February 8, 1996
Page 7
41. Note Number Three on the Cover Sheet indicates that the height at the Safeway
entry is 38 feet. This seems very high and does not scale to 38 feet. Does this
need correcting? If not, 38 feet seems very high.
42. Please note the correct spelling of "McMurry" Drive. Descendants of the family
who farmed the area and for whom the street is named are sensitive to incorrect
spellings which first occurred on early plat maps and street signs.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Other comments from City Utility
Departments may be forthcoming under separate cover. In order to stay on schedule
for the March 25, 1996 Planning and Zoning Board hearing, please note the following
Planrevisions are due March 6, 1996.
10 prints, P.M.T.'s, and renderings are due March 18,.1996.
As always, please feel free to call our office to discuss these comments or to set up a
meeting with the appropriate Staff to discuss the comments in depth.
-Lk J&rxl4k
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
Ms. Linda Ripley
February 8, 1996
Page 6
feature tree grates. If a symbol is used, please add to the legend on the Cover
32. Please label on the Site Plan the location of the transit stop.
33. The Cover Sheet should add a note stating the limitation on the hours of
operation based on the Harmony Corridor Plan. The Plan states that the hours
of operation of the center shall be between 5:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m.
III. Section Three - Landscape Plan Comments
34. There are seven long parking bays in front of Safeway and Retail "B" buildings.
These bays should be treated with one additional landscape island each at their
midpoints to break up the long asphalt surface.
35. All parking lot islands should feature shrubs to cover at the time of maturity.
Shrubs should achieve a three to four foot height. An image of the Harmony
Market parking lot was rated highly on the Visual Preference Survey due to the
two trees and the 10 shrubs per island which contributed to shielding tires and
36. On the west side of Safeway's truck dock screen wall, there should be
foundation shrubs to help soften the wall and create a more attractive area for
pedestrians using the adjacent path.
37. It is recommended that the back sides of Buildings B, C, and D be investigated
for shrub beds. These are long facades that would benefit from some relief.
38. Please specify the height of berms where indicated. Also, please indicate the
height of the berm behind Safeway in relationship to the grade of Monte Carlo..
39. Please add the following note to the Landscape Plan:
"Developer shall ensure that the Landscape Plan is coordinated with the
plans done by other consultants so that the proposed grading, storm
drainage, or other construction does not conflict nor preclude installation
and maintenance of landscape elements on this plan."
Section IV - Other Comments
40. On the architectural sheet, please indicate the general shade of the concrete
roof tiles.
Ms. Linda Ripley
February 8, 1996
Page 5
26. Please indicate that the Safeway service area will feature a masonry screen wall
"to match the building."
27. There are two electrical transformers behind Buildings B and C. Are these
locations within ten feet of hard surface for emergency change -out by a boom
truck? They appear to be isolated and, therefore, may attract undue attention. It
is suggested that they be pulled back next to a building so a screen wall or
landscaping will help them become more discreet.
28. Lighting will be an important aspect of this commercial project. Much of the
lighting details are expected to be specified during Final review. During
Preliminary, however, please note that the Harmony Corridor Plan calls for
project lighting to use high pressure sodium as the light source. Also, at the
Preliminary stage it is appropriate to add the following note to the Cover Sheet:
"All lighting, both building and pole -mounted, shall feature down -
directional, sharp cut-off luminaries. All lamps to be high pressure
29. Please be aware that at the time of Final, lighting information and specification
sheets must be provided. The Final P.U.D. must supply detailed information on
fixture types, pole style and color, and the number of watts per lamp. The
objective will be to concentrate illumination where it is needed, and minimize
illumination on the perimeter, particularly on the west and north adjacent to
residential areas. The Light and Power Department is available to assist in
designing a lighting plan that meets your illumination requirements and
conserves energy over the long term. (Advanced Energy recently utilized Light
and Power in an advisory role to design a lighting system and may be used as a
30. As with lighting, noise issues are typically addressed in detail at Final. In
particular, there are concerns that the rooftop mechanical equipment and the
trash compactor will be noisy and be heard from the properties to the north of
Monte Carlo. For Preliminary purposes,. please add the following note to the
Cover Sheet:
"Trash areas and mechanical equipment will be acoustically buffered so
that operations will not exceed maximum noise levels as specified in the
City's Noise Control Ordinance."
31. Please indicate that the main sidewalk leading to the Safeway entrance will
Ms. Linda Ripley
February 8, 1996
Page 4
This walk should wrap around the light fixture and feed into the entry of Building
H. This walk should also be detached from the curb by a parkway strip featuring
street trees.
20. Staff is concerned about the drive-thru lanes shown on Lots E and H. It will be
recalled from the Harmony Corridor Plan that only standard and fast food
restaurants are permitted in Neighborhood Shopping Centers, not drive-thru
restaurants. It is not clear whether these pads are drive-thru restaurants or
banks. Please be aware that banks, with drive-thru lanes, are permitted while
drive-thru restaurants are not.
21. Please expand the parking breakdown analysis by indicating the number of
bicycle racks and spaces. Please estimate the number of spaces per rack.
Each building should feature a bike rack that is to be located on concrete but not
interfere with pedestrian walks. Locations should be safe, convenient, and near
the entries. Safeway should feature more bike parking than the other buildings.
The bike racks should be shown on the site plan and indicated in the legend as
"B „
22. The site plan should indicate the type and location of pedestrian crosswalks.
Crosswalks should be identified in detail as to vertical control (raised or flush)
and material (pavers, scored concrete, or painted). Crosswalks and sidewalks
should be connected by a ramp indicated on the plan and in the legend as "R."
Be sure to provide crosswalks to connect Buildings D to E, F to G, and H to I. In
particular, will the large crosswalk that identifies the central plaza be raised? A
raised crosswalk would be effective and act as an "invisible policeman."
23. Please provide a sidewalk connection from the eight foot path in the 80 foot
buffer area to Building H.
24. Each building must be equipped with a trash enclosure. Please provide
adequate space for containers for recyclable materials, not just trash. Please
add the following note to the Cover Sheet:
"All trash enclosures shall be constructed of materials to match the
building. Gates may be metal or wood. Minimum height is five feet. ___..__
25. Will Safeway utilize a trash compactor? If so, please indicate the location. If it is
to located within the structure, please state in the aforementioned note.
Ms. Linda Ripley
February 8, 1996
Page 3
with this main. The plans should indicate the location of this main so that tree
placement and grading be reviewed for potential conflicts. Please contact
Roger Buffington at the Water and Wastewater Utility to coordinate so there is no
conflict between stormwater detention and water main location.
13. The stormwater runoff will be routed to the Golden Meadows detention pond and
natural area. The Parks and Recreation Department is concerned about the
quality of the stormwater runoff due to the large parking lot and the potential
impact on the pond and natural area. It is likely that the stormwater runoff may
have to be pre-treated in accordance with the best management practice and
standards of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (metro Denver).
14. During the construction period, the detention pond and natural area are
particularly vulnerable. The Erosion Control Plan will be evaluated for protection
measures during all construction phases.
15. The Stormwater Utility cautions that offsite work on the Warren Lake Outlet Ditch
crossing may be required.
16. Detailed comments from the Stormwater Utility will be forthcoming under
separate cover.
17. The City uses Section 3103 and Appendix 3106 of the Uniform Building Code in
reviewing compliance for handicap accessibility. Please note that this includes a
designated and marked accessible route of travel between all buildings'
entrances and exits and the public sidewalk. Running slopes, cross slopes,
crosswalks, and signs must comply with the U.B.C. Handicap accessible parking
spaces must be located on each lot and comply with the U.B.C.
II. Section Two - Site Plan and Cover Sheet Comments
18. Between Lots F and G, on the east side of the Harmony Road access drive, a
sidewalk should be added to match the walk on the west side of the access
drive. This walk should also extend south to tie into the walk along the Harmony
Road buffer. This walk should also extend north to tie into the central plaza. As
with the walk on the west side, it should be detached from the curb by a parkway
strip featuring street trees.
19. Similarly, between Lots H and I, on the south side of the Wheaton access, a
- sidewalk should be added to match the walk on the north side of the access.
Ms. Linda Ripley
February 8, 1996
Page 2
5. The neck -downs at McMurry/Monte Carlo may need further refinement for
effective traffic calming. As with the above comment, the final design of this
traffic calming technique should be further discussed with the Transportation
6. Please consider adding landscaping to the neck -down area as was done on
Laurel Street at Remington and Whedbee. This will help with the visual
perception of the narrowing of the roadway section.
7. U.S. West is concerned about the nine foot wide utility easement along the east
and north sides of the property which indicate pedestrian lanterns and street light
poles in the easement. Please be cautioned that nine feet may not be wide
enough to accommodate all utilities. A wider easement may be necessary.
8. The plans do not show the existing telephone pedestals. It appears that the
sidewalk along McMurry Avenue may conflict with existing telephone pedestals.
U.S. West would relocate its facilities at the developer's expense. However, due
to the high costs, it is recommended that the sidewalk plan be modified to curve
around the pedestals. Any relocation of existing telephone facilities would be at
the developer's expense.
9. The relocation of an electrical vault at the Wheaton access will be at the
developer's expense. Light and Power Utility is available to provide an estimate
of the relocation cost.
10. Some of the street trees around the perimeter may need to be shifted in order to
maintain 40 feet of separation from streetlights. Please keep in mind that
ornamental trees may be planted within 15 feet of streetlights.
11. All buildings, except H and E either exceed 5,000 square feet or are out of the
required access for fire equipment. These buildings must be equipped with an
automatic fire extinguishing system. Buildings that are within the fire access
area, and meet fire containment requirements, will not need an automatic fire
extinguishing system.
12. As you are aware, the Water Department is planning to install a large water..._.:_.
transmission main in the 80 foot buffer area along Harmony Road. The design of
this installation is complete. Since much of this area will be stormwater
detention, there is a concern that there may not be enough cover for the water
main. There is also a concern that the landscaping and berming not interfere
Comm»nity Planning and Environmental Services
Current .nning
February 8, 1996
Ms. Linda Ripley
Ripley and Associates
223 Jefferson Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Linda:
Staff has reviewed the request for Harmony Safeway Marketplace Preliminary P.U.D.,
and offers the following comments:
Section One - Utility Comments
1. Since the right-in/right-out access off Harmony Road does not comply with the
1989 Harmony Road Access Control Plan, negotiations must begin with The
Colorado Department of Transportation, Region 4, in order to allow this access.
Documentation must be provided to the City regarding justification for this
access. This documentation should be in form of a request for a variance from
the Access Control Plan based on design criteria of the State Highway Access
2. The City's Engineering Department is the primary liaison with CDOT. Please
refer to the attached comments from the Engineering Department for further
information on potentially amending the Harmony Road Access Control Plan.
Other comments from Engineering are included in this attachment.
3. The Transportation Department is concerned that the proposed modifications to
Monte Carlo do not leave adequate space on the street for bikes. With 24 feet of
width, bikes must compete for lane space with the auto. Since not all bicyclists
will use the detached eight foot path, there should be a striped, on -street bike
lane on the street cross-section. It is suggested that further discussions with the
Transportation Department occur to resolve this issue.
4. Please consider adding a mid -block crossing on Monte Carlo at the area of the
plaza. This crossing should feature a long -wave speed hump and a change in
paving. All walks should feature standard ramps., The lanterns help identify this
crossing to drivers that there are pedestrians in this area.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750
FAX (970) 221-6378 • TDD (970) 224-6002