HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAMPSHIRE POND PUD PRELIMINARY - 44 93 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORM(G J DENSITY CHART Maximum Earned Criterion Credit If All Dwelling Units Are Within: Credit a 20% AM 1.4,101unu.istngl ulnpp, ovud nnighbOl taxi shOfopnlg come,. "_ ee G r� b 10% 0,01uulul...ln.isllnuFit '.ltshy, LorS /• C 101%n .IIII In f"ol of I., V.nlllla••III,,IF"cF, I c!',o,ol•.l., 1p,l ingl.11nlnl r o. \C Q GGt"TOn1 d 20% :,!,nl 11l lr.l:ll lln.;.iskln, .,IF nrv.n ln.."W. I IF—.,Ipnik., or to"'..Jy,n nku, Iconlulnlnt, 1, w0ityLU . O e 10%l I00011."I.. 1151.111:,:FIIIV:llll fit,flu 1111 a1111:11.ou'.:ntil:nlllll.,llr„t"Isclyn,kl,:, 1111,II lowsanlle5foleolcolalado. L / 1M� f 20% ::nogfoi:t III IF 11 th ,,,"I ...... Its. g 5% 1000 fool of ... JhJden.....elfin Yes h 20% re)dh l all cnlll,i IO ►�Jo O i 20% ❑Ieclm4lxt„in„ss1,,0111,1 O A p11 rl,,.Iw11.,•.,,h. luau........... is"'.IFI'.I..I. I ns follows lI.,pwpr..I,w nusu lmqull ly Loon, I. fry 61 l'.(IF, to uedni" ' III to1!";% 1". II,111,n. Is I"Sri J)" 1, 1, 1, 1, bound(,,, has 10 In 20'%. 1 Dignity, 30%, I611ru';:. I,rt1.,Io,Is v,IF Is.y,ugIF Is lylIF IF IF IF lIF, has 20if, :11I'Y.. cuut,ljFny, 20 :111. !, P. 1ul 1IF"Doc is wit a ISo I un11Vf Iy Inn IF1, loh t y au 4 s 301n li•; IIF. It,(lnitY; 2!, 1:130 :;, 1111 IIFgo:ls wIIISI,I,If.J,I, I Illndn1, I111s 4111,, 5r1'IiI'.I,IF It",if,, If I cuts be dumousealed it tot itiu pwlucl well.,,,Ion cut uwable mangy nseugo offset it cough the application of alternative energy k sysle.ui of It n,:ugt,Nrnnnlleueneluyrnnservufionu.eu;ures beyond that normally milk ifed by City Code, a 5% bonus may be earned lot evory 5%,,o(ercfion..I IinmgV use Calcututl IS IT. Maus e n 1 o"., N) l ...lus ln..lud1:• I III It u, p,up u, m Culculalu lhupuu:uningu ul It loll it, I,,,, n: IN! I,, oi-tlint"Its (is vuleulunn.fu fit nul usu, cis lur 112 u1 that percentage as a txMnus. 111houppllll11111:n1111I 11Ii1111 ,1V5V1,J 1111 IfI:111,u, 1,IIt:IIISIIt,,„VI15f,11'..1111111rIVIIs1t 1I('111111l11crtinrl r ealllloments. calculate the percentage r n althisapullspnl all, iullgu to thu lnln1111,Jn11,Inn,n,ll1'nlunu unll.IhlSpulclnlugu nsulninns It rN Ifl of the Udall luvul, nounJbu,lgul nla In;An:11tI nI uolgt.Ianit„x)o I lubbc e,".III Iualetius which are I,at otherwise r equited by City Code, 0 o.Ju.2'%.l000,*1... uvu.y 5 100 1 Wf, 1.01I... ...... I,n, I It, IF 11 A111,I 1. III lu'J„I„1r111r,I1t II, 1, 1, 1,11,1.,rs, n;111, 111I:1,1111,1„ IF I.I. I. 11. 1'11,1111....... ... witn,.itam Ifol IttIV,wisn.u,losses try(Ay Code. p unIml l'::.I,I'sIns Its ....... $1110,n,ldwulln l{pn,il,l „', 1•.t.,,t Iful....nuiIf, unl lbnn g huts, lu k„1.1 JIq n its, In1)IIUI I IF it I nit A, 1, ooI It lots $ Is's 4 IFofdwnlbIf) uni is l of low vicar e IF nilius, outer that pall;nnlasln,ls1111„nl is ln,ll„In,11.111I, 11n„fen':. Iacu.und.1u.nl ubougpurlIts llquwkgnINun It's dp.rsuldlgl of 11.1, 1"11111un ILunA,Iwoleng units to, Typo"A'and fype'9"hoodicapped Z housing as dt,W I IF I I It", C.1, uI l od i'u110 o I a1Lu1• dI lbo 1. n IF Is ns IF ,ws Iypu.A.. !I IIIInn 1Y'pI_A ,Iss O r i„11111II Ills �/'� I'lto If 1111i1nue Ivpl'If nluL -1nG15udls W 1, 111n,:11sn v 1, ]II II u 1.nit l If ,, !d t 1,.11, Is I.l I IF , It. if 11 It I I.I(:. — If IIle situ of a,lllaunt I nupeny cu. t'mu•n11whoa.I..nit,e1gII.vI,I,Ieo.atoms1s Iuay Lee umed la. Ilse following. 3% For plevof thing of n litlgotinll oulsdn nJluuucos(v g kirnmunnfer llal. fund use. aesthetic. economic and social lacron]adverse to its pfescrvubon. S 3°:1 r of assuling that now sln¢:1,nos,111IF! n IF lepmg will, lhu Ulrnacler o11110 bu1lding of placewhile avoiding rotor units 3% 1orploporringour phvauseullhuhui1.P"I or pincu that wIllluud to IS conlini Fanco. preservation and improvement in an appropf inle n v toms, 1f a portion of all of Ihu Ienl Inud fit of 111s p1, lt:u n u Ile/,lu I.1n.tly1, ... jri6l is fort mdua ul,duf g, aund. will w I It bufldt, IQ ul in an elevated parking Sir sch I, a f,San af,'.Iss.fry IS,, to 11 to I it if I if if v sit I itItif11..1t ol11 is r nay be of it r Fast as follows' t vl;�. Iof IF 11,'1,MFU/51:;,I,$...... V or IIII I I, Ili 1111. 111. I sit l l, IF IF dL If itivldi,1,,b11/,1'X. of tau fun pal pun OF u,. It n le . TX, 1of pu,viuuq, 76 .19".:., I Ito Pu, ku upl,nno,. IF,,, U IhlCumuobnunl is buin,,un n1111,rplr..uu lP,nn,.u,lllist, ts IFrise euo is, lit Fly ulsit, Ig syslut l is lul It dwullr IIIits. enter nIn, n14 0110%. TOTAL - 30- �1d-iv1�S��,e� Pivr emu. I� 6 ACTIVITY: Residential Uses DEFINITION H All residential uses. Uses would include single family attached dwellings, townhomes, duplexes, mobile homes, and multiple family dwellings; group homes; boarding and rooming houses; fraternity and sorority houses; nursing homes; public and private schools; public and non-profit quasi -public rec- reational uses as a principal use; uses providing meeting places and places for public assembly with incidental office space; and child care centers. CRITERIA Each of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the develop- ment plan. Ye NO 1. On a gross acreage basis, is the average residential density in the project at least three (3) dwelling units per acre (calculated for residential portion of the site only)? ❑ 2. DOES THE PROJECT EARN THE MINIMUM PERCENTAGE POINTS AS CALCULATED ON 111E FOLLOWING "III:NSI fY CHARI" FOR THE PROPOSED DENSITY OF 111E RESI- DENTIAL PROJECT? THE REQUIRED EARNED CREDIT FOR A RESIDENTIAL PROJECT rn ❑ SHALL BE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: l� 30-40 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 3-4 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 40-50 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 4-5 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 50-60 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 5-6 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 60-70 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 6-7 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 70-80 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 7-8 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 80-90 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 8-9 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 90-100 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 9-10 DWELLING UNIIS/ACRE; 100 OR MORE PERCENTAGE POINTS = 10 OR MORE DWELLING UNITS/ACRE. -29-