Har Shalom
June 29, 1993
Planning Director
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins CO 80521
Dear Sir:
Jack S. Gabriel
This letter provides supporting information for the Minor Subdivision application by
Congregation Har Shalom. We presented our plans at a Conceptual Review on May 3, 1993, at
which time a number of issues were raised. Since then we have discussed each of those issues
with the appropriate City staff people and reached agreements on how we will meet their
requirements. In some cases we were asked to write a letter with further details. This letter
incorporates all of the requested letters and agreements.
Our immediate plan is to add a modular building to the property to increase our classroom space
both for our Sunday school and for our tenant, River Song School. We are also working toward
the construction of a permanent classroom wing to be built within 5 years. The building permit
application for the modular building will address the addition of a week -day school to our current
church use, including access, fire alarm and restroom requirements. Utility requirements are
addressed in the following paragraphs.
Street Improvements
Construction of a curb, gutter and sidewalk along Drake Road were deferred at the time our
present building was built. Since then a sidewalk has been installed. We will install curb and
gutter before installation of the modular building. Plans for the curb and gutter, prepared by
Stewart and Associates, are included with this application.
Water and Wastewater
The modular building will contain no plumbing. No changes to our existing water and sewer
services are planned.
Storm Drainage
We met at the site with Kate Malers to discuss the options for storm drainage. We will be adding
about 1000 square feet of building area, plus about 100 square feet of sidewalk. There is
currently no onsite retention for storm water, but our parking lot drains to the 66 inch storm
sewer that runs under the property. It was agreed that, for the modular building, routing the roof
725 West Drake Road • Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 0 (303) 223-5191
drains onto the parking lot surface would provide adequate drainage. This will be noted in the
building permit.
We were requested to provide information on current and projected traffic going to and from our
property during week days. River Song School is highly committed to car pooling, and has a
parent volunteer in charge of maintaining and coordinating a car pool list. In addition, several
families have more than one student in the school. Therefore, the number of vehicle trips is
significantly less than the number of students.
At present, there are approximately 25 cars that arrive and depart each morning between 8:15 and
8:30 to drop off children. Half of these cars return at 12:30 to pick up half -day students, and the
other half return at 3:00. In addition, there are about 3 cars for River Song staff members that
arrive at 8:00 and depart between 4:00 and 5:00. An additional 2 cars for synagogue staff arrive
at 1:00 and depart at 5:00. About 5 cars on average arrive and depart each afternoon on
synagogue business.
In the future there will be gradual increases in the number of cars arriving for River Song. Next
year there will be 30 to 35 cars each morning, and the following year about 40 cars. The pick
ups will continue to be split fairly evenly between the 12:30 and 3:00 times.
Street Oversizing
Street oversizing fees were paid at the time the present building was constructed.
Fire Access
The Poudre Fire Authority has indicated that the existing 80 foot diameter turning circle is
adequate for their needs. Installation of the modular building will not alter the turning circle.
No change in our electric service capacity is anticipated.
We hope to get a building permit in August so that we can have the modular building installed
when school starts on August 30. Since this request is fairly uncomplicated, we hope you will be
able to act on it quickly. We appreciate the assistance that City staff members have given us so
far, and will respond promptly to any questions you may have.
Gary pivak, Secretary
Congregation Har Shalom