HomeMy WebLinkAboutDUTCH BROS. COFFEE, TIMBERLINE CENTER - MAJOR AMENDMENT - MJA150008 - CORRESPONDENCE - REVISIONS1 February 3, 2016 Mr. Ted Shepard, Chief Planner City of Fort Collins Community Development and Neighborhood Services 281 N. College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80522 RE: Dutch Brothers Coffee – Timberline Center Major Amendment, MJA150008, Round Number 1 Mr. Shepard, We appreciate your timely review of the initial Major Amendment submittal. Our formal responses to your comments follow. Revised plans and reports are attached as well. We look forward to working with you as we move forward to the March 10, 2016 Planning & Zoning Board hearing date. To that end, it is my understanding that we can look forward to attending a February 17 review meeting, and a Planning and Zoning Board work session on March 4. I believe that we have addressed all of your concerns to the best of our ability, as outlined below. In the event that I missed anything, or if new information comes to light as you prepare the staff report, please contact me directly at (970) 667 – 6286 x216. Regards, Lee Martin, RLA Planner / Landscape Architect Landmark Engineering, Ltd. Cc: Mr. Nate Frary, Dutch Bros Attachment: Illustrative Plan & Building Perspectives 2 Comment Summary: Department: Planning Services Contact: Ted Shepard, 970-221-6343, tshepard@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: As mentioned at Conceptual Review, the overall project could be enhanced with an indoor component versus relying solely on drive-through and walk-up capability. As proposed, the project is auto-centric and one-dimensional. There appears to be ample space to expand the building in the areas along the southwest and southeast elevations. While our climate affords an active outdoor lifestyle, as noted in the Project Narrative, we experience the full effect of all four seasons. Without an indoor component, the project seems limited in scope. The Timberline Center is on the verge of building out with a variety of uses that will generate an employment base that may be interested in taking a break in a coffee shop. In addition, the parcel to the south is beginning the review process for a private school and place of worship which will generate potential non-driving customers. The area west of Joseph Allen Drive will build-out in the near future (Spring Creek Farms North, Filing Four). Perhaps a portion of the patio / walk-up order area could be enclosed so the facility is more pedestrian-friendly on a year-round basis. Applicant Response: Dutch Bros believes that the majority of its sales will be to early morning commuters using Timberline Road. In that regard, the project is auto‐centric; however, because of the outdoor culture of Fort Collins, the applicant anticipates a significant walk‐up clientele from the police station, Big O Tire customers, and other businesses and residences in the area. This potential for walk‐ up (and bike‐up) business is one major reason why the applicant has invested in Lot 3 of Timberline Center. To the best of our knowledge, however, there is no requirement in the City of Fort Collins or the Timberline Center for providing indoor seating in conjunction with a drive‐through facility. We believe that many walk‐up customers will enjoy their coffee in a well‐designed exterior space throughout the year, although certainly not every day of every year. The building was oriented intentionally to maximize early sun exposure and wind protection on the southwest / southeast elevations, which will make the patio attractive, especially on sunny days. As the comfort of walk‐up guests is obviously important, the applicant intends to install at least one commercial grade heater below the canopy near the walk‐up window. It should be noted that this area – about 140 square feet – will be covered. If conditions warrant, a portion of the patio may be enclosed (i.e., via a retractable vinyl system or similar), although the applicant does not wish to commit formally to doing so at this time. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: On the Site Plan, please remove the contour lines and use heavier line weight (not ghosted line) for the two adjoining public sidewalks and the Big O Tire private walkway. Also, please remove grid-like pattern in the parking lot, delineate the parking stalls and indicate the number of spaces per row. Please indicate the location of the Menu Board and add “Recycle” when labelling the trash enclosure. Applicant Response: The above items have been addressed. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: Is there a detail for the retaining wall? Please indicate the height and the material. Please consider using a material that matches the existing retaining walls within the Timberline Center. Applicant Response: A section view for the decorative retaining wall detail has been added to the Landscape Plan sheet. The wall is proposed to match the tan building stucco color, with the cap matching the proposed building masonry. The color will be somewhere between the keystone block 3 wall color at the Big O Tire and the off‐white stucco screen wall at the Burger King. Because the wall will be low – less than 2’ height – its material will not be noticeable. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: The Landscape Plan does an excellent job of complying with the Evergreen/Crab theme being established along Timberline Road. Staff is concerned that there may be insufficient screening of the ¿back-of-the-store¿ appurtenances along the northeast elevation. Typically, the rear of a commercial building includes gas and electrical meters, electrical panel, irrigation controls and other utility components that serve the building. On such a small building, these elements have the potential of dominating the northeast elevation. Please add one additional Evergreen Tree to the existing cluster of two Fat Albert Spruce trees so these elements are properly screened. Applicant Response: One Fat Albert Spruce was added to the area described above. Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: On the Landscape Plan, is there any reason why a shade tree cannot be added to the area on the southwest corner near the fire hydrant? A street tree in this location would add balance and symmetry along the private drive. Applicant Response: We agree from an aesthetic point of view, and reached out to the fire district for guidance in this matter. The fire district had no formal standard other than the 3’ clear zone around a hydrant, but suggested that a 10’ separation from hydrant to tree made sense when given potential for root growth, access, etc. In addition to the hydrant, a gas line is a few feet south of the hydrant, thereby restricting our ability to propose a tree south of the hydrant. We believe that the remaining area 10’ north of the hydrant and south of the existing curb cut is too close to the Dutch Bros parking lot entrance to propose a tree in the interest of public safety. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: On the architectural elevations, staff finds that since the gable feature does not cover the entire building, the building does not comply with the requirement that all buildings in Timberline center feature a pitched roof. Staff has creatively allowed variations on the pitched roof theme but leaving one-half of the building without a pitched feature does not meet the objectives of the approved architectural theme of Timberline Center (sheet four of eight). Please design the building such that the entire building is covered with more than just a gable that is shown. Or, as discussed, continue the pitched roof but at a lower height. (Please note that the Burger King features a pitched roof element along its entire east elevation which faces Timberline Road. Dutch Bros. Coffee, however is oriented such that both sides are visible from Timberline Road.) Applicant Response: The building elevations have been revised to feature a pitched roof on all four elevations. The bird’s eye view on the attached Illustrative Plan & Building Perspectives sheet was provided to show this more clearly. The building needs a portion of the roof to be flat to accommodate rooftop mechanical equipment; however, a sloping parapet wall is now proposed for the portion of the roof not within the gable. We believe that this change satisfies the requirement and will be attractive. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: On the specification for the roof color, please note that the approved colors for a shingled roof are either tan or charcoal, not dark gray. Applicant Response: The color specification has been corrected to charcoal. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: As mentioned at Conceptual Review, Staff continues to emphasize that compliance with Section 3.5.3(E)(1) – Character and Image is critically important. Staff acknowledges that progress has been made with regard to establishing a distinctive design but we remain concerned about the heavy use of the blue accent color. For example, the following components are listed as being DB Blue: the steel frame of the gable, the steel 4 frame of the two winged canopies on both sides, the two projecting canopies of the front and rear, bollards, bike rack and trash/recycling enclosure gates and bollards. This is and excessive use of an accent color that speaks to a standardized prototype design and minimizes the cohesiveness of the Timberline Center. Staff recommends that this over reliance on the use of blue be toned down to comply with the standard. Applicant Response: The use of blue has been toned down substantially in both the building elevations and site amenities. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: Staff recommends that a sample material board be prepared for the next round of review. Applicant Response: A board is being prepared, to be delivered in the week of 2/8. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: On the Lighting Plan, please reduce the Kelvin temperatures of the L.E.D. lighting down to between 2,700 and 3,000. As proposed, Kelvin temperatures range from 4,000 to 5,000 which is excessively harsh especially when compared to public roadway lighting. Applicant Response: The proposed freestanding lights (AA & BB series) and under‐canopy lights (DD series) are proposed now at 3,000K. The building mounted lights (CC series) are proposed now at 2700K. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: For the under-canopy fixtures (DD), please specify that these are to be “flush-mount” and “Flat Lens” to ensure that the light source is shielded. Applicant Response: The light source will be fully cut off, which complies with the city’s standard. Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: The wall sconces are mislabeled on the cut-sheet as DD when they should be CC. Applicant Response: This item has been corrected. Department: Engineering Development Review Contact: Marc Ragasa, 970.221.6603, mragasa@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Utility Plans should read: "Utility Plans for Dutch Brothers Coffee Timberline Center, Lot 3" Applicant Response: This item has been corrected. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: All sheet titles in lower right corner of the Utility Plans say Utility Plans. Please revise Applicant Response: This item has been corrected. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Please change the legal description for this Property as "Lot 3, Timberline Center" on all sheets. There is no PUD. Applicant Response: This item has been corrected. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Add the Final Drainage and Erosion Control Study for Section D. Storm Drainage Notes on the Construction Notes sheet. Applicant Response: These have been added. 5 Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: R.O.W boundary at the northwest corner of Timberline Road and Bear Mountain Drive are incorrect. Please revise. Applicant Response: This item has been corrected. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Add legend of symbols used on each sheet. Include symbols such as ROW boundary, Easements, Subdrains, Pavers, Catch and Outfall Curb, etc. Applicant Response: Legends have been added as requested. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Provide existing infrastructure 150' beyond property limits. Include items such as sidewalks, ramps, etc. Label sidewalk width on Timberline Road and Bear Mountain. Applicant Response: As discussed during the comment review meeting with staff, we have labeled and dimensioned all sidewalks, ramps, etc., within about 30’ of the property. Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Show the 15' Utility and Drainage easement along Timberline Road. Applicant Response: The utility and drainage easement has been shown. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: A letter of intent to complete offsite tie in to Lot 2 to the north is required prior to hearing. Applicant Response: We have attempted to contact the Lot 2 owner via phone and email, and to date have received no response. We will continue to do so prior to the hearing. Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Show water and sewer main sizes. Applicant Response: These are now shown. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Label all surrounding Lots by their legal description. Lot 2 to the north, Lot 4 to the west and Lot 10 to the south, all part of Timberline Center. Applicant Response: These now included. Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: Add street names to Sheet 5 (Horizontal Control Plan) Applicant Response: These now included. Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 01/12/2016: The City no longer uses LCUASS drawing 709. Please see Detail D-10. This should have a flare behind the walk as depicted in Detail D-10B (Detached walk). The developer can choose to still use this detail, but please remove the LCUASS and City references and list it as "On-Site Only" Applicant Response: The detail is being used, and is referenced as “on site only.” The LCUASS reference has been removed. Department: Environmental Planning Contact: Kelly Kimple, 970-416-2401, kkimple@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 6 01/11/2016: Please replace Winnipeg Parks Rose with one of the roses on the City of Fort Collins approved plant list: (http://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf), particularly Woods Rose (Rosa woodsii), a native plant. Applicant Response: While the Winnipeg Parks variety is not specifically included on the FC approved plant list, there is an entry for “Rosa x var.”, which includes Rosa x ‘Winnipeg Parks’. Please know that while not native – it’s a cultivar developed by the Winnipeg Parks Department – the Winnipeg Parks variety also thrives in Fort Collins. The Woods Rose is native and does well here but varies in size, and suckers to form dense thickets. Winnipeg Parks doesn’t get bigger than it’s supposed to, doesn’t sucker, and (unlike many Rose cultivars available here) doesn’t seem to mind our alkaline soil. In this instance we believe Winnipeg Parks to be a better choice. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Thank you for providing a photometric plan with this submittal. In regard to LED light fixtures, IDA (International Dark-Sky Association) recommends using lighting that has a color temperature of no more than 3000 Kelvins in order to limit the amount of blue light in the night environment, as blue light brightens the night sky more than any other color of light. Both LED and metal halide fixtures contain large amounts of blue light in their spectrum, and exposure to blue light at night has been shown to harm human health and endanger wildlife. Please consider a warmer color temperature (closer to 2700K) for your LED light fixtures, as well as fixtures with dimming capabilities so that light levels can be adjusted as needed. Applicant Response: The proposed freestanding lights (AA & BB series) and under‐canopy lights (DD series) are proposed at 3,000K, and can be dimmed. The building mounted lights (CC series) are 2700K, and are not dimmable. Because their output is minimal, we do not anticipate this being an issue. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/13/2016 01/13/2016: There is a missed opportunity to create a nice outdoor space in the large landscaped area north of the building. Please revise the landscape plans to make better use of this space with naturally shaded outdoor seating, groves of fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, and more flowering plants. Please contact me if you would like information on design assistance. Applicant Response: While we appreciate the offer, we believe that the outdoor space described above will function well as designed. Our goal was to leave the area relatively open to allow for the potential for picnicking or sitting in the grass area, while creating separation from the drive through lane. Department: Stormwater Engineering Contact: Jesse Schlam, 970-218-2932, jschlam@fcgov.com Topic: Erosion Control Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 12/28/2015 12/28/2015: Erosion control report is acceptable. Erosion Control Plan has a minor comment based upon straw wattles not being effective alone on commercial sites due to construction activities running over and decimating the BMPs. A more effective BMP or SCL use in tandem with something else needs to be chosen to prevent traffic from driving over these types of BMPs. Based upon the changed BMPs the escrow will more than likely have to be recalculated. If you need clarification concerning the erosion control section, or if there are any questions please contact Jesse Schlam 970-218-2932 or email @ jschlam@fcgov.com Applicant Response: The SCL has been replaced with silt fence and the escrow recalculated as was discussed with Jesse. Contact: Wes Lamarque, 970-416-2418, wlamarque@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please analyze the inlet in Bear Mountain Drive to determine if the inlet has enough capacity for the 7 increased flows. Applicant Response: The inlet at has been analyzed and included in the drainage report as was discussed with Wes. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: The underdrain for the porous pavement system should be simplified in the layout to reduce maintenance concerns. Cleanouts should be included as well. Applicant Response: Cleanouts have been included along with some slight adjustments of the subdrain horizontal layout. Department: Technical Services Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com Topic: Building Elevations Comment Number: 10 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please remove PUD from the plans. We cannot find reference that Timberline Center was a PUD. See redlines. Applicant Response: All references to the PUD have been removed. Comment Number: 11 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There are line over text issues. See redlines. Applicant Response: These have been resolved. Topic: Construction Drawings Comment Number: 12 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please remove PUD from the plans. We cannot find reference that Timberline Center was a PUD. See redlines. Applicant Response: All references to the PUD have been removed. Comment Number: 13 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please provide the following information for the Benchmark Statement in the EXACT format shown below. PROJECT DATUM: NAVD88 BENCHMARK # w/ DESCRIPTION ELEVATION: BENCHMARK # w/ DESCRIPTION ELEVATION: PLEASE NOTE: THIS PLAN SET IS USING NAVD88 FOR A VERTICAL DATUM. SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENTS HAVE USED NGVD29 UNADJUSTED FOR THEIR VERTICAL DATUMS. IF NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM IS REQUIRED FOR ANY PURPOSE, THE FOLLOWING EQUATION SHOULD BE USED: NGVD29 UNADJUSTED = NAVD88 - X.XX’. Applicant Response: The Benchmark Statement has been added in the above format. 8 Comment Number: 14 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: The titles do not match the index on sheet 1. See redlines. Applicant Response: The sheet titles have been corrected. Comment Number: 15 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: All benchmark statements must match on all sheets. Applicant Response: This has been corrected. Comment Number: 16 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There are line over text issues. See redlines. Applicant Response: These have been resolved. Comment Number: 17 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There are text over text issues. See redlines. Applicant Response: These have been resolved. Topic: Landscape Plans Comment Number: 5 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please remove PUD from the plans. We cannot find reference that Timberline Center was a PUD. See redlines. Applicant Response: All references to the PUD have been removed. Comment Number: 6 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There are line over text issues. See redlines. Applicant Response: These have been resolved. Comment Number: 7 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There is text that needs to be rotated 180 degrees. See redlines. Applicant Response: This has been corrected. Topic: Lighting Plan Comment Number: 8 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please remove PUD from the plans. We cannot find reference that Timberline Center was a PUD. See redlines. Applicant Response: All references to the PUD have been removed. Comment Number: 9 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: The title does not match the title in the index on sheet 1. See redlines. Applicant Response: The sheet titles have been corrected. Topic: Site Plan Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please remove PUD from the plans. We cannot find reference that Timberline Center was a PUD. See redlines. Applicant Response: All references to the PUD have been removed. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: The titles in the sheet index do not match the titles on the noted sheets. See redlines. Applicant Response: The sheet titles have been corrected. 9 Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There are line over text issues. See redlines. Applicant Response: These have been resolved. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: There is text that needs to be rotated 180 degrees. See redlines. Applicant Response: Text was rotated as required. Department: Water Conservation Contact: Eric Olson, 970-221-6704, eolson@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/05/2016 01/05/2016: Irrigation plans are required no later than at the time of building permit. The irrigation plans must comply with the provisions outlined in Section 3.2.1(J) of the Land Use Code. Direct questions concerning irrigation requirements to Eric Olson, at 221-6704 or eolson@fcgov.com Applicant Response: Irrigation plans will be submitted once the landscape plan has final approval. Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering Contact: Wes Lamarque, 970-416-2418, wlamarque@fcgov.com Topic: General Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please locate the water stub and existing curb stop if one exists. Applicant Response: This has been located. Comment Number: 2 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please show existing/proposed curb stop and proposed meter pit on the utility plans. These need to be located in a landscape area if possible. Applicant Response: These have been located within the landscaped area west of the parking lot. Comment Number: 3 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please label water service type and size. Applicant Response: Water service is proposed to be via a ¾” tap. Comment Number: 4 Comment Originated: 01/11/2016 01/11/2016: Please show water and sewer services to the building. Applicant Response: Water and sewer services are now shown extended to the building. Department: Zoning Contact: Gary Lopez, 970-416-2338, glopez@fcgov.com Topic: Building Elevations Comment Number: 1 Comment Originated: 01/12/2016 New renderings of the wall signs were presented by the sign company which meet the sign code. A separate permit is required for approval. Applicant Response: Signs have been removed from building elevations, and a note has been added indicating that signs will be approved under a separate permit. The sign permit application will be submitted following the final plan process.