Legacy Tractor
Modification to a Standard
We are requesting Modification to a Standard for two aspects of this proposed development.
Modification 1:
SECTION 3.5.3(C)(2): Build to line.
The proposed future addition to the existing Legacy Auto building (designated #PH2/PH3) will be 3'-8" in front of the
east edge of the existing building and 64’-3” from the N. College right-of-way. We are requesting an exemption to
SECTION 3.5.3(C)(2)(a) based on SECTION 3.5.3(c)(D)(5) in order to conform to an established pattern of building and
street relationships, a contextual build-to line may fall at any point between the required build-to line and the build-to line
that exists on a lot that abuts, and is oriented to, the same street as the subject lot. The Americas Best Value Inn building
(former Lamplighter Inn) adjacent to the south is 51’-2” from the North College right-of-way. The fueling canopy at the
Loaf-n-Jug south of the site is 66’-4” from the North College right-of-way.
We also request a modification to allow a vehicular use area between the existing Legacy Auto building (#PH1)/ additions
#PH2/PH3, and North College Ave. to the east to include drives and nine (9) decorative display spaces. This request is
based on SECTION 2.8.2(H)(3) by reason of exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional
situations, unique to such property, including, but not limited to, physical conditions such as exceptional narrowness,
shallowness, or topography, the strict application of the standard sought to be modified would result in unusual and
exceptional practical difficulties.
During Phase 1 the property will utilize the existing service station in it's current configuration. Immediately to the west
of the building the topography of the site drops precipitously rendering this area unusable for vehicle circulation, storage
or display thereby requiring vehicle use between the building and the street. In subsequent additions this area to the west
is used for emergency access drives and storm water detention again rendering this area unusable. In addition to the
topography hardship a new roadway is required to be established along the south edge of the property connecting College
Avenue to Willox Court. The requirement for this new roadway encroaches into the area south of the existing building to
the extent it is unusable as well. The site is further limited by a 50’ wildlife buffer along the north property line; 25’ of this
buffer is on site.
In addition, site access and emergency circulation is limited by the existing drives established by the City during the
design and installation of the North College improvements. The south existing driveway is required for access to the
Lamplighter and for emergency access/ emergency circulation. The north existing driveway and the drive between the
building and North College are required for emergency access/emergency circulation. It’s location was dictated by the
p.o. box 270788
fort collins, co 80527
p. 970.493.2025
f. 970.493.2026
P.O. Box 270788. Fort Collins, CO 80527-0788 Ph: 970-493-2025 Fax: 970-493-2026 Email: dons@wgarchitects.com
City because of the u-turn lane through the N. College median to eliminate a left turn access across south-bound traffic. It
should be noted that the existing Legacy Auto business has nine (9) vehicles displayed between the building and the
street. The proposed nine (9) decorative paved display spaces between the building and the street have been spread out
and their visual impact has been mitigated by enhanced landscaping and a pedestrian connection walkway and outdoor
pedestrian plaza space utilizing the existing gas station canopy (from a previous use) which will be created between the
existing building and the North College Avenue sidewalk. Per SECTION 2.8.2(H)(4), these vehicle display spaces do not
diverge from the standards of the Land Use Code except in a nominal and inconsequential way when considered from the
perspective of the entire development plan, as they constitute only 25% of the total number of vehicle display spaces
along the North College frontage and their visual impact will be softened by enhanced landscaping. I might also point out
that there is recent precedent for allowing vehicle display spaces between a building and the street as allowed at Fort
Collins Mitsubishi, 2712 South College Ave. which was built within the last year.
Modification 2:
SECTIONS 4.22(B)(2)(d)(1) & 4.22(B)(2)(d)(5): Building Setback.
The future warehouse/wholesale distribution facility (designated Building #PH4) located to the west of the existing
building and future expansions will be located 182’ from the North College Avenue right-of-way which is less than the
200' required by SECTIONS 4.22(B)(2)(d)(1) and 4.22(B)(2)(d)(5) . We are requesting an exemption to SECTIONS
4.22(B)(2)(d)(1) and 4.22(B)(2)(d)(5) based on SECTION 2.8.2(H)(4) as the granting of an 182’ building setback (18’
less than the standard) does not diverge from the standards of the Land Use Code except in a nominal and inconsequential
way when considered from the perspective of the entire development plan. Specifically, the warehouse/wholesale
distribution facility (designated Building #PH4) will be screened from North College by the primary buildings along
North College, enhanced landscaping along North College, and the 6-foot-high parking screening fence between this
building and North College. In addition, I would like to point out that during recent improvements to North College
Avenue the City acquired 18' of r.o.w. from this property. If the city had not taken the 18' of r.o.w. the building would be
in compliance with the 200’ setback.
Thanks you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Don Shields
Project Manager
WG Architects