To: Seth Lorson
Cc: Brandon Grebe
Subject: Blue Ocean Parking Structure and Office Buildilng. Oak and Meldrum. Citizen Input.
Date: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 11:51:45 AM
September 3, 2013
Seth Lorson
City Planning Office
City of Fort Collins
VIA: Email
Re: Blue Ocean Parking Structure and Office Building. Meldrum and Oak.
Dear Seth:
I was unable to attend the neighborhood meeting for this project on August 14,
2013. Michael Manning and I own the office building at 419 West Oak Street,
diagonally across from the back of the proposed parking structure. We own the
property under David Eads, LLC. I also own a private residence at 216 South
Sherwood, also very near to this proposal.
I write to you to weigh in on the project with our thoughts. Brandon Grebe of Blue
Ocean met with Mr. Manning and me this morning at our office and showed us the
proposals, including some changes which were, I take it, suggestions following the
neighborhood meeting.
Brandon was most patient and thorough in presenting the proposal and answering
our questions. Based on the plans and our conversation, we support the approval of
this project. Parking is very much an issue in this part of Old Town, and though we
have private off-street parking on our premises, additional parking is needed.
With the arrival and rapid expansion of Otter World on the western reaches of Old
Town, there hasn't been much by the way of enhancements for those of us who live
and work here. There is no retail or other establishments that benefit the general
public, just the Otters. So I was most impressed to see that the bottom two floors
of the parking structure will be available for a health club, coffee house or other
amenities for the general public. This is most welcome.
Please contact me if you have further questions. And please know of Brandon
Grebe's extraordinary patience and thoroughness in reaching out to the neighbors of
this project.
Mark D. Hanson
Mark Hanson
419 West Oak Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Tel: Office: 970 482-3904
Fax: 970 484-6028
Cell: 970 217-0072