To: Brian Varrella, Floodplain Administrator (City of Fort Collins)
Cc: Seth Lorson, Erika Keeton, Mike Howard, Jeff Allmaras, Rick Meserve, Jeff Jones, Charlie Hager
From: Walker P. May, Senior Development Manager
Date: February 14, 2014
Subj: The Summit on College – action plan for amendment of FPUP #11048 upon garage entitlement
Per our conversation this afternoon regarding Capstone’s submission of a Major Amendment application
to our site plan for The Summit on College, the following is our plan of action for amendment of the
current Flood Plain Use Permit #11048 that governs a portion of the property to be amended,
specifically the flood control channel. It should be noted that Capstone has had a preliminary discussion
with Erika Keeton, Special Projects Engineer working on the BRT for the City of Fort Collins, and we both
concur that this is the right approach:
• Capstone will work with its contractor to identify a maximum limit of disturbance (“LOD”) in the
during construction of the proposed garage.
• Capstone will have its design team prepare a new exhibit that overlays the garage LOD over the
existing exhibit outlining the (repair, reseeding and establishment of growth) responsibilities
between Capstone, the BRT and its subcontractor, Powell Restoration.
• To the degree that work to be performed by Capstone or its contracting team in connection with
the proposed garage will disturb or damage areas under the responsibility of the BRT/ Powell,
the FPUP will be amended to reassign those areas to Capstone.
• A silt fence will be surgically placed along this area of disturbance with the oversight and
assistance of Capstone’s surveying team to help ensure its contractor and subcontractors
remain within the boundaries of the to-be-amended FPUP #11048.
• To the degree that actual work is performed by Capstone or its contractor that disturbs or
damages an area outside of the amended FPUP (or under the BRT’s separate FPUP) that falls
under the responsibility of the BRT/ Powell, an additional amendment will be made to remove
those areas from the FPUP.
Capstone will begin working on the LOD and new exhibit next week. Additionally, Capstone will share
this information with Erika and the City’s BRT Team and reach agreement between the parties regarding
what areas, if any, need to be amended. Once the parties reach agreement, Capstone will have JVA
prepare a DRAFT FPUP for review by the City’s Floodplain Administrator.
Attachment #19