Statement of Planning Objectives
space commercial 220 East and Olive warehouse building Street at is space. the a 12,Northwest 600 The square property corner foot faces lot of with a Olive city an parking and existing
Mathews lot 12,to 162 that the South square includes and foot office Library
building an Park alley to the which on East. this divides property Just to the the was Downtown North constructed is a historical and N-in C-the B apartment zone 1960’s districts. with
building a floor The current and to area just ratio single to the of story West .97 with is
Collins. no on-site parking, in character with other nearby urban development in downtown Fort
Departments. Past At one tenants point, also the Most building include recently, the was it City home has of been Fort to Vipont the Collins home Laboratories, Stormwater of a software
the and engineering research Transportation arm company. of Water Pik.
2007/Standalone 2008 Modifications under the project and name a subsequent One Library P.D.P. Park for this and property a series of were modifications submitted were in
Recession, building approved in by leaving summer the City. the 2008 Unfortunately building that project in a state after did of asbestos not partial proceed deconstruction abatement
due to factors was and completed relating it has remained to on the the Great
The vacant current for the project last 5 envisions years. construction of 12 fee simple townhomes, each with two or
of project three the bedrooms, property the existing would private structure be ground eliminated would floor be and garages razed, 12 new the and on-head-private street in parking rooftop
parking on decks. spots the would To Olive facilitate Street be created side this
upgraded on Olive Street to current and Mathews City standards. Street. The streetscape on Olive and Mathews would also be
line from Entry between the to the alley ground the along Downtown floor the west garages zone property would and the line. be N-from This C-B zone. west an interior property shared
line is driveway also the accessible boundary
and Urban health residents of downtown in downtown retail Fort stores, Collins bars are and important restaurants. to the Infill vitality development of the local to add economy
traveled residential and units allow will them allow to employees live a true downtown of downtown urban businesses lifestyle. to reduce vehicle miles
completed employees Given its two-these and block owners units proximity becomes of downtown to easily Old Town businesses. accessible Square to As this staff the location MAX at CSU
Bus and is Rapid highly other Transit attractive employers project to along is
the MAX corridor with a convenient stop near the corner of Mason Street and Olive Street.