Statement of Planning Objectives
Poudre Valley Health System Harmony Campus – Fifth Filing
Freestanding Emergency Department
Project Development Plan and Final Plan
November 26, 2014
University of Colorado Health (UCHealth) is a new health system that aims to deliver the highest
quality patient care with the highest quality patient experience. UCHealth is the first system of
its kind nationally to integrate the strengths of community‐based care and academic medicine.
UCH combines Poudre Valley Hospital System (PVHS), Memorial Health System (MHS), and
University of Colorado Hospital Authority (UCHA) into an organization dedicated to building a
healthier community and providing unmatched patient care in the Rocky Mountain West.
Separately, these institutions can continue providing superior care to patients and service to the
communities they serve. Together, they push the boundaries of medicine, attracting more
research funding, hosting more clinical trials and improving health through innovation.
The Harmony Campus continues to provide health care and wellness services as a key part of
the University of Colorado Health system. Along with Poudre Valley Hospital, Medical Center of
the Rockies, Mountain Crest Behavioral Healthcare Center, it is part of a regional and medical
hub serving Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming with clinics, outpatient services, surgery and lab
services, and comprehensive cancer treatment services. The Harmony Campus has been master
planned to allow for continued growth to meet the need for advanced medical services for the
region. The Emergency Department is the next planned phase at the Harmony Campus.
Planned Project
The Emergency Department is planned as a 17,400 s.f. standalone building to be located at the
southeast corner of Harmony Road and Snow Mesa Drive. This single story building will include a
patient ‘walk‐in’ emergency department entrance and separate ambulance canopy. A new
parking lot is planned to serve the needs of this new facility. The lab services currently located in
the ‘Redstone’ building on Harmony Campus will be relocated to this new facility as it is a
complementary service to the emergency services provided.
The Harmony Campus is governed by an ODP. We anticipate a Minor Amendment to the ODP
may be required as it indicates a possible hotel in this location. We feel an emergency
department better fulfills the medical campus goals and the growing community needs. The
Harmony Campus was also established with private covenants including campus design
guidelines which direct architectural character, landscape, and signs. The planned project will
relate well to the surrounding neighborhood as it will meet the requirements of these campus
standards and related medical uses in the Harmony Campus.
The site will be accessed from Harmony Road through the Snow Mesa entrance. The site will
connect to the existing shared access drive east of Snow Mesa. No public street extensions are
planned with this project.
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Currently the site is undeveloped, and there are no trees or known natural features that would
be affected.
The proposed building is anticipated to contain a fire sprinkler system.
Storm drainage improvements for the project will entail the installation of curb cuts, concrete
chases, swales, and inlets and storm sewer pipe, as may be applicable, to convey runoff to the
existing storm drainage system(s), constructed with the PVHS Harmony Infrastructure project.
Runoff from the developed site will be conveyed to the existing water quality/ detention pond,
located in the southeast corner of the project, which will provide the required water quality/
detention needs for the project. It is anticipated that LID and BMP’s will be required by the City
and implemented for the site.
(i) Statement of appropriate City Plan Principles and Policies achieved by the proposed plan.
The proposed project is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan as per the following
The Freestanding Emergency Department, along with the expansion of Emergency
facilities at Poudre Valley Hospital will allow UCHealth to provide necessary healthcare
services in a dispersed manner to continue to serve the Fort Collins community. The
uses are allowed as primary uses in the Harmony Corridor zone district.
(ii) Description of proposed open space, wetlands, natural habitats and features, landscaping,
circulation, transition areas, and associated buffering on site and in the general vicinity of the
Open Space:
Since the site has two public road frontages, the building will be located near the
northwest corner of the property with the parking to the south. It is planned to be
located as far north as possible while still allowing for the required 80’ landscaped
Harmony Road setback, and as far west as possible while still retaining the landscaped
campus entry feature at the Snow Mesa/Harmony intersection. Pedestrian access will
be provided directly to the adjacent public sidewalks.
Buffering is indicated to screen parking, ambulance use and service areas from adjacent
streets and properties.
Appropriate landscaping will be installed at the building entrances, in parking areas and
at building perimeters.
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Site access will be from the existing private drive south of the property. Two site
entrances are planned both to allow for easy fire department access and circulation,
but also to separate patient/visitor access from emergency vehicle and service access.
Both the walk‐in entrance and the ambulance areas have covered canopy areas for
accessibility and protection in weather.
Wetlands and Natural Areas:
There are no wetlands or natural areas on the site.
(iii) Statement of proposed ownership and maintenance of public and private open space
areas; applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the project
development plan.
University of Colorado Health will continue to own and maintain the properties within
the project area.
(iv) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses.
The emergency department will include technicians, physicians, registered nurses,
registration personnel, radiology staff, housekeeping, security, pharmacist, and lab
staff. It is a 24/7 operation, but most of the staff are on the main day shift from
approximately 7 am to 7 pm. The parking indicated is based on the anticipated use of
the facility for staff, emergency patients, lab patients, deliveries and couriers, and
service vehicle needs.
(v) Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant.
This project will comply with applicable city standards.
(vi) The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable criteria,
the completed documents pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use. The Planning
Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is
required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be described.
No variances are anticipated. A concurrent ODP amendment has been submitted to add
this use to the ODP parcel.
(vii) Narrative description of how conflicts between land uses or disturbances to wetlands,
natural habitats and features and or wildlife are being avoided to the maximum extent
feasible or are mitigated.
There are no wetlands or natural areas on the site.
(viii) Written narrative addressing each concern/issue raised at the neighborhood meeting(s),
if a meeting has been held.
Since the project is a Type I review, no neighborhood meeting is anticipated nor
(ix) Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have had during
Conceptual Review.