December 11, 2013
Cargill ODP
Statement of Planning Objectives
This proposal is for an Overall Development Plan submittal for the Cargill Research facility
located at 2540 East Drake Road. The property is owned by Cargill Inc. and contains 30.730
acres. . The proposal consists of a new office building, growth rooms, laboratory, seed
storage, 2 new greenhouses and a new shop, which would take up Lots 2 and 3.
Uses surrounding the property consist of the following:
South: Rigden Farm Ninth Filing – Parkside West
West: Sidehill Subdivision
North: Bucking Horse, Filing Two
East: Bucking Horse, Filing Two
Cargill currently operates a research and development center for specialty seeds and oils.
The proposed expansion will contain approximately 16,791 sq. ft. of office space, a 7,980
sq. ft. growth room, 16,305 sq. ft. or warehouse, shop and seed storage and 22,464 sq. ft. of
greenhouse. The new facilities are intended to condense the existing operations located
within the current campus.
(i) Statement of appropriate City Plan Principles and Policies achieved by
the proposed plan:
The Cargill Expansion meets the following applicable City Plan Principles and
Economic Health
Principle EH 4: The City will encourage the redevelopment of strategic
areas within the community as defined in the Community and
Neighborhood Livability and Neighborhood Principles and Policies.
Policy EH 4.2 – Reduce Barriers to Infill Development and
By expanding their facilities, Cargill will continue to promote and sustain their
local business thereby further enhancing the economic health of Fort Collins.
This represents business retention for a business that is successful and
unique to Fort Collins.
Environmental Health
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Principle ENV 19: The City will pursue opportunities to protect and
restore the natural function of the community’s urban watersheds and
streams as a key component of minimizing flood risk, reducing urban
runoff pollution, and improving the ecological health of urban streams.
Policy ENV 19.2 – Pursue Low Impact Development
Cargill is implementing LID by incorporating grass swales and pervious
pavement, which will treat runoff from the existing greenhouse building, as
well as the new buildings.
Community and Neighborhood Livability
Principle LIV 6: Infill and redevelopment within residential areas will be
compatible with the established character of the neighborhood. In areas
where the desired character of the neighborhood is not established, or
is not consistent with the vision of City Plan, infill and redevelopment
projects will set an enhanced standard of quality.
Policy LIV 6.1 – Types of Infill and Redevelopment in Residential Areas
Policy LIV 6.2 – Seek Compatibility with Neighborhoods
The Cargill Expansion is a unique development in a residential zoning district.
The area surrounding the property contains a mix of single-family homes,
condominiums, a congregate care facility, a school, a neighborhood center
and other office and retail uses The proposed expansion
employment, office and retail. The proposed expansion provides a transition
in scale to the residential area by being located mid-block and by providing a
softened edge with the use of landscape and change in building materials.
The site is located in the Harmony Technology Park, which provides a
campus-like setting, with platted lots, streets, sidewalks, and infrastructure
already in place. The visual impacts of the parking lot have been reduced by
placing the parking to the side of the building.
Principle LIV 14: Require quality and ecologically sound landscape
design practices for all public and private development projects
throughout the community.
Policy LIV 14.1 – Encourage Unique Landscape Features
Cargill is a primary use located in an employment park, in a targeted activity
center. The area surrounding the Harmony Technology Park contains a mix
of residential, institutional, employment, office and retail. The proposed
expansion provides a transition in scale to the residential area by being
located mid-block and by providing a softened edge with the use of
landscape and change in building materials. The site is located in the
Harmony Technology Park, which provides a campus-like setting, with platted
lots, streets, sidewalks, and infrastructure already in place. The visual
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impacts of the parking lot have been reduced by placing the parking to the
side of the building.
Principle LIV15: Commercial developments create a powerful
impression of the City, both individually and taken together as a whole.
While corporate franchises and chain stores will remain vital and
recognizable, commercial developments shall be designed to contribute
to Fort Collins’ distinct visual quality and uniqueness.
Policy LIV 15.2 – Seek Compatibility with Surrounding Development
Cargill is a primary use located in an employment park, in a targeted activity
center. The area surrounding the Harmony Technology Park contains a mix
of residential, institutional, employment, office and retail. The proposed
expansion provides a transition in scale to the residential area by being
located mid-block and by providing a softened edge with the use of
landscape and change in building materials. The site is located in the
Harmony Technology Park, which provides a campus-like setting, with platted
lots, streets, sidewalks, and infrastructure already in place. The visual
impacts of the parking lot have been reduced by placing the parking to the
side of the building.
Principle T 9: Enhanced Travel Corridors will contain amenities and
designs that specifically promote walking, the use of mass transit, and
Policy T 9.1 – Locating Enhanced Travel Corridors
Principle T10: Using transit will be a safe, affordable, easy, and
convenient mobility option for all ages and abilities.
Policy T 10.1 – Transit Stops
Policy T 10.6 – High Frequency Transit Service
Principle T11: Bicycling will be a safe, easy, and convenient mobility
option for all ages and abilities
The location of this project and its proximity to Drake and Timberline Roads
will promote and support the idea of a predominance of the daily trips of the
employees of this project utilizing alternative modes of transportation
(walking/biking) or public transportation. The on-street bike lanes will help to
encourage safe cycling. Timberline Road is designated as an enhanced
travel corridor
(ii) Description of proposed open space, wetlands, natural habitats and
features, landscaping, circulation, transition areas, and associated
buffering on site and in the general vicinity of the project.
There are no wetlands or significant natural habitats within the boundaries of
the site.
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(iii) Statement of proposed ownership and maintenance of public and
private open space areas; applicant's intentions with regard to future
ownership of all or portions of the project development plan.
The project will be owned by Cargill, LLC. All maintenance for common
areas, landscape, trash removal, stormwater infrastructure, and snow
removal shall be performed by the property owner.
(iv) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and
industrial uses.
The number of employees is approximately 55.
(v) Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by
the applicant.
Our assumptions are based on the following rationale for each proposed use:
Office Building -
Growth Room -
Seed Storage -
Warehouse -
Shop -
Greenhouses -
(vi) The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the
applicable criteria, the completed documents pursuant to these
regulations for each proposed use. The planning Director may require,
or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is
required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be
At this time the project is not proposing any variance from any City of Fort
Collins criteria. See above for applicable criteria.
(vii) Narrative description of how conflicts between land uses or
disturbances to wetlands, natural habitats and features and or wildlife
are being avoided to the maximum extent feasible or are mitigated.
There are not existing wetlands, natural habitats or features currently located
on site.
(viii) Written narrative addressing each concern/issue raised at the
neighborhood meeting(s), if a meeting has been held.
There was no neighborhood meeting.
(ix) Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have
had during Conceptual Review.
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The project is called Cargill Expansion. The project was referred to as 2540
E. Drake Road – Cargill Expansion at Conceptual Review.