Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
April 29, 2013
Mike McBride
BHA Design
1603 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Re: Storybook 2nd Filing
Description of project: This is a request to build 76 single family homes, on 14 acres, in a similar layout as
the original Storybook 2nd Filing, located northeast of the intersection of Mountain Vista Drive and Turnberry
Road. The dwellings would be a mix of single family attached and single family detached units. The 14
acres are considered to be expired with no vested right to develop. Portions of the site already contain
improvements (e.g. road, sidewalk). The site is located in the Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood
(L-M-N) Zone District. Single family detached and attached dwellings are permitted in the L-M-N, subject to
Administrative (Type 1) review.
Please see the following summary of comments regarding the project request referrenced above. The
comments offered informally by staff during the Conceptual Review will assist you in preparing the detailed
components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be made at the
time of formal review of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, you may contact the individual commenter or direct your questions through the Project
Planner, Ted Shepard, at 970-221-6343 or tshepard@fcgov.com.
Comment Summary:
Department: Zoning
Contact: Noah Beals, 970-416-2313, nbeals@fcgov.com
1. Land Use Code (LUC) 4.5(B) In the LMN zone district Single-family detached, Two-family dwellings and
Single-family attached are subject to a Type 1 review (public hearing with administrative hearing officer).
LUC 4.5(D)(1) The minimum required density for a residential development in the LMN under 20 acres is 3
dwelling units per net acre and up to a maximum of 9 dwelling units per gross acre.
Response: Noted.
2. Land Use Code (LUC) 4.5(D)(6) This section requires that a either a public park or a privately owned park
at least one acre in size be within 1/3 mile of at least 90 percent of the dwellings in the development
project that is at least 10 acres in size. Please see section for further park requirements.
Please identify a constructed park or include notes that such park will be constructed prior to or at the same
time as the development. (If the park is off-site, this may require further documentation).
Response: The private park will be constructed with the third phase of this development.
3. LUC 4.5(E)(3) Maximum building height for residential is 2.5 stories.
LUC 3.5.2(D) Front setback from an arterial street is 30ft and non arterial street is 15ft
Side and Rear setback is 5ft unless it is an alley access garage is 8ft
Response: Noted.
LUC 3.5.2(E) The garage standards in this section do apply which include but not limited to a 20ft setback
from the back of walk for a garage door that faces a public street.
Response: The setback table calls for garages to be at least 20 feet from back of walk.
LUC 3.5.2(D)(4) Single family detached requires a minimum lot width of 50ft or comply with the alternative
compliance provision.
Response: Lot dimensions are not changing.
4. LUC 3.2.2(K)(1)(c) For each Single-Family detached dwelling there shall be one (1) parking space on lots
that have greater than 40ft of street frontage
LUC 3.2.2(K)(1)(a) For single family attached there shall be 1.75 off street parking spaces for units with
two bedrooms, 2 off street parking spaces for units with three bedrooms and 2.5 off street parking
spaces with units with 4 or more bedrooms.
Response: Parking is provided in private driveways
5. LUC 3.2.1 A landscape plan is required and should include but not be limited to parkways with street trees
(see section for further details).
Response: A landscape plan has been included in the submittal
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Roger Buffington, 970-221-6854, rbuffington@fcgov.com
1. Water and wastewater services in this area are provided by the ELCO Water District (493-2044) and the
Boxelder Sanitation District (498-0604).
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Glen Schlueter, 970-224-6065, gschlueter@fcgov.com
1. The information submitted for the conceptual review meeting indicates the impervious area will be the
"same as originally proposed". However the project description mentions that it will be a mix of single
family attached and detached units. If it isn't exactly the same mix and size of units an engineer will need
to re-evaluate the storm water and detention system. If it stays exactly the same the design engineer will
need to review the approved drainage study and write a letter stating that it is the same and that the
approved report still applies, then stamp and sign it.
Response: A letter from our engineer addresses the impervious area change for single family lots.
2. The approved project was given a variance on the grading plan so it may need to be revised. It does
not meet requirements in a few places and was very difficult to grade the lots. The previous developer
and the City grading inspector had to work out the final grading in the field on each lot. The primary issue
is that more than 3 lots are draining to a common back yard swale/pan which is a real problem when
homeowner's landscape and fence their yards. The project was given the variance because there were
to be no fences and all the area around the patio homes was to be maintained by an HOA so the owners
would not be doing any landscaping work. If the intent of this proposal is to continue that a variance
would be considered again. If not the drainage swale area on the existing plan would have to become a
separate tract that is HOA maintained.
Response: The same letter provides information for the lots for grading and the pans being removed and
bioswales being used along the rear lot lines.
3. The detention/retention requirements have been met to allow the existing homes that have been built.
However the two detention ponds onsite are acting as retention until an outfall agreement can be reached
with the company who owns the No. 8 ditch. To allow any more building permits that agreement to
discharge into the No. 8 needs to be finalized or as the previous builder was going to do; build an offsite
temporary retention pond. Copies of the design were handed out at this conceptual review meeting.
Retention is allowed only a temporary basis so eventually the agreement with the No. 8 ditch will be
needed. The ditch company contact is Bill Johnston, Superintendent (222-0090) and Butch
Sommermeyer (498-9900) is the attorney for the ditch company.
Response: The retention pond on the school property is the original plan and is what the new owners are
working on with the school district.
4. Water quality treatment by extended detention is provided in the detention ponds; however Low Impact
Development (LID) requirements went into effect March 11, 2013. These require a higher degree of water
quality treatment for 50% of the new impervious area and 25% of new paved areas must be pervious.
Please contact Basil Hamdan at 224-6035 or bhamdan@fcgov.com for more information. He can give
your design engineer suggestions on how to address the new requirements in an existing drainage
There is also more information on the EPA web site at: http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/green/bbfs.cfm?
Response: LID requirements have been discussed with Basil and bioswales and a bioretention area has been
added to the existing detention pond.
5. The city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $6,390.00/acre ($0.1467/sq.-ft.) for new impervious
area over 350 sq.-ft., and there is a $1,045.00/acre ($0.024/sq.-ft.) review fee. No fee is charged for
existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each building permit is issued.
Information on fees can be found on the City's web site at
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers/plant-investment-development-fees or
contact Jean Pakech at 221- 6375 for questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow
required before the Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is
determined by the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Response: Noted.
6. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Boxelder/Cooper Slough Master
Drainage Plan as well the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Response: The design from the original drainage report conforms with the drainage plan for Cooper Slough.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
Hydrant spacing and flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of occupancy.
RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: Within the Urban Growth Area, hydrants to provide 1,000 gpm at 20 psi
residual pressure, spaced not further than 400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter. Outside
the Urban Growth Area, hydrants to provide 500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further than
400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter.
2006 International Fire Code 508.1 and Appendix B
Response: Noted.
New and existing buildings shall be plainly identified. Address numbers shall be visible from the street
fronting the property, plainly visible, and posted with a minimum of six-inch numerals on a contrasting
background. 2006 International Fire Code 505.1
Response: Noted.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Andrew Gingerich, 970-221-6603, agingerich@fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Street Oversizing Fees are due at the time of building permit.
Please contact Matt Baker at 224-6108 if you have any questions.
Response: Noted.
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of submittal. For additional
information on these fees, please see: http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/dev-review.php
Response: Noted.
3. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets, sidewalks,
curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced
or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of
completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
Response: This will be addressed at time of new construction.
4. Please contact the City's Traffic Engineer, Joe Olson (224-6062) to schedule a scoping meeting and
determine if a traffic study is needed for this project. In addition, please contact Transportation Planning
for their requirements as well.
Response: Traffic memo is included with this submittal.
5. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Response: The design meets the LUCASS requirements.
6. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are necessary for this
project. There should not be any right of way requirements but easements may be necessary for
specific utility or drainage design.
Response: The rights-of-way and easements are shown on the submitted plat.
7. Utility plans will be required and a Development Agreement will be recorded once the project is
Response: Utility plans are provided.
8. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site.
Response: Permits will be obtained at time of construction.
9. This project is responsible for the local street improvements along Mountain Vista Drive east of Little
John Lane. These improvements may be constructed with this project or payment can be made in lieu
of constructing at $204 per lineal foot of frontage.
Response: The owner will address whether they will construct or put money in escrow.
10. This project has a responsibility to extend Chesapeake Drive to the east lot line (approx. 110 feet). This
can be constructed with this project or payment in lieu can be made at $204 per lineal feet for each side
of the street.
Response: The owner will address whether they will construct or put money in escrow.
11. Construction plans will need to show the design and connection Sherwood Forest and Deep Woods lane
and how they tie to existing streets using the most recent design criteria and standards.
Response: The utility plans show the connection of the streets to existing streets.
12. The existing streets in this project have not been accepted by the City of Fort Collins and there are still
remaining punch list items that need to be addressed. Prior to building permit all proposed and existing
streets will need to be completed, punch list items resolved and accepted by City inspectors.
Response: Punch list items will be addressed at time of new construction.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Rob Irish, 970-224-6167, rirish@fcgov.com
1. The majority of the electric infrastructure (excluding the secondary services) has already been installed
with the exception of Sherwood Forest Ct. and a section of Deep Woods Ln.
Any relocation or modification to the existing electric facilities will incur system modification charges.
Response: Noted.
2. Electric Capacity Fee and Building Site charges will apply for any areas that were not previously paid for.
Light & Power Engineering 970-221-6700.
Response: Noted.
3. Developer will need to coordinate the location of any new electric services with Light & Power
Engineering due to conflicts with shared drives and other utilities.
Response: Noted.
Current Planning
Contact: Ted Shepard, 970-221-6343, tshepard@fcgov.com
1. Regarding lots that may be less than 50 feet wide, please note that if the lot width is 40 feet or less, there
must be two off-street parking spaces per lot.
Response: Houses on lots less than 50 feet wide will still have two car garages and will provide two parking
spots in the driveway.
2. Changes to the approved architectural elevations are allowed as there are no architectural standards for
single family detached houses. We advise, however, that a neighborhood meeting be held to inform the
existing residents as to the changes that are proposed.
Response: Noted
3. The approved, but expired, plans indicate a maximum allowable height of 22 feet. This could be amended
as the maximum height in the L-M-N zone is not set by a specific number of feet but rather as 2.5 stories.
Response: Maximum allowable height is being requested to be 2.5 stories.
4. The approved landscape plan indicates that there will be one street tree per lot and two in the case of
corner lots, more trees are provided.. Also, be sure to continue the landscaping
along the south side of Maid Marian along the swale east of Little John to match the treatment on the west
side of Little John. Landscaping will be required in no less quality than the approved plan, particularly in
highly visible areas such as along Mountain Vista Drive.
Response: A landscape plan has been included in the submittal.
5. Please note that the garage placement standards call for street-facing garage doors to be recessed at
least four feet behind either the front facade (ground floor) or a front porch measuring at least six feet by
eight feet. Also, note that garage doors shall not comprise more than 50% of the ground floor,
street-facing linear building frontage.
Response: Theses requirements have been included in the architectural narrative
6. Be sure that all driveways are at least 20 feet in length. It appears some existing driveways west of Little
John are less than 20 feet as a pick-up truck was observed parked in a driveway and yet there was a
portion of the vehicle overhanging the sidewalk.
Response: The setback table calls for garages to be at least 20 feet from back of walk.
7. You are free to re-name Deep Woods Lane as there are no residences at this time. Perhaps a one-word
street name would be more practical. A list of existing street names can be forwarded so as to avoid
Response: The existing street names shall remain.
8. As mentioned above, a neighborhood meeting is recommended, but not required. There is a strong
likelihood that existing residents have numerous questions or concerns that could be addressed in an
informal setting versus a public hearing. The City is willing to set up and facilitate such a meeting at your
Response: Noted
9. Be sure to continue the bicycle and pedestrian connections on Tracts A and C as well as the street stub to
the east so Chesapeake has the potential to serve the adjoining property.
Response: These connections have been preserved.
10. The development of the private park should proceed in accordance with the terms of the approved
Development Agreement and Final Plans.
Response: The private park will be constructed with the third phase of this development.
11. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 review and public hearing, the decision maker
for Type 1 hearings is an Administrative Hearing Officer. The applicant for this development request is
not required to hold a neighborhood meeting for a Type 1 hearing, but if you would like to have one to
notify your neighbors of the proposal, please let me know and I can help you in setting a date, time and
location for a meeting. Neighborhood Meetings are a great way to get public feedback and avoid
potential hiccups that may occur later in the review process.
Response: A neighborhood meeting is being considered.
12. Please see the Development Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg. This online guide features a color
coded flowchart with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide
includes links to just about every resource you need during development review.
Response: Noted
13. This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins Land Use Code
(LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire LUC is available for your review on
the web at http://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm.
Response: Noted
14. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a Modification of Standard
Request will need to be submitted with your formal development proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of
the LUC for more information on criteria to apply for a Modification of Standard.
Response: Noted
15. Please see the Submittal Requirements and Checklist at:
Response: Noted
16. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule that is available in the Community
Development and Neighborhood Services office. The fees are due at the time of submittal of the required
documents for the appropriate development review process by City staff and affected outside reviewing
agencies. Also, the required Transportation Development Review Fee must be paid at time of submittal.
Response: Noted
17. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with Community
Development and Neighborhood Services at (970)221-6750.
Response: Noted