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signalize the intersection, but it would be difficult to overcome CDOT codes; or, 2) we could
remove the left -in, but the negative affects would outweigh the potential benefits.
51. I would tend to think signalizing the Wheaton and Lemay intersection would be helpful.
How would speed humps work with, or conflict with, storm drainage issues?
RESPONSE: There would have to be the appropriate gutter capacity to convey storm
drainage flows on both ends of the speed hump. The developer's engineer would have to
verify that there will be no ponding on the upstream side of the speed hump.
market needed, but it is certainly less than 100%.
40. Where do the 15,000 vehicles per day come from when studying a two mile radius?
RESPONSE: The trip generation study is bases on national surveys (surveys from all over
the country) of similar shopping centers at peak times. The 15,000 vehicles.per day are not
new trips, rather, they are redistributed existing traffic patterns.
41. We are more concerned with 15,000 cars than we are with trucks. We would like to see the
problems solved beforehand ... prevented rather than treated.
42. We would like some assurance that the housing units will be maintained, as the seniors'
community is (Ivy Court). Would the City compromise the setback requirements along
Harmony (80') to lessen the impact on Monte Carlo?
RESPONSE: That would be up to the Planning and Zoning Board.
43. Could pedestrian and bike ways be included as part of this development/plan,. as opposed
to waiting for the City to do it?
44. Will the Wheaton and Lemay intersection be signalized?
RESPONSE: It's not planned at this time.
45. I'd like the Safeway placed as close to Harmony as possible.
46. I'm concerned with the upkeep and appearance of the duplexes.
47. I'd prefer an enclosed center, one without access to the neighborhoods.
48. Why not berm and landscape the Harmony side of the development?
RESPONSE: The 80 foot buffer along Harmony will be landscaped.
49. You should address safety issues as well as travel times when studying traffic.
RESPONSE: Our traffic engineering consultant will investigate travel times on the
assumption that routes with the shortest travel time will be preferred.
50. Will anything be done to increase the safety of turning off Harmony onto Wheaton?
RESPONSE: That is a State Highway Access Code issue. There is an existing % access with
left -in, but no left -out. To improve this situation, two things could be done: 1) we could
RESPONSE: We really don't know at this point, but would expect that with the planned
densities and location the units would be affordable, or low priced.
32. How do we know the loading areas will not be too noisy?
RESPONSE: The actual loading areas will be enclosed. There will be landscaped buffers,
and the loading areas will not be immediately adjacent to the residential areas.
33. We don't like the idea of affordable housing at this location. I do, however, like the concept
of new urbanism and would like to see the combination of ethics and corporations manifest
in reality.
RESPONSE: Safeway is definitely willing to be a trend-setter by setting a precedent of
excellence with this development; however, we do not believe that a pure new urbanism
formula would work on this site.
34. What is Safeway's commitment to maintaining the quality of the site, even if they close
RESPONSE: We have no choice but to maintain the site; if the site is not maintained, it is
a zoning violation.
35. I live on Ivy Court, and I fear that I'm going to be in constant competition with traffic from
the shopping center to get in or out of the complex.
36. Which plan (of the three presented alternatives) do you prefer, and why?
RESPONSE: We don't really want the store to be out on the street (Harmony) and we don't
want it to face the residential. But, there have been no decisions made as to which plan we
will go with. Whichever we do choose, will still need some adjusting though.
37. I'm concerned about the appearance of putting all the traffic and parking in the front of the
center,. like King Soopers at University Mall.
38. Are you going to consider using a safety guard for children crossing the streets?
RESPONSE: We'd be glad to look into it.
39. The new urbanism concept is probably not functional. What was the market area you
considered in your studies? What was the radius? What percentage of this market do you
need to capture for the store to survive?
RESPONSE: We studied a two mile radius. We haven't pin -pointed the percentage of this
24. Is there enough parking allotted for the residential areas on the plan?
RESPONSE: That is part of the tweaking of the plans that is needed, as mentioned earlier.
25. Is the parking shown on the plans going to be enough for Safeway? Will there be spill -over
into the neighborhoods?
RESPONSE: The amount of parking allotted should be enough, and it's convenient.
Convenience is a key to parking for grocery stores and, for this reason, it would be very
surprising to see any parking spill -over into the neighborhoods. That is, it would not be
convenient to park in the neighborhoods when going grocery shopping at Safeway.
26. Pedestrians and bicyclists should be accommodated, and these accommodations should be
separated from the street and automobiles.
RESPONSE: We agree completely, and will make all practical attempts to link the sites for
pedestrians and bicyclists, especially to and from the north, east, and west.
27. Will truck traffic be limited? How?
RESPONSE: We agree that it should be, and we will attempt to be sensitive to the residential
areas when doing so. We would be glad to post the necessary signs to accomplish this goal.
28. Are you concerned with how the development of the Pioneer site will affect this Safeway's
ancillary retail?
RESPONSE: We're not convinced that the Pioneer site is a good location. We do not
believe that grocery stores on College Avenue are a good idea. In general, no we're not
concerned enough to back out of our plans, to say the least.
29. I'm worried that using speed bumps will have the affect of pushing traffic out to the
neighborhood streets, in attempt to avoid the bumps.
RESPONSE: We agree that this could be an unwanted impact. For this reason, we'd prefer
to use other/different means of traffic calming, such as detailed paving (i.e., different color
pavement or cobblestone).
30. If you move Monte Carlo down, in front of the duplexes, you would have a straight thru
street that could accommodate school buses. This would also keep most of the activity of
this street away from the congestion of the shopping center.
31. What would be the price range for the duplexes? We'd like to see it stay on the higher end
(i.e. not affordable housing).
RESPONSE: Safeway has some/limited input on their routing patterns, but mainly through
site design and planned access off the arterials.
17. What will be done, or how do you plan, to control light and noise pollution?
RESPONSE FROM CITY: Would recommend using High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lighting
because it produces less glare and better quality light; would use lower heights and wattage
on fixtures around the perimeter of the site; and, would use fixtures that will direct the light
appropriately (downward toward targeted areas) with as little spill -over as possible.
RESPONSE: Also, the way the lights are mounted can greatly limit pollution and glare. As
for mitigating noise impacts, the building massing and landscaping massing will greatly
address these concerns, and the service areas will be sited away from the residential areas,
18. . Will there be trees on top of the berms?
RESPONSE: Yes, and there will be street trees as well.
19. What will be Safeway's hours of operation, and can these ever be changed?
RESPONSE: They must close between the hours of 12 and 5, and all deliveries will be
limited to after 7 a.m. These hours cannot change without a variance from the City, and we
do not intend or even want to go through that process.
20. How realistic is the plan that includes the residential uses?
RESPONSE: At this point in time, it is as realistic as the other two; however, we would need
to adjust the density transitions and the location of Monte Carlo.
21. Will there be an Overall Development Plan and/or phases of development?
RESPONSE: There will not be an O.D.P., but there will be a Preliminary P.U.D., which is
more precise than an O.D.P.
22. Will there be design guidelines for future phases?
RESPONSE: Everything should be built in the first phase of development. If any building
footprints/pads are not built or completed in the initial phase, everything else will be
completed, including but not limited to the plaza and all landscaping.
23. The Visual Preference Survey found a preference for the "Old Town" look; do we want
suburban type design in this shopping center or, rather, Old Town/downtown type designs?
islands, b) speed bumps/humps, and/or c) a bike path and a divider with trees? Most of these
concerns and considerations focus on the fact that many, pedestrians, especially children,
walk along the north side of Monte Carlo to get to and from Kruse Elementary.
RESPONSE: These are all good ideas that have proven effective in Boulder. There is
already enough existing right-of-way on Monte Carlo for a separated bike/pedestrian path,
and we'd be more than willing to explore the options. We would, however, need to work
with the City's engineering and transportation departments, and City funds may have to be
10. Why do you need to gain access off of the neighborhood streets (McMurry and Wheaton)?
RESPONSE: As Harmony is a State Highway, there are many restrictions on curb -cuts. In
response to this situation, we can work to limit cut -through traffic (through the
11. Can't you keep all the traffic on the main street (Harmony)?
RESPONSE: This would put neighborhood residents on a major arterial street for a local
destination. This is unnecessary and has a tradeoff on the efficiency and function of a major
arterial. Also, this would still impact Monte Carlo.
12. If you face the Safeway toward the southwest, the traffic would filter to Harmony and
RESPONSE: This would not be sensitive to the residents to the north, and our goal is to be
as sensitive to these people as possible.
13: You should not eliminate Monte Carlo because there is an existing agreement with the school
district to direct its traffic onto Monte Carlo.
14. As I'm concerned with not only the entering traffic, but also the exiting traffic, why not get
rid of the McMurry/Ticonderoga access?
RESPONSE: I really do not think that would address your concerns or solve the problems,
but we're certainly willing to look into it.
15. How will you accommodate traffic from the south?
RESPONSE: We are planning to do some testing to answer this question. There is an
existing left -turn -in access at the Harmony/Wheaton intersection.
16. How will you control non -Safeway trucks?
simply be a redistribution of traffic patterns. The actual traffic generation estimates are not
done until a site plan is finalized; however, preliminary estimates are for approximately 12-
15 thousand vehicles per day which should be made up mostly of local traffic/consumers.
We are willing to explore ideas of traffic calming mechanisms for neighborhood streets; after
all, this will be a neighborhood center and not a regional center. We are certainly willing to
consider such measures as speed bumps/humps, stopping of traffic, pedestrian
improvements, etc.
4. I'm happy with the "new urbanism" ideas, but fear that they might not be realistic in this
location. I would encourage you to av6id closing Monte Carlo.
5. I'm concerned about Safeway's commitment: how do we know this will not be a transient
store that will go out of business and leave behind large buildings that are difficult to convert
to other uses i.e.Chucky Cheese (College and Prospect), Michael's (Foothills Parkway), Gart
Brothers'.(College and Mulberry)? What certainty do we have that you'll still be here ten
years down the line?
RESPONSE: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee success; however, Safeway will be making
a $7 million investment and will do everything within its power to make sure this store is
successful and stays "with the times." Basically, our success is up to all of you; if you all
shop there, we will stay in business. Remaining convenient and current with consumer
demands will be key elements to our success.
6. What will be the lines of sight? How much of and what parts of the building will be visible
from the neighborhood?
RESPONSE: The buildings will be 20-25 feet in height at the peaks. There will be 6-8'
berms with trees on top. The maximum height in the back of the buildings will be
approximately fourteen (14') feet. Base elevations will be slightly higher than Monte Carlo,
but this should be mitigated by landscaping.
7. There's another grocery store nearby, Steele's, and it's locally owned. Can you compete
with them?
RESPONSE: We believe it's a two -horse town, so to speak, and that there is enough room
in the market for competition.
8. What will be the term of your lease?
RESPONSE: We intend to fully own the site. Also, none of the stores Safeway has opened
in the past five years have gone out of business.
9. I have many concerns regarding traffic. What would be the possibility of. a) traffic calming
PROJECT: Harmony Village Center P.U.D. (Safeway)
DATE: November 14, 1995
APPLICANT: Katy Press, Real Estate Development Manager
CONSULTANT: Dennis Wyatt, Wyatt and Associates
PLANNERS: Ted Shepard, Senior Planner
Mitch Haas, City Planner
The proposal is for a commercial, neighborhood shopping center Planned Unit Development on
approximately 17 acres of land. The proposal contains a mix of uses including retail and residential.
The property is located south of Monte Carlo Street, east of Wheaton Drive, west of McMurry
Avenue, and north of Harmony Road. The applicants brought three conceptual site plan alternatives
with the purpose of seeking input and comments from the residents of the area. (Unless noted, all
responses are from the applicant or her consultant.)
With reference to plan #2, how would the semi -trucks be routed?
RESPONSE: The trucks will come in from the entrance behind the Safeway to the loading
area, and then travel through the parking area, exiting to the west. The loading area will be
located in the back of the building and will be screened by landscaping. Monte Carlo will
not be used.
2. What will keep trucks from traveling on Ticonderoga?
RESPONSE: The logical routing pattern with other Safeway stores in town would preclude
use of Ticonderoga. That is deliveries are coordinated with other stores and the routes used
are those that are most direct. Ticonderoga would not be part of this route.
3. How many vehicles per day will be needed to travel through the site for the center to
survive? How will car and truck traffic impact the movement of children along Monte Carlo
to and from Kruse Elementary School?
RESPONSE: Most of the vehicles and traffic generation will not be new. Rather, it will