City of Fort Collins
Current Planning Department
281 North College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: Gateway at Prospect
Please accept this request for a Modification of Standards to Division 3.6.3(F) of the Land Use
This Overall Development Plan submittal for Gateway at Prospect located at north of Prospect
Road and west of Interstate 25. The property is owned by Fort Collins/I-25 Interchange Corner, LLC.
and contains approximately 177 acres. The property has multiple zone districts including Low
Density Mixed Use Neighborhood (LMN), Employment (E), General Commercial (CG) and Urban
Estate (UE).
Modification to Section 3.6.3(F)
Code Language: Section 3.6.3(F) Utilization and Provision of Sub-Arterial Street
Connections to and From Adjacent Developments and Developable Parcels states the
All development plans shall incorporate and continue all sub-arterial streets stubbed to
the boundary of the development plan by previously approved development plans or
existing development. All development plans shall provide for future public street
connections to adjacent developable parcels by providing a local street connection
spaced at intervals not to exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet along each development
plan boundary that abuts potentially developable or redevelopable land.
Requested Modification: The Gateway at Prospect project is requesting that a vehicular
connection is not made at E Locust Street.
Modification Criteria
The request of approval for this modification complies with the standards per Review Criteria 2.8.2
(H)(3) in the following ways:
1. By reason of exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional
situations, unique to such property, including, but not limited to, physical conditions such
as exceptional narrowness, shallowness or topography, or physical conditions which
hinder the owner's ability to install a solar energy system, the strict application of the
standard sought to be modified would result in unusual and exceptional practical
difficulties, or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such property, provided
that such difficulties or hardship are not caused by the act or omission of the applicant.
We feel that the site and existing adjacent conditions results in an undue hardship due to
physical limitations which complies with the standard for which a modification is requested for the
following reasons:
E Locust Street is located at the northwestern corner of the Gateway at Prospect property.
This portion of the site is envisioned as open space and detention rather than development.
In addition, Cache La Poudre Inlet Canal prevents a vehicular crossing from the northern
portion of the site to the rest of the property.
The residents of Sunrise Acres have attended neighborhood meetings and met with City of
Fort Collins staff confirming their desire that a road connection is not provided.
Per LUC 3.2.2(C)(6) Direct On-Site Access to Pedestrian and Bicycle Destinations in lieu
of a vehicular access will be provided. A bicycle/pedestrian path is planned connecting the
overall project located south of the Cache La Poudre Inlet Canal, to the north and to Sunrise
Acres located along the western property boundary. In addition, a regional trail is planned
connecting Prospect Road to the northwest corner of the property. This will provide access
to adjacent neighbors to both the amenities provided within this development and to the
greater regional trail system in Fort Collins.