City of Fort Collins
Current Planning Department
281 North College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: Prospect Station II
Please accept this request for a Modification of Standards to Division 4.27 Employment District
of the Land Use Code.
The Prospect Station II PDP is located at 303 West Prospect Road. The project consists of a
three story multi-family building containing 36 units and 54 bedrooms. The proposed project
would replace the existing office building and asphalt parking area with a three-story 100%
residential building with a surface parking lot. The 1.04-acre site is bounded by Prospect Road to
the north and CSURF-owned land to the south. The existing Prospect Station building is directly
to the east. Overall density 34.6 dwelling units per acre.
Modification to Section 4.27(D)(2)
Code Language: Section 4.27(D)(2) Secondary Uses statess the following:
All secondary uses shall be integrated both in function and appearance into a
larger employment district development plan that emphasizes primary uses.
A secondary use shall be subject to administrative review or Planning and
Zoning Board review as required for such use in Section 4.27(B). The
following permitted uses shall be considered secondary uses in this zone
district and together shall occupy no more than twenty-five (25) percent
of the total gross area of the development plan.
(d) Residential uses (except mixed-use dwellings when the residential units
are stacked above a primary use which occupies the ground floor).
Requested Modification: The Prospect Station II project is requesting to have 100% of the
development plan be a residential use.
Modification Criteria
The request of approval for this modification complies with the standards per Review Criteria 2.8.2
(H)(1) and (2) in the following ways:
1. The plan as submitted will promote the general purpose of the standard for which the
modification is requested equally well or better than would a plan which complies with
the standard for which a modification is requested.
2. Further, We feel that the granting of the modification would not be detrimental to the
public good.
We feel that the plan as submitted will promote the general purpose of the standard for which the
modification is requested equally well or better than would a plan which complies with the
standard for which a modification is requested for the following reasons:
• The proposed plan is in a location that is desirable for housing due to its proximinty to CSU
and the nearby new CSU medical center. Althougn not specifically targeted towards the
student population, there is a housing need for CSU faculy, staff and other employees. This
project will provide oppurutunities for affordable living for this demographic.
• Further, the site lacks the qualities that employment-based users are typically seeking due
to its small 1-acre size.
• We believe that the granting of a Modification by allowing 100% of the 1.04-acre site to be
developed as a secondary land use is inconsequential when considered from the
perspective of the entire Employment district. The intent of employment in this area was
primarily intended for the CSURF-owned land to the south in the Centre for Advanced
Technology. By allowing a small, 1-acre lot to develop as residential is nominal and
inconsequential when considered from the perspective of the entire zone district.
• The proposed alternative plan continues to improve the design, quality and character of
new development by exceeding the building standards set forth in Section 3.5. The use of
high quality residential building materials, building articulation, projections and recesses,
along with pitched roof elements ensures sensitivity to and compatibility with the
surrounding neighborhood.
• We feel that the proposed alternative plan ensures sensitivity to the surrounding
neighborhood by building an attractive, desirable product in an infill site with a price point
that the market desires and that the community can be proud of.