Attn: Noah Beals
City of Fort Collins
Community Development
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: The Learning Experience at Miramont Office Park
4775 Boardwalk Drive
Lot 3, Miramont Office Park
Dear Mr. Beals:
Below are responses to the comments as stated in your letter dated August 28, 2013:
Current Planning:
1) On the West side of the building where the main entrance is, the Landscape
standards require foundation plantings. Currently the site plan and landscape are
showing none along this side. The elevation drawings are showing some shrubs.
To achieve compliance with the code 50% of the building face excluding the
entrance should incorporate some plantings areas.
Does the 4ft fence need to be opaque, can it be more of a transparent fence type?
Response: The landscape plan will show some shrubs to achieve the 50% code.
We are requesting an opaque fence for security purposes. We are putting in
place every preventive measure to help insure the safety of the children.
2) The sidewalk that runs along the west side of the building will need to be
continued on to the drive aisle and the connection needs to include a ramp and
painted cross walk to the existing west ramp across the drive aisle.
Response: The curb ramp was already indicated on the Plans. The crosswalk
striping has been added.
3) The additional sidewalk connection on the North is appreciated but it does not
alleviate the code requirement for the side walk along the North side of the south
drive aisle. Plans will need to be revised to include this sidewalk connection.
Response: A sidewalk along the south driveway has been added.
4) On Sheet C0.0 the signatures certification will need to be changed to reflect that
the Planning Director grants approval.
Response: The Signature Certification has been corrected.
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5) On site plan the Land Use Table Parking Summary the parking spaces totals do
not match the total labeled on the site plan.
Response: The parking count has been corrected.
6) The landscape plan will need to include the entire lot and its' conditions.
Response: The landscape plan has been revised as requested.
7) Mechanical/utility equipment (Vents, flues, ac/rtu, meters, boxes, conduit...)
locations need to be identified on the plans with notes on how such equipment is
screened and painted.
Response: The electric box and gas meter locations have been added to the Site
8) A light should be placed on the south side of the building to illuminate the sidewalk
on that side.
Response: A light has been added to the south side of the building.
Engineering Development Review:
1. The project owes an additional $403.50 for the TDRF for the PDP.
Response: Acknowledged.
2. Please add our General Notes (Appendix E 1FC/Lar in LCUASS) and Street
Improvement Notes (Appendix E 2(b)(c)(e)) to the cover sheet/ general notes
section. Contact me for an updated copy of the General Notes Appendix
Response: The City’s notes have been added as requested.
3. Please add our standard signature block to all sheets in the Utility Plan Set.
Contact me for our standard signature block.
Response: The City’s signature block has been added as requested.
4. Please show the east side of Boardwalk Dr. and the intersection of Oakridge Dr
on all utility plan sheets
Response: The east side of Boardwalk Drive has been added as requested.
5. The Learning Experience building extends into an existing
access/drainage/utility easement per the current Miramont Office Park Plat. The
existing easements will need to be vacated and the new easements dedicated
prior to project approval. You can vacate and dedicated easements by replat of
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the property or by a separate document process. Contact me for more
information on the process to vacate/dedicate easements by separate
Response: The legal description for the Easement Vacation has been included
in this submittal.
6. The existing handicap ramp adjacent to the site (north side of the entrance into
the site) does not meet current ADA standards. This ramp will need to be
removed and rebuilt to current standards as part of this project. Please refer to
LCUASS detail 1606 and add to the details sheet (C4).
Response: Directional curb ramps per detail 1606 have been added to the
plans at the north side of the south entrance to the site.
7. On the sheet C2 you call out a 1ft sidewalk chase drain. Please refer to the City
of Fort Collins Stormwater Construction Detail D 10B for the current chase drain
detail and revise. Add current detail to the details sheet (C4)
Response: The sidewalk chase drain has been revised to match Detail D-10B
and the detail has been added to the set.
8. Please label the removal of the existing chase drain along Boardwalk Dr on the
Overall Utility Sheet (C1)
Response: The removal of the existing chase drain has been labeled.
9. Please add our standard sidewalk note to the Overall Utility Plan (C1) and the
Site plan:
Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as
well as streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or
removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored to
City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the
acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the
first Certificate of Occupancy.
Response: The sidewalk note has been added as requested.
10. Please add the standard not to the Overall Utility Plan (C1):
Limits of street cut are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the
field by the City Engineering Inspector. All repairs to be in accordance
with City street repair standards.
Response: The street cut note has been added as requested.
Environmental Planning:
1. On the landscape plans, you indicate wetland seed with the detention area do
you know if you have the groundwater regime to support wetland plantings? If
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not, I might recommend a different seed mix for that area that is less dependent
on this type of hydrologic regime. Let me know if I can help on this one.
Response: Acknowledged.
Internal Services:
1. See comment letter from Building Department Plans Reviewer Russ Hovland.
Response: Acknowledged.
Light and Power:
1. The electric transformer location shown on the utility plan will likely need to
change. The transformer will need to be located within 10 feet of an all-weather
surface that is accessible to a utility line truck. Other minimum clearance
requirements will also apply. Please coordinate the transformer location with
Light & Power Engineering at (970)221-6700.
Response: The transformer has been moved to be within 10’ of the driveway.
2. Electric utility development charges will apply.
Response: Acknowledged.
3. After the plans are finalized, please send an AutoCad (version 2008) drawing of
the utility site plan to Terry Cox at TCOX@FCGOV.COM
Response: Acknowledged.
Outside Agencies:
1. Larimer Access pedestals at both ends of the property will need entrance
conduit by Builder preferably 2x2" (1 For copper and 1 For Future Fiber).
Response: Acknowledged.
Park Planning:
1. No comments.
Response: Acknowledged.
Stormwater Engineering:
1. Erosion Control Report needs to address and describe the following;
Management of Contaminated soil (if it is not expected say so), Loading and
Unloading Construction operations, Equipment Maintenance, Significant
Particulate Generation, Onsite waste Management, Dedicated Asphalt or
Concrete Batch Plant (if it is not expected say so), Non industrial Waste
Sources, Seed Mix, Soil Amendments (they are required), Crimping and
mulching seeded areas. Please Correct Redlines from Page 6 of the Erosion
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Control Report. Please show erosion control Calculations for the site, i.e. how
did you arrive at $3,000. A spread sheet is sufficient. Please Correct Redlines
on the Erosion Control Plan (include a sequence chart similar to the one
returned in the packet as an example) Please add an Erosion Control Detail
Sheet for each BMP to the Utility Plan set
Response: The items listed have been added to the Erosion Control Report.
Calculations for the cost estimate and BMP sequencing chart has been added to
the Report and BMP details have been added to the Utility Set.
2. The detention seems to be a little under the required amount by about .1 ac-ft.
Please provide a C-factor calc for the entire site to verify quantity detention.
Response: The Urban Drainage spreadsheet for pond sizing using a different
method to calculate the runoff coefficient and inflow into the pond (Qi) than the
method used in the SF1 and SF3 forms. Therefore, we have modified the pond
sizing spreadsheet to use the runoff coefficient and Qi based on the SF1 and
SF3 forms. The detention volume required and provided was revised
3. The detention pond will need to meet the landscape standards including a
maintenance access.
Response: The maintenance access was indicated on the plans. The
Landscape standards have been followed.
Technical Services:
Building Elevations-
1. Please make the lines marked a heavier lineweight. These will get lost in
copying and when scanned to our archive. See redlines.
Response: Acknowledge and revised.
2. Please mask all text that is within hatched areas. See redlines.
Response: Acknowledge and revised.
Construction Drawings-
3. Please include the NGVD 1929 unadjusted elevation for NGS Y402. If the
elevations on these plans are based on the NAVD88 elevation, add a note
stating that they are based on this elevation. See redlines
Response: The unadjusted NGVD 1929 elevation has been added to the plans
along with a note stating that the Plans are based on the NAV88 elevation.
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4. Please correct the spelling of "Details" in the Index Of Drawings on sheet C0.0.
See redlines.
Response: The spelling mistake has been corrected.
5. There are line over text issues on sheets C1.0, C2.0, C3.0 & C4.0. See redlines.
Response: The line over text issues have been fixed.
6. Please rotate the marked text on sheet C1.0 to read from the bottom and/or right
side of the plan sheet. Please make sure the text on all sheets read this way.
See redlines.
Response: The text rotation issues have been fixed.
Landscape Plans-
7. There are line over text issues on sheet L1.0. See redlines.
Response: The line over text issues have been fixed.
8. Please mask all text that is within hatched areas. See redlines.
Response: The text is hatch areas have been masked.
9. Please rotate the marked text on sheet L1.0 to read from the bottom and/or right
side of the plan sheet. Please make sure the text on all sheets read this way.
See redlines.
Response: The text has been rotated as requested.
Lighting Plans-
10. No comments.
Response: Acknowledged.
Site Plan-
11. Please change the sheet numbering on these plans. This numbering conflicts
with the Utility Plans sheet numbering.
Response: The Sheet numbering on the Utility Plans have been changed.
12. Is there a need for a Grading Plan in the PDP/FDP plan set? There is a plan
included in the Utility Plan set.
Response: The submittal requirements for the Project Development Plan, item
(m), states “Existing topographic character of the land showing contours at two
(2’) foot intervals”.
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13. Please include the NGVD 1929 unadjusted elevation for NGS Y402. If the
elevations on these plans are based on the NAVD88 elevation, add a note
stating that they are based on this elevation. See redlines.
Response: The unadjusted NGVD 1929 elevation has been added to the plans
along with a note stating that the Plans are based on the NAV88 elevation.
14. There are line over text issues on sheet C1.0 & C2.0. See redlines.
Response: The line over text issues have been fixed.
Transportation Planning:
1. Provide sidewalk along north side of Oakridge Dr (shown as Private Dr on site
plan) Suggestion: Consider putting the playground area on the west side of the
building, rather than along Boardwalk Dr. Keeps kids away from a big, busy
Response: A sidewalk along the south driveway has been added. The front
entrance needs to be facing west because of the existing parking. Therefore,
the playground must be on the east side of the building.
Water-Wastewater Engineering:
1. Add note on Sht C1.0 regarding abandonment of the 3/4" water service (see
redlined plans)
Response: The note has been added as requested.
2. Show the existing, active irrigation service on the utility plans.
Response: The existing irrigation service has been shown and labeled.
3. Label water main fittings, accessories and lengths of pipe on the utility plan.
Response: The fittings, accessories and lengths of the water service and fire
line have been labeled.
4. Adjust tree placement to meet required separation distances from water/sewer
Response: Acknowledged.
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1. Signage is not part of the development plan process. Therefore, the signage
shown on the building elevation drawings needs to be removed. FYI, the
alphabet block and the number block "column" signs don't comply with the sign
Response: Signage has been taken off the plans.
2. A child care center use is classified as a secondary use in the HC zone district.
As a secondary use, it can't occupy more than 25% of the gross area of the
development plan. The applicant should provide the data to show that the use
Response: Per the building sizes on the existing PUD, we will occupy 20% of
the gross area of the development plan. The total building sizes will be 50,000
sf. We have 4 existing building with the following sizes: Bldg A = 13,500 sf; Bldg
B = 6,500 sf; Bldg C = 6,500 sf; Bldg D = 13,500 sf.
Our building will be roughly 10,000 sf. Therfore, our project will occupy 20% of
the gross area of the development plan.
3. The Land Use Table on the site plan needs to include a description of the use.
Response: Childcare Use has been added to the Table.
4. For the proposed enrollment capacity of 170 children, the outdoor play area
needs to be a minimum of 7,750 square feet (Sec. 3.8.4(A) of the LUC). The
play area proposed is only 4,524 square feet. The minimum indoor floor space
required for 170 children is 6800 square feet. The required floor space excludes
bathrooms, offices, kitchens, closets and the like. Only the common floor area
devoted to school purposes counts towards the required 6800 square feet. The
applicant should provide the amount of such floor space in the Land Use Table.
Response: We are requesting a modification to reduce the amount of
playground square footage. According to Colorado State regulations, 12 CCR
2509-8 Program Area 7-Child Care Center/less than 24 Hour Care, section
7.702-7.702.104 goes over space requirements. Specifically, for outdoor play
area requirements, the State requires us to have a minimum of 75 ft of space
per child for a group of children using the total play area at any one time. The
total square footage must accommodate at least 33% of the licensed capacity of
the center or a minimum of 1,500 sf, whichever is greater.
We are anticipating a capacity of 170 children. Based on the above
requirements, we will have a maximum of 56 children outside at one time. Based
on the State requirements, we will need to have 4,200 sf of space for our
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children. As we want to build as much outdoor space as possible, we are
building an additional 324 sf of playground space; thus a 4,524 sf playground.
Further, approximately 200 ft to the west of our building, is a soccer field. We
have started discussions with the Front Range Baptist Church about allowing us
permission to use their field for larger activities.
5. Are all of the parking spaces existing? A minimum of 20 parking spaces are
required for the center based on 30 employees. We will require that "reserved
for child care center parking" signs be installed at the head of at least 20 spaces.
Response: All the parking spaces are existing. “Reserved for Childcare
Parking” signs have been added at 20 existing parking spaces.
6. The setback of the building from Boardwalk needs to comply with the
build-to-line standards in Sec. 3.5.3(C) of the Land Use Code. This means that
the building should be within 15' of the Boardwalk right-of-way line unless it is
determined that one of the listed exceptions is satisfied.
Response: According to section 3.5.3 (d), this section lists exceptions to the
build-to-line standards. Specifically, paragraph 1 indicates an exception in order
to form an outdoor space between the building and sidewalk.
We will be building a tan opaque fence, to match the colors of the office park, to
enclose the playground. The fence will have a 5 ft jog, to help break down the
fence so you are looking at something more visually pleasing than a straight line
fence. Further, we will have heavy landscaping in front of the fence (between
Boardwalk Drive and our fence) which will consist of shade trees, ornamental
trees, and shrubs and perennials to help block the fence and create a more of a
neighborhood feel.
If you have any questions regarding the above response to comments, please contact
me at 720-283-6783 ext. 136 or at mcevaal@redland.com.
Mark D. Cevaal, P.E.
Sr. Project Manager