Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
September 16, 2013
Dave Derbes
Brinkman Development, LLC
3003 E. Harmony Road, Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80528
Re: Ladymoon Dr & Precision Dr - Office
Description of project: This is a request to construct a new office building located at the northwest corner of
Lady Moon Drive & Precision Drive in the Harmony Technology Park (Parcel# 86042-09-002). The new office
building would be 2 stories and 30,600 square feet. The site is located in the Harmony Corridor (H-C) Zone
District within an area designated for Primary Uses in the Harmony Technology Park Overall Development
Plan. Offices and platting are subject to Administrative (Type 1) Review in the H-C Zone District.
Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referrenced above. The
comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in preparing the detailed
components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the
time of formal review of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project
Planner, Noah Beals, at 970-416-2313 or nbeals@fcgov.com.
Comment Summary:
Department: Zoning
Contact: Gary Lopez, 970-416-2338, glopez@fcgov.com
1. A minimum of 4 HC parking stalls required.
RMS Response: Provided
2. A minimum 5' wide landscape strip is required along the north lot line adjacent to the parking lot. The
site plan shows a dimension of 4'.
RMS Response: Provided
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Roger Buffington, 970-221-6854, rbuffington@fcgov.com
1. The existing City water mains adjacent to the site include 12-inch water mains in both Precision and Lady
Aspen Response: Acknowledged
2. Wastewater service in this area is provided by the South Fort Collins Sanitation District.
3. The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on these
requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards
4. Development fees and water rights will be due at time of building permit.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Glen Schlueter, 970-224-6065, gschlueter@fcgov.com
1. A drainage report, erosion control report, and construction plans are required and they must be prepared
by a Professional Engineer registered in Colorado. The drainage report must address the four-step
process for selecting structural BMPs. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all onsite drainage
facilities need to be prepared by the drainage engineer and there is a final site inspection required when
the project is complete and the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance
organization. The erosion control report requirements are in the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual, Section
1.3.3, Volume 3, Chapter 7 of the Fort Collins Amendments. If you need clarification concerning this
section, please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged and final drainage report provided. Additional BMP information to be
provided with SWMP report, which will be prepared prior to construction.
2. There is an existing overall drainage plan for this area prepared by Stantec, dated May 19, 2008 that the
design engineer will need to design the site drainage. It appears that approximately one third of the site
is planned to drain to the north into a detention area. That pond does not exist yet so it would have to be
built large enough for the volume of runoff from a portion of this site. The southern two thirds is shown to
drain to the detention pond to the south. That pond is in place. Any changes to the overall drainage
plan would need to be justified.
Aspen Response: The proposed site falls within SWMM basin EX7, which provides for the entire area of
the Brinkman Site being conveyed to the existing pond 110. The SWMM model provides for an
allowable ‘C’ of 0.80. The calculated composite ‘C’ for the Brinkman site is 0.72, thus meeting the
intent of the masterplan.
3. Fifty percent of the site runoff is required to be treated using the standard water quality treatment as
described in the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual, Volume 3 - Best Management Practices (BMPs).
ons/stormwater-criteria) Extended detention is the usual method selected for water quality treatment;
however the use of any of the BMPs is encouraged.
Aspen Response: Approximately 72% of the proposed site is routed to and through the proposed LID
basins, located within the interior portions of the parking lot medians. Porous pavers are also provided,
as shown in the proposed plans, thus providing additional LID/BMP treatment.
4. Low Impact Development (LID) requirements went into effect March 11, 2013. These require a higher
degree of water quality treatment for 50% of the new impervious area and 25% of new paved areas must
be pervious. Please contact Basil Hamdan at 224-6035 or bhamdan@fcgov.com for more information.
There is also more information on the EPA web site at: http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/green/bbfs.cfm?
LID design information can be found on the City's web site at:
Aspen Response: Acknowledged. Please see utility plans for LID Basins and porous paving.
5. The city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $6,390.00/acre ($0.1467/sq.-ft.) for new impervious
area over 350 sq.-ft., and there is a $1,045.00/acre ($0.024/sq.-ft.) review fee. No fee is charged for
existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each building permit is issued.
Information on fees can be found on the City's web site at
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-development-fees or
contact Jean Pakech at 221- 6375 for questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow
required before the Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is
determined by the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged. Please see erosion control escrow in drainage report.
6. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the McClellands Creek Master
Drainage Plan as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged. Please refer to drainage report.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
Fire Lanes shall be provided to within 150' of all portions of the building, as measured by an approved
route around the exterior of the building. When fire lanes cannot be provided, the fire code official is
authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet if the building is equipped throughout with an approved,
automatic fire-sprinkler system.
2006 International Fire Code 503.1.1
OS Response: The site meets the 150’ rule as proposed.
In order to accommodate aerial fire apparatus access (ladder trucks), required fire lanes shall be 30 foot
wide minimum on at least one long side of the building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the
building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building.
2006 International Fire Code Appendix D; Poudre Fire Authority Administrative Policy 85-5
OS Response: The proposed building height is 30’.
This building will require an automatic fire sprinkler system under a separate permit.
The proposed design includes a fire sprinkler system.
4. FDC
Fire Department Connections shall be installed in accordance with NFPA standards. Fire department
connections shall be located on the street side of buildings, fully visible and recognizable from the street
or nearest point of fire department vehicle access. The location of the FDC shall be approved by the fire
2006 International Fire Code 912.2
Aspen Response: Contractor/Developer will coordinate with PFA on FDC locations, with note added to utility
Poudre Fire Authority requires at least one key box ("Knox Box") to be mounted in approved location(s)
on every new building equipped with a required fire sprinkler or fire alarm system. The top shall not be
higher than 6 feet above finished floor.
2006 International Fire Code 506.1 and Poudre Fire Authority Bureau Policy 88-20
OS Response: A Knox Box will be provided on the north wall, adjacent to the main entry doors, per IFC
New and existing buildings shall be plainly identified. Address numbers shall be visible from the street
fronting the property, plainly visible, and posted with a minimum of six-inch numerals on a contrasting
2006 International Fire Code 505.1
OS Response: Address numbers will be provided per outlined requirements.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Lindsay Ex, 970-224-6143, lex@fcgov.com
1. There is an irrigation ditch that runs adjacent to the site, but it does not serve as a wildlife corridor, and
thus, Section 3.4.1 of the Land Use Code, specifically the requirement for an Ecological Characterization
Study, does not apply.
2. Should the project gain approval and move forward to construction, any prairie dogs inhabiting the site
must be eradicated in accordance with the Division of Parks and Wildlife Standards.
3. With respect to landscaping and design, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code, in Article 3.2.1 (E)(2)(3),
requires that you use native plants and grasses in your landscaping or re landscaping and reduce
bluegrass lawns as much as possible.
RMS Response: The landscape plan uses natives and reduces lawn to a minimum.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Marc Virata, 970-221-6567, mvirata@fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of building permit.
Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of submittal. For additional
information on these fees, please see: http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/dev-review.php
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks,
curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced
or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of
completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
4. Please contact the City's Traffic Engineer, Joe Olson (224-6062) to schedule a scoping meeting and
determine if a traffic study is needed for this project. In addition, please contact Transportation Planning
for their requirements as well.
A traffic study has been provided.
5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary for this
project. Harmony Technology Park 2nd Filing provided dedication of street right-of-way and utility
easements. Additional dedications may be required with the site proposal.
Aspen Response: 2’ of additional ROW is being dedicated along the south property boundary to meet
required ROW for Precision Drive. Please refer to plat.
7. The driveway location will need to be looked at for access and spacing requirements. The location of the
driveway being built with the expansion of Custom Blending in relationship to the proposed driveway
would need to be looked at and may be of concern.
Aspen Response: The access drive for the Custom Blending Expansion is shown in the utility plans.
8. The proposed development is located within the Harmony Technology Park 2nd Filing project. The
development agreement for this project specified the overall property’s obligation to provide for costs
associated with the construction of an additional left turn lane for southbound Ziegler Road to eastbound
Harmony Road. The City is looking into whether this obligation should still exist for all development within
the boundaries of the original project, as the construction of the additional left turn lane was done with
Front Range Village’s development.
Aspen Response: The City has provided correspondence that this is not required for this project.
9. Sidewalk along Precision Drive and Lady Moon Drive is required to be constructed abutting the property
as well as directional ramps at the intersection in accordance with City standards. The TIS may
demonstrate the need for additional offsite sidewalk construction as part of the pedestrian level of
service analysis.
Aspen Response: Handicap Ramps and sidewalks have been provided, as required for the project.
10. Construction plans will be required.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
11. A Development Agreement will be required and recorded once the project is finalized with recordation
costs paid for by the applicant.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
12. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
13. With this proposal, no additional connectivity is shown to future development to the north and to the west.
Additionally, driveway access isn’t being shared with the parcel to the west. Ideally a concept of “master
planning” for the overall vacant site should be explored that provides joint driveway access to public
streets, interconnected parking lots, and integrates pedestrian connectivity between parcels, rather than
creating independent pad sites that are isolated from each other.
Aspen Response: Access easements have been provided to the north and west to allow for future
connections to the north and west, as may be applicable.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Justin Fields, 970-224-6150, jfields@fcgov.com
1. Electric development charges will apply. An estimator for these charges is available at
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
2. Coordinate the transformer and meter locations with Light and Power Engineering, 970-221-6700.
Aspen Response: Transformer location has been coordinated with Light & Power. Meter locations will
be coordinated by the architect and land planner.
3. Shade trees need to maintain 40 feet clearance with street lights and ornamental trees need to maintain
15 feet of clearance with street lights.
RM Response: Acknowledged.
4. A C-1 form and one-line diagram will need to be submitted to Light and Power Engineering. The C-1
form is available at http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/c-1_form.pdf.
Aspen Response: Acknowledged.
Current Planning
Contact: Noah Beals, 970-416-2313, nbeals@fcgov.com
1. This site is located in the Harmony Corridor (H-C) zone district. It is also a part of the approved Harmony
Technology Park Overall Development Plan (ODP).
Land Use Code (LUC) section 4.26(B)(2)(c) Office use in the H-C zone district is subject to a Type 1
(administrative hearing officer) review.
In the H-C zone district Office is considered a Primary Use. The HTP ODP approved primary uses for this
LUC 4.26(D)(3)(b) All new structures greater than 80,000 square feet shall be subject to a Type 2 (Planning
and Zoning Board) review.
OS Response: The proposed building is 30,850 SF.
2. LUC 4.26(D)(3)(a) The maximum height for nonresidential buildings is 6 stories.
OS Response: The proposed building is 2 stories high.
3. LUC 4.26(E) All development within the H-C zone district shall comply withe Harmony Corridor Design
OS Response: Acknowledged
4. LUC 4.26(E)(2)(a) In the case of multiple parcel ownership, to the extent reasonably feasible, an applicant
shall enter into cooperative agreements with adjacent property owners to create a comprehensive
development plan that establishes an integrated pattern of streets, outdoor spaces, building styles and
land uses.
How will the development comply with this standard with the additional parcel(s) that this development will
OS Response: The site plan does consider future connectivity to the north parcel with planned access
points in the parking lot if applicable in the future.
LUC 4.26(E)(2)(c) All uses except for off-street parking and loading shall be conducted or carried out
entirely within completely enclosed buildings or structures.
OS Response: Acknowledged
5. LUC 3.5.3(B) Nonresidential buildings shall provide significant architectural interest and shall not have a
single, large, dominant building mass. The street level shall be designed to comport with a pedestrian
scale in order to establish attractive street fronts and walkways.
OS Response: The building design provides a distinct base condition with sidewalk access points on all
sides of the building and high-bay vision glass for a large % of the perimeter and multiple outdoor patios
on the west and north sides of the building to promote pedestrian use. The upper story of the building
breaks up the mass by providing more visual interest with multiple materials, varied glass openings, and
an upper level outdoor deck to break up the façade and massing appropriate for the scale of the
6. LUC 3.5.3(C)(1) At least one (1) main entrance of any commercial or mixed-use building shall face and
open directly onto a connecting walkway with pedestrian frontage
OS Response: The main building entry connects to the patio and sidewalk then directly to both Lady
Moon and Precision Drive.
7. LUC 3.5.3(C)(1)(b) Buildings shall be located no more than fifteen (15) feet from the right-of-way of an
adjoining street if the street is smaller than a full arterial or has on-street parking.
It is unclear based on the information provided if this standard is being met.
This section does allow for exceptions to the standard (see section for details).
OS Response: The current building design sets the building at 15’ from ROW for both Lady Moon and
Precision Drive.
8. LUC 3.5.3(D) This section has standards for Variation in Massing (see section for details).
OS Response: The building design acknowledges the “Variation in Massing” standards and we believe
these guidelines are being met.
LUC 3.5.3(E) This section establishes standards for the the Character and Image of the building including
but not limited to the primary entrance, wall articulation, facade and recognizable base/top (see section for
9. LUC 3.5.1(G) If a building or structure is over 40 feet in height a visual and shadow analysis is required.
OS Response: Not Applicable
10. LUC 3.2.2(K)(2) With 30,600 sq feet of General Office the development project is limited to 91 off street
vehicle parking spaces.
RMS Response: 94 spaces being provided with 4 Accessible spaces
LUC 3.2.2(K)(5) With 91 off street vehicle parking spaces provided at least 4 of these will need to be
accessibility spaces. Additionally at least 1 of the 4 accessibility spaces is required to be van accessible
(8ft wide stall adjoined to an 8ft wide loading area).
RMS Response: 95 spaces including 4 Accessible spaces.
LUC 3.2.2(L) 90 degree Parking stall dimensions start at 9'x19' and two-way drive aisles are required to be
at least 24ft in width. If the head of a stall is not adjoined to curb and gutter a wheel stop is required.
RMS Response: All parking 90 degrees with 24 ft aisles. Parking with dividing planted median is 17’ deep
with 2’ overhang and 9’ wide.
LUC 3.2.2(L) When vehicles overhang a landscape area on parallel sides the landscape area is required
to be at least 7ft in width.
RMS Response: Islands are 7’ wide.
LUC 3.2.2(J) Vehicle use areas shall be setback at least 10 feet from a non-arterial street and 5 feet from
interior property line.
RMS Response: Site conforms.
11. LUC 3.2.2(C)(4)With 30,600 sq feet of General Office the development project is required to provide at
least 8 bicycle parking spaces. Additionally 2 of the 8 required spaces shall be enclosed and at least 6
spaces shall be fixed.
RMS Response: Allowance for 6 bikes have been provided for site with 2 to be located within building.
12. LUC 3.2.2(C)(5) Walkway connections shall be established directly and continuously from areas or points of
pedestrian origin and destination and shall not be aligned solely based on the outline of a parking lot.
There needs to be a direct sidewalk connection from Precision drive to building entrance and from Lady
Moon to the Building entrance.
RMS Response: Direct sidewalk access has been provided from Precision Drive and from Lady Moon on
The northern side.
13. LUC 3.2.1 A landscape plan is required this should include but not limited to street trees, foundation
plantings, parking lot perimeter, parking lot interior at least 6%, trees in islands. Also please verify the
need for tree mitigation or protection.
RMS Response: Provided and conforms to land use code.
14. LUC 3.2.4 A lighting plan is required this usually includes a photometric site plan with catalog cut-sheets of
the proposed fixtures.
Photometric plan has been included.
15. LUC 3.2.5 A trash and recycling enclosure is required. Such enclosure shall be designed with with walk-in
access without having to open the main service gates. Also it should be located on a concrete pad at
least 20ft from a public sidewalk.
RMS Response: Provided in the north western corner of the site.
16. LUC 3.5.1(I) All mechanical/utility equipment (vents,flues, meters, boxes, conduit, ac/rtu, transformer and
etc...) locations shall be identified on the plans. Also notes should be included to indicate how such
equipment is screened and painted.
OS Response: Building elevations indicate material, height and extent of rooftop mechanical screening.
Pre-Submittal Meetings for Building Permits
Pre-Submittal meetings are offered to assist the designer/builder by assuring, early on in the
design, that the new commercial or multi-family projects are on track to complying with all of the
adopted City codes and Standards listed below. The proposed project should be in the early to
mid-design stage for this meeting to be effective and is typically scheduled after the Current
Planning conceptual review meeting.
Applicants of new commercial or multi-family projects are advised to call 416-2341 to schedule a
pre-submittal meeting. Applicants should be prepared to present site plans, floor plans, and
elevations and be able to discuss code issues of occupancy, square footage and type of
construction being proposed.
Construction shall comply with the following adopted codes as amended:
2009 International Building Code (IBC)
2009 International Residential Code (IRC)
2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
2009 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2009 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2009 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2011 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003.
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Load: 100- MPH 3 Second Gust Exposure B.
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5
Energy Code Use
1. Single Family; Duplex; Townhomes: 2009 IRC Chapter 11 or 2009 IECC Chapter 4
2. Multi-family and Condominiums 3 stories max: 2009 IECC Chapter 4.
3. Commercial and Multi-family 4 stories and taller: 2009 IECC Chapter 5.
Fort Collins Green Code Amendments effective starting 1-1-2012. A copy of these requirements
can be obtained at the Building Office or contact the above phone number.
City of Fort Collins
Building Services
Plan Review