HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODLAND STATION PUD - PRELIMINARY - 18-94B - CORRESPONDENCE - CITIZEN COMMUNICATION (8)unaceeptabte. Out animats ut.ink 6tom out ponds as do numeaous witdt.i.6e epec.iu.
We w.ittt not attow them to be endangeted. Devetopets need to devize a better ptan
concenn.i.ng hydtotogy and dta.i.nage systems.
Att o6 us (14 6amit i.es at ptes ent) who ti.ve .in thi,e atea have 6aom 2 i to 15 Z
actes which 6titt ptesenves some o6 out tutat hetitage. Ptease attow .the area
bounded by Hatmony Road, County Road #9, Horsetooth Road and Fossit Cteek Intet
to tema.i.n tutat. Atthough we cannot change what has occurred in the past we can
ptan ptudentty bon .the 6utute. Thete ate choices other .than sub-di.v.i.s.i.ons that
can enhance out community.
1) In 1993 a city teptesentative stated that .the city ptans Got a neighbothood
pack Got every zquate mite o6 devetopment and a community pack bon every bout
squate m.itu o6 devetopment. So bat att we have heard about U the possibi ity o6
making the area around the Straus cabin a community pack. ,
2) Atso, .in Febtuaty o6 1993 it was noted by the L.U.S. that it woutd be eons.i.deted
des.vcabte by many to see a hew smatt acreages o6 crops to add to the dZvets.ity o6
Ft. Cott i.ns and attest to the hf stot.Leat activities o6 out area and out c ty's
3) Is there a possZbZ ty o6 having thin area designated a Nati.onat Hetd tage
Cott.i.dot to Leave something o6 out "toots" Got 6utute genetat.i.ons?
4) In 1.989 a tax was passed to devetop open apace Got, among othet things, testotdng
natutat and witdti6e ateas and Got env.vconmentat/natutat tesoutce consetvati.on.
Ptease put a moratotium on the tap.id growth and urban sptawt untit other
optZons ate exptoted bon the area. Evetyone w.itt gain!!
We have Lead the enctosed tettet wtdtten by the Thomas's and coneut with
what has been exptessed in that tettet. we ate att tuidents o6 County Road #9.
cc: Council
Greg Byrne
-'' Ron -Phil l a 4104 S oun-ty Road 09
(response pending) Ft. Cot Lns, Cototado 80525
31 May -L994
Ms. Ann Azar.i
Mayon City os Ft. Cott ins
1825 Essex D4i.ve
Ft. Cot fm, Cototado 80526
Dean Ms. Azar.i,,
We ate tes.idents o6 County Road #9 between Harmony Road and Horsetooth Road.
We moved here a.emoat 30 years ago to be able to Live with the things we enjoy and
teapect -- .the oppottuwity to have ,the space to raise a Sew crops and an.imat. ', to
enjoy and teatn 6tom what natute ptov.i.ded to the area. Our rurat community iz a
re6uge to many birds and an.imats, such as great horned owt,s, eagtes and herons to
zouittees, tcbb.it-a, taccoons and deer just to name d Sew.
We botdet .the Wetland Res.totat-ion Area and out ptopeAty provides a nesting
area Son many o6 .the witdti6e species. The Cache to Poudte Landscape Oppottun.itiLez
Study (L.O.S.) spent sevetat years studying and doing 6act S.i.nd.Lng regandi.ng out
area. AtZ o6 the dn6otmati.on and recommendations made by .the LOS ate avaitabte to
anyone on the ptan.i,ng and zoning board and/ot the city council. Please avail your-
setves o6 th.us .in6otmat.i.on be6ote deciding to attow sub -divisions and other high
density growth along the east side o6 County Road #9 that would endanger cti ticatty
out enviAonment and wi,td.ti.6e. We would be glad to 6utnizh copies o6 .in6o4matzon to
anyone who wishes. Extensive teseatch .in ecotog.Lca.l science shows that any ecosystem
must maintain a healthy balance; otherwise, att species su66er, .i.nc.tud.ing' the
human species.
Oven the years we have watched hetptersty while this once beaut.i-Sut and peace-
6ut, area has been eroded by companies, gtavel pits, tta66.i.c ptobtems and the ti.ke.
Out peace and quiet iz tap.i-dty becoming scarce. Now we learn the Fott Cotti-ns City
Council .v6 cons.i.den.ing apptov-ing an expansive sub-d-i.vizion within 100 yards os out
house. In a meeting with out neighbots, no one bound thus acceptable in any way.
Futthetmote, the ovetwhetm.i.ng consensus o6 opinion was that curtent ptana desttoy
the harmony cuLtentty witnessed .in the exd,5t.ng ecotog.i.cat st4uctute.
We acknowledge that people have a tight to do with theiA land/ptoperty as they
wish; however, 6houtdn't the tights o6 devetopets (who do not wish to .live .in the
area) be tempered with the tights o6 the ne.ighbots in an area who wish to maintain
thei4 estabti,6hed way o6 tire? A sub-d-i-viz ion adds nothing" o6 va.tue to a tutat
community anymore than we would add to a city neighborhood by putting roosters and
horses .in a back yard. Fort Coltins needy continuity in ne.i.ghbothoods whethet they
ate tutat of urban.
Nat.ionat Cash Register (N. C. R.) is p.tanning a tatge 6acit ity on the west side
o6 County Road #9 tight actors the toad 6tom Hewtett-Packard. Thete ate already
about 2,800 employees at H.P. that bt.ing consddetabte tta66-ic to the area. Once
N.C.R. builds their new 6acil.ity that wilt add hundreds o6 add.itionat cats to the
tta66ic 6tow, causing mote congestion, no.vse and poituti.on. With the sub-d.iv-i.s.i.ons
already ptogtess-ing tap.idty atong East Horsetooth Road and onto the west side o6
County Road #9 the area has atteady Leached mote than a maximum density. We also
note that Fott Cottih,6 is expet.ienc ing an urban spkawt, but there ate a good many
"pockets" o6 undevetoped Land both north and west o6 out area. Gtowth without
cate6ut ptanni.ng invites all the ptobtems o6 big cities and out "Choice City"
w.itt no longer be that. Cutrent ptana Got development add to the v.isuat and
envi,tonmentat pottut.i.on not to mention the vaei.d concerns about security.
An addd t..ionat problem, at .Least to us, is that those w.l shing to devetop
the .Land adjacent to out western ptopenty tine want to nun theiA storm drainage
water into our ponds. Itt.igat.i.on waters was attowed but storm dtai-rage eatty.ing
oil 6tom cats, .i.nsect.i.c.i.du 6tom lawns, etc. a not "hi,6tot.icat" tun-o66 and is