1603 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Page 1 of 2 voice: 970.223.7577
fax: 970.223.1827
landscape architecture | planning | urban design www.bhadesign.com
12 February 2014
Mr. Jason Holland
City of Fort Collins
RE: Woodward Phase One – Final Plan Submittal
Dear Jason,
We are pleased to submit the Final Plan documents for the Woodward Technology Center
Phase One projects. Here is a list of adjustments that have been made since the PDP plans
were approved:
Employee entrance – An employee entrance was added along the east elevation of the
Industrial Turbomachinery Systems (ITS) building. As a result, we have also revised the
alignment of the parking lots east of ITS to better relate to the building entrances. While
the geometry of the parking has been adjusted, the fundamental design, size, and location
of this parking has not been changed.
Mirrored footprint – The program and floorplan for the ITS building has been mirrored, and
a large rooftop mechanical penthouse was relocated to an at‐grade building addition west
of the ITS. The primary impact to the site plan is the addition of a service area and drive
along the west side of ITS. We have reviewed these changes with planning, engineering,
and PFA staff with favorable response. The new west access will be used for emergency
access to the ITS and cafeteria buildings. In the future, this service drive will be located
between the ITS and a second proposed building so will be hidden from public view. In the
interim, we are including landscape screening along this drive to soften it even from the
distant view from Lincoln Avenue several hundred feet away.
Relocated Production Support Building (PSB) – The relationship of the PSB building and the
ITS manufacturing floor is closely tied. So as the ITS footprint was mirrored, the PSB
building moved to the west accordingly. This does not change the intent of having smaller
building footprints along Lincoln Avenue, but simply the location of the first phase building
(PSB) has been adjusted with the planned location for a future building.
Building sizes – With refinement in design from the PDP, and based on the adjustments
described above, Phase One building footprints have adjusted slightly. This does not affect
the total square footage of the overall master plan, only what is now planned for phase
one. The revised square footages are indicated on the site plans. Since they are slightly
BHA Design Incorporated
1603 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Page 2 of 2 voice: 970.223.7577
fax: 970.223.1827
landscape architecture | planning | urban design www.bhadesign.com
larger than the phase one areas assumed at the PDP, we have included an updated traffic
analysis memo indicating no significant changes with these building size adjustments.
We have appreciated the ability for ongoing discussions with you and your staff members
as these refinements have been made. Please let us know if you have any questions or
need any information with your reviews.
Angela K. Milewski
For BHA Design, Inc.