Glaser/Platte Valley Lumber
March 15, 1993
Page 3
This concludes Staff comments at this time. It is our tentative
plan to schedule an Administrative Hearing with the Planning
Director for the Minor .Plat and the I-P Site Plan Review on
Thursday, March 25, 1993. It is suggested that we discuss these
comments and revisions and decide on a time to review revised plans
prior to the tentative hearing date. Although this schedule is
tight, there is flexibility in that an administrative hearing can
be held any time after the legally advertised date.
As always, please call to coordinate to discuss these comments.
7a—'� 'Ook
Ted Shepard - - -
Senior Planner
xc: Sherry Albertson -Clark, -Chief Planner
Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer
March 15, 1993
Page 2
I-P Site Plan•
Valley Lumber
7. Please add a vicinity map to the Site Plan.
8. Please add a "Land Use Data Table" that describes coverage of
buildings, parking areas (including spaces, drive aisles, and
loading zones) and landscaping/open space. These areas should be
described in both square footage and percentage terms. Also,
please include a reference to the total number of parking spaces.
9. Staff is concerned there is no provision for bicycle parking.
The Site Plan should include a bike parking area or a bike rack.
10. The area on the site plan should extend beyond the property
lines of the proposal to include a description of the zoning, and
uses within 150 feet of the proposal.
11. The title should include the phrase: "I-P SITE PLAN REVIEW".
12. The.Hackberry needs to be upgraded to a 2" caliper,
not 1 1/211.
13. The Water and Wastewater Department will require a Utility
Plan .sheet for the installation of the new water service. Please
contact Mark Taylor, 221-6681 for the details on this requirement.
14. It would be helpful to describe the variances that were
granted by the Z.B.A. on March 11, 1993. This could be done by
narration or graphically. Also, please reference the date of the
Z.B.A. approval.
15. Enclosed please find the Hazardous Material Impact Analysis.
Any storage of hazardous materials and flammable liquids must
conform to Fire and Building Codes. If quantities exceed those in
Table I of the enclosure, then a Hazardous Materials Impact
Analysis may be required. For further information, please contact
Ron Gonzales, Poudre Fire Authority, 221-6570.
16. The Poudre Fire Authority is also concerned about the building
presently being out of access requirements of the current Fire Code
and lacking adequate water supply for fire fighting. It is our
understanding that these issues will be remedied by the
installation of an automatic fire extinguishing system, a dust
collection system, and relocated fire hydrant. You are encouraged
to work closely with Warren Jones, Poudre Fire Authority Fire
Marshall, on the installation details of these protective measures.
Comn, ity .Planning and Environment. .iervices
Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
March 15, 1993
Mr. Carl Glaser
Glaser Associates
215 Jefferson Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Carl:
Staff has reviewed the request for a Minor Subdivision and I-P Site
Plan for Platte Valley Lumber located at 720 East Vine Drive. The
following comments are divided between the Plat and the Site Plan.
It is acknowledged that the plat was submitted by Timberline
Surveying of Littleton, Colorado but I would like to combine the
comments for the sake of simplicity.
Minor Subdivision:
1. The correct name is Vine Drive, not Street. Please correct.
2. The plat contains extraneous information that is not necessary
for a recorded document. Please delete the building envelope and
reference for the "#1720 one story metal frame building". Also,
please delete the references to fencing, telephone pedestal,
overhead power lines and concrete/asphalt areas. While this
information is appropriate for an improvement and location survey,
it is not necessary for a plat.
3. The plat should make clear that although there are three
"'parcels", and a 1110' strip B", there is only one lot. Otherwise,
this would be a three lot subdivision and Parcels One and Three do
not meet the minimum lot width requirement for the I-P zone.
Perhaps a better term would be "Tract" so there is no confusion.
It should clear that this is a one lot subdivision and that the
Tracts are clearly subordinate to the perimeter lot lines.
4. It would be a cleaner document if the "Legal" went around the
outer boundary only and not the individual parcels.
5. The right-of-way width on Vine Drive should be shown.
6. Since the subheading references two Sections, it would be
helpful to label these on the Vicinity Map.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6730