r! Cot Ins
What is Neighborhood Services?
Neighborhood Services offers a variety of services and programming to promote quality neighborhoods, including:
• Assistance in organizing your neighborhood or meeting facilitation,
• Free use of our copier for a neighborhood newsletters or fliers,
• A Neighborhood Grant Program for help financially with big projects or events,
• An Adopt -A -Neighbor Program for residents who need help shoveling snow,
• Helpful wording for common neighborhood letters or emails,
• A free, bimonthly e-newsletter called Neighborhood News with articles for your newsletter, and
• Free welcome bags for new neighbors.
What is the best way for me to contact the City of Fort Collins?
Access Fort Collins is an easy way to contact the City with your questions, comments, and service requests
whenever it is most convenient for you. By visiting the website, https://www.fcqov.com/contactus/_you will be able
to submit a question, comment or service request on myriad topics 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
City of
Forl Collins
11�f 1
Is a wood burning stove permitted inside the City of Fort Collins?
City Code for Wood Burning
Only wood burning units certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may be installed in Fort
Only clean, dry, untreated wood may be burned in a wood stove or fireplace. "Pellets" burned in pellet stoves and
manufactured fire logs such as DuraFlame burned in a fireplace are acceptable. Burning of garbage and treated
wood is prohibited.
After the first 15-minutes of start-up, smoke from the chimney must be at or less than 20% opacity (smoke should
be barely visible looking at it with your back to the sun).
Violation of City Code can result in a summons to appear in municipal court resulting in a fine of up to $1,000 and
180 days in jail.
Will the school boundaries change and if so who is responsible for that change?
The City of Fort Collins is not involved in determining school boundaries. This is the sole responsibility of the
Poudre School District. According to the Poudre School District's Long -Range Planning: Boundary Committee
they often recommend "clean-up" of boundaries that have little to no student impact and include modifications like
adjusting boundary lines such that they do no bisect fields or lots, adjusting boundary lines to follow the mid -line
of roads as opposed to bisecting properties, etc.
Ultimately, the responsibility of changing school district lines start as a recommendation from the Boundary
Committee then is approved by the Superintendent and Colorado Board of Education.
In the Poudre School District's 2015 Majority and Minority Reports, it shows proposed changes to the Kruse
Elementary School / Werner Elementary School — Middle School and High School Boundary that will affect 0
What are some of the upsides of being annexed into the City of Fort Collins?
• Faster police response time
• Voting for a Mayor and Council Member (District 1)
• Less Expensive Electric Rates
• Urban level services
• Rebates through energy audit programs (i.e., Solar Installation Incentives)
However, these are just a few advantages of being part of the City it is not an exhaustive list. Please visit our
website at http://www.fcgov.com/ to find out more.
�,Ciity of
rV Collins
Other City Regulations & Information
How many horses per acre are you allowed to have in the City as compared to the County?
Municipal Code Section 4-72. - Minimum size of pasture area for horses or ponies.
Horses or ponies may be kept for the use of occupants of a lot and their guests provided that at least one-half (112)
acre of pasture area is available for each horse or pony.
.. rmilinQ Lvri-r,-Pr
Horses per Acre %2 Acre / Horse Y2 Acre / Horse7
How many chickens and roosters can I have on my property?
• May keep up to 8 chicken hens
• No roosters
Will our cat need to be registered when we are in the City of Fort Collins?
Yes. You will be required to register your cat. The cities of Fort Collins, Wellington and Loveland require all cats
and dogs be registered. Larimer County and Timnath require the registration of dogs only. Registration is simple.
Simply provide proof that your pet's rabies shots are current, complete the application and provide the required
Fees are as follows:
Animals 4 months to one year of age: $12.00
Animals 1 year and older, spayed or neutered: $12.00
Animals 1 year and older, not spayed or neutered: $35.00
Fees for Senior Citizen pet guardians (age 62 and older):
Animals under one year of age: $5.00
Animals 1 year and older, spayed or neutered: $5.00
Animals 1 year and older not spayed or neutered: $35.00
Optional Cat Licensing Where Not Required: $5.00. Larimer County and Timnath residents may elect to purchase
a voluntary Cat License for $5.00. Replacement tags are $2.50.
For more information you can contact the Larimer County Humane Society at (970) 226-3647 extension 201 or
visit www.larimerhumane.orp
7 If the number of horses on the property exceeds one horse per one-half acre, minor special review approval is
required unless the chart and formula indicate that special review approval is required.
Fort Collins
2015/2016 Reappraisal Cycle
Colorado property tax law requires assessors to conduct countywide reappraisals every two years in odd -
numbered years, and that a specific date, June 30th of the year preceding the reappraisal year, be used to
benchmark all property values throughout the state. The benchmark, or "level of value," for this reappraisal cyclE
is June 30, 2014. For the 2015/2016 reappraisal cycle, Larimer County is using 60 months of data. That means
our sales study period extends from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2014. All sales are trended up or down to the
level of value date, June 30, 2014, depending on market factors in the different areas of Larimer County.
For 2016, only owners that saw a change in value or ownership from the previous year were mailed a notice with
the new value and have the option to protest online. The majority of property values do not change in even
numbered years because Colorado is on a two-year reappraisal cycle. If you do not have the Notice of Value you
may complete and mail a 2015 Protest Form to our office no later than June 1, 2016. Protests can also be filed in
person, by letter or fax. We cannot accept appeals sent in by email or taken over the phone.
Properties that are appealed during our protest period will be reviewed and a Notice of Determination will be sent
to those property owners on June 30, 2016. If you are satisfied with the value after this review, the process ends
and your tax will be based on the value reflected in the notice of determination. If you disagree with the
Assessor's decision, the next step will be to file an appeal with the County Board of Equalization. More details will
be provided in the Notice of Determination that will be sent June 30, 2016.
What is the difference between City sales tax and County sales tax?
Tax Rates effective January 1, 2018:
State of Colorado
Larimer County
Total Sales Tax (Larimer County)
City of Fort Collins
3.85% Tax includes
• 225% Base Rate
Total Sales Tax (City of Fort Collins)
7.40 %
• .25% Community Capital
Fort Collins Lodging Tax (in addition to
Improvement Program
(Expires 2025)
• .25% Street Maintenance
Total Accommodations Tax
(Expires 2025)
. .25% Open Space (Expires
Fort Collins Tax on Food For Home
Consumption (contact State of
Colorado regarding taxability)
• .85%Keep Fort Collins
Great (Expires 2020)
Total Food Tax
For further information, please contact Tiana Smith, tjsmith@fcgov.com
Ctty of
Will we be charged additional tax on our utility bills?
Xcel Energy
Because you are becoming part of the City, you will be provided with Municipal electric service. However, if your
home requires the use of natural gas, Xcel energy continue to be your service provider and a local tax of 3.85%
will be assessed.
Wireless Service
Yes, a local tax of 3.85% will be applied.to each bill.
Yes, a local tax of 3.85% will be applied to each bill.
Fort Collins Municipal Electric
Yes, a local tax of 3.85% will be applied to each bill.
Fort Collins Loveland Water District
No, sales tax is not assessed to the Fort Collins Loveland Water District.
South Fort Collins Sanitation District
No, sales tax is not assessed to the South Fort Collins Sanitation District.
How will the assessor determine the value of our property?
According the Assessor's office:
The County Assessor is responsible for valuing all real and personal property, including mobile homes, residential
and commercial properties and agricultural land for property tax purposes. The Assessor determines the equitable
value of property to ensure that each taxpayer pays only his or her fair share of the taxes. Anyone who disagrees
with changes in the actual value of real property can object or file a protest with the Assessor in May. Protests for
Commercial Business Personal Property accounts should be filed with the Assessor between June 15 and July 5.
Cfty of
Port Collins
How will our property taxes change?
Property taxes will go down after being annexed into the City of Fort Collins. The resulting 0.798 mil reduction
($0.80 for every $1,000 in property valuation) in property tax is caused by the replacement of the Poudre Valley
Fire District 10.595 mil with the Fort Collins 9.797 mil. Below is a comparison of tax -rates between that the City of
Fort Collins and Larimer County.
Mill Levy 5
Poudre R-1 General Fund
Larimer County
Poudre R-1 Bond Payment
Poudre Valley Fire District
Fort Collins6
Poudre River Public Library District
Health District of North Larimer County
East Larimer County Water District
Northern Colorado Water Conservation District
Larimer County Pest Control District
Boxelder Sanitation District
5 The mill levy is the "tax rate" that is applied to the assessed value of a property in order to fund a variety of
services. One mill is one dollar per $1,000 dollars of assessed valuation. (0.001)
6 The County's Poudre Fire District Mill Levy is replaced by the City of Fort Collins upon Annexation. The Fort
Collins Mill Levy is lower by 0.798 Mill.
city of
For! CcAlins
��f 1
What if my property is on septic? How will being part of the City of Fort Collins affect me?
The City of Fort Collins does not regulate septic systems. However, if your current septic system fails and your
property line is within 400 feet of the municipal sewer system you will be required to connect.
Septic Systems are solely regulated by Larimer County Department of Health and Environment. If you have any
additional questions, please contact the Larimer County Health Department by phone at (970) 498-6700 or visit
Will my water or wastewater services change because of the annexation?
No. The City of Fort Collins does not take over any other utility service except electric. Annexed properties will
continue to be served by Fort Collins Loveland Water District and South Fort Collins Sanitation District (if not
currently on septic).
For Water and Sewer, please contact the Fort Collins Loveland Water District and the South Fort Collins
Sanitation District both of which can be contacted by phone at (970) 226-3104 or visit
City of
,,F6rt Collins
Lot Size - lot area in square feet
, plus the customer's share of open space in the development, if applicable
Base Rate - $0.00
Rate Factor3 - based on the percentage of impervious area (surfaces that do not absorb water) such as buildings,
parking lots and concrete
Formula for Estimated Monthly Rates:
Single-family Lots Less than 12,000 Square Feet
Monthly Rate = Lot Size x $0.0041454 x Rate Factor
Single-family Lots Over 12,000 Square Feet4
Monthly Rate = 12,000 x $0.0043527 x Rate Factor plus (Lot Size - 12,000) x $0.0043527 x Rate Factor x 0.25
Rate Factor Table:
.4 .31 - .50 Light"
.6 .51 - .70 Moderate
71 - .90
Very Heavy
**typical for residential
For further information, please contact Jill White, Utility Fee Rate Specialist, 970-416-2139, iiwhite®fcaov.com
3 See table on next page.
4 These lots receive a reduction in fees on that portion of the lot greater than 12,000 feet.
City of
.Fort_ ins
TOD has two levels of pricing: off-peak and on -peak, and two seasons: non -summer and summer. Off-peak hours
cost approximately 30 percent less than current electric rates with higher prices during on -peak hours. Price
comparison of average TOD pricing to current electric rates.
• Off-peak hours: 19-20 hours each weekday (depending on the season), all weekend hours and major
o More than 80 percent of the time, the price you pay for electricity will be going down.
• On -peak non -summer (October -April) hours: 5-9 p.m., weekdays only
• On -peak summer (May -September) hours: 2-7 p.m., weekdays only
Lower off-peak prices offer an incentive to shift a portion of your electric use from the more expensive on -peak
hours, which can help you save money and reduce strain on the electric grid.
The city of Fort Collins Utilities Department has created a Time -of -Day Price Estimator that can help you
determine how your monthly bill may change. Please visit https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/tod-estimator/ for more
What is the Stormwater Fee?
Fort Collins Utilities charges a monthly rate to pay for construction and maintenance of Fort Collins' stormwater
system, which helps protect residents and businesses during storms and floods on a citywide basis. This includes
ongoing maintenance of regional stormwater quality and detention ponds, underground storm drainage pipe
systems, and culverts. All developed properties within city limits pay stormwater rates, which are based on
impervious surface and lot size. Below is an example calculation of a stormwater fee for
Address -,
2521 Kechter Rd
218,745 SF (5.02 Acres)
2 This is an estimated fee based on 2017 rates. A stormwater fee specialist will be able to calculate the exact
Fort of
On -peak hours are weekdays only 214%kW
(no weekends or major holidays) MEN
APPX.74/kWh M
12AM SPM - 9PM-12AM
If you use more than 700 kWh of electricity a month, you wilt be billed an
additional $0.0776 (7.76c) per kWh over 700 kWh (except for all -electric heat homes).
Pricing details: fcgovcom/TOD
"The majority of each non -summer weekday (20 hours), all weekend hours and major
holidays have off-peak pricing, which is approximately 30 percent less than current electric
rates. The remaining 4 hours of each weekday have higher on -peak pricing because that's
when both demand and utility costs for electricity increase. Details. fcgov.comITOD
On -peak hours are weekdays only 24a/kWh
(no weekends or majo
12 AM
2PM--- 7PM 12AM
if you use more than 700 kWh of electricity a month, you will be billed an
additional $0.0176 (1.76c) per kWh over 700 kWh (except for all -electric heat homes).
Pricing details: fcgov.com/70D
'The majority of each summer weekday (79 hours), all weekend hours and major holidays
have off-peak pricing, which is approximately 30 percent less than the current electric rates.
The remaining 5 hours of each weekday have higher on -peak pricing because that's when
both demand and utility costs for electricity increase. Details: fcgovcom/T00
City of
Fort CoUins
What about solar rebates?
Currently, rebates are available for approximately 300 residential customers and multiple projects up to 1-
megawatt total for commercial customers.
You will receive full credit for the electricity generated by your PV system through our net metering program (see
rates here).
Information about federal tax incentives is available at Energy Star and the Solar Energy Industries Association.
Available Rebates'
Residential: up to $1,500
Commercial: up to $100,000
Application Timeline
Utilities will begin accepting and confirming rebate applications for the 2017 rebate program on Jan. 1, 2017
Will the tax on our phone bill change?
No. According to the Colorado Department of Revenue the only taxes that will exist on mobile service will be
E911 1.4% surcharge and a 9.44% Colorado State Wireless Tax.
What is the difference between Fort Collins Light and Power and REA rates?
Fort Collins Light and Power is a municipally owned service that provides power to the City of Fort Collins
residents for over 70,500 homes and businesses and over 55 square miles of land. The service is one of the most
reliable electric distribution systems in the country and is over 99% underground.
Poudre Valley REA has several variable fee structures that include both a set rates and On Peak/Off Peak rates,
the City of Fort Collins Utilities, is transitioning to On-Peak/Off-Peak electric pricing for all residential customers in
October 2018 (prices will be reflected on November bills). With TOD pricing, when you use electricity is as
important as how much electricity you use.
The price you pay changes based on the time of day, the day of the week and the season, and includes off-peak
and on -peak hours. Off-peak hours cost approximately 30 percent less than current electric rates with higher
prices during on -peak hours. More than 80 percent of the time, the price will be going down.
This transition is a rate structure change and not a rate increase. What this means is how you are billed for your
electric use is changing. Fort Collins Utilities does not anticipate additional revenue.
It will take a comparison of your current PVREA bill to determine how kWh rates will change according to your
current structure. The graphic below describes how the new On-Peak/Off-Peak rates will be assessed.
1 Rebate amounts are based on a $0.50/Watt, 20-year Renewable Energy Credit (REC) purchase
,--Fort Collins
Utility Services
All properties are served by Poudre Valley REA and once annexed, will be switched over to Municipal Light and
Power (likely during future development or redevelopment of any property within the enclave). The eventual
switch will require the customer to pay a 25% pass -through electric surcharge.
Why should we be responsible for this when the City of Fort Collins is annexing us unwillingly?
There is a Colorado statute that requires annexing utilities, such as Fort Collins Light & Power, to pay to the Rural
Electric Association 25% of revenue every month for a period of 10 years after the electric service is transferred
(not from the date of annexation). Each customer's rate will be based on the normal Light & Power rates + this
25%. At the end of the 10-year period, the REA surcharge is discontinued. Even with the 25% adder, the Fort
Collins Light & Power residential rates are less than the Poudre Valley REA rates for most classes of customers.
In 1988, the various REA's in Colorado had a state statute approved by the legislature requiring municipal electric
utilities to pay what is called a "service rights fee" to the local REA when provision of electric service is changed.
This statute requires municipal electric utilities that transfer electric service after an annexation to pay the local
REA 25% of all revenue from existing customers (5% for new customers) starting on the date of electric transfer
for a period of 10 years. The REA perspective is that this pays for their lost revenue. The municipal utility
perspective is it is an attempt to discourage transferring electric customers to the municipal utility. Some municipal
utilities in Colorado choose to absorb the service rights fee. Fort Collins Light & Power, at the direction of City
Council, passes this expense on to the transferred customers.
Fort Collins Light & Power also purchases the REA infrastructure in addition to the service rights fee. This
infrastructure purchase cost is not passed on to the annexed customers.
For further information, please contact Phil Ladd, Utilities Financial Operations Manager, 970-221-6751 or
How will our electric service change over to City Light & Power?
The City of Fort Collins Light and Power Utility will not assume responsibility for providing your electrical service
on the effective date of the annexation. Rather, the changeover will occur when the City's electrical distribution
system is extended to serve the annexed parcels.
Light and Power will provide service at the existing service level at the time service is transferred to Light and
Power. Currently, you have the option of upgrading to a larger service if you so desire. Any upgrade over 150
amps will be assessed a capacity fee consistent with the current fee structure.
A new smart meter will replace the existing meter in the same location at the time of service transfer. If you would
like to change the location of the meter, Light and Power staff will work with you to extend or relocate the
secondary service wire on a time and materials basis. Otherwise, the new meter will be installed into the existing
Light and Power staff will contact you once the project has been assigned to a Project Manager. In addition, you
will be contacted by the Crew Chief prior to the service being transferred. There will be an electrical shut down for
about one to two hours while the new system is installed.
If you have any questions regarding the electrical changeover, please contact Janet McTague, 224-6154,
Is it normal for the City of Fort Collins to annex properties after the three-year period?
Yes, it has long been the City's practice to annex enclaves after three years.
Can you give us a recent example of an enclave annexation?
Yes, there were four Southwest Enclave Annexations totaling 1,603 acres (2.7 square miles) that were phased in
over time and were adopted by City Council between 2006 and 2013.
How long will the annexation process take?
Typically, an annexation process takes between 3 and 4 months once the annexation process is initiated.
Zoning and Land Use
What about City zoning?
The requested zoning district for the Kechter Enclave annexation is in conformance with the City's Structure Plan
and Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan Land -Use Framework Maps. However, because the conditions have
changed considerably since the City's 2011 comprehensive plan update and the City will be recommending a
Structure Plan Amendment to change the recommended zoning on the west side of Strauss Cabin Rd from Urban
Estate to Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood and the zoning on the east side of Strauss Cabin Road from
Rural Lands to Urban Estate.
Once the property was annexed into the City, Larimer County zone districts would be replaced with City of Fort
Collins zone districts.
What if I am a legal existing use in Larimer County but not in the City of Fort Collins?
Legal existing uses are grandfathered-in however if the nonconforming use is discontinued for 24 consecutive
months the nonconforming use is then considered "abandoned" and will not be able to continue.
To find more information on nonconforming uses and structures visit Division 1.5 in the City of Fort Collins Land
Use Code.
hftps://www.municode.com/librarv/co/fort collins/codes/land use
What if our development has a private covenant, will the City of Fort Collins preempt the
covenant, and how?
Yes, in some cases the City will preempt a private covenant as outlined in under Section 12-122 of the Municipal
Code which states, "No person shall create, cause to be created, enforce or seek to enforce any provision
contained in any restrictive covenant which has the effect of prohibiting or limiting the installation or use of
Xeriscape landscaping, solar/ photovoltaic collectors (if mounted flush upon any established roof line), clothes
lines (if located in back yards), or odor -controlled compost bins, or which has the effect of requiring that a portion
of any individual lot be planted in turf grass".
Is a wood burning stove permitted inside the City of Fort Collins?......................................................................14
Will the school boundaries change and if so who is responsible for that change?.............................................14
What are some of the upsides of being annexed into the City of Fort Collins?...................................................14
Whatis Neighborhood Services?........................................................................................................................15
What is the best way for me to contact the City of Fort Collins?.........................................................................15
Intergovernmental Agreements
Does Larimer County have anything to say about enclave annexations?
Yes, Larimer County encourages the cities of Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud and Estes Park to annex
properties that have become enclaves and have been surrounded by no less than three years. The City of Fort
Collins and Larimer County have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (I.G.A.) that establishes a Growth
Management Area (G.M.A.). Within this G.M.A., the City and County have agreed that growth and development
should be at an urban level and that the City, and/or special districts, is best able to provide an urban level of
public services. Under the I.G.A., with regard to land located within the G.M.A., the City has agreed to pursue the
annexation of enclaves as those areas become eligible according to state law.
What is an enclave?
An enclave is a property, or group of properties, that are in unincorporated Larimer County but, due to urban
growth and development are now surrounded by the City of Fort Collins municipal boundary.
How is it that our properties became enclaves?
The properties contained within the Strauss Cabin annexation area became an enclave through a combination of
five (5) previous annexations that happened between 2000-2009:
• Strauss Cabin Enclave is approximately 30 acres in size, contains 8 parcels and a combination of
residential, agriculture and institutional land uses.
The Kechter Enclave contains a single property and became an enclave through a combination of three (3)
previous annexations that happened between 2002 and 2014
• Kechter Enclave is approximately 8 acres in size, contains a single parcel and primary uses consist of
residential and agricultural land uses.
What is an enclave annexation?
An enclave annexation is a growth management technique used by municipalities that allows Cities and Towns to
establish a unified jurisdiction that does not have pockets of unincorporated land. After an enclave is created,
three years must elapse before the City or Town can annex the property or multiple properties.
City of
Strauss Cabin & Kechter Enclave- FAQ
Does Larimer County have anything to say about enclave annexations?............................................................
Whatis an enclave?..............................................................................................................................................2
How is it that our properties became enclaves?....................................................................................................
Whatis an enclave annexation?............................................................................................................................2
Is it normal for the City of Fort Collins to annex properties after the three-year period? .......................................
Can you give us a recent example of an enclave annexation?.............................................................................3
How long will the annexation process take?..........................................................................................................3
Zoningand Land Use.................................................................................................................................................3
Whatabout City zoning?........................................................................................................................................3
What if I am a legal existing use in Larimer County but not in the City of Fort Collins? ........................................
What if our development has a private covenant, will the City of Fort Collins preempt the covenant, and how?. 3
Why should we be responsible for this when the City of Fort Collins is annexing us unwillingly? ........................
How will our electric service change over to City Light & Power?.........................................................................
Whatabout solar rebates?.....................................................................................................................................
Will the tax on our phone bill change?...................................................................................................................
What is the difference between Fort Collins Light and Power and REA rates?....................................................5
Whatis the Stormwater Fee?................................................................................................................................
What if my property is on septic? How will being part of the City of Fort Collins affect me? .................................
Will my water or wastewater services change because of the annexation?.........................................................
How will our property taxes change?...................................................................................................................10
Will we be charged additional tax on our utility bills?..........................................................................................11
How will the assessor determine the value of our property?...............................................................................11
What is the difference between City sales tax and County sales tax?................................................................12
Other City Regulations & Information......................................................................................................................13
How many horses per acre are you allowed to have in the City as compared to the County?...........................13
How many chickens and roosters can I have on my property?...........................................................................13
Will our cat need to be registered when we are in the City of Fort Collins?........................................................13