Application: 2133 Timberline Road – Office/Restaurant
Lot 11 – Timberline Center
Lot 1 – Timberline Center 3rd Filing
Statement of Planning Objectives
i. Statement of appropriate City Plan Principles and Policies achieved by the proposed plan
The proposed project is located in the Industrial Zone District (I). This zone district allows a
multitude of uses. Specifically, the project will develop under the Commercial/Retail use
category. The proposed project is a mixed use building that is planned to incorporate
professional medical and office use and restaurant use. The building size is approximately 8,450
square feet.
The project complies with the City Plan Principles and Policies through the following key
Economic Health
Support of local, small business employers and their expanding practices; enhancing
business retention and job creation
Contributing to the local construction economy and sales tax revenue through
construction of the new building
Environmental Health
Creating a building that incorporates the City’s Green Building Code provisions
Locating an building that is central to the community providing an overall reduction in
trips travelled and thereby an associated vehicle emission reduction
Locating the new building nearby to the Power and Spring Creek trails to support a more
active recreation and urban lifestyle for employees
Developing the site in a sustainable, low impact way following the City’s requirements
for Low Impact Development (LID). Here, we are proposing the use of
permeable/porous paving systems and possible raingarden or bioswale stormwater
treatment techniques. However, we also understand the LID regulations may be
changed or eliminated in the near future. If, by the time of final plan submittal these
regulations are amended, we would expect relief from these requirements equal to the
new regulations approved by City Council.
The project will include ample areas for both trash collection and recycling containers
coordinated with adjacent proposed facilities.
The project will implement construction waste reduction and diversion.
The project will provide bike racks and employee showers to encourage the use
alternate modes of transportation.
The project will incorporate sustainable landscape and irrigation design to minimize
water use. Low flow plumbing fixtures will be incorporated into the project.
Elimination of the drive through bank previously approved through the Timberline
Center FDP.
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Community and Neighborhood Livability and Sustainability
The project focuses on development of an in-fill lot in a previously approved
industrial/commercial subdivision.
The project specifically focuses on a building that is multi-purpose thereby providing
options for local employees and residents in a unique activity center.
The project will pay its required development fees and costs thereby following the
“growth pays its own way” philosophy including the adequate public facilities required.
The project will contribute to public amenities by constructing a connecting sidewalk
from Timberline Road through the site to other walking path connections.
The project is sited along a future enhanced travel corridor thereby providing
employees and customers alternative transportation options.
The appearance and design of the project will be consistent with City approved plans
and the over-arching Timberline Center design standards previously approved by the
The project design and building orientation is relative to the overall site plan. It relates
the building to the site in massing and location to provide overall surrounding context.
Through the incorporation of the restaurant use, the project is encouraging outdoor
patio eating areas, after hour activities and providing a service to a high density
developing residential area. This allows for an overall trip reduction for nearby
residents wishing to eat out with a connection of walk ways.
ii. Description of proposed open space, wetlands, natural habitats and features, landscaping,
circulation, transition areas, and associated buffering on site and in the general vicinity of the
The project is complying with the overall Timberline Center development requirements for open
space, wetlands, natural habitats and features. The landscaping plan will incorporate elements
of the design required through the corridor plan including installing Spring Snow Crab flanked by
Colorado Blue Spruce varieties. Other trees will be planted throughout the lot supporting the
overall landscaping plan. Trees will be species highlighted on the City’s preferred tree planting
list. Additionally, both perennial and annual plants will be provided. Sod areas will be kept to a
minimum but used as transitional elements to the previously established sod as part of the
detention pond and other parts of the site. Please refer to the landscaping plan for additional
Vehicular circulation is provided via an extended parking area coordinated with the Ascent
development to the west. The parking lot circulation will be provided through the north-south
roadway and east-west roadway within the development lots. Pedestrian circulation is being
provided through connecting sidewalks to Timberline and north through the parking lot.
Buffering is being provided through landscaping strategies primarily to the north and east at the
end of the parking area to avoid light pollution from parking vehicles to extend onto Timberline
Road. Screening of air conditioning and electrical equipment will be provided through
construction of screen walls and landscaping elements.
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iii. Statement of proposed ownership and maintenance of public and private open space areas;
applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the project
development plan.
For Lot 1 (Timberline Center 2nd Filing), the site will be maintained through an association set up
by users of 2133 Timberline. For the entire commercial subdivision, discussions are currently
underway with Ascent, Burger King and the Medical Center to form a master association to
maintain all common subdivision elements such as parking and landscaping areas.
iv. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses.
The project is projected to have the following number of employees based on the anticipated
Medical/Dentist – 8 to 10 full and part time employees
Professional Office – 10 to 14 full and part time employees
Restaurant – 10-15 part time employees
v. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant.
There are no assumptions and choices being made by the applicant that are not consistent with
the land use code or adopted City criteria.
vi. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable criteria, the
completed documents pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use. The Planning
Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is
required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be described.
The prepared plans, reports, narratives and application contain all supporting documentation as
evidence the project meets applicable criteria.
vii. Narrative description of how conflicts between land uses or disturbances to wetlands, natural
habitats and features and or wildlife are being avoided to the maximum extent feasible or are
The proposed project does not have any conflicts between land uses, wetlands, natural habitats
or wildlife.
viii. Written narrative addressing each concern/issue raised at the neighborhood meeting(s), if a
meeting has been held.
The requirement for a neighborhood meeting has been waived by the Planning Director.
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ix. Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have had during
Conceptual Review.
The project name has been Timberline Center Lot 11, Office/Restaurant. The applicant is not
aware of any other name used for this project.
x. Parking narrative describing the parking demand generated with consideration of: the number
of employees, tenants, and/or patrons; the amount and location of parking provided; where
anticipated spill-over parking will occur; and, any other considerations regarding vehicle
The proposed project provides 47 spaces (including 2 handicap) to serve the building. The
parking demand through employee and customer use is expected to peak at 45-50 spaces
depending on the time of day. Spill over parking will occur in the Ascent parking lot if needed.