141' ROW CMin.)
S. 7'PIcwY 107' ROADWAY PKWY to
C 12' 12C 3 SETBI
15' 12, TRAVEL 12, 12 TRAVEL 12• 15
12' 7'
TRAVEL LANES Six .lanes. 12' wide.
LEFT TURN LANE: 12' wide.
BIKE LANES Two lanes. 8' wide.
PARKWAY: 10' CminJ wide. Additional . width optional.
SIDEWALK= 7• CminJ wide. Additional width may be required for higher pedestrian traffic within
and leading to activity centers.
MEDIAN: 19' wide landscaped and 7' wide landscaped in left turn lane areas.
WHERE USED, AO Major Arterial streets shown on the Master Street Plan. when the
traffic volume on the street Is anticipated to be greater than 35.000 vpd.
ACCESS, Access win be limited. Points of access must be approved by the City.
FENCES, Fences shall be setback a minimum of 10' from the parkway edge of the sidewalk.
PARKWAY LANDSCAPING, Parkways shall be landscaped in grass and Incorporate xeriscape principals.
whenever appropriate. In accordance with the requirements of the City Forester.
TREE PLANTING, Canopy shade trees shag be planted at 40 foot spacings In the center of all
parkways. Individual trees shag not be closer than 30 feet from the next street tree. Canopy
shade trees shall be placed no closer than 30 feet from roadway Intersections. 8' from driveways and
alleys and shall be no closer than 40 feet from any street light. Minimum tree size shag be in accordance
with City requirements. Species shallbe selected from the City approved canopy shade tree list.
MEDIAN LANDSCAPINGs Landscaping shall Includes trees. shrubs• ground cover. mulch and
Irrigation. and should incorporate xeriscape principals. whenever appropriate. In accordance with the
requirements of the City Forester.
CURB AND GUTTER, Vertical curb and gutter.
at Harmony Village P.U.D., the City will require sufficient land area for the following:
1. One-half of a center median ranging from 7 to 19 feet wide, 9.5 feet.
2. Two left turn lanes eastbound Harmony Road, each 12 feet wide.
3. Three through lanes eastbound Harmony Road, each 12 feet wide.
4. One ten foot wide bike lane eastbound Harmony Road.
5. One right turn lane eastbound Harmony Road, 12 feet wide.*
6. One ten foot wide parkway strip.
7. One eight foot wide detached sidewalk. * *
* The southern edge of this right turn lane represents the "future edge of pavement' from
which to measure the required 80 foot setback.
* * The back of sidewalk represents the edge of the right-of-way. Please note that a 15 foot
wide utility easement is required beginning at the back of sidewalk. This utility easement may be
included within the 80 foot setback.
Therefore, based on the available data, this represents a minimum right-of-way need for the
southern half of Harmony Road of 109.5 feet. Our City Surveyor concludes that the requested
Light and Power easement falls entirely within the Harmony Road 80 foot wide setback zone as
measured from the future edge of pavement. However, CDOT may require additional right-of-
way after future review of the development proposal and the Traffic Impact Study.
Please call if you have any questions or concerns regarding future right-of-way needs along the
southside of Harmony Road in the location of the Harmony Village Preliminary P.U.D.
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
cc: Ron Mrlls, Right -of -Way Agent
Dave Stringer, Civil Engineer
Comrr ity Planning and Environments ervices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
Mr. Les Kaplan
1060 Sailors Reef
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Les:
May 11, 1998
The purpose of this letter is to clarify the City's needs for right-of-way and setback along, your
north property line along Harmony Road in relation to the need for an easement for Light and
Power duct line and in relation to the proposed commercial center known as Harmony Village
Preliminary P.U.D. Harmony Road is State Highway 68 and is governed by State Highway
Access Code and Access Control Plan as jointly adopted by the City of Fort Collins and the
Colorado Department of Transportation.
In evaluating the future needs along Harmony Road, it is essential to emphasize that Harmony
Road is classified as a "major arterial' on the City's Master Street Plan. This type of roadway
includes, at its ultimate design, three through travel lanes in each direction, one left turn lane, one
ten foot wide bike lane in each direction and detached sidewalks separated by a 10 foot wide
parkway strip. Please see the enclosed schematic.
Harmony. Village Shopping Center will need a right turn lane on eastbound Harmony Road for the
private driveway located west of Building A (4,000 square foot restaurant) as shown on the
Preliminary P.U.D. as well as for Timberline Road. This continuous auxiliary turn lane must be
accounted for in evaluating the future cross-section. The turn lane itself must be 12 feet wide
(exclusive of gutter pan) and include the appropriate taper and storage lengths given the volume
and speeds on Harmony Road.
Harmony Village Shopping Center will also trigger the need for double left turns for eastbound
Harmony to northbound Timberline.
Further, the major arterial street cross-section includes a continuous median in order to control
turning movements at restricted intersections. This median is 19 feet wide at its full width and
tapers down to seven feet at the tip next to the left turn lane.
It should be emphasized that the ultimate major arterial cross-section for Harmony Road will not
need to be constructed at this time. For example, only two through lanes are required at this time.
Total right-of-way for the major arterial cross-section, however, will need to be dedicated in
conjunction with the Harmony Village P.U.D.
So, in determining the ultimate right-of-way cross-section for the southern half of Harmony Road
281 North College Avenue - PO. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (970) 221-6750 - FAX (970) 416-2020