urban design, inc.
14b. We will use Plains Cottonwood.
15. 1 will await your decision after staff discussions. I am concerned with detention
pond encroachment and the handicapped accessibility slope issue.
16. 1 have adjusted the pedestrian access easement to bring the walk to the
property corner where it will align with The Ridges proposal (Craig Foreman).
I will provide a 10' concrete walk in a 10' tract.
17. OK
18. OK
19. Per Susan Hayes, they are meeting early next week to discuss the RBD study
and its impact on me. I hope to stay on the agenda. I have spoken with the
past President of the Ridge HOA about the City correcting their pond (earlier
discussion with Glen and Susan) and received a favorable response. This is still
an unresolved issue.
Ten sets of prints, reductions, and color renderings will be submitted by May 15th.
Very T y Y
Mark Linder
by Terence
May 3, 1995
Steve Olt
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Steve;
urban design, inc.
3555 stanford road, suite 105
fort collins, colorado 80525
FAX (303) 226-4196
In response to your April 12, 1995 written comments concerning Westbury PUD 2nd
Filing, we are resubmitting with corrections as follows:
1. OK
2. OK, I have spoken with Susan Peterson and will comply.
3. 1 have submitted a letter to the ditch company President outlining my proposal,
requesting crossing and relocation agreements, and offering to meet with his
board. We will resolve these issues before the hearing.
4. OK
5. This note has the same language that has been approved on other projects for
the last several years.
6. OK
7. OK
8. Ok, we have adjusted the landscape plan and other utility drawings, I have also
been coordinating utility locations with Doug Martino.
9. OK
10a. We have shown the native grass seed mix on the plant list.
10b. We have replaced the pines with cottonwoods (plains) and also added some
pines along the Ridge open space to comply with the approved preliminary plan.
1 1 . Not applicable to this project per Jim Clark
12. We will leave the fence as shown as per our agreement, due to the slopes and
detention pond.
13. Corrected.
14a. OK