted aggregate base course material. 3 Kumar & Associates, Inc. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a geotechnical engineering study performed by Kumar & Associates for the proposed Harmony 23 Development to be constructed at the intersection of Harmony Road and Strauss Cabin Road in Fort Collins, Colorado. The project site is shown on Fig 1. The study was conducted in accordance with the scope of work in our Proposal No. P- 16-657 to Terra Development Group dated September 14, 2016. A field exploration program consisting of 6 exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Samples of the soils and bedrock materials obtained during the field exploration program were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing program were analyzed to develop recommendations for use in design and construction of the proposed facility. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing are presented herein. A previous geotechnical subsurface exploration program was performed for the project by Earth Engineering Consultants (EEC). The results of that program were presented under their Job Number: 1152123 in a report dated January 14, 2016. Data from that study is included in Appendix B. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obtained during this study and to present our conclusions and recommendations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. Design parameters and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations related to construction of the proposed facility are included herein. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand the project will include twelve 3-story multi-unit buildings, nine 5-car garages, two 2-story apartment buildings with several additional garage units, two 5-story twin office buildings, a single–story community clubhouse, and paved driveways and parking areas. We understand that the maximum wall and column loads will range from light to moderately heavy. The project will include detention/water quality ponds near the eastern limits of the project. If the proposed construction varies significantly from that described above or depicted in this report, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations provided in this report. 4 Kumar & Associates, Inc. SITE CONDITIONS The project site is a roughly triangular property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Harmony Road and Strauss Cabin Road (South County Road 7) and east of the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch. The site is bounded on the north by Harmony Road, on the east by Strauss Cabin Road, on the west by Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch and on the south by residential buildings. The site is vegetated with native grasses and is bisected by the Box Elder drainage ditch, which flows from south to north across the site. The site is essentially flat with an overall relief of approximately 5 feet. The Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch was observed to be flowing during the field exploration program. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The field exploration program for the project was performed on September 19, 2016. Six exploratory borings were drilled to depths of approximately 25 feet below ground surface at the approximate locations shown on Fig.1 to explore subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. Logs of the exploratory borings are presented on Fig. 2 along with a legend and explanatory notes. The borings were advanced through the overburden soils and into the underlying bedrock, where encountered, with 4-inch diameter continuous flight augers. The borings were logged by a representative of Kumar & Associates, Inc. Samples of the soils and bedrock materials were obtained with a 2-inch I.D. California liner sampler. The sampler was driven into the various strata with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. This sampling procedure is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D1586. Penetration resistance values, when properly evaluated, indicate the relative density or consistency of the soils. Depths at which the samples were obtained and the penetration resistance values are shown adjacent to the boring logs on Fig. 2. Subsurface Soil and Bedrock Conditions: Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings generally consisted of a few inches of topsoil containing rooted matter underlain at four boring locations and by existing fill and from the ground surface at two locations by native cohesive and granular soils extending to the full depths explored of approximately 25, feet or to bedrock at depths ranging from about 6.5 to 19.5 feet. 5 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Where encountered the existing fill extended to depths ranging from approximately 0.5 feet to 5 feet below the ground surface. The existing fill generally consisted of slightly moist to moist, brown lean clay with sand to sandy lean clay with a fine to coarse sand fraction. The horizontal and vertical limits along with the consistency of the fill were not determined during this study. Based on sampler penetration resistance blow counts the consistency of the fill appeared to be highly variable, suggesting the fill was not placed under controlled conditions. Native cohesive soils extending to depths ranging from about 4.5 feet to 24 feet were encountered beneath the existing fill or from the ground surface. The native cohesive soils generally consisted of slightly moist to moist, brown, lean clay to lean clay with sand to isolated fat clay. Native granular soils consisted of wet, tan, fine to coarse grained silty sand to poorly- graded sand with gravel were encountered beneath the cohesive soils in Boring 2 through 5 and extended to the full depths explored of about 25 feet in Borings 3 and 4 and to bedrock of depths of about 19 feet and 19.5 feet in Borings 2 and 5. The native granular soils contained isolated to occasional coarse gravel and cobbles. Based on sampler penetration resistance, the native cohesive soils ranged from medium to stiff to occasionally soft or very stiff, and the native granular soils were generally medium dense to occasionally very loose to loose. The claystone bedrock was, moist to wet and gray to brown. Based on sampler penetration resistance values, the claystone bedrock ranged from firm to very hard. Groundwater Conditions: Groundwater was encountered in Borings 2 through 5 during drilling at depths ranging from about 3 feet to 23 feet below ground surface; groundwater was not encountered in Borings 1 and 6. Stabilized groundwater levels were measured in all borings seven days after drilling at depths ranging from about 1.5 feet to 20.5 feet. Generally, stabilized groundwater depths were shallowest near the Box Elder ditch, ranging from about 1.5 feet to 12 feet in Borings 2, 3 and 5, and deepest along the east side of the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch, ranging from about 14.5 feet to 20.5 feet. Fluctuation in groundwater levels are likely dependent on water levels in the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch and the Box Else Ditch, although the depth to groundwater near the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch, which was flowing at the time of our measurements, suggest a limited contribution from that source to site groundwater. 6 Kumar & Associates, Inc. LABORATORY TESTING Samples obtained from the exploratory borings were visually classified in the laboratory by the project engineer and samples were selected for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing included index property tests, such as moisture content (ASTM D2216), dry unit weight, grain size analysis (ASTM D422) and liquid and plastic limits (ASTM D4318). Swell-consolidation tests (ASTM D4546, Method B) were conducted on several samples to determine the compressibility or swell characteristics under loading and when submerged in water. The percentage of water soluble sulfates was determined in general accordance with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) CP-L 2103. The results of laboratory tests performed on selected samples obtained from the borings are shown to the right of the logs on Fig. 2, plotted graphically on Figs. 4 to 10, and are summarized in Table 1. Swell-Consolidation: Swell-consolidation tests were conducted on samples of the natural lean clay soils and bedrock in order to determine their compressibility and swell characteristics under loading and when submerged in water. Each sample was prepared and placed in a confining ring between porous discs, subjected to a surcharge pressure of 1,000 psf, and allowed to consolidate before being submerged. The sample height was monitored until deformation practically ceased under each load increment. Results of the swell-consolidation tests are presented on Figs. 4 through 8 as plots of the curve of the final strain at each increment of pressure against the log of the pressure. Based on the results of the laboratory swell-consolidation testing, the natural lean clay and claystone bedrock soil samples exhibited low to moderate swell potential when wetted under surcharge pressures of 1,000 psf. EEC tested similar samples of the natural cohesive soils and bedrock. Based on the results of the laboratory tested swell-consolidation testing performed by EEC, the natural lean clay and claystone bedrock soil samples exhibited low to moderate swell potential when wetted under surcharge pressures of 150 psf and 200 psf. Index Properties: Samples were classified into categories of similar engineering properties in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. This system is based on index properties, including liquid limit and plasticity index and grain size distribution. Values for moisture content, dry density, liquid limit and plasticity index, and the percent of soil passing the U.S. No. 4 and No. 200 sieves are presented in Table I and adjacent to the corresponding sample on the boring logs. Results of gradation tests area presented on Figs. 9 and 10. 7 Kumar & Associates, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS Based on the data from the field exploration and laboratory testing programs, the primary site considerations are the presence of variable depths of undocumented fill, near-surface moisture- sensitive native soils, isolated to occasional soft or loose native soils, and very shallow to shallow groundwater conditions over portions of the site. Shallow spread footing foundations and slab-on-grade construction should be feasible with proper subgrade preparation and raising site grades for building pads to an appropriate height above design groundwater levels, where necessary. Raising grades in pavement areas may also be necessary in places to avoid loss of pavement support due to saturated subgrade conditions. In absence of placement records, the existing fill should be considered unsuitable for support of foundations, floor slabs, and settlement- or heave-sensitive flatwork and pavements. Subgrade preparation in areas of existing fill should include complete removal of the existing fills in those situations and replacement with structural fill. For areas of flatwork and pavement that may be able to tolerate some settlement- or heave-related movement, a partial removal and replacement option may be considered provided the owner understands and accepts the risk of potentially unacceptable post-construction movement. The near-surface native cohesive soils exhibited generally low swell potential or additional compression upon wetting, although one sample of sandy lean clay exhibited a moderate to high potential for collapse. Shallow foundations and soil-supported slabs underlain by these moisture-sensitive soils will be at risk of variable heave-related total and differential movement should these soils experience post-construction increases in moisture content. This is particularly true of lightly loaded floor slabs. Mitigation of the risk of post-construction movement can be accomplished by replacing the native soils to a specific depth below the bottom of footings and floor slabs with a zone of structural fill consisting moisture-conditioned, non- to low-swelling on-site native soils or imported fill. Shallow groundwater will affect excavations, site grading activities, foundation and slab support, and pavement subgrade support. Excavations extending to or below groundwater will require temporary dewatering to facilitate excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of compacted fill, and permanent dewatering would be necessary where the subgrade level of floor slabs, exterior flatwork and pavements is within 2 feet of the design groundwater level, which could be higher than the stabilized groundwater levels shown on the boring logs on Fig. 2. 8 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Permanent dewatering would require permitting by the Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, which may require treatment of collected groundwater prior to discharge. Areas of loose to very loose soils are present across the site. Proposed buildings with 4-stories or more should be supported on drilled piers in order to prevent unacceptable settlements. SITE GRADING AND EARTHWORK Ideally, existing fills should be completely removed and overexcavated areas backfilled with compacted fill meeting the material and compaction criteria presented in this section. As discussed in specific sections of this report, the owner may elect to partially remove and replace existing fills in areas such as hardscape and pavements that can tolerate movement possibly in excess of normal tolerances. Temporary Excavations: We assume that the temporary excavations will be constructed by over-excavating the slopes to a stable configuration where enough space is available. All excavations should be constructed in accordance with OSHA requirements, as well as state, local and other applicable requirements. Site excavations will encounter existing fill native lean clays, native granular soils and claystone to siltstone to sandstone bedrock. The existing fill and native granular soils will classify as OSHA Type C soils. The native lean clay soil and the bedrock will generally classify as Type A soil, although fractured or weakly-cemented bedrock may classify as Type B and, in some cases, Type C soils depending on the degree of fracturing and cementation and on presence of groundwater seepage. Excavations encountering groundwater could require much flatter side slopes than those allowed by OSHA or temporary shoring. Areas where insufficient lateral space exists may also require temporary shoring. Surface water runoff into the excavations can act to erode and potentially destabilize the excavation side slopes and result in soft or excessively loose ground conditions at the base of the excavation, and should not be allowed. Diversion berms and other measures should be used to prevent surface water runoff into the excavations from occurring. If significant runoff into the excavations does occur, further excavation to remove and replace the soft or loose subgrade materials or stabilize the slopes may be required. 9 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Excavation Dewatering: Excavations extending below groundwater should be properly dewatered prior to and during the excavation process to help maintain the stability of the excavation side slopes and stable subgrade conditions for foundation and slab construction. Selection of a dewatering system should be the responsibility of the contractor. Dewatering quantities will depend on excavation size, water table drawdown, and soil permeability. Based on gradation test results, the natural soils are anticipated to be of moderately permeable for the native cohesive soils and highly permeable for the native granular soils. Accordingly, relatively large dewatering quantities should be anticipated at the site. We are available to provide estimates of ranges of dewatering quantities for given excavation configurations based on soil gradation characteristics. Dewatering systems should also be properly designed to prevent piping and removal of soil particles which could have damaging effects. The construction dewatering systems should be capable of intercepting groundwater before it can reach the face of excavation side slopes, and to maintain a groundwater level at least 2 feet below the bottom of the excavation. Dewatering should continue until construction and associated backfilling extends above the ground water table. Fill Material: Unless specifically modified in the preceding sections of this report, the following recommended material and compaction requirements are presented for fill materials on the project site. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should evaluate the suitability of all proposed fill materials for the project prior to placement. 1. Moisture-Stabilized Fill: Fill used for site grading and beneath exterior flatwork and pavements that are not movement sensitive may consist of properly compacted, moisture conditioned, on-site materials provided the swell potential of those materials when remolded to 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at optimum moisture content and wetted under a 200 psf surcharge pressure does not exceed 2%. 2. Structural Fill: Structural fill placed beneath spread footings, floor slabs and movement sensitive exterior flatwork and pavement should consist of on-site moisture- conditions native soils or an imported, low permeability, non- to low-swelling material meeting the following requirements: 10 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Maximum 70 Liquid Limit Maximum 35 Plasticity Index Maximum 15 Imported fill source materials for structural fill not meeting the above liquid limit and plasticity index criteria may be acceptable (provided the minimum percentage passing the No. 200 sieve is satisfied) provided they meet the swell criteria in Item 4 below. Evaluation of potential structural fill sources, particularly those not meeting the above liquid limit and plasticity index criteria for imported fill materials, should include determination of laboratory moisture-density relationships and swell-consolidation tests on remolded samples prior to acceptance. 3. Utility Trench Backfill: Materials other than claystone excavated from the utility trenches may be used for trench backfill above the pipe zone fill provided they do not contain unsuitable material or particles larger than 4 inches and can be placed and compacted as recommended herein. 4. Material Suitability: Unless otherwise defined herein, all fill material should be a non- to low-swelling, free of claystone, vegetation, brush, sod, trash and debris, and other deleterious substances, and should not contain rocks or lumps having a diameter of more than 6 inches. Unless otherwise defined herein, a structural fill material generally should be considered non- to low-swelling if the swell potential under a 200 psf surcharge pressure does not exceed 0.5% when a sample remolded to 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at optimum moisture content is wetted. Compaction Requirements: We recommend the following compaction criteria be used on the project: 1. Moisture Content: Fill materials should be compacted at moisture contents within 2 percentage points of the optimum moisture content for predominantly granular materials and between optimum and 3 percentage points above optimum for predominantly cohesive materials. The contractor should be aware that the clay materials, including on-site and imported materials, may become somewhat unstable and deform under wheel loads if placed near the upper end of the moisture range. 11 Kumar & Associates, Inc. 2. Placement and Degree of Compaction: Site grading fill and structural fill should be placed in maximum 8-inch-thick lifts. The following compaction criteria should be followed during construction: Percentage of Maximum Standard Proctor Density Fill Location (ASTM D698) Adjacent to Foundations .................................................................................. 95% Beneath Spread Footing Foundations ............................................................. 95% Beneath Retaining Wall Foundations ............................................................... 95% Wall Backfill Upper 8 Feet of Backfill .............................................................................. 95% Backfill Deeper than 8 Feet ....................................................................... 98%1 Beneath Floor Slabs, Exterior Flatwork and Pavements Fill less than 8 Feet thick ........................................................................... 95% Fill more than 8 Feet Thick ....................................................................... 98% Utility Trenches ............................................................................................... 95% Landscape and Other Areas ............................................................................ 95% 1 Some difficulty could be encountered achieving adequate compaction with small equipment to avoid exerting excessive compaction stresses on walls. 3. Subgrade Preparation: Prior to placing site grading fill and structural fill, the upper 12 inches of the subgrade soils at the base of the fill zone should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at moisture contents between optimum and 3 percentage points above optimum moisture content. All other areas to receive new fill not specifically addressed herein should be scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches and recompacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density at moisture contents recommended above. Excessive wetting and drying of excavations and prepared subgrade areas should be avoided during construction. 12 Kumar & Associates, Inc. SPREAD FOOTINGS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend that the buildings less than 4-stoyies in height be founded on spread footings placed on suitable undisturbed native soils or structural fill extending to undisturbed native soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. The construction details should be considered when preparing project documents. 1. Footings should bear on suitable undisturbed native soils or structural fill extending to undisturbed native soils. Existing fills or areas of loose, soft, or disturbed material encountered within the foundation excavation should be removed and replaced with structural fill meeting the material and placement criteria in the “Site Grading and Earthwork” section of this report. 2. Footings supported as recommended herein should be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The allowable bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for transient loads. Footings should also be designed for a minimum soil bearing pressure of 800 psf. 3. Spread footings placed on native soils or compacted structural fil should have a minimum footing width of 16 inches for continuous footings, and 24 inches for isolated pads. 4. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 30 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. 5. Based on experience we estimate total settlement for footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be 1 inches or less. 6. The lateral resistance of a spread footing will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.30. Passive pressure against the sides of the 13 Kumar & Associates, Inc. footings can be calculated using equivalent fluid density of 185 pcf. The above values are working values. 7. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. 8. Fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should consist of material meeting the material and placement criteria for structural fill procedures in the “Site Grading and Earthwork” section of this report. 9. Granular foundation soils should be densified with a smooth vibratory compactor prior to placement of concrete. 10. The native fine-grained soils may pump or deform excessively under heavy construction traffic due to the high moisture content of the soils and close proximity of the groundwater table in portions of the site. The use of track-mounted construction equipment and other equipment that exert lower contact pressures than pneumatic tires should be used, and the movement of vehicles over proposed foundation areas should be restricted to help reduce this difficulty. 11. A representative of the project geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement. DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS As previously discussed in the “Geotechnical Engineering Considerations” section of this report, we recommend that building with 4 or more stories be founded on straight shaft drilled piers extending into the undying bedrock. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a straight-shaft drilled pier foundation system. The construction details should be considered when preparing project documents. 1. Piers should penetrate at least 10 feet into the bedrock and have a minimum pier length of 20 feet. 14 Kumar & Associates, Inc. 2. Piers with a minimum bedrock penetration of 10 feet should be designed for an allowable end-bearing pressure of 30,000 psf and a skin friction of 1,500 psf for the portion of the pier embedded less than 10 feet into bedrock and 3.000 psf for the portion of the pier embedded more than 10 feet into bedrock. Uplift due to structural loadings on the piers can be resisted by using 75% of the allowable skin friction value plus an allowance for pier weight. 3. Piers should also be designed for a minimum dead load pressure of 10,000 psf based on pier end area only. Application of dead load pressure is the most effective way to resist foundation movement due to swelling soils and bedrock. However, if the minimum dead load requirement cannot be achieved and the piers are spaced as far apart as practical, the pier length should be extended beyond the minimum bedrock penetration and minimum length to mitigate the dead load deficit. This can be accomplished by assuming one-half of the skin friction value given above acts in the direction to resist uplift caused by swelling soil or bedrock near the top of the pier. The owner should be aware of an increased potential for foundation movement if the recommended minimum dead load pressure is not met. 4. The lateral capacity of the piers may be analyzed using the LPILE computer program and the parameters provided in the following table. The strength criteria provided in the table are for use with that software application only and may not be appropriate for other usages. 15 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Material c (psf) ø γT ks kc ε50 Soil Type Granular structural fill/ Native Granular Soils Above Groundwater 0 34 125 90 90 ---- 1 Granular structural fill/ Native Granular Soils Below Groundwater 0 34 63* 60 60 ---- 1 Clay Structural Fill / Native Soils Above Groundwater 1,000 0 110 1,000 400 0.005 2 Clay Structural Fill / Native Soils Below Groundwater 1,000 0 53* 100 ---- 0.010 2 Bedrock 4,000 0 130 1,000 400 0.005 2 *Submerged unit weight c Cohesion intercept (pounds per square foot) Φ Angle of internal friction (degrees) γT Total unit weight (pounds per cubic foot) ks Initial static modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction (pounds per cubic inch) kc Initial cyclic modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction (pounds per cubic inch) ε 50 Strain at 50 percent of peak shear strength Soil Types: 1. Sand (Reese) 2. Stiff clay without free water 5. Closely spaced piers may require appropriate reductions of the lateral and axial capacities. Reduction in lateral load capacity may be avoided by spacing the piers at least 5 pier diameters (center to center). For axial loading, the piers should be spaced a minimum of 3 pier diameters center to center. Piers placed closer than that indicated above should be studied on an individual basis to determine the appropriate reduction in axial and lateral load design parameters. If the recommended minimum center-to-center pier spacings for lateral loading cannot be achieved, we recommend the load-displacement curve (p-y curve) for an isolated pier be modified for closely-spaced piers using p-multipliers to reduce all the p values on the curve. With this approach, the computed load carrying capacity of the pier in a group is 16 Kumar & Associates, Inc. reduced relative to the isolated pier capacity. The modified p-y curve should then be reentered into the LPILE software to calculate the pier deflection. The reduction in capacity for the leading pier, the pier leading the direction of movement of the group, is less than that for the trailing piers. For center-to-center spacing of piers in the group in the direction of loading expressed in multiples of the pier diameter, we recommend p-multipliers of 0.8 and 1.0 for pier spacing of 3 and 5 diameters, respectively, for the leading row of piers, 0.4 and 0.85 for spacings of 3 and 5 diameters, respectively, for the second row of piers, and 0.3 and 0.7 for spacings of 3 and 5 diameters, respectively, for row 3 and higher. For loading in a direction perpendicular to the row of piers, the p-multipliers are 1.0 for a spacing of 5 diameters, 0.8 for a spacing of 3 diameters, and 0.5 for a spacing of 1 diameter. P- multiplier values for other pier spacing values should be determined by interpolation. It will be necessary to determine the load distribution between the piers that attains deflection compatibility because the leading pier carries a higher proportion of the group load and the pier cap prevents differential movement between the piers. 6. Based on the results of our field exploration, laboratory testing, and our experience with similar, properly constructed drilled pier foundations, we estimate pier settlement will be low. Generally, we estimate the settlement of drilled piers will be less than 1 inch when designed according to the criteria presented herein. The settlement of closely spaced piers will be larger and should be studied on an individual basis. 7. Piers should be designed with additional reinforcement over their full length to resist an un-factored net tensile force from swelling soil pressure of least 45,000 pounds. The net tensile force is for a 1.5-foot diameter pier. For larger pier diameters, this force should be increased in proportion to the pier diameter. If the minimum dead load requirement is not met, the tensile force should be increased by the deficit between the required minimum dead load and the applied dead load. Similarly, the tensile force may be reduced if the design dead load exceeds the recommended minimum dead load. 8. A minimum 4-inch void should be provided beneath the grade beams to concentrate pier loadings. Absence of a void space will result in a reduction in dead load pressure, which could result in upward movement of the foundation system. A similar void should also be provided beneath necessary pier caps. 17 Kumar & Associates, Inc. 9. A minimum pier diameter of 18 inches is recommended to facilitate proper cleaning and observation of the pier hole. The pier length-to-diameter ratio should not exceed 30. 10. The bottom 10 feet of bedrock penetration in all pier holes should be roughened artificially to assist in the development of peripheral shear stress between the pier and the bedrock. Roughening should be accomplished installed with a grooving tool in a pattern considered appropriate by the geotechnical engineer. Horizontal grooves at 1 to 2-foot centers or helical grooves with a 1 to 2-foot pitch are acceptable patterns. Care should be taken that only the bottom 10 feet of bedrock penetration portion of the pier is roughened; roughening in the upper portion of the pier above the bottom 10 feet of the pier could increase uplift forces on the pier resulting from swelling bedrock. The specifications should allow the geotechnical engineer to eliminate the requirements for pier roughening if it appears that roughening is not beneficial. This could occur if a rough surface is provided by the drilling process or if the presence of water and/or weakly cemented materials results in a degradation of the pier hole during roughening. 11. Difficult drilling conditions may be experienced in hard to very hard bedrock. The drilled shaft contractor should mobilize equipment of sufficient size and operating condition to achieve the required bedrock penetration. A small diameter pilot hole may be required to advance auger drilling. 12. The presence of water in the exploratory borings indicates the use of temporary casing and/or dewatering equipment in the pier holes will be required to be excavate through saturated granular soils and to reduce water infiltration. Where excavation encounters cohesive soils and bedrock the requirements for casing and dewatering equipment can sometimes be reduced by placing concrete immediately upon cleaning and observing the pier hole. In no case should concrete be placed in more than 3 inches of water unless an approved tremie method is used. If water cannot be removed or prevented with the use of temporary casing and/or dewatering equipment prior to placement of concrete, the tremie method should be used after the hole has been cleaned. 13. Care should be taken that the pier shafts are not oversized at the top. Mushroomed pier tops can reduce the effective dead load pressure on the piers. Sono-Tubes or similar forming should be used at the top of the piers, as necessary, to prevent mushrooming of the top of the piers. 18 Kumar & Associates, Inc. 14. Pier holes should be properly cleaned prior to the placement of concrete. 15. Concrete used in the piers should be a fluid mix with sufficient slump so it will fill the void between reinforcing steel and the pier hole. We recommend a concrete slump in the range of 5 to 8 inches be used. 16. Concrete should be placed in piers the same day they are drilled. If water is present, concrete should be placed immediately after the pier hole is completed. Failure to place concrete the day of drilling will normally result in a requirement for additional bedrock penetration. 17. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe pier drilling operations on a full-time basis to assist in identification of adequate bedrock strata and monitor pier construction procedures. SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA The soil profile is anticipated to consist of about 25 feet or less of overburden soils underlain by relatively hard bedrock. The bedrock is considered to extend to a depth of at least 100 feet below ground surface. Overburden consisting of new structural fills and nativel soils will generally classify as International Building Code (IBC) Site Class D. The underlying bedrock generally classifies as IBC Site Class C. Based on our experience with similar profiles, including the presences of occasional soft and loose zones we recommend a design soil profile of IBC Site Class D. Based on the subsurface profile, site seismicity, and the anticipated depth of ground water, liquefaction is not a design consideration. FLOOR SLABS Floor slabs present a difficult problem where expansive materials are present near floor slab elevation because sufficient dead load cannot be imposed on them to resist the uplift pressure generated when the materials are wetted and expand. The most positive method to avoid damage as a result of floor slab movement is to construct a structural floor above a well-vented crawl space. The floor would be supported on grade beams and piers the same as the main structure. Based on the moisture-volume change characteristics of the native soils encountered, we believe slab-on-ground construction may be used, provided the risk of distress resulting from slab movement is accepted by the owner. The following discussion presents 19 Kumar & Associates, Inc. estimates of slab heave for different wetting depth scenarios to aid in the floor system decision making process. In accordance with the practice in this area, the following discussion presents estimates of ground heave for different wetting depth scenarios to aid in the decision making process for floor support systems. The risk of ground heave beneath soil-supported floor slabs can be reduced to a certain degree by providing a zone of non- to low-swelling, relatively impervious, compacted fill directly beneath the slabs. Heave estimate calculations can be useful in evaluating the relative effectiveness of varying the thickness of this prepared fill zone. However, such calculations cannot address the uncertainty in the potential depth and degree of wetting that may occur under beneath the building or the variability of swell potential across the site, which is erratic at the site. We have performed calculations to demonstrate the potential for ground heave if the native soils and bedrock beneath the building should be thoroughly wetted to significant depth, including below the depth of the compacted fill zone. The following table presents estimates of potential slab heave based on the results of swell-consolidation tests using test and analysis methods generally accepted in the Colorado Front Range. Both depth of wetting and depth of the prepared fill zone were considered as variables in the analysis. Alternative Ground Heave in Inches 5 feet of wetting 10 feet of wetting 15 feet of wetting No moisture treatment 2.44 3.69 4.75 8 feet of non- to low-swelling structural fill 0.88 1.33 1.71 The heave estimate calculations demonstrate that moderate slab heave should be expected if thorough wetting of the native cohesive soils and bedrock beneath the building occurs to significant depth below the bottom of the prepared fill zone. However, our experience indicates that the large majority of similar structures underlain by similar materials do not experience extreme moisture increases in the underlying materials to significant depth provided that good surface and subsurface drainage is designed, constructed, and maintained, and that good irrigation practices are followed. Wetting can also occur as a result of unforeseeable influences such as plumbing leaks or breaks, or, in some cases, even due to off-site influences depending 20 Kumar & Associates, Inc. on geologic conditions. Heave may also be mitigated to some extent by the presence of non- to low swelling siltstone or sandstone bedrock. Considering the above discussion, we believe soil-supported floor slabs may be considered for the project, provided that the potential for floor slab movement due to ground heave and associated possible distress is recognized by the owner. The intent of our recommendations for soil-supported floor slabs is to provide for conditions where there is a good chance slab heave will not exceed amounts acceptable to the owner. The recommendations should result in heave movements that do not exceed 1 inch and are unlikely to significantly exceed 2 inches unless extreme wetting is allowed. Barring unforeseen events, we do not believe extreme wetting is likely to occur if the surface drainage and irrigation recommendations presented in this report are followed. If a slab-on-grade approach is selected, the following measures should be taken to mitigate or reduce slab movements, and reduce the potential for damage which could result from movement should the underslab materials be subjected to moisture changes. 1. Floor slabs should be placed on a subslab fill zone consisting of minimum of 4 feet of properly compacted non- to low-swelling structural fill meeting the material requirements provided in the “Site Grading and Earthwork” section of this report. 2. Floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. 3. Non-bearing partitions resting on floor slabs should be provided with slip joints so that, if the slabs move, the movement cannot be transmitted to the upper structure. This detail is also important for wallboards and door frames. Slip joints that will allow at least 2 inches of vertical movement are recommended. If wood or metal stud partition walls are used, the slip joints should preferably be placed at the bottoms of the walls so differential slab movement won’t damage the partition wall. If slab-bearing masonry block partitions are constructed, the slip joints will have to be placed at the tops of the walls. If slip joints are provided at the tops of walls and the floors move, it is likely the partition walls will show signs of distress, such as cracking. An alternative, if masonry block walls or other walls without slip joints at the bottoms are required, is to found them on grade beams and piers and to construct the slabs 21 Kumar & Associates, Inc. independently of the foundation. If slab-bearing partition walls are required, distress may be reduced by connecting the partition walls to the exterior walls using slip channels. Floor slabs should not extend beneath exterior doors or over foundation grade beams, unless saw cut at the beam after construction. 4. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Joint spacing is dependent on slab thickness, concrete aggregate size, and slump, and should be consistent with recognized guidelines such as those of the Portland Cement Association (PCA) or American Concrete Institute (ACI). The joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. 5 If moisture-sensitive floor coverings will be used, additional mitigation of moisture penetration into the slabs, such as by use of a vapor barrier may be required. If an impervious vapor barrier membrane is used, special precautions will be required to prevent differential curing problems which could cause the slabs to warp. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 302.1R addresses this topic. 6. All plumbing lines should be tested before operation. Where plumbing lines enter through the floor, a positive bond break should be provided. Flexible connections should be provided for slab-bearing mechanical equipment. 7. The geotechnical engineer should evaluate the suitability of proposed underslab fill material. Evaluation of potential replacement fill sources will require determination of laboratory moisture-density relationships and swell consolidation tests on remolded samples. We recommend that an underdrain system be constructed at the base of the subslab fill zone to prevent development of perched water in the fill. Inclusion of a properly designed and constructed underdrain system will be a critical component in reducing potential slab heave. This underdrain system should be designed in accordance with recommendations in the “Underdrain System” section of this report. 22 Kumar & Associates, Inc. The precautions and recommendations itemized above will not prevent the movement of floor slabs if the underlying materials are subjected to alternate wetting and drying cycles. However, the precautions should reduce the damage if such movement occurs. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Below-grade walls and other retaining structures should be designed for the lateral earth pressure generated by the backfill materials, which is a function of the degree of rigidity of the retaining structure and the type of backfill material used. Retaining structures that are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a moderate amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure based on the following equivalent fluid densities: On-site of imported free-draining granular backfill (< 5% passing No. 200 sieve)45 pcf On-site or imported, silty sand ..................................................................... 55 pcf On-site or imported, moisture-conditioned clay backfill* .............................. 65 pcf * Swell potential less than ½% Cantilevered retaining structures that can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for the following equivalent fluid densiteis: On-site or imported free-draining granular backfill (< 5% passing No. 200 sieve)...35 pcf On-site or Imported, non-expansive, silty or clayey sand ........... ……………45 pcf On-site or imported, moisture-conditioned clay backfill* .............................. 55 pcf * Swell potential less than ½% The equivalent fluid densites recommended above assume drained conditions behind the retaining structures and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a retaining structure or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on the retaining structure. All retaining structures should also be designed for appropriate surcharge pressures such as traffic, construction materials and equipment. The zone of backfill placed behind retaining structures to within 2 feet of the ground surface should be sloped upward from the base of the structure at an angle no steeper than 45 degrees measured from horizontal. To reduce surface water infiltration into the backfill, the upper 2 feet of the backfill should consist of a relatively impervious imported soil containing at least 30% passing the No. 200 sieve, or the backfill zone should be covered by a slab or pavement structure. 23 Kumar & Associates, Inc. If mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls are used, the reinforced zone should generally be backfilled with CDOT Class 1 Structure Backfill material. Backfill within the reinforced zone should be compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. Care should be taken not to over compact the backfill since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the structure. Hand compaction procedures, if necessary, should be used to prevent lateral pressures from exceeding the design values. An internal angle of friction of 34 degrees and a moist unit weight of 120 pcf may be used for properly compacted granular Structure Backfill. Higher friction angles may be used for crushed aggregate products such as Class 6 aggregate base course or crusher fines. An internal friction angle of 24 degrees and a moist unit weight of 120 pcf should be used for the on-site soils in the retained fill zone behind the reinforced zone. Use of claystone in the retained fill should be avoided. Free-standing retaining structures that can tolerate some differential movement should be designed in accordance with the recommendations provided in the “Spread Footings” section of this report. Adequate surface drainage should be provided, and retaining structures should include subsurface drainage provisions to reduce the potential for saturation of the backfill and the development of hydrostatic pressures on the structure. The buildup of water behind a retaining structure will increase the lateral earth pressure imposed on the wall. The drainage system should consist of a drainage zone behind conventional retaining structures and behind the facing of an MSE wall, and a perimeter underdrain system at the heel of the backfill zone, including reinforced fill zone of MSE walls. Drainage systems for conventional retaining structures may consist of a free-draining granular zone or manufactured drain boards placed adjacent to the back of the retaining structures. The drainage system could connect hydraulically to a collection system that discharges the water away from the wall. If collection and discharge is not ideal, the wall drainage system could discharge to the exposed face of the wall via weep holes. Perimeter underdrain systems should be designed in general accordance with the recommendations provided in the “Underdrain System” section of this report. We are available to design MSE walls or to perform a design review if such retaining structures are provided by a design-build contractor. Low-height walls no more than 3 or 4 feet high may 24 Kumar & Associates, Inc. require only minimal design, whereas steep multi-tiered systems or high walls may require global stability analysis as well as formal design of the wall itself. At a minimum, we should review foundation preparation and drainage provisions. We should also observe and test wall backfill placement and compaction. Free-draining backfill, if used, should extend down to the top of the perimeter underdrain system. For other backfill materials, drainage should be provided by geocomposite drainage boards affixed to the exterior walls. The geocomposite drainage board should be hydraulically connected to the perimeter underdrain. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM It is our experience that perched groundwater conditions typically will occur post-construction where the excavation for a fill zone beneath slab-on-grade construction extends into relatively hard and essentially impermeable soils and bedrock. At the site, this perched water would likely be due to infiltration of natural precipitation and water used for irrigation, and, in some cases, accidents such as broken utility and irrigation lines. In portions of the site where groundwater is close to the existing ground surface the site grades may be raised accordingly, a subdrain system is not considered necessary. To prevent development of perched water in the subslab fill zone beneath slab-on-grade construction, an underdrain system should be constructed at the base of the subslab fill zone. This recommendation should also be considered for flatwork areas immediately adjacent to the buildings. The underdrain system should consist of drain lines extending along the perimeter of the overexcavated zone. Where feasible, the alignment of the underdrain system should preferably be just outside of the structure perimeter, but far enough away that the drain doesn’t interfere with construction of drilled pier foundations. The drain lines should consist of minimum 4-inch-diameter, rigid, perforated PVC drain pipe placed in the bottom of a trench excavated to a depth of at least 1 foot below the base of the overexcavated zone. The drain pipe should be surrounded above the invert level by drainage aggregate. Drainage aggregate used in the perimeter subdrain systems should conform to the requirements of CDOT Class B or Class C Filter Material, and the drain pipe should be factory slotted or otherwise perforated in accordance with graded filter criteria. Alternatively, if a filter geotextile is used in subdrain trenches to wrap the drainage aggregate, the pipes may be covered by free-draining gravel not meeting graded filter criteria, such as AASHTO No. 57 or 25 Kumar & Associates, Inc. No. 67 Aggregate. During design, alternative drain aggregates and filtration methods can be considered. The perforated drain pipes themselves should not be directly wrapped in geotextile due to the potential for clogging of the geotextile at the perforations or slots. The base of the overexcavation should be graded to slope towards the drain lines with a minimum slope of ½%. The overall underdrain pipe system should be sloped at a minimum slope of ½% to an overall site subdrain collection system or to a sump or sumps where water can be removed by pumping or gravity drainage. Sumps should be provided with alarms and/or redundant pumps in the event the pumping equipment malfunctions. In addition, the drain lines should be provided with appropriately spaced cleanouts for maintenance and inspection, which we recommend be performed on a routine basis. An over-designed sump and pump capacity is desirable in the event that groundwater or other subsurface conditions change. We also believe that standby pump capacity and standby generators should be provided in the event of pump or energy failure. A conceptual detail of the type of underdrain system recommended above is shown on Fig. 11. We are available to assist in design of the underdrain system. SURFACE DRAINAGE Proper surface drainage is very important for acceptable performance of structures during construction and after the construction has been completed. Drainage recommendations provided by local, state and national entities should be followed based on the intended use of the structure. The following recommendations should be used as guidelines and changes should be made only after consultation with the geotechnical engineer. 1. Excessive wetting or drying of slab subgrades should be avoided during construction. 2. Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture content (generally ±2% of optimum unless indicated otherwise in the report) and compacted to at least 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. 3. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building and movement sensitive exterior flatwork areas should be sloped to drain away from the structure and flatwork in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas. Site drainage beyond the 10-foot zone should be designed to promote 26 Kumar & Associates, Inc. runoff and reduce infiltration. A minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended in paved or flatwork areas. These slopes may be changed as required for handicap access points in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 4. To promote runoff, the upper 1 to 2 feet of the backfill adjacent to the building should be a relatively impervious on-site soil or be covered by flatwork or a pavement structure. 5. Ponding of water should not be allowed in foundation backfill material or in a zone within 10 feet of the building or areas of movement sensitive flatwork. 6. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill or be tight-lined to planned storm water facilities. 7. Landscaping adjacent to the building and movement sensitive flatwork areas should be designed to avoid irrigation requirements that would significantly increase soil moisture and potential infiltration of water within at least ten feet of the building or flatwork areas. Landscaping located within 10 feet of the building and movement sensitive flatwork areas should be designed for irrigation rates that do not significantly exceed evapotranspiration rates. Use of vegetation with low water demand and/or drip irrigation systems are frequently used methods for limiting irrigation quantities. Lawn sprinkler heads and landscape vegetation that requires relatively heavy irrigation should be located at least 10 feet from the building and movement sensitive flatwork areas. Even in other areas away from the building, it is important to provide good drainage to promote runoff and reduce infiltration. Main pressurized zone supply lines, including those supplying drip systems, should be located more than 10 feet from the building an movement sensitive flatwork areas in the event leaks occur. All irrigation systems, including zone supply lines, drip lines, and sprinkler heads should be routinely inspected for leaks, damage, and improper operation. WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES The concentrations of water soluble sulfates measured in samples of the on-site soils obtained from the borings ranged from 0.00% to 0.06%. These concentrations of water soluble sulfates represent a Class 0 severity exposure to sulfate attack on concrete exposed to these materials. The degree of attack is based on a range of Class 0, Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 severity 27 Kumar & Associates, Inc. exposure as presented in ACI 201. Based on the laboratory data and our experience, we believe special sulfate resistant cement will generally not be required for concrete exposed to the natural on-site soils. PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGN A pavement section is a layered system designed to distribute concentrated traffic loads to the subgrade. Performance of the pavement structure is directly related to the physical properties of the subgrade soils and traffic loadings. Soils are represented for pavement design purposes by means of a soil support value for flexible pavements and a modulus of subgrade reaction for rigid pavements. Pavement design procedures are based on strength properties of the subgrade and pavement materials assuming stable, uniform conditions. Certain soils, such as those encountered on this site, are potentially expansive and require additional precautions be taken to provide for adequate pavement performance. Expansive soils are problematic only if a source of water is present. If those soils are wetted, the resulting movements can be large and erratic. Therefore, pavement design procedures address expansive soils only by assuming they will not become wetted. Proper surface and subsurface drainage is essential for adequate performance of pavement on these soils. Subgrade Materials: Based on the results of the field exploration and laboratory testing programs, the pavement subgrade materials at the site are anticipated to generally classify as A-6 and A-7-6 with group indices between 7 and 36 in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) soil classification system. Soils classifying as A-6 and A-7-6 would generally be considered to provide poor subgrade support. A Hveem stabilometer (R-Value) was performed by EEC resulting in an R-Value of 10. Using the CDOT correlation between R-Value and MR, R-value of 10 is considered equivalent to a resilient modulus of 3562. We believe these values are not conservative for the soil types encountered on the project site. Considering this, a resilient modulus value of 3,025 psi was selected for design of flexible pavements and a modulus of subgrade reaction of 34 pci was selected for rigid pavements. 28 Kumar & Associates, Inc. Design Traffic: Since anticipated traffic loading information was not available at the time of report preparation, an equivalent 18-kip daily load application (EDLA) of 5 was assumed for automobile and light truck traffic areas (light-duty pavement), an EDLA of 15 was assumed for combined automobile and heavier truck traffic areas, including fire lanes (heavy-duty pavement). The designer should verify which traffic loads are valid for the project. If higher EDLA values are anticipated, the pavement sections presented in this report will have to be reevaluated. Pavement Sections: The pavement thicknesses were determined in accordance with the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedures. For flexible pavement design, initial and terminal serviceability indices of 4.5 and 2.0, respectively, were selected, with a reliability of 85 percent for light-duty pavement areas and 85 percent for medium-duty and heavy-duty pavement areas. If other design parameters are preferred, we should be contacted in order to reevaluate the recommendations presented herein. Based on this procedure, flexible pavements for light-duty pavement areas should consist of 6 inches of full-depth asphalt, or, alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 4.5 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of compacted aggregate base course. Flexible pavements for heavy-duty pavement areas should consist of 7.5 inches of full-depth asphalt, or, alternatively, a composite pavement section consisting of 5.0 inches of asphalt over 8 inches of compacted aggregate base course material. Our experience indicates full-depth asphalt sections generally perform better on expansive subgrades than combined asphalt/aggregate base course sections. The reasons for the better performance of full-depth asphalt are not fully understood. However, the use of aggregate base course provides a pervious layer above a relatively impervious subgrade. The base course can transmit water causing changes in moisture content within the potentially expansive subgrade materials. Variations in the subgrade moisture content can be erratic and result in erratic volume changes which cause premature deterioration of the pavement. In addition, the thinner asphalt surface of a combined section can more easily allow water to penetrate through cracks and migrate through the aggregate base course. High moisture contents in the subgrade or base course will also result in loss of strength. In lieu of an asphalt pavement section, 6 inches of Portland cement concrete may be used, in light-duty and heavy-duty areas. Concrete pavement should contain sawed or formed joints to ¼ of the depth of the slab at a maximum distance of 12 to 14 feet on center. Because of its 29 Kumar & Associates, Inc. rigidity concrete pavement will be more sensitive to settlement or heave-related movements than asphalt pavement, and prone to associated cracking and distress. Pavement Materials: Asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavement should meet the latest applicable requirements, including the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. We recommend that the asphalt placed for the project is designed in accordance with the SuperPave gyratory mix design method. The mix should generally meet Grading S or SX requirements with a SuperPave gyratory design revolution (NDESIGN) of 75. Asphalt mixes should have a PG 58-22 asphalt binder. Concrete pavement should meet CDOT Class P specifications and requirements, including matching the coarse aggregate size to the presence of dowels, if used. The concrete sections presented above are assumed to be un-reinforced. Providing dowels at construction joints would help reduce the risk of differential movements between panel sections. Providing a grid mat of deformed rebar within the concrete pavement section would assist in mitigating corner breaks and differential panel movements. If a rebar mat is installed, we recommend that the bars be placed in the lower half of the pavement section. On projects that elect to install rebar mats, we have commonly seen No. 4 rebar placed at 24 inch centers in each direction, however we recommend that a structural engineer evaluate the placement and spacing of rebar if needed. Aggregate base course materials should meet CDOT requirements for Class 6 aggregate base course. Subgrade Preparation: Pavement subgrade conditions are projected to generally consist of existing non-engineered fill and/or low to moderately expansive native clay soils. These subgrade conditions are a problem where present beneath pavements. When subjected to increases in moisture, non-engineered fill could result in unacceptable post-construction settlement, and expansive soils could result in potentially excessive heave. Ideally, existing fill should be completely removed and replaced with moisture conditioned fill. If the risk of potentially excessive post-construction settlement is acceptable to the owner, a partial removal and replacement option may be considered. For a partial removal option, we recommend overexcavating the existing fill encountered at planned subgrade elevation to a depth of at least one foot below planned subgrade elevation and backfilling with moisture- conditioned fill meeting the criteria in the “Site Grading and Earthwork” section of this report. 30 Kumar & Associates, Inc. The native clay soils exhibited low to moderate swell potential. In areas where the native clay soils are exposed at pavement subgrade, the subgrade soils should be over-excavated to a depth of at least 2 feet and replaced with moisture conditioned fill. Care should be taken to place the top 1 foot of subgrade backfill at moisture contents that are not too moist, which could result in an unstable subgrade. Prior to placement of compacted fill or the pavement section, the exposed subgrade should be thoroughly scarified and well-mixed to a depth of 12 inches, adjusted to a moisture content between optimum to 3 percentage points above optimum, and compacted to 95% of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. The pavement subgrade should also be proofrolled with a heavily loaded pneumatic-tired vehicle. Pavement design procedures assume a stable subgrade. Areas that deform excessively under heavy wheel loads are not stable and should be removed and replaced to achieve a stable subgrade prior to paving. The owner should be aware that subexcavation and replacement will reduce but not eliminate potential movement of pavements should moisture levels increase within the expansive soils beneath the replacement fill. Drainage: The collection and diversion of surface drainage away from paved areas is extremely important to the satisfactory performance of pavement. Drainage design should provide for the removal of water from paved areas and prevent the wetting of the subgrade soils. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES Kumar & Associates, Inc. should be retained to review the project plans and specifications for conformance with the recommendations provided in our report. We are also available to assist the design team in preparing specifications for geotechnical aspects of the project, and performing additional studies if necessary to accommodate possible changes in the proposed construction. We recommend that Kumar & Associates, Inc. be retained to provide construction observation and testing services to document that the intent of this report and the requirements of the plans and specifications are being followed during construction. This will allow us to identify possible variations in subsurface conditions from those encountered during this study and to allow us to 31 Kumar & Associates, Inc. re-evaluate our recommendations, if needed. We will not be responsible for implementation of the recommendations presented in this report by others, if we are not retained to provide construction observation and testing services. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for exclusive use by the client for design purposes. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings at the location indicated on Fig. 1, and the proposed type of construction. This report may not reflect subsurface variations that occur, and the nature and extent of variations across the site may not become evident until site grading and excavations are performed. If during construction, fill, soil, bedrock or groundwater conditions appear to be different from those described herein, Kumar & Associates, Inc. should be advised at once so that a re-evaluation of the recommendations presented in this report can be made. Kumar & Associates, Inc. is not responsible for liability associated with interpretation of subsurface data by others. Swelling soils and bedrock occur on this site. Such soils and bedrock materials are stable at their natural moisture content but will undergo high volume changes with changes in moisture content. The extent and amount of perched water beneath the building site as a result of area irrigation and inadequate surface drainage is difficult, if not impossible, to foresee. The recommendations presented in this report are based on current theories and experience of our engineers on the behavior of swelling soil and bedrock materials in this area. The owner should be aware that there is a risk in constructing a building in an expansive soil and bedrock area. Following the recommendations given by a geotechnical engineer, careful construction practice and prudent maintenance by the owner can, however, decrease the risk of foundation movement due to expansive soils and bedrock. JDC/jw cc: Book, File Kumar & Associates TABLE I SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROJECT NO.: 16-1-578 PROJECT NAME: Harmony 23 Development DATE SAMPLED: 9-19-16 DATE RECEIVED: 9-20-16 SAMPLE LOCATION DATE TESTED NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT (%) NATURAL DRY DENSITY (pcf) GRADATION PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE ATTERBERG LIMITS WATER SOLUBLE SULFATES (%) AASHTO CLASSIFICATION (group index) SOIL OR BEDROCK TYPE BORING DEPTH (feet) GRAVEL (%) SAND (%) LIQUID LIMIT (%) PLASTICITY INDEX (%) 1 5 9-20-16 6.3 99.2 Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 1 10 9-19-16 20.2 99.2 0 21 79 Lean Clay with Sand (CL) 1 12.5 9-20-16 18.9 106.5 Claystone Bedrock 2 1 9-20-16 25.9 97.7 Lean Clay with Sand (CL) 2 9 9-20-16 8.0 124.8 43 54 3 Poorly-Graded Sand with Gravel (SP) 3 1 9-20-16 32.5 88.4 91 57 36 A-7-6 (36) Fat Clay (CH) 4 5 9-20-16 7.2 98.4 76 27 13 A-6 (7) Fill: Lean Clay with Sand (CL) 4 10 9-20-16 12.1 113.4 Lean Clay (CL) 4 14 9-20-16 18.4 98.2 97 36 17 Lean Clay (CL) 4 19 9-19-16 27.6 91.8 74 NV NP 0.06 Silt with Sand (ML) 4 24 9-20-16 12.0 123.7 37 59 4 Poorly-Graded Sand with Gravel (SP) 5 4 9-20-16 6.8 101.7 68 30 15 A-6 (8) Fill: Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 5 9 9-20-16 10.5 93.6 62 29 14 Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 6 2.5 9-20-16 6.7 103.6 Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 6 5 9-20-16 15.5 105.8 74 32 18 A-6 (11) Lean Clay with Sand (CL) 6 7.5 9-20-16 15.8 106.6 77 38 21 0.00 Claystone Bedrock 6 12.5 9-20-16 12.6 119.1 Claystone Bedrock APPENDIX A DARWINTM PAVEMENT DESIGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT PROPOSED HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT SOUTH OF HARMONY ROAD AND WEST OF STRAUS CABIN ROAD FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1152123 Prepared for: AMGI USA 1855 Quarley Place Henderson, Nevada 89014 Attn: Mr. Greg Arnold (greg.arnold@amgiusa.com) Prepared by: Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC 4396 Greenfield Drive Windsor, Colorado 80550 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970) 545-3908 FAX (970) 663-0282 January 14, 2016 AMGI USA 1855 Quarley Place Henderson, Nevada 89014 Attn: Mr. Greg Arnold (greg.arnold@amgiusa.com) Re: Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado EEC Project No. 1152123 Mr. Arnold: Enclosed, herewith, are the results of the geotechnical subsurface exploration for the proposed eleven (11) 24-plex 3-story buildings, one (1) 12-plex 3-story building, nine (9) 5-car garage with two dwelling 2-story apartment complexes along with several other garage units, two (2)/twin 5-story in height office buildings having approximately 70,000 square feet each in plan dimensions, a single-story community clubhouse/recreation center having approximately 11,500 sf in plan dimensions, as well as the associated on-site pavement improvements planned for construction within the proposed Harmony 23 development property in Fort Collins, Colorado. The site is located on the south side of Harmony Road, and west of Straus Cabin Road in Fort Collins. This study was completed in general accordance with our proposal dated December 3, 2015. In summary, the subsurface materials encountered within the eighteen (18) soil borings completed for this project consisted of a thin layer of topsoil and vegetation. Underlying the surficial topsoil/vegetation layer was generally cohesive subsoils, classified as lean clay with sand grading to clayey sand, which extended to depths of approximately 4 to 22 feet below existing site grades. Underlying the cohesive lean clay to clayey sand subsoils, in general, was essentially granular silty sand grading to poorly graded sand and gravel to the depths explored in borings B-2, B-6, B-11, B-13, and B-16 through B-18 or to underlying claystone/siltstone/sandstone bedrock in the remaining borings encountered at approximate depths of 16 to 28 feet below existing site grades, which extended to the depths explored, approximately 20 to 30 feet. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 2 In review of the field and laboratory test results, we observed the upper portion of the cohesive subsoils were generally stiff to very stiff in consistency (along the southern portion of the project site), exhibited drier in-situ moisture contents and slightly higher in-place dry density results, and revealed low to moderate swell potential characteristics while we observed cohesive subsoils that were soft to medium stiff in consistency (along the bisecting irrigation ditch and the northeast corner of the project site), exhibited saturated/wet in-situ moisture contents, slightly lower in- place dry density results, and revealed low swell potential characteristics. With the anticipated maximum wall and column loads for the proposed various building types, and the necessity to ground modify the on-site subsoils as described in the text portion of this report, the proposed apartment, garage, and community rec center buildings could be supported on a post-tension-slab (PTS)-on-grade foundation/floor system or on conventional type spread footings bearing on native materials or a zone of engineered fill material placed and compacted as described within this report. With the soft/loose zones observed in the subgrade soils in the vicinity of the proposed two (2)/twin 5-story office buildings, we recommend a deep foundation system consisting of a straight shaft drilled pier/caisson system be used for support of the new buildings. Groundwater was encountered across the site within the borings at approximate depths of 2 to 19 feet below existing site grades, except for boring B-13, which did not encounter groundwater. If below grade construction is being considered for the site, we would suggest that the lower level subgrade(s) be placed a minimum of 4 feet above the maximum anticipated rise in groundwater levels, or a combination exterior and interior perimeter drainage system(s) be installed. Also, consideration could be given to 1) either designing and installing an area-wide underdrain system to lower the groundwater levels provided a gravity discharge point can be established. If a gravity outlet/system cannot be designed another consideration would be to design and install a mechanical sump pump system to discharge the collected groundwater within the underdrain system, or 2) elevate/raise the site grades to establish the minimum required 4-foot separation to the maximum anticipated rise in groundwater. Additional drainage system recommendations are provided within the text portion of this report. The interior floor slabs, exterior flatwork, and pavements could be supported on recondition on- site soils or ground modified subsoils, understanding that some movement may occur. Fly ash stabilization of the pavement subgrades should be expected to mitigate for the expansive characteristics and to increase the subgrade integrity. Geotechnical recommendations GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT PROPOSED HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT SOUTH OF HARMONY ROAD AND WEST OF STRAUS CABIN ROAD FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1152123 January 14, 2016 INTRODUCTION The subsurface exploration for the proposed Harmony 23 development planned for construction at the southwest corner of Harmony Road and Straus Cabin Road in Fort Collins, Colorado has been completed. For this study a total of eighteen (18) soil borings were completed within the development area to obtain information on existing subsurface conditions. The borings were extended to depths of approximately 10 to 30-feet below present site grades. Individual boring logs and a site diagram indicating the approximate boring locations are provided with this report. We understand this project includes the planned construction of eleven (11) 24-plex 3-story buildings, one (1) 12-plex 3-story building, and nine (9) 5-car garage with two dwelling 2-story building apartment complexes, two (2)/twin 5-story in height office buildings having approximately 70,000 square feet each in plan dimensions, one (1) single-story community clubhouse/recreation center, as well as on-site parking improvements and regional detention ponds/water quality areas. We anticipate maximum wall and column loads will be on the order of 1 to 4 klf and 25 to 150 kips, respectively, for the apartment and garage/apartment buildings and possibly up to 6 klf and 350 kips, respectively, for the two (2) 5-story twin office buildings. We would expect some grade changes are required to develop final site grades. As shown on the enclosed site development improvement diagram, on-site pavement improvements along with detention ponds/water quality ponds are also planned and will be coordinated and designed in general accordance with the City of Fort Collins’ and/or LCUASS pavement design criteria. The purpose of this report is to describe the subsurface conditions encountered in the completed borings, analyze and evaluate the test data, and provide geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of the foundations, support of floor slabs and pavements. EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES The boring locations were established in the field by a representative of Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC (EEC) by pacing and estimating angles from identifiable site features. The Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 2 locations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used. Photographs of the site, taken at the time of drilling, are also provided with this report. The borings were performed using a truck mounted, CME-55 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The boreholes were advanced using 4-inch nominal diameter continuous flight augers and 4¼-inch hollow stem augers. Samples of the subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split-barrel and California barrel sampling techniques in general accordance with ASTM Specifications D1587 and D3550, respectively. In the split-barrel and California barrel sampling procedures, standard sampling spoons are driven into the ground by means of a 140-pound hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the samplers is recorded and is used to estimate the in-situ relative density of cohesionless materials and, to a lesser degree of accuracy, the consistency of cohesive soils and hardness of weathered bedrock. Relatively undisturbed samples are obtained in the California sampler. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to the laboratory for further examination, classification, and testing. Laboratory moisture content tests were performed on each of the recovered samples. In addition, the unconfined strength of appropriate samples was estimated using a calibrated hand penetrometer device. Washed sieve analysis and Atterberg limits tests were completed on selected samples to evaluate the quantity and plasticity of the fines in the subgrade soils. Swell/consolidation tests were completed on selected samples to evaluate the tendency of the soil to change volume with variation in moisture content and load. Selected samples of near surface soils were also tested to determine quantities of water soluble sulfates to evaluate the potential for sulfate attack on site concrete. Results of the outlined tests are indicated on the attached boring logs and summary sheets. As a part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory and classified in general accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System based on the texture and plasticity of the soil. The estimated group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is indicated on the boring logs. A brief description of the Unified Soil Classification System is included with this report. Classification of the bedrock was based on Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 3 visual and tactual observation of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. Coring and/or petrographic analysis may reveal other rock types. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed project site, located south of Harmony Road, west of Straus Cabin Road (AKA South County Road 7) and east of the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch as presented on the enclosed site diagram, is currently a vacant, undeveloped tract of land with sparse vegetation, is relatively flat, is bisected by an irrigation ditch which was flowing during the site investigation (please note the alignment traverses in the vicinity of borings B-4, B-7, B-10 and B-18), and exhibits positive surface drainage generally in the north and east direction on the west side of the bisecting irrigation ditch, with an approximate 5 feet (+/-) of relief across the site. Evidence of prior building construction was not observed on the referenced property by EEC personnel. An EEC field engineer was on site during the drilling operations to evaluate the subsurface conditions encountered and supervise the drilling activities. Field logs prepared by EEC site personnel were based on visual and tactual observation of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. The final boring logs included with this report may contain modifications to the field logs based on the results of laboratory testing and evaluation. Based on the results of the field borings and laboratory evaluation, subsurface conditions can be generalized as follows. In summary, encountered at the surface of each boring was a thin layer of topsoil and vegetation. Underlying the surficial topsoil/vegetation layer was generally cohesive subsoils, classified as lean clay with sand grading to clayey sand, which extended to depths of approximately 4 to 22 feet below existing site grades. Underlying the cohesive lean clay to clayey sand subsoils, in general, was essentially granular silty sand grading to poorly graded sand and gravel to the depths explored in borings B-2, B-6, B-11, B-13, and B-16 through B-18 or to underlying claystone/siltstone/sandstone bedrock in the remaining borings at approximate depths of 16 to 28 feet below existing site grades which extended to the depths explored, approximately 20 to 30 feet. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 4 The near surface cohesive subsoils encountered beneath the surface topsoil/vegetation layer, in the southern portion of the project site, were generally relatively dry, medium stiff to very stiff in consistency and exhibited low to moderate swell potential at current moisture and density conditions. The cohesive soils generally became stiff to medium stiff with depth, exhibited higher moisture contents and exhibited low to moderate swell potential. The near surface cohesive subsoils in the northeast portion of the project site and along the bisecting irrigation ditch, were generally relatively moist/wet, soft to medium stiff in consistency and exhibited a tendency to consolidate at current moisture and density conditions. Soft/compressible and/or loose zones were observed approaching and in the apparent groundwater table. Swell potential of these soils is illustrated on the enclosed swell-consolidation curves, (i.e., swell-index values of ranging from approximately (-) 0.4% to (+) 9.2%), presented in the Appendix of this report. The claystone/siltstone/sandstone layer was moderately hard to hard and exhibited low swell potential characteristics (i.e., swell-index values from approximately (+) 2.1% to (+) 2.7%). With depth the claystone/siltstone/sandstone layer was hard exhibiting moderate to high bearing characteristics. The stratification boundaries indicated on the boring logs represent the approximate locations of changes in soil and rock types. In-situ, the transition of materials may be gradual and indistinct. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Observations were made while drilling and after the completion of drilling to detect the presence and level of free water. Subsequent groundwater measurements were also performed approximately 6 hours and 2-weeks after the completion of the drilling operations in borings B- 17 and B-18, which had piezometers installed. Groundwater was generally observed at depths ranging from approximately 2 to 19 feet below ground surface as indicated on the enclosed boring logs, except for borings B-13 which did not encounter groundwater. Field slotted temporary PVC piezometers were placed in two (2) of the open boreholes drilled on December 28, 2015 prior to backfilling to allow for future water level measurements. The groundwater measurements approximately 6 hours and 2 weeks after drilling and placement of piezometers in borings B-17 and B-18 were 1.5 and 4.5 feet below existing site grades, Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 5 respectively. The piezometers were backfilled following the two week measurements and all other borings were backfilled the same day they were drilled; therefore subsequent groundwater measurements are not available for those locations. Shallowest groundwater levels were noted near the bisecting irrigation ditch and towards the northeast corner of the property. The measured depths to groundwater are recorded near the upper right hand corner of each boring log included with this report. Groundwater measurements provided with this report are indicative of groundwater levels at the locations and at the time the borings/groundwater measurements were completed. Fluctuations in groundwater levels can occur over time depending on variations in hydrologic conditions, water levels in the Fossil Creek Inlet Ditch and the bisecting irrigation ditch, and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. Longer term monitoring of water levels in cased wells, which are sealed from the influence of surface water would be required to more accurately evaluate fluctuations in groundwater levels at the site. We have typically noted deepest groundwater levels in late winter and shallowest groundwater levels in mid to late summer. Zones of perched and/or trapped water can be encountered at times throughout the year in more permeable zones in the subgrade soils and perched water is commonly observed in subgrade soils immediately above lower permeability bedrock. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Evaluation of “Soft/Compressible” Overburden Soils based on SPT Results The following table identifies the soil classification/characterization of the overburden subsoils based on the recorded Standard Penetration Test (SPT) results as presented on the boring logs included in Appendix A of this report. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 6 STRENGTH TERMS Table I – Soil Description RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS (More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve.) (50% or more passing the No. 200 sieve.) Density determined by Standard Penetration Resistance Includes Gravels, sands and silts. Consistency determined by laboratory shear strength testing, field visual- manual procedures or standard penetration resistance Descriptive Term (Density) Standard Penetration or N-Value Blows/Ft. Ring Sampler Blows/Ft. Descriptive Term (Consistency) Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Standard Penetration or N-Value Blows/Ft. Ring Sampler Blows/Ft. Very Loose 0 - 3 0 - 6 Very Soft less than 500 0 - 1 < 3 Loose 4 - 9 7 - 18 Soft 500 to 1,000 2 - 4 3 - 4 Medium Dense 10 - 29 19 - 58 Medium-Stiff 1,000 to 2,000 4 - 8 5 - 9 Dense 30 - 50 59 - 98 Stiff 2,000 to 4,000 8 - 15 10 - 18 Very Dense > 50 ≥ 99 Very Stiff 4,000 to 8,000 15 - 30 19 - 42 Hard > 8,000 > 30 > 42 The boring logs and the soil descriptions identified as “soft and/or very loose” subsoils, in essence are those in which we recorded Standard Penetration Tests – N-Blows/Ft. less than 4 per 12-inch intervals. We have plotted the SPT results with increased depth for each test boring with graphical presentations included in the Appendix of this report. Please note those borings and respective depths which plot in the less than 4-blows/ft. range for soft and/or loose soils. In general the majority of the overburden subsoils were within the medium stiff/medium dense to very stiff/dense soil descriptions; however intermittent soft and/or loose zones were encountered and special precaution will be required to address these conditions during the construction phase. Swell – Consolidation Test Results The swell-consolidation test is commonly performed to evaluate the swell or consolidation potential of soils or bedrock to assist in determining foundation, floor slab and pavement design criteria. In this test, relatively undisturbed samples obtained directly from the California barrel sampler are placed in a laboratory apparatus and inundated with water under a predetermined load. The swell- index is the resulting amount of swell or collapse as a percent of the sample’s thickness after the inundation period. Samples obtained at approximate depths of 1 to 2-feet are generally pre-loaded at 150-psf to simulate the floor and pavement loading conditions, samples obtained at the 3 to 4-foot intervals are generally pre-loaded at 500 psf to simulate the overburden soil pressure, and samples Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 7 obtained at greater depths are generally pre-loaded at 1000 psf to simulate deep foundation system loading conditions. All samples are inundated with water and monitored for swell and consolidation. After the inundation period, additional incremental loads are applied to evaluate the swell pressure and consolidation characteristics. For this assessment, we conducted twelve (12) swell-consolidation tests on relatively undisturbed soil and bedrock samples obtained at various intervals/depths on the site. The swell index values for the in-situ soil samples analyzed revealed low to moderate swell characteristics as indicated on the attached swell test summaries. The (+) test results indicate the material’s swell potential characteristics while the (-) test results indicate the material’s collapse/consolidation potential characteristics when inundated with water. The following tables summarize the swell- consolidation laboratory test results for samples obtained during our field explorations for the subject site. TABLE II - Swell Consolidation Test Results Boring No. Depth, ft. Material Type In-Situ Moisture Content, % Dry Density, PCF Inundation Pressure, psf Swell Index, (+/-) % B-1 4 Lean Clay with Sand 16.1 108.8 500 (+) 0.3 B-1 24 Claystone / Siltstone / Sandstone 16.0 114.5 500 (+) 2.7 B-2 2 Silty Clayey Sand 6.9 121.5 150 (+) 4.0 B-5 2 Lean Clay with Sand 32.3 91.4 150 (-) 0.4 B-6 2 Sandy Lean Clay / Silt 16.2 115.5 150 (+/-) 0.0 B-9 2 Sandy Lean Clay / Clayey Sand 12.4 100.1 150 (+) 2.7 B-12 4 Lean Clay with Sand 13.2 117.0 500 (+) 3.9 B-12 24 Claystone / Siltstone / Sandstone 16.3 111.0 500 (+) 2.1 B-13 2 Sandy Lean Clay 7.1 99.5 150 (+) 2.9 B-14 4 Sandy Lean Clay 10.1 114.5 150 (+) 9.2 B-15 4 Sandy Lean Clay 10.2 121.8 500 (+) 4.4 B-16 2 Silty Clayey Sand 27.8 100.8 150 (-) 0.3 Colorado Association of Geotechnical Engineers (CAGE) uses the following information to provide uniformity in terminology between geotechnical engineers to provide a relative correlation of slab performance risk to measured swell. “The representative percent swell values are not necessarily Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 8 measured values; rather, they are a judgment of the swell of the soil and/or bedrock profile likely to influence slab performance.” Geotechnical engineers use this information to also evaluate the swell potential risks for foundation performance based on the risk categories. Table III - Recommended Representative Swell Potential Descriptions and Corresponding Slab Performance Risk Categories Slab Performance Risk Category Representative Percent Swell (500 psf Surcharge) Representative Percent Swell (1000 psf Surcharge) Low 0 to < 3 0 < 2 Moderate 3 to < 5 2 to < 4 High 5 to < 8 4 to < 6 Very High > 8 > 6 Based on the laboratory test results, the in-situ samples analyzed for this project were within the low to moderate range. The moderate swell-index values were of relatively undisturbed subgrade samples which appeared to be relatively dry, stiff to very stiff in-situ. In our opinion, these subsoils when over-excavated, moisture conditioned and properly placed and compacted as engineered/controlled fill material would most likely reveal low swell potential characteristics. General Considerations and Site Preparation As presented on the enclosed boring logs and laboratory test results, low to moderate swelling cohesive soils are present on this site. This report provides recommendations to help mitigate the effects of soil expansion and/or consolidation. Even if these procedures are followed, some movement and at least minor cracking in the structures should be anticipated. The severity of cracking and other cosmetic damage such as uneven floor slabs will probably increase if any modification of the site results in excessive wetting or drying of the site’s subsoils. Eliminating the risk of movement and cosmetic distress may not be feasible, but it may be possible to further reduce the risk of movement if significantly more extensive/expensive measures are used during construction. To reduce the potential movement of foundations, floor slabs, flatwork and pavements, included herein are recommendations for an over-excavation and replacement concept. This approach will significantly reduce but not eliminate post construction movement. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 9 All existing topsoil/vegetation should be removed from the site improvement areas. To reduce the potential for post-construction movement caused by expansion of the dry, in-situ soils (primarily in the southern portion of the project site in the areas of borings B-12 through B-15), we recommend the entire building footprints be over-excavated and replaced as moisture conditioned/compacted engineered controlled fill. The over-excavation should extent to a depth to allow for at least 3-feet of processed/engineered controlled fill material below all foundation bearing elements or to a depth of at least 4-feet below existing site grades, whichever provides the greatest over-excavation depth. Since movement of pavements is generally more tolerable, in our opinion, the over-excavation depth in the pavement areas could be reduced to 2 feet below existing site grades or final grades, whichever provides the greatest over-excavation depth. The over-excavated areas should extend laterally in all directions beyond the edges of the foundations/pavements a minimum 8 inches for every 12 inches of over-excavated depth. After removal of all topsoil/vegetation within the planned development areas, as well as removal of unacceptable or unsuitable subsoils, removal of over-excavation materials, and prior to placement of fill and/or site improvements, the exposed soils should be scarified to a minimum depth of 9 inches, adjusted in moisture content to within (+/-) 2% of standard Proctor optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the material's standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D698. Fill materials used to replace the over-excavated zone and establish grades in the building areas and pavement/flatwork areas, after the initial zone has been prepared as recommended above, should consist of approved on-site lean clay with sand to clayey sand subsoils or approved structural fill material which is free from organic matter and debris. If on-site cohesive subsoils are used as engineered fill, they should be placed in maximum 9-inch loose lifts, and be moisture conditioned and compacted as recommended for the scarified soils. If structural fill materials are used they should be graded similarly to a CDOT Class 5, 6 or 7 aggregate base with sufficient fines to prevent ponding of water within the fill. Structural fill material should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick, adjusted to a workable moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Specification D698. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 10 Areas of soft/compressible cohesive subsoils across the site (particularly near the bisecting irrigation ditch and/or the northeast corner of the project site with relatively shallow groundwater) may require ground stabilization procedures to create a working platform for construction equipment prior to placement of any additional fill. If necessary, consideration could be given to placement of a granular material, such as a 3-inch minus pit run and/or recycled concrete or equivalent material, embedded into the soft soils, prior to placement of additional fill material or operating heavy earth-moving equipment. Supplemental recommendations can be provided upon request. Prior to placement of fill materials and/or overlying improvements, consideration could also be given to a subgrade stabilization approach within the improvement areas utilizing an over- excavation and replacement by incorporating either reinforced geo-grid and/or a geo-synthetic product as follows. Use of a Tensar BX1100 or BX1200 Geogrid reinforcement product or equivalent installed over the subgrade soils, then placement of an approximate 18 to 24 inch layer of an interlocking coarse granular, fractured face 3 to 1-1/2 inch minus aggregate material, such as recycled concrete or equivalent be placed over the top of the geogrid and incorporated into the unstable subgrade soils could be considered as a subgrade stabilization method. Placement and installation of the geogrid product should be completed in general accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. In the roadway and possibly even within the interior floor slab areas, consideration could also be given to the use of a geo-synthetic to reduce the overexcavation depth. If a geo-synthetic product is used, (such as a Mirafi HP570, Mirafi RS380i or RS580i of equivalent), we recommend over- excavating a minimum of 2 feet of the subgrade soil from beneath the roadways and interior floor slab areas. Once the overexcavation is complete, the exposed subgrades should be proof rolled to identify significantly soft and unstable soils. Proof rolling would commonly be accomplished by observation of the subgrades immediately behind a tire supporting the axle of a loaded water truck. Significant instability may require additional overexcavation depths. To redevelop the pavement subgrade and/or possibly the interior floor slab subgrade elevations, prior to placement of backfill materials, we recommend installing the approved/selected geo-synthetic product above the exposed subgrades. The geo-synthetic should be installed according to the manufacture’s Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 11 recommendations. Once installed the backfill materials could be placed to redevelop the pavement and floor slab subgrade elevations. Fill materials placed to develop the subgrades should consist of approved structural fill material which is free from organic matter and debris. Structural fill should be graded similarly to a CDOT Class 5, 6 or 7 aggregate base with sufficient fines to prevent ponding of water within the fill. Recycled concrete graded to the outlined CDOT Specifications would be acceptable fill material. Structural fill material should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick, adjusted to a workable moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Specification D698. After the backfill materials are placed to grade, we recommend a supplemental proof roll be conducted to verify stability of the subgrades prior to placement of floor slabs, the recommended pavement sections and/or gravel surfacing materials. Unstable subgrades may require further reworking in place or additional stabilization. The ground modification procedures recommended herein for the referenced site will help reduce the amount of anticipated movement of the floor slabs and pavements/parking, but some movement should be expected. Close observation of each buildings subgrade in the form of an “open-hole” or foundation excavation observations should be conducted at the start of construction to determine which recommendation above should be followed. After preparation of the subgrades, care should be taken to avoid disturbing the prepared materials. In-place soils which are loosened or disturbed by construction activity should be removed and replaced or reworked in-place prior to placement of the overlying improvements. Care should be exercised after preparation of the subgrades to avoid disturbing the subgrade materials. Positive drainage should be developed away from the structures and pavements to avoid wetting of subgrade materials. Subgrade materials becoming wet subsequent to construction of the site improvements can result in unacceptable performance. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 12 In areas where excavations will extend below existing groundwater table or the perched water surface level, such as utility excavation, placement of cleaner granular fill material would be desirable. Those materials should be placed in lifts and compacted to at least 70% relative density. If below grade and/or lower level construction is considered for the site, we would suggest that the lower level subgrade(s) be placed a minimum of 4 feet above the maximum anticipated rise in groundwater levels, or a combination exterior and interior perimeter drainage system(s) be installed. Also, consideration could be given to 1) either designing and installing an area underdrain system to lower the groundwater levels provided a gravity discharge point can be established. If a gravity outlet/system cannot be designed another consideration would be to design and install a mechanical sump pump system to discharge the collected groundwater within the underdrain system, or 2) elevate/raise the site grades to establish the minimum required 4-foot separation to the maximum anticipated rise in groundwater. Areas of deeper fills may experience settlement from within the placed fill materials. Settlement on the order of 1 to 1.5% of the fill depth would be estimated. The rate of settlement will be dependent on the type of fill material placed and construction methods. Granular soils will consolidate essentially immediately upon placement of overlying loads. Cohesive soils will consolidate at a slower rate. In addition, the existing bisecting lateral ditch currently appears to run through one office building, one 24-plex building, and the community rec center building (i.e. in the vicinity of borings B-4, B-7, and B-10). Upon request, and depending on the plan for the bisecting lateral ditch, additional recommendations can be provided in regards to overexcavation depths, backfill procedures and other recommendations to reduce the potential impact on future foundations and/or site improvements Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 13 Foundation Systems – General Considerations The site appears suitable for the proposed construction based on the results of our field exploration and review of the proposed development plans. The following foundation systems were evaluated for use on the site with the understanding of slab-on-grade structures.  Conventional spread footings  Post-Tensioned Slab Foundation System  Straight shaft drilled piers bearing into the underlying bedrock formation. Close attention will be required during the supplemental site observations, such as “open-hole” or foundation excavation observations to further assess the soil conditions, recommendations and foundation design bearing strata for each of the various buildings. Conventional Spread Footing Foundations The native undisturbed lean clay to clayey sand generally exhibited low to moderate swell potential and low bearing characteristics with the moderate swell potential appearing to be primarily in the southern portion of the project site in the general vicinity of borings B-12 through B-15. To reduce to potential for post-construction heaving of the footings subsequent to construction, we recommend the existing site subgrades and proposed fill materials be worked and placed as recommended in the General Considerations and Site Preparation section of this report. Conventional type spread footings could be used to support the proposed lightly to moderately loaded slab-on-grade 12-plex, 24-plex, garage, and recreation center buildings provided the footings are placed on approved native subgrade material or moisture/density controlled fill material and the maximum anticipated wall and column loads do not exceed those presented herein. If actual design loads exceed the assumed values as previously presented, we should be consulted to provide supplemental design criteria, possibly including alternative foundations, such as drilled piers as further discussed herein. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 14 Footings bearing on approved native subsoils or moisture/density conditioned soils could be designed for a maximum net allowable total load bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. Footing foundations should maintain separation above maximum anticipated rise in groundwater elevation of at least 4 feet indicated earlier. The net bearing pressure refers to the pressure at foundation bearing level in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. Total load should include full dead and live loads. Footings should be proportioned to reduce differential foundation movement. We estimate the total long term settlement of footings designed as outlined above would be less than one-inch. The backfill soils adjacent to the foundations should be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick, moisture conditioned to ± 2% of the material’s standard Proctor optimum moisture content, and mechanically compacted to be at least 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density, ASTM D698. After placement of the fill materials, for foundation support, care should be taken to avoid wetting or drying of those materials. Bearing materials, which are loosened or disturbed by the construction activities, or materials which become dry and desiccated or wet and softened, should be removed and replaced or reworked in place prior to construction of the overlying improvements. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be located at least 30 inches below adjacent exterior grade to provide frost protection. We recommend formed continuous footings have a minimum width of 12 inches and isolated column foundations have a minimum width of 24 inches. Post-Tensioned Slab Foundation Systems The results of our field exploration and laboratory testing completed for this study indicate the upper cohesive clay subsoils exhibited low to moderate swell potential and low to moderate bearing capabilities. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered we expect the proposed slab- Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 15 on-grade 12-plex, 24-plex, garage, and recreation center structures could be supported by PT slab- on-grade foundations that are supported/bear on a zone of engineered/controlled fill materials placed and compacted as outlined in the General Conditions and Site Preparation section of this report or on acceptable underlying native soils. The design parameters provided below assume subgrade materials outlined under General Conditions and Site Preparation. Outlined below are the post tensioned slab (PTS) design criteria based on the subsurface conditions and information provided in the 3rd Edition of the Post-Tensioning Institutes design manual. Post-tensioned slabs, thickened or turn-down edges, and/or interior beams should be designed and constructed in accordance with the appropriate design criteria. Table IV – Post-Tension Slab (PTS) Design Criteria Post-Tensioned Slab (PTS) – 3rd Edition Design Parameters Maximum Allowable Bearing Pressure, psf 2,000 Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em Center Lift Condition, ft. 8.6 Edge Lift Condition, ft. 4.3 Differential Soil Movement, ym Center Lift Condition, Inches 0.4 Edge Lift Condition, Inches 0.8 Slab-Subgrade friction coefficient,  on polyethylene sheeting 0.75 on cohesionless soils – (sands) 1.0 on cohesive soils – (clays) 2.0 Drilled Piers/Caissons Foundations Based on the subgrade conditions observed in the test borings and on the anticipated foundation loads, we recommend supporting the proposed twin 5-story in height office buildings on a grade beam and straight shaft drilled pier/caisson foundation system extending into the underlying bedrock formation. Particular attention will be required in the construction of drilled piers due to the presence of soft/wet clays, loose/wet sands and gravels and shallow groundwater. For axial compression loads, the drilled piers could be designed using a maximum end bearing pressure of 30,000 pounds per square foot (psf), along with a skin-friction of 3,000 psf for the portion of the pier extended into the underlying firm and/or harder bedrock formation. Straight shaft piers should be drilled a minimum of 10-feet into competent or harder bedrock. Lower values Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 16 may be appropriate for pier “groupings” depending on the pier diameters and spacing. Pile groups should be evaluated individually. To satisfy forces in the horizontal direction, piers may be designed for lateral loads using a modulus of 50 tons per cubic foot (tcf) for the portion of the pier in native cohesive soils, 75 tcf for native granular materials or engineered fill, and 400 tcf in bedrock for a pier diameter of 12 inches. The coefficient of subgrade reaction for varying pier diameters is provided in the table below: TABLE V - Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction for Varying Pier Diameters Pier Diameter (inches) Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction (tons/ft3) Cohesive Soils Engineered Fill or Granular Soils Bedrock 18 33 50 267 24 25 38 200 30 20 30 160 36 17 25 133 When the lateral capacity of drilled piers is evaluated by the L-Pile (COM 624) computer program, we recommend that internally generated load-deformation (P-Y) curves be used. The parameters in Table V below may be used for the design of laterally loaded piers, using the L-Pile (COM 624) computer program: TABLE VI – L-Pile Design Parameters Parameters Native Granular Soils or Structural Fill On-Site Overburden Cohesive Soils Bedrock Unit Weight of Soil (pcf) 125(1) 100(1) 125(1) Cohesion (psf) 0 70 5000 Angle of Internal Friction () (degrees) 35 25 20 Strain Corresponding to ½ Max. Principal Stress Difference 50 --- 0.02 0.015 *Notes: 1) Reduce by 64 PCF below the water table Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 17 Drilling caissons to design depth should be possible with conventional heavy-duty single flight power augers equipped with rock teeth on the majority of the site. However, areas of well- cemented sandstone bedrock lenses may be encountered at various depths where specialized drilling equipment and/or rock excavating equipment may be required. Varying zones of cobbles may also be encountered in the granular soils above the bedrock. Excavation penetrating the well-cemented sandstone bedrock may require the use of specialized heavy-duty equipment, together with rock augers and/or core barrels. Consideration should be given to obtaining a unit price for difficult caisson excavation in the contract documents for the project. Due to the presence of soft to very soft cohesive soil, loose to very loose granular soil and shallow groundwater at approximate depths of 2 to 3 feet below site grades in the proposed office building areas, maintaining open shafts for the caissons may be difficult without stabilizing measures. We expect temporary casing will be required to adequately/properly drill and clean piers prior to concrete placement. Groundwater should be removed from each pier hole prior to concrete placement. Pier concrete should be placed immediately after completion of drilling and cleaning. A maximum 3-inch depth of groundwater is acceptable in each pier prior to concrete placement. If pier concrete cannot be placed in dry conditions, a tremie should be used for concrete placement. Due to potential sloughing and raveling, foundation concrete quantities may exceed calculated geometric volumes. Pier concrete with slump in the range of 6 to 8 inches is recommended. Casing used for pier construction should be withdrawn in a slow continuous manner maintaining a sufficient head of concrete to prevent infiltration of soil/water or the creation of voids in pier concrete. Foundation excavations should be observed by the geotechnical engineer. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should inspect the bearing surface and pier configuration. If the soil conditions encountered differ from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations may be required. We estimate the long-term settlement of drilled pier foundations designed and constructed as outlined above would be less than 1-inch. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 18 Interior/Exterior Perimeter Drainage Systems Groundwater was encountered across the site within the soil borings at approximate depths of 2 to 19 feet below existing site grades. If lower level construction is being considered for the site, we would suggest that the lower level subgrade(s) be placed a minimum of 4-feet above maximum anticipated rise in groundwater levels, or a combination exterior and interior perimeter drainage system(s) be installed. Consideration could be given to 1) either designing and installing an area underdrain system to lower the groundwater levels provided a gravity discharge point can be established. If a gravity outlet/system cannot be designed another consideration would be to design and install a mechanical sump pump system to discharge the collected groundwater within the underdrain system, or 2) elevate/raise the site grades to establish the minimum required four (4) foot separation to the maximum anticipated rise in groundwater. EEC is available to assist in the underdrain design if requested. The following information should also be considered, which as previously mentioned, would be to install an interior and exterior perimeter drainage system for each individual building. To reduce the potential for groundwater to enter the lower level/basement area of the structure(s), installation of a dewatering system is recommended. The dewatering system should, at a minimum, include an underslab gravel drainage layer sloped to an interior perimeter drainage system. The following provide preliminary design recommendations for interior and exterior perimeter drainage systems. The underslab drainage system should consist of a properly sized perforated pipe, embedded in free-draining gravel, placed in a trench at least 12 inches in width. The trench should be inset from the interior edge of the nearest foundation a minimum of 12 inches. In addition, the trench should be located such that an imaginary line extending downward at a 45-degree angle from the foundation does not intersect the nearest edge of the trench. Gravel should extend a minimum of 3 inches beneath the bottom of the pipe. The underslab drainage system should be sloped at a minimum 1/8 inch per foot to a suitable outlet, such as a sump and pump system. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 19 The underslab drainage layer should consist of a minimum 6-inch thickness of free-draining gravel meeting the specifications of ASTM C33, Size No. 57 or 67 or equivalent. Cross- connecting drainage pipes should be provided beneath the slab at minimum 15-foot intervals, and should discharge to the perimeter drainage system. Sizing of drainage pipe will be dependent upon groundwater flow into the dewatering system. Groundwater flow rates will fluctuate with permeability of the soils to be dewatered and the depth to which groundwater may rise in the future. Pump tests to determine groundwater flow rates are recommended in order to properly design the system. For preliminary design purposes, the drainage pipe, sump and pump system should be sized for a projected flow of 0.5 x 10-3 cubic feet per second (cfs) per lineal foot of drainage pipe. Additional recommendations can be provided upon request. To reduce the potential for surface water infiltration from impacting foundation bearing soils and/or entering any planned below grade portion of any residential structure, installation of an exterior perimeter drainage system is recommended. This drainage system should be constructed around the exterior perimeter of the lower level/below grade foundation system, and sloped at a minimum 1/8 inch per foot to a suitable outlet, such as a sump and pump system. The exterior drainage system should consist of a properly sized perforated pipe, embedded in free-draining gravel, placed in a trench at least 12 inches in width. Gravel should extend a minimum of 3 inches beneath the bottom of the pipe, and at least 2 feet above the bottom of the foundation wall. The system should be underlain with a polyethylene moisture barrier, sealed to the foundation walls, and extended at least to the edge of the backfill zone. The gravel should be covered with drainage fabric prior to placement of foundation backfill. Seismic Conditions The site soil conditions consist of approximately 16 to 23 feet of overburden soils or greater overlying moderately hard to hard bedrock. For those site conditions, the 2012 International Building Code indicates a Seismic Site Classification of D. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 20 Lateral Earth Pressures For any portion of the proposed various structures constructed below grade, those portions will be subject to lateral earth pressures. Passive lateral earth pressures may help resist the driving forces for retaining wall or other similar site structures. Active lateral earth pressures could be used for design of structures where some movement of the structure is anticipated, such as retaining walls. The total deflection of structures for design with active earth pressure is estimated to be on the order of one half of one percent of the height of the down slope side of the structure. We recommend at-rest pressures be used for design of structures where rotation of the walls is restrained. Passive pressures and friction between the footing and bearing soils could be used for design of resistance to movement of retaining walls. Coefficient values for backfill with anticipated types of soils for calculation of active, at rest and passive earth pressures are provided in the table below. Equivalent fluid pressure is equal to the coefficient times the appropriate soil unit weight. Those coefficient values are based on horizontal backfill with backfill soils consisting of essentially granular materials with a friction angle of 35 degrees or low volume change cohesive soils. For the at-rest and active earth pressures, slopes down and away from the structure would result in reduced driving forces with slopes up and away from the structures resulting in greater forces on the walls. The passive resistance would be reduced with slopes away from the wall. The top 30-inches of soil on the passive resistance side of walls could be used as a surcharge load; however, should not be used as a part of the passive resistance value. Frictional resistance is equal to the tangent of the friction angle times the normal force. Table VII – Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficients Soil Type On-Site Cohesive Soils Import Structural Fill Wet Unit Weight 115 135 Saturated Unit Weight 135 140 Friction Angle () – (assumed) 25° 35° Active Pressure Coefficient 0.40 0.27 At-rest Pressure Coefficient 0.58 0.43 Passive Pressure Coefficient 2.46 3.70 Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 21 Surcharge loads or point loads placed in the backfill can also create additional loads on below grade walls. Those situations should be designed on an individual basis. The outlined values do not include factors of safety nor allowances for hydrostatic loads and are based on assumed friction angles, which should be verified after potential material sources have been identified. Care should be taken to develop appropriate drainage systems behind below grade walls to eliminate potential for hydrostatic loads developing on the walls. Those systems would likely include perimeter drain systems extending to sump areas or free outfall where reverse flow cannot occur into the system. Where necessary, appropriate hydrostatic load values should be used for design. Floor Slabs In our opinion, floor slabs could be supported on a zone of engineered fill material and/or approved structural fill material following the protocol outlined in the section titled General Conditions and Site Preparation to allow for at least 4-feet of processed/engineered controlled fill material beneath interior floor slabs in the southern portion of the site or at least 2 feet of structural fill material near the bisecting irrigation ditch and/or the northeast corner of the project site. Close observation of subgrade materials during construction should be conducted to determine the appropriate recommendations. Floor slabs supported on reconditioned engineered fill could be designed using a modulus of subgrade support (k-value) of 100 pci. We estimate the long term movement of slab-on-grade floors with properly prepared subgrade subsoils as outlined above would be on the order of 1-inch. Care should be taken after preparation of the subgrades to avoid disturbing the subgrade materials. Materials which are loosened or materials which become dry and desiccated or wet and softened should be removed and replaced prior to placement of the overlying floor slabs. Care should be taken to maintain proper moisture contents in the subgrade soils prior to placement of any overlying improvements. An underslab gravel layer or thin leveling course could be used underneath the concrete floor slabs to provide a capillary break mechanism, a load distribution layer, and as a leveling course for the concrete placement. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 22 Additional floor slab design and construction recommendations are as follows:  Positive separations and/or isolation joints should be provided between slabs and all foundations, columns or utility lines to allow independent movement.  Control joints should be provided in slabs to control the location and extent of cracking.  Interior trench backfill placed beneath slabs should be compacted in a similar manner as previously described for footing and floor slab fill.  In areas subjected to normal loading, a 4 to 6-inch layer of clean-graded gravel or aggregate base course should be placed beneath interior floor slabs.  Floor slabs should not be constructed on frozen subgrade.  Other design and construction considerations, as outlined in the ACI Design Manual, Section 302.1R are recommended. Pavement Subgrades/Pavement Design Sections Subgrades for site pavements should be prepared as outlined in the section titled General Considerations and Site Preparation. It will be imperative to maintain the moisture content of the prepared subgrade up to and immediately prior to surfacing. Subgrade soils allowed to become dry and dense would be prone to swelling, potentially causing additional post- construction heaving of the site pavements. Densification of subgrade soils can occur with construction traffic. Prior to surfacing the roadway subgrades with aggregate base, we recommend the subgrades be proof rolled to help identify any soft or yielding areas. Soft or yielding areas delineated by the proof rolling operations should be undercut or stabilized in-place to achieve the appropriate subgrade support. If unstable subgrades exist due to pumping conditions after subgrade preparation stage, consideration should be given to stabilizing the top 12 inches of pavement subgrades with the use of an ASTM C618 Class C fly ash. We estimate stabilization of the site lean clay with sand clayey sand soils could be accomplished by incorporating at least 12%, by dry weight of Class C Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 23 fly ash into the upper 12 inches of subgrade. To take full advantage of the increased stiffness of a stabilized subgrade for a reduction in pavement thickness, a mix design utilizing the fly ash with the site soils would be required prior to surfacing. We expect the site pavements will include areas designated primarily for light-duty automobile parking/traffic use and areas for heavy-duty truck traffic. For design purposes, an assumed equivalent daily load axle (EDLA) rating of 7 is used in the light-duty areas and an EDLA rating of 15 in the heavy-duty areas. A Hveem stabilometer R-value of 10 was assumed and used in design. Hot mix asphalt (HMA) underlain by aggregate base course with a fly ash treated subgrade, or a non-reinforced concrete pavement may be feasible options for the proposed on-site paved sections. HMA pavements may show rutting and distress in areas of heavy truck traffic (trash truck routes) or in truck loading and turning areas. Concrete pavements should be considered in those areas. Suggested pavement sections are provided in the table below. The outlined pavement sections are minimums and thus, periodic maintenance should be expected. TABLE VIII: RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PAVEMENT SECTIONS Automobile Parking Heavy Duty Areas 18-kip EDLA 18-kip ESAL Reliability Resilient Modulus PSI Loss 7 51,100 75% 3562 2.5 15 109,500 85% 3562 2.2 Design Structure Number 2.47 2.96 Composite Section – Option A (assume Stable Subgrade) Hot Mix Asphalt Aggregate Base Course Structure Number 4" 7" (2.53) 5" 8" (3.08) Composite Section with Fly Ash Treated Subgrade Hot Mix Asphalt Aggregate Base Course Fly Ash Treated Subgrade (assume half-credit) Structure Number 4" 6" 12" (3.02) 5" 7" 12" Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 24 We recommend aggregate base be graded to meet a Class 5 or Class 6 aggregate base. Aggregate base should be adjusted in moisture content and compacted to achieve a minimum of 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density. HMA should be graded to meet a SX (75) or S (75) with PG 58-28 binder. The HMA should be designed in accordance with LCUASS design criteria. HMA should be compacted to achieve 92 to 96% of the mix's theoretical maximum specific gravity (Rice Value). Portland cement concrete should be an acceptable exterior pavement mix with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,200 psi and should be air entrained. The recommended pavement sections are minimums, thus, periodic maintenance should be expected. Longitudinal and transverse joints should be provided as needed in concrete pavements for expansion/contraction and isolation. The location and extent of joints should be based upon the final pavement geometry. Sawed joints should be cut in accordance with ACI recommendations. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and dowelled where necessary for load transfer. Since the cohesive soils on the site have some shrink/swell potential, pavements could crack in the future primarily because of the volume change of the soils when subjected to changes in moisture content of the subgrades. The cracking, while not desirable, does not necessarily constitute structural failure of the pavement. Stabilization of the subgrades will reduce the potential for cracking of the pavements. The collection and diversion of surface drainage away from paved areas is critical to the satisfactory performance of the pavement. Drainage design should provide for the removal of water from paved areas in order to reduce the potential for wetting of the subgrade soils. Long-term pavement performance will be dependent upon several factors, including maintaining subgrade moisture levels and providing for preventive maintenance. The following recommendations should be considered the minimum: Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 25  The subgrade and the pavement surface should be adequately sloped to promote proper surface drainage.  Install pavement drainage surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting (e.g. garden centers, wash racks)  Install joint sealant and seal cracks immediately.  Seal all landscaped areas in, or adjacent to pavements to minimize or prevent moisture migration to subgrade soils.  Place and compact low permeability backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter. Preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on-going pavement management program. Preventive maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventive maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack and joint sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventive maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. Prior to implementing any maintenance, additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of preventive maintenance. Site grading is generally accomplished early in the construction phase. However as construction proceeds, the subgrade may be disturbed due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, or rainfall. As a result, the pavement subgrade may not be suitable for pavement construction and corrective action will be required. The subgrade should be carefully evaluated at the time of pavement construction for signs of disturbance, rutting, or excessive drying. If disturbance has occurred, pavement subgrade areas should be reworked, moisture conditioned, and properly compacted to the recommendations in this report immediately prior to paving. If during or after placement of the stabilization or initial lift of pavement, the area is observed to be yielding under vehicle traffic or construction equipment, it is recommended that EEC be contacted for additional alternative methods of stabilization, or a change in the pavement section. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 26 Water Soluble Sulfates – (SO4) The water soluble sulfate (SO4) testing of the on-site subgrade materials taken during our subsurface exploration are provided in the following table below. Based on the reported sulfate contents test results, this report includes a recommendation for the CLASS or TYPE of cement for use for contact in association with the on-site subsoils. TABLE IX - Water Soluble Sulfate Test Results Sample Location Description Soluble Sulfate Content (mg/kg) Soluble Sulfate Content (%) B-3, S-1 at 4’ Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 170 0.02 B-4, S-2 at 9’ Sand and Gravel (SP/GP) 140 0.01 B-7, S-5 at 9’ Claystone / Siltstone / Sandstone 100 0.01 B-13, S-2 at 4’ Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 260 .03 Based on the results as presented above, ACI 318, Section 4.2 indicates the site overburden soils and underlying bedrock have a low risk of sulfate attack on Portland cement concrete. Therefore Class 0 and/or Type I/II cement with or without the use of fly ash could be used for concrete on and below site grades within the overburden soils. Foundation concrete should be designed in accordance with the provisions of the ACI Design Manual, Section 318, Chapter 4. These results are being compared to the following table. TABLE X - Requirements to Protect Against Damage to Concrete by Sulfate Attack from External Sources of Sulfate Severity of Sulfate exposure Water-soluble sulfate (SO4) in dry soil, percent Water-cement ratio, maximum Cementitious material Requirements Class 0 0.00 to 0.10% 0.45 Class 0 Class 1 0.11 to 0.20% 0.45 Class 1 Class 2 0.21 to 2.00% 0.45 Class 2 Class 3 2.01 of greater 0.45 Class 3 Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 27 Utilities Near surface, the cohesive soils were relatively dry and medium dense, generally becoming more moist and soft with depth approaching groundwater. Cuts extending into the near surface soils would be expected to stand on relatively steep temporary slopes. However, cuts extending to greater depths or in the northeast corner of the property could expose soft, wet, pumping soils and groundwater. The soft, wet cohesive soils may be unstable in the trench excavations. Stabilization of the sides and bottoms of some of the trenches and at least some dewatering should be anticipated for utilities. Although the excavated soils could be used for backfilling the utility excavations, moisture conditioning of those soils will be necessary before the excavated material can be used for backfilling. Backfill material should be placed and compacted as recommended in the section General Considerations and Site Preparation. The individual contractor(s) should be made responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local and federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. Other Considerations Positive drainage should be developed away from the structure and pavement areas with a minimum slope of 1-inch per foot for the first 10-feet away from the improvements in landscape areas. Care should be taken in planning of landscaping adjacent to the building and parking and drive areas to avoid features which would pond water adjacent to the pavement, foundations or stemwalls. Placement of plants which require irrigation systems or could result in fluctuations of the moisture content of the subgrade material should be avoided adjacent to site improvements. Lawn watering systems should not be placed within 5 feet of the perimeter of the building and parking areas. Spray heads should be designed not to spray water on or immediately adjacent to Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Report Proposed Harmony 23 Development EEC Project No. 1152123 January 14, 2016 Page 28 the structure or site pavements. Roof drains should be designed to discharge at least 5 feet away from the structure and away from the pavement areas. GENERAL COMMENTS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any variations, which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to review the plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding the interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. It is further recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained for testing and observations during earthwork and foundation construction phases to help determine that the design requirements are fulfilled. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of AMGI USA, for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing by the geotechnical engineer. Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC DRILLING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS: Split Spoon ‐ 13/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted PS: Piston Sample ST: Thin‐Walled Tube ‐ 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted WS: Wash Sample R: Ring Barrel Sampler ‐ 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted PA: Power Auger FT: Fish Tail Bit HA: Hand Auger RB: Rock Bit DB: Diamond Bit = 4", N, B BS: Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM: Pressure Meter HS: Hollow Stem Auger WB: Wash Bore Standard "N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2‐inch O.D. split spoon, except where noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL : Water Level WS : While Sampling WCI: Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR: After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of ground water. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground water levels is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D‐2488. Coarse Grained Soils have move than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as : clays, if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non‐plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in‐ place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean clay with sand, trace gravel, stiff (CL); silty sand, trace gravel, medium dense (SM). CONSISTENCY OF FINE‐GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Consistency < 500 Very Soft 500 ‐ 1,000 Soft 1,001 ‐ 2,000 Medium 2,001 ‐ 4,000 Stiff 4,001 ‐ 8,000 Very Stiff 8,001 ‐ 16,000 Very Hard RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE‐GRAINED SOILS: N‐Blows/ft Relative Density 0‐3 Very Loose 4‐9 Loose 10‐29 Medium Dense 30‐49 Dense 50‐80 Very Dense 80 + Extremely Dense PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BEDROCK DEGREE OF WEATHERING: Slight Slight decomposition of parent material on joints. May be color change. Moderate Some decomposition and color change throughout. High Rock highly decomposed, may be extremely broken. Group Symbol Group Name Cu≥4 and 1<Cc≤3 E GW Well-graded gravel F Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>3 E GP Poorly-graded gravel F Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel G,H Fines Classify as CL or CH GC Clayey Gravel F,G,H Cu≥6 and 1<Cc≤3 E SW Well-graded sand I Cu<6 and/or 1>Cc>3 E SP Poorly-graded sand I Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand G,H,I Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G,H,I inorganic PI>7 and plots on or above "A" Line CL Lean clay K,L,M PI<4 or plots below "A" Line ML Silt K,L,M organic Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clay K,L,M,N Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,O inorganic PI plots on or above "A" Line CH Fat clay K,L,M PI plots below "A" Line MH Elastic Silt K,L,M organic Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clay K,L,M,P Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,O Highly organic soils PT Peat (D30)2 D10 x D60 GW-GM well graded gravel with silt NPI≥4 and plots on or above "A" line. GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay OPI≤4 or plots below "A" line. GP-GM poorly-graded gravel with silt PPI plots on or above "A" line. GP-GC poorly-graded gravel with clay QPI plots below "A" line. SW-SM well-graded sand with silt SW-SC well-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC IIf soil contains >15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name JIf Atterberg limits plots shaded area, soil is a CL- ML, Silty clay Unified Soil Classification System 1 2 B-11 B-14 B-12 B-13 B-9 B-10 B-7 B-16 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-8 B-17 B-15 B-18 Boring Location Diagram Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado EEC Project Number: 1152123 Date: December 2015 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC B-1 thru B-15: Foundation Borings Drilled 15-30' Legend B-16: Pavement Boring Drilled 10' B-17 & B-18: Detention / Water Quality Borings with Piezometers Drilled 15' 1 Site Photos (Photos taken in approximate location, in direction of arrow) HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1152123 DECEMBER 2015 DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) _ _ brown 2 stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 8 4000 16.1 95.5 34 17 72.4 700 psf 0.3% _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ sand & gravel seams SS 10 4 -- 23.1 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 sand & gravel seams _ _ CS 15 13 1000 35.6 89.3 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 16 brown / red _ _ dense 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 43 -- 10.3 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 24 grey _ _ moderately hard to hard CS 25 38 9000+ 16.0 110.9 43 24 57.7 5200 psf 2.7% Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 grey _ _ moderately hard to hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ SS 30 50/3" 9000+ 10.7 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SILTY CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) _ _ dark brown / brown 2 medium dense _ _ % @ 150 PSF with traces of gravel CS 3 13 9000+ 6.9 102.8 24 7 41.4 3000 psf 4.0% _ _ 4 _ _ brown SS 5 9 8000 14.0 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ CS 10 6 2000 13.1 brown _ _ loose 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 SILTY SAND (SM) _ _ brown 14 medium dense _ _ with gravel SS 15 14 -- 22.0 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown; medium dense CS 20 20 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.0' _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 stiff _ _ with traces of gravel 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 7 3000 14.0 103.9 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ SILTY CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) 8 brown _ _ medium dense 9 _ _ SS 10 23 -- 24.0 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 11 brown / red _ _ medium dense 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ CS 15 27 -- 8.6 136.8 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 16 -- 17.0 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 24 grey _ _ hard CS 25 50/3" Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 grey _ _ hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ SS 30 -- 1000 20.9 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SILTY SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 soft to medium stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 4 2000 26.7 96.6 33 8 64.5 _ _ 6 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 7 brown / red _ _ dense to very dense 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 33 -- 11.6 _ _ 11 with cobbles _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 50/6" -- 11.1 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 45 8000 20.8 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 21 brown / grey / rust _ _ moderately hard to hard 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 grey _ _ CS 25 50/5" 9000+ 13.8 115.7 Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC A-LIMITS SWELL DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 grey _ _ hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ SS 30 50/6" 9000+ 17.9 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 LEAN CLAY with SAND (CL) _ _ brown 2 soft to stiff _ _ % @ 150 PSF CS 3 2 -- 32.3 90.9 40 21 72.7 <150 psf None _ _ 4 _ _ brown / dark brown SS 5 7 1000 31.3 _ _ 6 _ _ SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL/SC) 7 brown _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ CS 10 34 -- 23.9 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown / red 11 dense _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 50 -- 11.0 4.5 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 18 grey _ _ moderately hard to hard 19 _ _ CS 20 50/5.5" 9000+ 16.4 121.5 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ SS 25 50/6" 9000+ 15.9 Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 grey _ _ hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ CS 30 50/4" 9000+ 13.9 121.1 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.0' _ _ 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY / SILT (CL/SM) _ _ brown 2 stiff _ _ % @ 150 PSF CS 3 7 5000 16.2 108.8 23 4 64.5 <150 psf None _ _ 4 _ _ medium-stiff to stiff SS 5 5 1000 22.4 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 SILTY CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) _ _ dark brown / brown / rust CS 10 6 -- 35.4 81.3 loose _ _ 11 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 12 brown / red _ _ very dense to medium dense 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 51 -- 10.2 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ CS 20 29 -- 11.3 126.9 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.0' _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 medium stiff to stiff _ _ CS 3 3 1000 26.0 98.2 _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 6 2000 34.0 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 8 brown / red _ _ dense 9 _ _ SS 10 33 -- 15.4 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 42 -- 11.3 _ _ 16 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 17 brown / grey / rust _ _ moderately hard to hard 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 50/8" 9000+ 18.3 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5' 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL/SC) _ _ brown 2 stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 6 7000 8.2 111.7 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ medium stiff SS 10 4 -- 25.8 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 13 brown / red _ _ dense to medium dense 14 _ _ CS 15 30 -- 17.5 126.4 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 34 -- 9.8 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ SS 25 18 -- 14.7 Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 27 brown / red _ _ dense to medium dense 28 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 29 grey _ _ moderately hard to hard SS 30 50/3" -- 22.6 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL/SC) 1 brown _ _ very stiff to stiff 2 _ _ % @ 150 PSF CS 3 18 9000+ 12.4 104.7 -- -- -- 1520 psf 2.7% _ _ 4 _ _ with calcareous deposits SS 5 10 9000+ 11.2 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ CS 10 5 7000 17.2 102.5 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 2 -- 29.8 brown _ _ soft 16 _ _ 17 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 18 brown / red _ _ dense 19 _ _ CS 20 40 -- 7.3 123.8 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.0' _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 8 5000 17.1 111.5 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 with traces of gravel _ _ SS 10 9 1000 23.7 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 11 brown / red _ _ dense 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ CS 15 35 -- 10.5 131.7 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 35 -- 14.8 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 24 grey / rust _ _ moderately hard to hard SS 25 50/6" 9000+ 16.5 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 25.5' _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 very stiff to stiff _ _ with calcareous deposits CS 3 16 9000+ 10.1 93.7 33 20 62.5 _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 5 9000+ 15.8 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ CS 10 4 3000 22.8 102.4 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ SILTY / CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) 14 dark brown / brown _ _ medium dense SS 15 14 -- 29.4 _ _ 16 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown / red 17 dense _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 30 -- 9.2 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5' 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 very stiff to stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 14 9000 13.2 115.1 35 20 72.4 6800 psf 3.9% _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 4 1000 34.1 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SILTY SAND (SM) CS 15 5 1000 30.4 91.9 brown / rust _ _ loose to dense 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 42 -- 16.8 _ _ 21 CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE _ _ brown / rust / grey 22 moderately hard to hard _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ CS 25 50/6" 9000+ 16.3 111.0 38 18 88.2 3800 psf 2.1% Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 brown / rust / grey _ _ hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ grey SS 30 50/6" 8000 18.1 with calcareous deposits _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 very stiff to stiff _ _ % @ 150 PSF with calcareous deposits CS 3 23 9000+ 7.1 108.5 30 15 57.5 1020 psf 2.9% _ _ 4 _ _ SS 5 17 9000+ 9.2 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ CS 10 8 7000 10.9 111.5 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ brown / red SS 15 7 3000 24.8 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 SILTY SAND (SM) _ _ brown, loose CS 20 3 -- 30.1 BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.0' _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 very stiff to stiff _ _ with calcareous deposits 3 _ _ 4 _ _ % @ 150 PSF CS 5 18 9000+ 10.1 102.7 -- -- -- 4800 psf 9.2% _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 7 3000 22.0 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ CS 15 5 -- 24.8 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown / red 18 dense _ _ 19 _ _ SS 20 56 6000 16.7 CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE; grey _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 20.5' 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) _ _ brown 2 very stiff _ _ with calcareous deposits 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 17 9000+ 10.2 104.4 34 19 60.8 3500 psf 4.4% _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 12 9000+ 10.0 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 brown / rust _ _ with traces of gravel CS 15 8 5000 12.6 112.7 stiff _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ SILTY SAND / CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) SS 20 17 -- 21.5 brown / rust _ _ medium dense 21 with traces of gravel _ _ 22 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 23 grey _ _ moderately hard to hard 24 _ _ CS 25 50/4" 9000+ 14.8 118.5 Continued on Sheet 2 of 2 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF Continued from Sheet 1 of 2 26 _ _ CLAYSTONE / SILTSTONE / SANDSTONE 27 grey _ _ hard 28 _ _ 29 _ _ SS 30 50/6" 6000 17.7 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 30.5' 31 _ _ 32 _ _ 33 _ _ 34 _ _ 35 _ _ 36 _ _ 37 _ _ 38 _ _ 39 _ _ 40 _ _ 41 _ _ 42 _ _ 43 _ _ 44 _ _ 45 _ _ 46 _ _ 47 _ _ 48 _ _ 49 _ _ 50 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SILTY / CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) _ _ brown 2 soft to medium stiff _ _ % @ 150 PSF CS 3 2 1000 27.8 95.8 31 17 42.4 <150 None _ _ 4 _ _ SILTY SAND (SM) SS 5 5 -- 26.3 27.5 dark brown / brown _ _ loose 6 _ _ 7 with gravel _ _ 8 _ _ 9 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown / red SS 10 32 -- 14.4 dense _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 10.5' 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ 15 _ _ 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ 20 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF TOPSOIL & VEGETATION _ _ 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY / CLAYEY SAND (CL/SC) _ _ brown 2 stiff to medium stiff _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 4 -- 25.5 _ _ SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) 6 brown / red _ _ medium dense 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 _ _ SS 10 25 -- 16.5 6.3 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 22 -- 9.8 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15.5' 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ 20 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT DATE: RIG TYPE: CME55 FOREMAN: DG AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA SPT HAMMER: AUTOMATIC SOIL DESCRIPTION D N QU MC DD -200 TYPE (FEET) (BLOWS/FT) (PSF) (%) (PCF) LL PI (%) PRESSURE % @ 500 PSF _ _ SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) 1 brown _ _ medium stiff 2 _ _ 3 _ _ 4 _ _ CS 5 3 1000 28.0 _ _ 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 SAND & GRAVEL (SP/GP) _ _ brown / red 9 dense _ _ SS 10 30 -- 10.4 _ _ 11 _ _ 12 _ _ 13 _ _ 14 _ _ SS 15 33 -- 12.1 10.6 _ _ BOTTOM OF BORING DEPTH 15.5' 16 _ _ 17 _ _ 18 _ _ 19 _ _ 20 _ _ 21 _ _ 22 _ _ 23 _ _ 24 _ _ 25 _ _ Earth Engineering Consultants, LLC HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth EEC's Test Boring Nos. 1 through 9 - Drilled December 2015 CLIENT: AMGI USA PROJECT NO. 1152123 PROJECT: Proposed Harmony 23 Development DATE: 1/12/2016 LOCATION: Sothwest Corner of Harmony Road and Strau Cabin Fort Collins, Colorado Note: (1) SPT denotes Standard Penetration Test using a 140 LB. Hammer Falling 30-Inches 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Increased Depth below existing site grades, ft. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Results N-BLOWS PER FOOT SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-1 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-2 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-3 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-4 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-5 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-6 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-7 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-8 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-9 "SOFT SOILS" SPT N-Values between 1 to 4 "MEDIUM STIFF" SPT N-Values between 4 to 8 "STIFF" SPT N-Values between 8 to 15 Note: Relatively low SPT test results, (i.e. SOFT characteristics N‐Blows/FT less 4) were recorded at various intervals within a few borings as illustrated herein. Predominantly the majority of the subsoils were medium stiff to very stiff. SOFT SOILS < 4 Blows/Ft. MEDIUM STIFF 4 to 8 STIFF SOILS ‐ 8 to 15 Blows/FT. VERY STIFF ‐ 15 to 30 Blows/FT. HARD Blows/FT. > 30 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth EEC's Preliminary Boring Nos. 10 through 18 - Drilled December 2015 CLIENT: AMGI USA PROJECT NO. 1152123 PROJECT: Proposed Harmony 23 Development DATE: 1/12/2016 LOCATION: Sothwest Corner of Harmony Road and Strau Cabin Fort Collins, Colorado Note: (1) SPT denotes Standard Penetration Test using a 140 LB. Hammer Falling 30-Inches 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Increased Depth below existing site grades, ft. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Results N-BLOWS PER FOOT SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-10 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-11 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-12 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-13 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-14 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-15 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-16 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-17 SPT N-Blows/Ft. with Increased Depth - Boring B-18 "SOFT SOILS" SPT N-Values between 1 to 4 "MEDIUM STIFF" SPT N-Values between 4 to 8 "STIFF" SPT N-Values between 8 to 15 Note: Relatively low SPT test results, (i.e. SOFT characteristics N‐Blows/FT less 4) were recorded at various intervals within a few borings as illustrated herein. Predominantly the majority of the subsoils were medium stiff to very stiff. SOFT SOILS < 4 Blows/Ft. MEDIUM STIFF 4 to 8 STIFF SOILS ‐ 8 to 15 Blows/FT. VERY STIFF ‐ 15 to 30 Blows/FT. HARD Blows/FT. > 30 Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Lean Clay with Sand (CL) Sample Location: Boring 1, Sample 1, Depth 4' Liquid Limit: 34 Plasticity Index: 17 % Passing #200: 72.4% Beginning Moisture: 16.1% Dry Density: 108.8 pcf Ending Moisture: 21.1% Swell Pressure: 700 psf % Swell @ 500: 0.3% Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 Beginning Moisture: 16.0% Dry Density: 114.5 pcf Ending Moisture: 18.8% Swell Pressure: 5200 psf % Swell @ 500: 2.7% Sample Location: Boring 1, Sample 5, Depth 24' Liquid Limit: 43 Plasticity Index: 24 % Passing #200: 57.7% SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Grey Claystone/Siltstone/Sandstone -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 Beginning Moisture: 6.9% Dry Density: 121.5 pcf Ending Moisture: 16.8% Swell Pressure: 3000 psf % Swell @ 150: 4.0% Sample Location: Boring 2, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 24 Plasticity Index: 7 % Passing #200: 41.4% SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Dark Brown, Brown Silty/Clayey Sand with Trace Gravel (SM/SC) -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Lean Clay with Sand (CL) Sample Location: Boring 5, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 40 Plasticity Index: 21 % Passing #200: 72.7% Beginning Moisture: 32.3% Dry Density: 91.4 pcf Ending Moisture: 28.4% Swell Pressure: <150 psf % Swell @ 150: None Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 Beginning Moisture: 16.2% Dry Density: 115.5 pcf Ending Moisture: 18.3% Swell Pressure: < 150 psf % Swell @ 150: None Sample Location: Boring 6, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 23 Plasticity Index: 4 % Passing #200: 64.5% SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay / Silt (CL-SM) -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 Beginning Moisture: 12.4% Dry Density: 100.1 pcf Ending Moisture: 19.6% Swell Pressure: 1520 psf % Swell @ 150: 2.7% Sample Location: Boring 9, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: - - Plasticity Index: - - % Passing #200: - - SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay / Clayey Sand (CL/SC) -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Lean Clay with Sand (CL) Sample Location: Boring 12, Sample 1, Depth 4' Liquid Limit: 35 Plasticity Index: 20 % Passing #200: 72.4% Beginning Moisture: 13.2% Dry Density: 117 pcf Ending Moisture: 14.8% Swell Pressure: 6800 psf % Swell @ 500: 3.9% Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown, Rust, Grey Claystone / Siltstone / Sandstone Sample Location: Boring 12, Sample 5, Depth 24' Liquid Limit: 38 Plasticity Index: 18 % Passing #200: 88.2% Beginning Moisture: 16.3% Dry Density: 111.7 pcf Ending Moisture: 19.8% Swell Pressure: 3800 psf % Swell @ 500: 2.1% Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 Beginning Moisture: 7.1% Dry Density: 99.5 pcf Ending Moisture: 21.5% Swell Pressure: 1020 psf % Swell @ 150: 2.9% Sample Location: Boring 13, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 30 Plasticity Index: 15 % Passing #200: 57.5% SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay (CL) -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay (CL) Sample Location: Boring 14, Sample 1, Depth 4' Liquid Limit: - - Plasticity Index: - - % Passing #200: - - Beginning Moisture: 10.1% Dry Density: 114.5 pcf Ending Moisture: 16.6% Swell Pressure: 4800 psf % Swell @ 150: 9.2% Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Lean Clay (CL) Sample Location: Boring 15, Sample 1, Depth 4' Liquid Limit: 34 Plasticity Index: 19 % Passing #200: 60.8% Beginning Moisture: 10.2% Dry Density: 121.8 pcf Ending Moisture: 18.3% Swell Pressure: 3500 psf % Swell @ 500: 4.4% Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added Project: Location: Project #: Date: SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Clayey Sand (SC) Sample Location: Boring 16, Sample 1, Depth 2' Liquid Limit: 31 Plasticity Index: 17 % Passing #200: 42.4% Beginning Moisture: 27.8% Dry Density: 100.8 pcf Ending Moisture: 21.6% Swell Pressure: <150 psf % Swell @ 150: None Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 December 2015 -10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Percent Movement Load (TSF) Consolidatio Swell Water Added 2" (50 mm) 1 1/2" (37.5 mm) 1" (25 mm) 3/4" (19 mm) 1/2" (12.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project: Harmony 23 Development Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Project No: 1152123 Sample ID: B5, S4, 14' Sample Desc.: Sand & Gravel Date: December 2015 20 13 10 7 4.5 68 64 58 56 45 100 100 94 78 70 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) Sieve Size Percent Passing Gravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium Fine EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 B5, S4, 14' Sand & Gravel December 2015 Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or Clay 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Finer by Weight (%) Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2" (50 mm) 1 1/2" (37.5 mm) 1" (25 mm) 3/4" (19 mm) 1/2" (12.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project: Harmony 23 Development Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Project No: 1152123 Sample ID: B16, S2, 4' Sample Desc.: Sand / Silty Sand Date: December 2015 84 72 60 44 27.5 97 97 96 96 95 100 100 100 100 98 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) Sieve Size Percent Passing Gravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium Fine EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 B16, S2, 4' Sand / Silty Sand December 2015 Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or Clay 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Finer by Weight (%) Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2" (50 mm) 1 1/2" (37.5 mm) 1" (25 mm) 3/4" (19 mm) 1/2" (12.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project: Harmony 23 Development Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Project No: 1152123 Sample ID: B17, S2, 9' Sample Desc.: Sand / Silty Sand Date: December 2015 54 49 39 14 6.3 76 69 63 62 58 100 100 100 90 78 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) Sieve Size Percent Passing Gravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium Fine EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 B17, S2, 9' Sand / Silty Sand December 2015 Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or Clay 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Finer by Weight (%) Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size 2" (50 mm) 1 1/2" (37.5 mm) 1" (25 mm) 3/4" (19 mm) 1/2" (12.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 10 (2 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.6 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 50 (0.3 mm) No. 100 (0.15 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Project: Harmony 23 Development Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Project No: 1152123 Sample ID: B18, S3, 14' Sample Desc.: Sand & Gravel Date: December 2015 35 29 24 16 10.6 88 77 63 60 49 100 100 100 95 91 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Sieve Analysis (AASHTO T 11 & T 27 / ASTM C 117 & C 136) Sieve Size Percent Passing Gravel Coarse Fine Sand Coarse Medium Fine EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC Summary of Washed Sieve Analysis Tests (ASTM C117 & C136) Date: Harmony 23 Development Fort Collins, Colorado 1152123 B18, S3, 14' Sand & Gravel December 2015 Project: Location: Project No: Sample ID: Sample Desc.: Cobble Silt or Clay 6" 5" 4" 3" 2.5" 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 10 No. 16 No. 30 No. 40 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Finer by Weight (%) Grain Size (mm) Standard Sieve Size FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-18 (PIEZOMETER) DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 5' SURFACE ELEV N/A 6 HOUR 4.5' FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-17 (PIEZOMETER) DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 4' SURFACE ELEV N/A 6 HOUR 1.5' FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-16 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 4' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-15 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 19' 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-15 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 19' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-14 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 15' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-13 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING None SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-12 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 11' 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-12 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 11' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-11 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 9' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-10 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 5' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-9 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 14' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-8 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 11' 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-8 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 11' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-7 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 5.5' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-6 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 7' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-5 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 3' 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-5 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 3' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-4 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 2' 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/28/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/28/2015 WHILE DRILLING 2' HARMONY 23 DEVELOPMENT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-4 DECEMBER 2015 PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-3 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 6.5' 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-3 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 6.5' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-2 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 10' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-1 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 2 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 9' 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A SURFACE ELEV 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE A-LIMITS SWELL N/A FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1152123 LOG OF BORING B-1 DECEMBER 2015 SHEET 1 OF 2 WATER DEPTH START DATE 12/22/2015 WHILE DRILLING 9' SURFACE ELEV N/A 24 HOUR N/A FINISH DATE 12/22/2015 AFTER DRILLING N/A A-LIMITS SWELL Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests Sands 50% or more coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Fine-Grained Soils 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve <0.75 OL Gravels with Fines more than 12% fines Clean Sands Less than 5% fines Sands with Fines more than 12% fines Clean Gravels Less than 5% fines Gravels more than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Coarse - Grained Soils more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve CGravels with 5 to 12% fines required dual symbols: Kif soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. <0.75 OH Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor ABased on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve ECu=D60/D10 Cc= HIf fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name LIf soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. MIf soil contains ≥30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. DSands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: BIf field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. FIf soil contains ≥15% sand, add "with sand" to GIf fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC- CM, or SC-SM. Silts and Clays Liquid Limit less than 50 Silts and Clays Liquid Limit 50 or more 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ML OR OL MH OR OH For Classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse-grained soils. Equation of "A"-line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5 then PI-0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL=16 to PI-7, then PI=0.9 (LL-8) CL-ML HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION: Limestone and Dolomite: Hard Difficult to scratch with knife. Moderately Can be scratched easily with knife. Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail. Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. Shale, Siltstone and Claystone: Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be scratched with fingernail. Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail. Hard Soft Can be easily dented but not molded with fingers. Sandstone and Conglomerate: Well Capable of scratching a knife blade. Cemented Cemented Can be scratched with knife. Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers. Cemented (3.57) PCC (Non-reinforced) – placed on a stable subgrade 5-1/2" 7"