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d. that we review the final site plan and landscaping
e. that we review and approve the hours of operation
40. I am still concerned about our dogs barking as a result of the
children and cars in the area.
41. I am concerned because the use seems disruptive. It is a
negative thing for me. We moved here to be in a quiet
neighborhood and because there was not a school in the
I know of two, but there could be more. We can provide some
information on that after we do some research.
31. Will all children go on a walk or activity in the
We would go on outings as a class, not as an entire school.
32. Would the Kindergarten be full -day or half -day?
Full -day.
33. How many parent volunteers would there be each day.
Probably one or maybe two volunteers per day or half day.
34. My concern is traffic. How will the impacts be mitigated?
We will have a traffic study done to determine what the impacts are
and then we will come up with a plan to mitigate them. We may look
into a shuttle van if we have a number of students living in a
relatively close area. We will encourage car pooling, our
experience with carpooling at other private schools is positive,
once the parents meet and find out where they live, they are
anxious to set up car pools. We will also look at a traffic
circulation pattern that would have the least impact on the
35. My concern is that the use of the alley would increase.
36. I would like more information about other schools like this.
Names and addresses would be helpful. I would be curious to
see how other schools impact the areas where they are located.
37. My concern is with what happens to property values when a
school is built in a neighborhood.
38. What kinds of landscaping would be required by the City?
The City has told us to prepare a site and landscape plan which
screens undesirable areas, provides screening and buffer for the
parking area and drives, and provides foundation plantings for the
building. We plan to increase the amount of landscaping on the
property in addition to any requirements for the parking and
driveway area.
39. We would like to see the following stipulations on this school
a. off-street parking for all employees
b. no cafeteria (odors, activity, dumpsters, loading areas...)
C. a limit on the size of the building and the number of students
22. Will you have a daycare license?
Yes, we will be state licensed and will have to meet state
23. Will you have to meet City parking requirements and guidelines
as if you are a business?
Yes, there are requirements for 2 parking spaces for every 3
employees and also guidelines for schools.
24. Have you looked at the economic stability or profitability of
this school? How will you pay the bills, teachers salaries,
etc. if you are only collecting $2500.00 per student given the
number of students you say you expect to have. I am concerned
about the church becoming something other than a school with
limited enrollment, if you aren't successful.
We have considered the economic factors. We have also discussed
raising tuition if we can't meet the budget. Mainly, we are
looking for a quality learning experience for the students.
25. How much demand is there for private elementary schools like
this? What happens if you can't find enough students?
We would only hire teachers to meet demand. We feel that there is
a great deal of demand for schools like ours.
26. I would like to see a limitation on the number of children
that can attend.
We will look into this and see if we can come up with some numbers
that will work for us.
27. Do we as neighbors have a say about people parking on City
streets in front of our houses?
Generally, the City does not restrict parking on public streets, it
is one of the reason they are so wide. The City has said that we
need to do a traffic and parking analysis to determine our parking
demand and see if we can accommodate it on our. site. Overflow
parking for special events will occur on the streets, similar to
the church overflow at the present time.
28. What are your qualifications and backgrounds?
We have many years of teaching experience, both in the public
schools and in private schools.
29. Will the school be non -denominational?
30. How many schools are there in Fort Collins that would be like
the year. We are mainly providing an alternative to public school
which can be beneficial to more advanced students or to children
who need more individualized or special attention. The idea of the
school is not to be a school for problem children, but rather, for
children who may need more personalized learning situations.
13. Are you affiliated with another group or organization?
No, we are starting this school up ourselves. We are not
affiliated with a church or other organization. We have a lot of
teaching experience between us, but this school is not a branch of
another school.
14. What will the staff size be?
We anticipate a staff of 5, 4 teachers and 1 special ed. or
specialist staff.
15. Have you looked at other property in town?
Yes, but we feel that this site and building would work really well
for us.
16. Would you be using the driveway to the west?
If we do use the driveway to the west we will be required by the
Parking Lot Landscaping Code, to provide a 5' landscaped buffer
strip. If this landscaping is put in, the driveway would not be
useable, therefore, we will attempt to get a variance from the ZBA
to reduce the width of landscaping along that property line.
17. Will there be a cafeteria?
No, there will be a kitchen, but not a full-scale cafeteria.
18. What about parking, do you think you have enough?
We plan on parking in the rear, where the church parking lot is.
We think that there will be ample parking on site.
19. Will there be outdoor playground equipment?
We don't anticipate having an outdoor playground.
20. What will limit the size of the school?
The building size is a limitation. We also intend to keep the
classroom size small which will limit enrollment.
21. Would you be amenable to limiting the number of children
Yes, we would be willing to consider limitations on enrollment.
We are looking at 15 to 16 students per teacher and we would have
4 classes in this building. Our classes are combinations of
typical elementary school "grades", as students are put into
classes according to their ability, taking into consideration
strengths and weakness on a child for child basis.
6. How many children would you have as a maximum in this school?
We would anticipate a maximum of 68 students.
7. Will you have air conditioning or would the windows be open
when it is warm? Right now when the church windows are open
we can clearly hear the music and talking. We will hear the
kids and the noise.
If we are doing our job and have a successful school, the class
rooms will not be noisy and out of control. Classrooms are
generally very quiet.
8. What about outdoor recesses? Where will the children play?
We have talked to the City Parks and Recreation Department about
taking the children to City Park for recesses. There should not be
a problem using the open space areas at the parks to organize games
and activities. We wouldn't use the play ground equipment every
time, and if there are other children there, we would not use them.
We will coordinate our use of City Park with other schools and day
care centers in the area.
9. I am concerned about safety. There is a lot of traffic in
this area today, with added cars and vehicle trips it will not
be safe for children.
10. What about using City Park for a 'business' use? Is this
something that is done elsewhere with other private schools.
There are other private schools in town that utilize city parks for
outdoor activities. Spring Park is one example, where there are
several private schools and day care centers using the park at
various times of the day. The schools are asked to coordinate the
times they use the parks. Typically, during the day, city parks
are under utilized.
11. Will there be before and after school care?
Yes, we are planning to have limited before and after school care.
We would anticipate about 20-30 children needing before school care
at 6:30 or 7:00 am until school starts and again after 3:00, until
about 5:00 or 5:30.
12. What will tuition be?. What kinds of students/children will
you be teaching? Any with special needs emotional problems?
We would anticipate tuition to be approximately $2500 per child for
The following are QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, and RESPONSES expressed at
a Neighborhood Meeting for the Oakwood School-NCL Site Plan Review.
The applicant proposes to convert an existing church to a private
elementary school for approximately 68 students. The church is
located at 1401 W. Mountain Avenue. The property is zoned NCL,
Neighborhood Conservation Low Density Residential. The proposed
land use is allowable in the NCL Zoning District, subject to
approval of an NCL Site Plan by the Planning and Zoning Board. An
NCL Site Plan must meet the All Development criteria of the Land
Development Guidance System. The existing building must meet all
setbacks to property lines, parking lot landscaping requirements,
and lot area to building square footage requirements.
MEETING PLACE: DaySpring Christian Church, 1401 W. Mountain Ave.
MEETING DATE: January 21, 1993
MEETING TIME: 7:00 p.m.
CITY PLANNER: Kirsten Whetstone
1. Will you own the property?
2. Will there be summer school?
There may be a 2 week summer session, we are not sure yet.
3. What about weekends?
There may be some classes on weekends, maybe 1 or 2 times every 2
weeks. We really have not discussed either summer school or
weekend activities yet.
4. I am concerned about noise. With an addition of people in the
area, children in the alley way and on sidewalks around our
property, our dogs bark more. We are afraid that we will have
to get rid of our dogs or we will be fined by the City for the
We will encourage carpooling, which is successful for small schools
as parents get to know each other. Carpooling will be organized
through the school and should cut down dramatically on the number
of cars in the area. There may be some children walking to school,
but there are already children and people walking on Mountain
5. What would the average class size be?