Community Development and
Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
February 05, 2016
Kristin Turner
TB Group
444 Mountain Ave.
Berthoud, CO 80513
Re: 2430 Overland Trail - Residential
Description of project: This is a request to construct single-family and two-family dwellings or
single family attached dwellings at 2430 Overland Trail (parcel #9721300003) located at
the northeast corner of Overland Trail and West Drake Road. The proposed P.D.P. would
include 21 two-family or single family attached dwellings and 61 single-family homes. The
development would include a small private park. Bluegrass Drive would be extended west
through to Overland Trail. The site is not currently within City limits and would require
Annexation and Initial Zoning into the L-M-N zone per the City's Structure Plan Map. As
proposed, the project would be subject to Administrative Review (Type One).
Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referenced
above. The comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you
in preparing the detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions
to these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project. If you have any
questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review process, you may contact
the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project Planner, Ted Shepard,
at 970-221-6343 or tshepard@fcgov.com.
Comment Summary:
Department: Zoning
Contact: Gary Lopez, 970-416-2338, glopez@fcgov.com
1. The structure plan indicates that the property would be a Low-Density Mixed-Use zoning
designation. The proposed housing is permitted though please note your designation of
duplex lots below.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. The property requires platting.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Duplex lots are 2 dwelling units on a single fee-simple lot. If attached housing is to go to
the narrower lots these may be single family attached housing meaning each dwelling is
on it's own fee-simple lot. If that is the case please identify these as single family
attached dwellings and not duplex lots.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Heather McDowell, 970-224-6065, hmcdowell@fcgov.com
1. There is an existing 20-inch DIP water main in Overland Trail and a 16-inch DIP main in
Drake Road. There is a 6-inch main in Bluegrass Drive that is stubbed at the property
line. This project will be required to connect into that water main in Bluegrass Drive and
loop through the site with a secondary connection in either Overland or Drake.
RESPONSE: The proposed waterline will connect to the Bluegrass stub and connect to the 20” waterline in
Overland Trail.
2. There is an existing 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer main that terminates in a manhole near
the southeast corner of this site. There is also an 8-inch sanitary sewer main that
terminates in a manhole near the west end of Bluegrass Drive.
RESPONSE: The proposed sewer will connect to the Bluegrass manhole.
3. The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on
these requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4. Development fees and water rights will be due at building permit.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Martina Wilkinson, 970-221-6887, mwilkinson@fcgov.com
1. The anticipated traffic volume from this development meets the threshold for needing a
Traffic Impact Study. Please have your traffic engineer contact me to scope the study.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. Work with the engineering department on necessary frontage improvements to
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Circulation looks good and the connection to the east will be very nice.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Jesse Schlam, 970-218-2932, jschlam@fcgov.com
1. The site disturbs more than 10,000 sq-ft, therefore Erosion and Sediment Control
Materials need to be submitted at the latest by final material submittal. The erosion
control requirements are in the Stormwater Design Criteria under the Amendments of
Volume 3 Chapter 7 Section 1.3.3. www.fcgov.com/erosion Please submit; Erosion
Control Plan, Erosion Control Report, and an Escrow / Security Calculation. If you need
clarification concerning the erosion control section, or if there are any questions please
contact Jesse Schlam 970-218-2932 or email @ jschlam@fcgov.com
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. A drainage report and construction plans are required and they must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must be
prepared in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual.
RESPONSE: A drainage report and plan is provided with this submittal.
3. This property is situated in two major drainage basins. Canal Importation Basin is
located on the northerly half of the site and Spring Creek Basin is located on the
southerly half. The design of this site must conform to those master drainage basin
requirements as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual.
RESPONSE: The drainage plan conforms to the standards for each basin.
4. As a part of the Spring Creek Drainage Basin Master Plan, there is a regional detention
basin planned for the west side of Overland Trail. Eventual implementation of this basin
may reduce flows down Dixon Creek, but because the timing of this improvement is
unknown, existing-condition flows should be planned for.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5. Onsite detention is required for the runoff volume difference between the 100-year
developed inflow rate and the 2-year historic release rate. If the developed stormwater
design for this site proposes a drainage basin transfer, the 2-year historic release rate
from each basin will still be upheld. For instance, if you propose to route all stormwater
southerly into the Spring Creek Basin, the 2-year historic release rate from that basin will
still be required and you wouldn’t be allowed a larger release from this basin even if you
had zero release in the Canal Importation Basin.
RESPONSE: A drainage basin transfer is proposed for this site. The release rates will conform to the 2-yr
historic for each basin.
6. Stormwater outfall/tie-in options for this site appear to be the following:
a. In the Canal Importation Basin, there is a City owned and maintained drainage
channel in the Brown’s Farm 3rd Subdivision (Brown’s Channel). It is located
approximately 650’ east of the northeast corner of the property. Connection of the
channel from its existing terminus to this project site would require an easement from the
drive-in movie theatre property.
RESPONSE: The drainage plan proposes release to both stated outfall points.
b. In the Spring Creek Basin, Dixon Creek runs through the property and outfalls into an
existing 18” storm pipe that goes under Drake Road.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
7. Fifty percent of the site runoff is required to be treated using the standard water quality
treatment as described in the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual, Volume 3-Best
Management Practices (BMPs).
delines-regulations/stormwater-criteria) Extended detention is the usual method
selected for water quality treatment; however the use of any of the BMPs is encouraged.
RESPONSE: Rain gardens and extended detention are proposed for this site.
8. Low Impact Development (LID) requirements are mandatory on all new or redeveloping
property in the City of Fort Collins. This includes sites required to be brought into
compliance with the Land Use Code. LID is to provide a higher degree of water quality
treatment for 75% of all newly added or modified impervious areas.
RESPONSE: 74% of new impervious area is proposed to be treated through rain gardens, grass buffers, grass
channels with infiltration sections.
9. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all onsite drainage facilities (including LID
systems) will be included as part of the Development Agreement. More information and
links can be found at:
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
10. Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8) effective August 5, 2015, criteria
regarding detention drain time will apply to this project. As part of the drainage design,
the engineer will be required to show compliance with this statute using a standard
spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in the drainage report.
Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to upload the
approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will apply to any
volume based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins and
bio-retention cells.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
11. There is a final site inspection required when the project construction is complete and
the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance organization.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
12. The 2016 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $8,217/acre for new
impervious area over 350 sq.-ft., and there is a $1,045.00/acre review fee. No fee is
charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each
building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact Jean Pakech at 221-6375 for questions on fees. There is also an
erosion control escrow required before the Development Construction permit is issued.
The amount of the escrow is determined by the design engineer, and is based on the
site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or a minimum amount in accordance with
the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
A fire hydrant is required within 400' on any residential home as well as on 800' centers.
This condition will be required within the residential subdivision, and an additional
hydrant will be required along Overland Trail to correct a hydrant separation deficiency
there. Code language provided below.
> IFC 508.1 and Appendix B: RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: Within the Urban
Growth Area, hydrants to provide 1,000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not
further than 400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Fire access is required to within 150' of all exterior portions of each residence and meet
current code requirements for dead-end roads. Code language provided below.
> FCLUC 3.6.2(B): Cul-de-sacs are permitted only if they do not exceed 660 feet in
length and have a turnaround at the end with a minimum outside turning radius of 50 feet
(100 foot diameter).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Kelly Kimple, 970-416-2401, kkimple@fcgov.com
1. An Ecological Characterization Study is required by Section 3.4.1 (D)(1) as the site
possesses characteristics that support its inclusion on the natural habitat and features
inventory map, including Dixon Creek and native upland plains shrubland. The ECS
should addresses the development plan's design in terms of meeting General Standard
3.4.1 (C), as well as items (a) through (l) under 3.4.1 (D)(1). Please contact me if you
would like to discuss the scope and requirements of the ECS further. Also note that the
Ecological Characterization Study is due a minimum of 10 days prior to the PDP
The ECS should also address 3.4.1 (F)(2) ¿ Connections: If the development site
contains existing natural habitats or features that connect to other off-site natural habitats
or features (Pine Ridge Natural Area), to the maximum extent feasible the development
plan shall preserve such natural connections. If natural habitats or features lie adjacent to
(meaning in the region immediately round about) the development site, but such natural
habitats or features are not presently connected across the development site, then the
development plan shall, to the extent reasonably feasible, provide such connection. Such
connections shall be designed and constructed to allow for the continuance of existing
wildlife movement between natural habitats or features and to enhance the opportunity
for the establishment of new connections between areas for the movement of wildlife.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. Please note the buffer zone standard of 50' for naturalized storm drainage channels and
isolated patches of native shrubland, as identified in Section 3.4.1(E) of the Land Use
Code, as you proceed with your site design process.
Furthermore, within the buffer zone, according to Article 3.4.1(E)(1)(g), the City has the
ability to determine if the existing landscaping within the buffer zone is incompatible with
the purposes of the buffer zone.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. With respect to lighting, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code, in Article 3.2.4(D)(6)
requires that "natural areas and natural features shall be protected from light spillage
from off site sources." Thus, lighting from the parking areas or other site amenities shall
not spill over to the buffer areas.
In regard to LED light fixtures, cooler color temperatures are harsher at night and cause
more disruption to circadian rhythms for both humans and wildlife. Please consider a
warmer color temperature (3000K or less) for your LED light fixtures. Please also
consider fixtures with dimming capabilities so that light levels can be adjusted as
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4. With respect to landscaping and design, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code, in
Article 3.2.1 (E)(3), requires that you use low-water-use plants and grasses in your
landscaping or re-landscaping and reduce bluegrass lawns as much as possible. Native
landscaping is encouraged as well.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5. The applicant should make note of Article 3.2.1(C) that requires developments to submit
a landscape and tree protection plan, and if receiving water service from the City, an
irrigation plan, that: "...(4) protects significant trees, natural systems, and habitat, and (5)
enhances the pedestrian environment". Note that a significant tree is defined as a tree
having DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of six inches or more. If any of the trees within
this site have a DBH of greater than six inches, a review of the trees shall be conducted
with Tim Buchanan, City Forester (970-221-6361 or tbuchanan@fcgov.com) to
determine the status of the existing trees and any mitigation requirements that could
result from the proposed development.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6. Our city has an established identity as a forward-thinking community that cares about the
quality of life it offers its citizens and has many sustainability programs and goals that
may benefit your project. Of particular interest may be the:
1. Green Building Program: http://www.fcgov.com/enviro/green-building.php, contact
Tony Raeker at 970-416-4238 or traeker@fcgov.com
2. Solar Energy:
contact Norm Weaver at 970-416-2312 or nweaver@fcgov.com
3. Urban Agriculture: http://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/urbanagriculture.php
4. Nature in the City Strategic Plan: fcgov.com/planning/natureinthecity/?
key=advanceplanning/natureinthecity/, contact Justin Scharton at 970-221-6213 or
Please consider the City’s sustainability goals and ways for your development to
engage with these efforts.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Marc Ragasa, 970.221.6603, mragasa@fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of
building permit. Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4. All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps existing or proposed adjacent or within the
site needs to meet ADA standards. If they currently do not, they will need to be
reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are
necessary or required by the City for this project. This shall also include the standard
utility easements that are to be provided behind the right-of-way (15 foot along an
arterial and 9 foot along all other street classifications). Drake Road and Overland Trail
would both require the 15’ easements, while all the internal streets will require the 9’
RESPONSE: Easements are provided as stated above.
7. Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the
project is finalized.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
8. The project will be required to connect to and extend Bluegrass Drive west to Overland
RESPONSE: The extension of Bluegrass is provided with these plans.
9. A street connection/stub will be needed to the property to the north.
RESPONSE: A stub has been provided.
10. A reimbursement for the Drake Road frontage is due for this project. If paid
in 2016 the amount due is $220 per liner foot of frontage, due at the time of the first
building permit.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
11. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any
work on the site.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
12. In accordance with Section 24-95 of the City Code, the Developer is responsible for
constructing the local portion of public street adjacent to the property prior to the
issuance of the first building permit. Improvements to Overland Trail (classified as a 4
lane arterial) will be required at the time of development of the property. Curb, gutter
and sidewalks will need to be constructed in their ultimate location.
RESPONSE: Ultimate improvements along Overland Trail are provided with this proposal.
13. All roadways servicing the duplex units would be private drives.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
14. Depending on the TIS for the property, additional improvements may be needed on
Overland Trail (center turn lane, right turn lane, etc.). The intersection of Drake Road and
Overland Trail will also need to be looked at to determine what sort of pedestrian ramp
is needed.
RESPONSE: A right turn lane and left turn lane into the project is provided with this proposal.
15. A utility coordination meeting on this site is suggested. Utility coordination meetings if
requested are typically scheduled after the preliminary submittal of the project, but can
be scheduled prior to submittal upon request. Please provide a site plan with
preliminary utility layout for routing with the meeting notice. If you are interested in having
a utility coordination meeting, please contact the development review engineer for
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
16. Refer to LCUASS Table 7-3 for driveway spacing requirements. It appears the
driveways for the homes on Bluegrass off of Overland Trail won’t meet the minimum
spacing requirements. Also, verify that the access to the site (Bluegrass Drive) meets
the spacing requirements.
RESPONSE: Spacing for private driveways has been reviewed and seems to be in compliance with the
17. All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance.
RESPONSE: No encroachments are planned with this proposal.
18. Any rain gardens within the right-of-way cannot be used to treat the development/ site
storm runoff. We can look at the use of rain gardens to treat street flows – the design
standards for these are still in development.
RESPONSE: No rain gardens are planned within the right of way.
19. Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if
placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked
they do not extend into the right-of-way.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
20. In regards to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for staging
or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be
used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or
hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find a
location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary Staging and/or parking
needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the
location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the
Development Construction Permit application.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Todd Vedder, 970-224-6152, tvedder@fcgov.com
1. New development and system modification charges may apply. A link to our online
electric fee estimator is below.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. Currently there is single phase power on the southwest and central eastern part of the
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Please contact Light & Power Engineering Department if you have any questions at
970.221.6700. Please reference our Electric Construction, Policies Practices &
Procedures to ensure requirements and policies are met.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4. Transformer and metering locations will need to be coordinated with Light & Power. It is
recommended to have the electric meters gained on one side (opposite of gas) for the
duplexes. Transformers will need to be within 10' on drive over surface and have an 8'
frontal and 3' side/rear clearance to include landscaping.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5. Secondary services for duplexes will be responsible of developer/electrician to install.
Light & Power will provide service to the transformer and first secondary box (if
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6. Streetlights will need to be placed along public streets. A 40 feet separation on both
sides of the light is required between shaded trees and streetlights. A 15 feet
separation on both sides of the light is required between ornamental trees and
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Department: Building Inspection
Contact: Sarah Carter, 970-416-2748, scarter@fcgov.com
1. Please schedule a pre-submittal meeting for this project. Pre-Submittal meetings assist
the designer/builder by assuring, early on in the design, that the new commercial or
multi-family projects are on track to complying with all of the adopted City codes and
Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early to mid-design stage
for this meeting to be effective. Applicants of new commercial or multi-family projects
should call 416-2748 to schedule a pre-submittal meeting. Applicants should be
prepared to present site plans, floor plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code
issues of occupancy, square footage and type of construction being proposed.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended:
2012 International Building Code (IBC)
2012 International Residential Code (IRC)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2012 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Fort Collins has amendments to most of the codes listed above. See the
fcgov.com/building web page to view them.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009.
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B.
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5
Energy Code Use
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2012 IRC Chapter 11 or 2012 IECC.
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2012 IECC residential chapter.
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2012 IECC commercial chapter.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Planning Services
Contact: Ted Shepard, 970-221-6343, tshepard@fcgov.com
1. The parcel will need to be annexed into the City. Per the City’s Structure Plan Map, the
zoning will be L-M-N, Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood. The Annexation and Zoning
procedure requires an Initiating Resolution by City Council, followed by a
recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Board, followed by two readings by City
Council. This process takes approximately four months. While, to a degree, the A & Z
process may run concurrently with the P.D.P., the A & Z process must be completed prior
to a public hearing on the P.D.P.
RESPONSE: This property has been annexed into the City.
2. The Conceptual Review application does not make it clear as to exactly what is meant by
the term ¿duplex.¿ In the L-M-N zone, the proposed use could either of the following:
Dwelling, two-family shall mean a dwelling containing two (2) dwelling units, or Dwelling,
single-family attached shall mean a single-family dwelling attached to one (1) or more
dwellings or buildings, with each dwelling located on its own separate lot. Please clarify.
(Please note that the Land Use Code does not contain the terms duplex or townhome.)
3. The proposed land uses and density are permitted under L-M-N zoning subject to review
by the Administrative Hearing Officer (Type One Review).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4. Although land uses that are permitted per the Administrative Hearing process are not
required to have neighborhood information meeting, staff recommends that a
neighborhood meeting be held so that residents of the Brown Farm become aware that
Bluegrass Drive will be extended west to intersect with Overland Trail.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5. Please note that the alleys will be privately owned and not dedicated to the City of Fort
Collins as public right-of-way and should be labeled as such.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6. All public streets will be required to feature street trees at no greater than 40-foot intervals
to be planted in the parkway. Please contact Light and Power to get a preliminary design
of the street light locations as street trees must be kept at least 40-feet from public
roadway lighting. In order to not have an 80-foot gap, ornamental trees may be placed to
within 15 feet of a public street light. Note that this requirement includes all internal streets
as well as Overland Trail and West Drake Road.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
7. Staff recommends that the common area streetscaping along Overland Trail and West
Drake Road be planted in a dense manner, with a series of undulating earthen berms, in
order to attenuate the road noise associated with arterial street traffic.
RESPONSE: Dense planting including evergreen trees has been provided along Overland Trail. Due to the
amount of slope from Overland Trail moving east, undulating berms is not possible north of Dixon Creek.
Berming will be provided south of Dixon Creek.
8. Regarding the eight lots in the cul-de-sac south of Dixon Creek, there needs to be a break
between the side lots lines of two lots in order to provide a bike/pedestrian connection to
the public sidewalk of either Overland Trail or West Drake Road.
RESPONSE: Residential south of Dixon Creek has been removed from the current layout.
9. The same comment applies to the northwest area of the project where a connecting
walkway from the internal streets to Overland Trail will be required.
RESPONSE: Pedestrian connections have been provided in the NW corner out to Overland Trail.
10. Where the 11 single family lots back onto the Dixon Creek private park, and for the eight
cul-de-sac lots, there needs to be uniform treatment of the rear property lines for
RESPONSE: The layout has been revised. We believe this comment is no longer applicable.
11. In the northeast corner, there is a pie-shaped lot that does not extend to the limits of the
project boundary. This leaves an awkward triangle that appears to be inaccessible
except to owners of the subject lot. If this is to be a stormwater detention pond, then
access needs to be provided for maintenance.
RESPONSE: Additional space has been provided in the NE corner for detention and it has been labeled
12. Is it possible to save any existing trees? Note that any existing tree that is proposed to be
removed must be evaluated by the City Forester per Section 3.2.1(F) and mitigated per
the value of the tree(s).
RESPONSE: A tree inventory and mitigation plan will be provided for review. It is unlikely that the existing
trees can be saved.
13. Please note that the park proposed for the southeast area will be private and should be
designated and labeled as such.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
14. Please work with the U.S. Postal Service in advance as to the best locations for the
cluster boxes otherwise they may be placed in an area that is unexpected.
RESPONSE: We will do that.
15. Where the private alleys terminate at the east and west property lines, there needs to be a
solid screen to block headlights.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Either a solid screen or evergreen landscape screen will be provided.
16. In order to comply with Section 3.5.2, please a typical building envelope layout for both
housing types that shows compliance with all minimum setback requirements. The Lot
Typicals can also show the street tree locations.
RESPONSE: Can you provide additional information on what is required. Should a typical building envelope
be provided for single family housing, townhomes or both?
17. Please be aware of the garage door standards so that garages do not dominate the
streetscape. Where single family lots adjoin two streets or private alleys, please consider
side or rear-loading the garages.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
18. Where drainage conveyances are used to direct stormwater, please consider natural
characteristics versus concrete pans.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
19. The applicant is encouraged to install soft paths to provide access to the private park.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
20. Three new street names will be needed. Be sure that new names are not duplicates (or
phonetic sound-alikes) of any existing street within the local 911 calling area which
includes Larimer County. Street names should be reflective of the local vernacular in
order to create a sense of place and be relatively easy to pronounce and spell. Please
refer to www.larimer.org/streets to check for duplicates.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
21. Per the documents submitted, and by averaging the two length and two width dimensions,
the parcel is size is 20.85 acres. In the L-M-N zone district, Section 4.5(D)(2) requires a
mix of housing types such that three housing types are required on parcels containing 20
acres or more. There are ten housing types to choose from but a single housing type
must not constitute more than 80% or less than 5% of the total number of dwelling units.
RESPONSE: The property is 18.5 acres. Two housing types have been provided.
22. The L-M-N zone requires that 90% of the dwellings in the project be within one-third of a
mile to either a public park or a neighborhood park. If the park is private, it must be at
least one acre and comply with the other standards in Section 4.5(D)(6).
23. The requirement to provide a local street stub to the north property line is found in Section
3.6.3(F) - "Utilization and Provision of Sub-Arterial Street Connections to and From
Adjacent Developments and Developable Parcels."
RESPONSE: A street stub to the northern property line has been provided.
24. Regarding the applicant’s question about the use of Private Drives or Street-Like Private
Drives, please note that Section 3.6.2(N) states that:
Private drives shall not be permitted if by plan or circumstance such drives would, in the
judgement of the City Engineer, attract through traffic in such volumes as to render such
drives necessary as connections between developments, neighborhoods or other origins
and destinations outside of the development plan.
Staff interprets this standard in such a way as to require that the necessary street stub to
the north be dedicated as a public street.
RESPONSE: Per conversations with Ted Sheppard and Engineering, Bluegrass Drive and the North/South
Street (connecting to the northern property) will be public streets. All other streets will be private alley’s.
25. With Bluegrass Drive being an extension of a public street, and with the street stub to the
north required being a public street, it would seem awkward to administer and maintain
any of the remaining internal streets as private drives.
RESPONSE: Per conversations with Ted Sheppard and Engineering, Bluegrass Drive and the North/South
Street (connecting to the northern property) will be public streets. All other streets will be private alley’s.
26. Regarding the applicant’s question about the feasibility of replacing the single family
dwellings with either two family dwellings or single family attached dwellings, please note
that greater the divergence between the proposed project and the existing neighborhood
(with regard to housing types, lot sizes, density, etc.), the greater the need to comply with
the compatibility standards found in Section 3.5.1, particularly along the east property line.
27. Minimum required parking for two family dwellings and single family attached dwellings is
subject to the ratios found in Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a). These ratios are based on the
number of bedrooms per unit, not just on per unit basis.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
28. If the project becomes more dominated by two family dwellings and single family attached
dwellings, then the applicant is encouraged to provide pockets of guest parking spaces
that are equally distributed throughout the project.
Pre-Submittal Meetings for Building Permits
Pre-Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early on
in the design, that the new commercial or multi-family projects are on track to complying
with all of the adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project
should be in the early to mid-design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically
scheduled after the Current Planning conceptual review meeting.
Applicants of new commercial or multi-family projects are advised to call 970-416-2341
to schedule a pre-submittal meeting. Applicants should be prepared to present site
plans, floor plans, and elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy,
square footage and type of construction being proposed.
Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended:
2012 International Building Code (IBC)
2012 International Residential Code (IRC)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2012 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009.
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B.
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5.
Energy Code Use
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2012 IRC Chapter 11 or 2012 IECC Chapter 4.
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2012 IECC Chapter 4 Residential
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2012 IECC Chapter 4 Commercial
Fort Collins Amendments effective starting 2/17/2014. A copy of these requirements
can be obtained at the Building Office or contact the above phone number.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.