31741 RCR #35
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
August 19, 1994
Rob Wilkerson
Department of Natural Resources
City of Fort Collins
281 North Collage Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
RE: Telephone conservation August 16, 1994
Dear Rob,
The following is my understanding of our phone conservation the morning of
August 16, 1994. Please respond if you feel the conversation was different or you have
any additional comments. .
Shall the Applewood irrigation ditch be installed in a pipe? The City Department
of Natural Resources will not require that the ditch remain open.
2. The wetland in Parcel A between lots 8 and 9 of Cottonwood Ridge may naturally
reduce in size because of the loss of water from the Applewood irrigation ditch.
The owners of lots 8 and 9'may in the future redelineate the wetlands, replat the
lots and parcel A to reflect the smaller wetland. The City Department of Natural
Resources does not want a note on the plat that refers to replating of lots.
Eric Thayer
Sanford & Nona Thayer
appropriate development, protection, or mitigation activities
which will occur in conjunction with the disturbance of these
Robb Wilkinson
Senior Environmental Planner
CC: Steve Olt, Planner
Karen Manci, Wildlife Ecologist
Commt y Planning and Environmental -vices
Natural Resources Division
City of Fort Collins
August 23, 1994
Eric Thayer
31741 RCR #35
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
303 879-1578
RE: Attached letter dated August 19, 1994
Dear Eric:
Thank you for following up on our phone conversation with a
letter outlining your understanding of our discussion. I agree
that item one as stated is consistent with our conversation.
However, I believe the following wording for item two is more
consistent with my statements.
2. The loss of water contributed by current seepage from the
Applewood irrigation ditch may result in a reduction in the
size of the wetland in Parcel A between lots 8 and 9 of
Cottonwood Ridge. However, the City Department of Natural
Resources does not want a note on the plat that refers to the
re -platting of the lots should the wetland shrink in size
after the Applewood lateral is piped. Since the wetland lies
within a natural drainageway, has steeper topography, is part
of the larger natural area associated with the gulch, and
therefore serves other natural area values, we believe this
Area should remain open and protected from grading,
landscaping "improvements", and construction, in perpetuity.
We do not believe the replatting of this area into the
proposed lots is warranted, even if the wetland shrinks over
time. In addition the adjacent lots should have construction
and grading limits delimited on the plan.
In addition, as a result of my visit to the site with the
City's Wildlife Ecologist, Karen Manci, I am requesting that
prior to Final Submittal, the lot lines of lots proposed within
or adjacent to identified areas of natural value .(the ravine, the
trees, and the wetlands), should be staked, followed by an
additional site visit with you to assure that the proposed
impacts and intrusions on existing Natural Areas are fully and
completely identified. Areas of conflict between Natural Areas
values and proposed development need to be delimited on the
plans, and we will need to have further discussions regarding
281 �. College Ave. • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80322-0580 ! (303) 221-6600