HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROSPECT STATION - PDP - PDP130004 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - DRAINAGE REPORTPRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT Prospect Station Prepared for: r4 Architects 117 E. Mountain Ave., Suite 205 Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 224-0630 Prepared by: Interwest Consulting Group 1218 West Ash, Suite C Windsor, Colorado 80550 (970) 674-3300 February 12, 2013 Job Number 1068-069-01 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ iii 1. GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ................................................................ 1 1.1 Location ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Description of Property ................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Floodplain Submittal Requirements ............................................................................. 1 2. DRAINAGE BASINS AND SUB-BASINS .......................................................................... 2 2.1 Major Basin Description ................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Sub-basin Description .................................................................................................... 2 3. DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA ...................................................................................... 2 3.1 Regulations ...................................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) Discussion .......................................... 3 3.3 Development Criteria Reference and Constraints ...................................................... 4 3.4 Hydrological Criteria ..................................................................................................... 4 3.5 Hydraulic Criteria .......................................................................................................... 5 3.6 Floodplain Regulations Compliance ............................................................................. 5 3.7 Modifications of Criteria ............................................................................................... 5 4. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN ....................................................................................... 5 4.1 General Concept ............................................................................................................. 5 4.2 Specific Details ................................................................................................................ 6 5. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Compliance with Standards .......................................................................................... 7 5.2 Drainage Concept ........................................................................................................... 7 6. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX VICINITY MAP AND DRAINAGE PLAN .............................................................................. A HYDROLOGIC COMPUTATIONS .......................................................................................... B HYDRAULIC COMPUTATIONS .............................................................................................. C WATER QUALITY INFORMATION ...................................................................................... D EXCERPTS FROM REFERENCE REPORTS......................................................................... E 1 1. GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 Location The Prospect Station development is located in Fort Collins. It is located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the City of Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado. Please refer to the vicinity map in Appendix A. The project site is located at the southwest corner of West Prospect Road and the Burlington Northern (BNSF) Railroad. The vacated Tamasag Drive bounds the property on the west, West Prospect Road on the north, the Mason Trail and BNSF on the east and Lot 9 and 11 of Griffin Plaza Subdivision on the south. The legal description of the site is Prospect Station Subdivision being a replat of Lot 10, Griffin Plaza Subdivision and a portion of vacated Tamasag Drive. 1.2 Description of Property The property consists of 0.84 acres of land with 0.1 acres being dedicated to Prospect. The project will consists of a new building replacing the existing building and a new parking and drive configuration. The northerly 0.6 acres drains northeast to Prospect, with the remainder sheeting south at a range of approximately 0.5% to 1.5%. The land is currently occupied by existing building and parking areas. The majority of the ground cover is asphalt. There is no offsite flow contributing to the site. Spring Creek Floodway has been mapped by the City and is located just east of the project. There are no improvements that are proposed in the Floodway. 1.3 Floodplain Submittal Requirements Floodplain Submittal is not required. No work shall occur within the City’s floodway; therefore, a “City of Fort Collins Floodplain Review Checklist for 50% Submittals” has not been included with this report. 2 2. DRAINAGE BASINS AND SUB-BASINS 2.1 Major Basin Description The proposed development lies within the Old Town (a small part of the northern portion of the site) and Spring Creek (the remainder of the site) Master Drainage Basins. Today, the entire site locally drains to Spring Creek, and not to the Old Town Basin via inlets and pipe in Prospect. The development has also been accounted for in the design of the Mason Street Outfall (MSO) pond (showing the entire site in Spring Creek Basin). The site is considered to be basin 804 of the Griffin Plaza in the Mason Street Outfall report and a part of Spring Creek Basin 126 in the Spring Creek Master Plan. Please refer to Appendix F for an explanation of the division of Spring Creek and Old Town basins. 2.2 Sub-basin Description The northern portion of the site that is included in the Old Town Master Drainage Basin drains to the north where it is intercepted by West Prospect Road and then piped back to Spring Creek. The remainder of the site (included in the Spring Creek Master Drainage Basin) drains south through adjacent Lots 9 and 11 of Griffin Plaza Subdivision. There are no offsite flows associated with this site however Lot 1 and 2 of Griffin Plaza Subdivision will continue to flow south. Flow will sheet to a curb opening and into a new swale in the existing drainage easement south of the site. 3. DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 3.1 Regulations This report was prepared to meet or exceed the “City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual” specifications. Where applicable, the criteria established in the “Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual” (UDFCD), developed by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, has been used. 3 3.2 Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) Discussion Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) recommends a Four Step Process for receiving water protection that focuses on reducing runoff volumes, treating the water quality capture volume (WQCV), stabilizing drainageways and implementing long-term source controls. The Four Step Process applies to the management of smaller, frequently occurring events. Step 1: Employ Runoff Reduction Practices To reduce runoff peaks, volumes, and pollutant loads from urbanizing areas, implement Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, including Minimizing Directly Connected Impervious Areas (MDCIA). Runoff for the northern and eastern portions of the site will be routed through vegetated areas through sheet flow thereby reducing runoff from impervious surfaces over permeable areas to slow runoff and increase the time of concentration and promote infiltration. Runoff from building roofs shall drain directly to sump inlets that incorporate the SNOUT® water quality system from Best Management Products, Inc. devices. Step 2: Implement BMPs that Provide a Water Quality Capture Volume with Slow Release Once runoff has been minimized, the remaining runoff shall be treated through sump inlets and SNOUT® water quality systems from Best Management Products, Inc. devices. The devices allow for settlement of sediments. Step 3: Stabilize Drainageways Natural Drainageways are subject to bed and bank erosion due to increases in frequency, duration, rate and volume of runoff during and following development. Because the site will drain to an existing storm system and water quality and detention pond, bank stabilization is unnecessary with this project. Step 4: Implement Site Specific and Other Source Control BMPs Proactively controlling pollutants at their source by preventing pollution rather than removing contaminants once they have entered the stormwater system or receiving waters is important when protecting storm systems and receiving waters. This can be 4 accomplished through site specific needs such as construction site runoff control, post- construction runoff control and pollution prevention / good housekeeping. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to develop a procedural best management practice for the site. 3.3 Development Criteria Reference and Constraints The runoff from this site has been routed to conform to the requirements of the City Stormwater Department. Because water quality capture volume from this site will not be provided for in the BNRR pond, water quality facilities are required for the new construction proposed on the site. Water quality will be met through the use of two sump inlets with the SNOUT® water quality system from Best Management Products, Inc. devices. Impervious area for the site (85%) has already been accounted for in the hydrology for Spring Creek and the MSO project, detention is not required for this development. Please refer to excerpts from the Mason Street Outfall report in Appendix E. 3.4 Hydrologic Criteria Runoff computations were prepared for the 10-year minor and 100-year major storm frequency utilizing the rational method. All hydrologic calculations associated with the basins are included in Appendix B of this report. Standard Form 8 (SF-8) provides time of concentration calculations for all sub- basins. Standard Form 9 (SF-9) provides a summary of the design flows for all Sub- basins and Design Points associated with this site. Water quality volume was calculated in the Master Plan using the method recommended in the “Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual”. Rather than achieving this volume, we are requesting a variance to use 2 SNOUT® systems in series. All related information is located in Appendix D. 5 3.5 Hydraulic Criteria All hydraulic calculations will be presented in the final drainage report and prepared in accordance with the City of Fort Collins Drainage Criteria. All calculations will be included in Appendix C of this report. Hydraulic calculations will be presented in the final drainage report. 3.6 Floodplain Regulations Compliance Floodplain Regulations Compliance is not required. No work shall occur within the City’s floodway. 3.7 Modifications of Criteria A variance request for this site is that water quality will only be provided via the sump inlets and SNOUT® water quality systems from Best Management Products, Inc. and not via the traditional water quality capture volume or infiltration. The reason for this is that the site is a redeveloped Brownfield site and it is preferred to minimize exposure to leftover contaminants on-site after the cleanup occurred. The water will eventually reach the BNRR water quality pond via the storm system but will be pretreated on site. The site’s required water quality capture volume is 0.022 ac-ft and the BNRR pond has ample volume (but will technically be treated on site). Please refer to Appendix F for supporting information regarding water quality and the BNRR pond. Please refer to Appendix D for SNOUT® information. 4. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN 4.1 General Concept The majority of the proposed development will be collected and conveyed to the proposed storm drain system where it will be treated for water quality via SNOUT® water quality system from Best Management Products, Inc. before being released into the existing storm system. 6 4.2 Specific Details A summary of the drainage patterns within each basin is provided in the following paragraphs. Please refer to Appendix A for the drainage plan. Basin A is 0.56 acres and is calculated to have a 10-year discharge of 2.6 cfs and a 100- year discharge of 5.6 cfs. Flows from Basin A are captured by the proposed sump inlets containing the SNOUT® water quality system from Best Management Products, Inc. before being released into the existing storm system located in West Prospect Road. This system then releases flow into the BNRR pond. This area was not included in the Mason Street Outfall SWMM model; therefore, impact to the existing storm system was analyzed. The hydrograph for this area was added to the model which shows that the area peaks at the same time as the entire system which is unlikely. It seems that the model does not account for several thousand feet of pipe in the system. However, maximum flow in the system increases from 137.5 cfs to 141.8 cfs at the downstream 60” RCP causing negligible change to the system. Please refer to Appendix C for the modified MSO SWMM analysis and comparison. Basin B is 0.18 acres and has a 10-year discharge of 0.5 cfs and 1.3 cfs. Flows from this basin will continue current conditions and sheet north to West Prospect Road where it will be conveyed east via curb and gutter to the existing storm inlet in West Prospect Road. This inlet is part of the existing storm system that discharges to the BNRR pond. Basin C is 0.10 acres and is calculated to have a 10-year discharge of 0.3 cfs and a 100- year discharge of 0.8 cfs. Flows from this basin will continue current conditions and sheet east to the ditch adjacent to the Mason Trail. The percent impervious weighted average of the entire site is 83% which is below the Mason Street Outfall assumption of 85%; therefore, detention is not required. 7 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Compliance with Standards All computations that have been completed within this report are in compliance with the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual. 5.2 Drainage Concept The proposed drainage concepts presented in this report and on the construction plans adequately provides for stormwater quantity and quality treatment of proposed impervious areas. Conveyance elements have been designed to pass required flows and to minimize future maintenance. If, at the time of construction, groundwater is encountered, a Colorado Department of Health Construction Dewatering Permit will be required. 6. REFERENCES 1. City of Fort Collins, “Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual Amendments to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Criteria Manual”, adopted December 2011. 2. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, “Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual”, Volumes 1 and 2, dated June 2001, and Volume 3 dated November 2010. 3. Ayers Associates, “Alternative Analysis for the Design of the Mason Street Outfall”, dated November 2010. A APPENDIX A VICINITY MAP AND DRAINAGE PLAN B APPENDIX B HYDROLOGIC COMPUTATIONS C APPENDIX C HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS D APPENDIX D WATER QUALITY INFORMATION E APPENDIX E EXCERPTS FROM REFERENCE REPORTS