HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRICK STONE APARTMENTS ON HARMONY - PDP - PDP160019 - REPORTS - RECOMMENDATION/REPORT W/ATTACHMENTS (23)Tt .ELB.Engineering, LLC Transportation Engineering Solutions Memorandum ..... ."-P".-'.- .-.• ) C-• I ....' . •••i f,,d -, --.••• +" -",1 - • + TO: Mr. Ben Massimino, SEEC Enterprises • %1-, Ms. Martina Wilkensen, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer ,... r .9,e' .': I:C\'\.' ''.174 6'. n • r)1 ;.=,, f „ FROM: Eric L. Bracke, P.E., P.T.O.E r • 0-":"--) ' " NA- .',. DATE: 12 September 2016 '376 . SUBJECT: Brick Stone Apartments on Harmony — Supplemental Infor ahem • This memorandum represents an addendum to the Brick House Apartments on I4armony (a.k.a. Harmony Mixed Use) Transportation Impact Study that was completed by ELB Engineering, LLC in June of 2016. The addendum will attempt to answer questions that have arisen by nearby property owners concerning the project. The first issue to be addressed were comments regarding the potential for pedestrians to cross harmony Road mid-block to get to the shopping center. Although this scenario is possible, it is highly unlikely that it will occur with any frequency. Harmony Road is one of the most heavily traveled roadways with the City of Fort Collins and a mid-block crossing is a clear danger whose attempt would defy common sense. Additionally, the median separating east and westbound traffic is raised and landscaped so traversing the median would be cumbersome. There is an eastbound left turn lane that provides access to the shopping center, and it too would be a cumbersome journey in an event to cross Harmony Road. The Brick House Apartments project will eliminate a critical gap in the pedestrian system of the area. Residents of the project will be able to go to either College Avenue or JFK to cross Harmony Road. A pedestrian analysis was completed for the project and it was found to meet the standards set forth by the City of Fort Collins for pedestrian level or service. The worksheets for the analysis can be found in Appendix A. The crossings at the two intersections have pedestrian signal phases, enhanced crosswalks, visual interest, and good lighting and sight distance. The sidewalk system is wide with good sight distance, parkways, and visual interest. The bicycle and transit issues were also brought up by nearby property owners. The project will construct the third lane of Harmony Road and also construct a bus stop. The project is in walking distance to the South Transit Center, College Ave and the MAX system. IIPage ELB Engineering, LLC Brick House Apartments - Addendum 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 970-988-7551 ELBEngineering@lpbroadband.net The project met the bicycle level of service standards by being connected to the bike lanes that currently exist on Harmony Road. A cyclist can leave the site and be connected to the entire bikeway system by connecting to either the Mason Trail or the bike lanes on JFK Parkway. In addition, the project is including an in-unit bike storage for every residential unit in the project. Also to be included with the project are 58 additional bike racks (above code requirements) for a total of 174 bike racks. It could be easily argued that the projects' efforts towards alternative mode enhancements could reduce the amount of trips generated by the development. Nevertheless, the project meets and exceeds all LOS requirements for alternative modes. A minor issue is that the project has added 2 additional 1 bedroom apartments from the original TIS. This small increase in density would increase the daily trip generation by 13 trips which is considered insignificant. The final issue that needs to be addressed were comments related to U-turns at College Ave and Harmony Road. The concern centered on what would happen if the city prohibited the eastbound U-turn at the intersection. There was some concern that the residents of the area wanted a guarantee that the U-turn would not be prohibited. There are several items that need to be mentioned in this discussion. First U-turns are legal unless prohibited by the local traffic engineer. When U-turns are prohibited there is almost always an accident issue that needs to be addressed. At this time, according to city crash records, there is no safety issues involving U-turns at this intersection and there are no plans to prohibit it in the future. Second, and most importantly, the city always has the right to modify an intersection and will not give up that right so there should be no expectation from local residents that the U-turn will remain in place indefinetly. The third point in this discussion is that the TIS for the project did not assume any U-turns at the intersections as part of the analysis. As for the question of what happens if/when the U- turns are prohibited has already been addressed in the Transportation Impact Study. For the most part, U-turns are an uncomfortable maneauver for the average driver. It is assumed that for anyone living or visiting this site will find alternative routes. The project assumed that anyone heading westbound to the site would use Horsetooth Road or Trilby Road to get to College Ave and then make either the left or right turn on Harmony to access the site. If people did choose to use westbound Harmony Road, it is likely they would use one of two scenarios to access the site: 2IPage ELB Engineering, LLC Brick House Apartments - Addendum 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 970-988-7551 ELBEngincering@lpbroadband.net Part•0.19,•wq Cen,f, 130J0pal1a01 • Tirgel • North RN • Rxrps NW,* • Scirrs0 Apartrrwl% • 4111 Rellectons Selo* APan,,,Crttl iSetic Cnek Apairlim. • • • 000.0 ran Mans ."J • Ilaitc.1:07.4 131.111 Cto Aparrneri • I no turn* Dept• P.. 4:atm,. • /4.ng Soup., • tat.Dan.kl 3 Woe Jor ur$0,0 tath Port Hair aa.st Cram, •,• 4 , I , Re4koty, ts.m.,par7 kuhf • rat Collin • Sat C&A, • T. UPS *coo • • r••ar Ce-err hlasmont Map data 02016 Caddie 500 ft FIGURE 1: U-TURN ALTERNATIVES 1. The driver would take Harmony Road westbound to JFK, right on northbound JFK to Troutman, west on Troutman to College, south on College to Harmony, the left on Harmony to the site. 2. The driver would take Harmony Road westbound to College, then left on College to Mason, right on Mason to Harmony Road, then east on Harmony Road to the site. 3. A third and less likely option would be to cut-thru the shopping center over to Kensignton Road and College to get to the site. However, the slow speeds and conflicts with pedestrians would make this an unattractive option. Both of these maneauvers are somewhat awkward and it is unlikely that a permanent resident of the site would do either of these maneauvers on a daily basis. Figure 1 below displays the alternative routes if U-turns were prohibited. 3 1Page Brick Flouse Apartments - Addendum ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 970-988,-7551 ELBEngineering@Ipbroadband.net I trust this supplemental information is sufficient for your needs as you proceed through the development review process. Please feel free to contact me directly if you need additional information. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. 4IPage ELB Engineering, LLC Brick House Apartments - Addendum 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 970r988-7551 ELBEngineering@Ipbroadband.net APFNIPIX A Harmony Mixed Use Supplemental Appendix September 2016 ELB Engineering, LLC 5401Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 970-988-7551 ELBEngineering@lpbroadband.net 3 or feiie lanes to cross 4 or 5 lanes o Cross and/or Fort Collins Pedestrian Plan Signalized Crossings** ,sp or more lanes o cross and/or Missing 5 elements of A Missing 6 elements of A Missing 7 elements of A Signal has clear vehicular pedestrian indications Well marked crosswalks Missing 2 elements of A Missing 4 elements of A Good lighting levels Standard curb ramps Automatic 1 pedestrian r signal phas Amenities, signing, and sidewalk and roadway character strongly suggest the presence of a pedestrian crossing Drivers and pedestrians have unobstructed views February 15, 2011 39 ; B C D E F /—Excellent and Excellent and Minimum Increasing Poor N direct direct acceptable lack of directness oi connectivity connectivity directness directness, and Cc vk / through full with clear and connectivity connectivity. Ti utilization of linear and connectivity and linearity Pedestrian pi urban space, visual standard. with perception of di p streets, connection to Perceptions incoherent a linear ni transit, and transit and urban and connection ai ( V"' activity centers with facilities, streets, and space become less confusing direction and to desired destination C( clear linear visual activities, coherent with the visual connection to falters and serves only statements. beginnings of discomfort with visual clarity and lack of linearity. pedestrian destinations, the person with no other choice. (NM Ratio < (AM Ratio 1.2 (NM Ratio (NM Ratio (NM Ratio (i 1.2)* to 1.4)* 1.4 to 1.6)* 1.6 to 1.8)* 1.8 to 2.0)* 2. Directnes o directness nnectivity. tal destrian sorientation; linearity id nfusing. M Ratio > 0)* Fort Collins Pedestrian Plan Table P 2 Pedestrian Level of Service Descriptions Continuity A B C Pedestrian Continuous Co sidewalk stretches of stn appears as a sidewalks sid nctionality erational h less portance to ual interest amenity. Design ignores pedestrian with negative mental image. Comfort and convenience nonexistent, design has overlooked needs of users. Total discomfort and intimidation. Fort Collins Pedestrian Plan Unsignalized Major Street A Crossinci*** Use Crosswalk Treatment Identification Process Unsignalized Minor Street A _ Crossing *** Use Crosswalk Treatment Identification Process Mid-block major street crossing *** Use Crosswalk Treatment Identification Process A Visual Interest and4 Amenity ' B C Visually Generous FL appealing and compatible with local sidewalks, visual clarity, some street op wi im architecture. furniture and viE Generous sidewalk landscaping, no blank or width, active building Sense of security enhanced by presence of other people using sidewalks and overlooking them from adjacent buildings. Good lighting and clear sight lines. B Good lighting levels and unobstructed lines of sight. Security Fort Collins Pedestrian Plan C D E F Unobstructed Sidewalk Major Streetscape lines of sight. configuration breaches in is pedestrian and parked cars may inhibit vigilance from the street. pedestrian visibility from street, adjacent land uses, and activities. intolerant. A/M Ratio: Actual distance between pedestrian origin/destination divided by minimum distance defined by a right angled grid street system. A signalized intersection LOS will go up one Level of Service with a dedicated pedestrian signal phase and/or a colored or textured crosswalk. Unsignalized crossing at intersection of major street (minor arterial to major arterial) and minor street (local, connector and collector). February 15, 2011 41 frontages, pedestrian lighting, street trees, and quality street furniture. street walls. February 15, 2011 40 single entity which are wh with a major physically hal activity area separated by wic or public open a landscaped ani space. parkway. Ian pa ntinuous Pedestrian Significant Complete itches of corridors are breaks in breakdown in ewalks not well continuity. pedestrian ch may connected traffic flow. e variable with several All people ths, with breaches in select without pedestrian different dscaped kways. network. routes. No network exists. ( February l5, 2011 38