look at the size of the individual lots in that development which also is adjacent
to acreage development and have a similar standard for this particular P.U.D.
One other concern would be that of landscaping. The area is in open field that has
been both corn field and a pasture land. There are no significant trees or shrubs
on the property itself. I have taken considerable time and effort to try to develop
some greenery and habitat for both wildlife and screening and I think this should also
be considered by the developer on this P.U.D.
Thank you for listening to my concerns. I know there are many factors that weigh into
your decisions. I would appreciate your attention particularly to the traffic concern
and also transition from acreage to residential properties with larger lot size. If
you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I can be reached
at my office at 493-5904 or my home at 223-4853.
Sincerely yours,
' �J
Larry Kieft, M.D.
Larry D. Kieft, M.D.
2333 W. Drake
Fort Collins, CO 80526
August 2, 1993
Mr. Steve Olt
Project Planner
City of Fort Collins Planning Dept.
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mr. Olt,
As a land owner whose property is immediately adjacent to the proposed Hampshire Pond
P.U.D., I would like to forward the following comments to you about that proposed pro-
ject. It is my understanding that the proposed project involves 18 acres and will
have 74 single family residential lots on that. I appreciated the opportunity to attend
the initial meeting on June 21, 1993, when the developer introduced the project. I
also appreciated the opportunity to review the plot that had been given to the city.
Although I am pleased that the land will be developed in single residential units,
I do have the following concerns.
My first concern is about the traffic flow proposed by the developer. The plot as
I have revi%ed.itshows one exit on Hampshire Road but then has a second exit on Feather -
star Way. The proposed distance between these two exits is approximately 300 feet.
As Drake Road has developed, there has been increasing traffic. My driveway is 100
feet from the proposed access to Drake Road. With the development of Fox Creek P.U.D.
and now Hampshire Pond P.U.D. it seems that there will be increased traffic on Drake
itself. I am concerned about the traffic in that particular area and the potential
for accidents. My main concern is early in the morning when there is both school bus
pick-up and traffic for work and again later in the afternoon when this recurs. It
would seem imperative also that there be a stop light at the intersection of Drake
Road and Hampshire Road to accommodate this increased traffic. It is already difficult
to make a left hand turn from Hampshire with the Drake Crossing Shopping Center traffic
as well as Drake traffic itself. The other suggestion that I would like to forward
to the Traffic Department would be that a left hand arrow be installed at the inter-
section of Drake and Taft Hill to accommodate traffic flow.
The second concern I have is concerning the lot size of this development. The proper-
ties immediately adjacent to this are all acreage properties. Our particular property
is three acres. The other western boundary is bounded by property of eleven acres.
On the south boundary are also large acreage properties. It is of concern to me that
the developer has chosen to put 6,000 square foot lots immediately adjacent to these
properties. It would seem better to have larger lots as a transition from large acreage
plots to rather dense residential development. The plotting itself is less than imagin-
ative and would be enhanced perhaps by some cul-de-sac development. I understand the
need for solar orientation but I think other properties have been developed in a more
creative way, while still meeting the city's requirements. The Fox Creek P.U.D. has
68 single family dwellings on 31 acres. This is certainly much less dense develop-
ment than is being proposed in the Hampshire Pond P.U.D. It might be appropriate to