Project Description for Park South Commercial Plaza, Lots 3A — 3 D.
storm water from the site is anticipated to flow south into a water quality pond, then into the
retention pond.
The landscape has been designed to provide a pleasing streetscape and buffer along the
perimeter of the project. The office building landscaping will soften and enhance the architecture
as well as provide for screening of any mechanical equipment and parking lot. Along Manhattan
Avenue, street trees will be provided in the tree lawn between the proposed walk and curb.
Additional plantings will be provided between the walk and the buildings. The design will
alternate plant groupings with areas of lawn. The plant groupings will break up the buildings as
the site progresses along Manhattan Avenue. The plantings along the south boundary will have
shrub massing and shade trees around a water quality pond and retention pond. The landscape
along the east side, will use riparian shrubs and trees along the banks of the retention pond.
Along the private drive to the north, the landscape will soften the wall of building 1 with evergreen
trees and shrubs. The fence will be a wrought iron style fence with masonry columns every 30'.
The architectural character of the buildings will build on the surrounding architectural themes. A
masonry unit will be used as a wains coat and an EFIS finish will comprise the upper walls. The
office building will be a two story building with covered, column projections on all four sides. The
north and south projections will include second floor balconies and will break up the building
fagade. The perimeter, mini storage buildings will have a pleasing perimeter fagade. Along
Manhattan Avenue the building fagades will step in to break up the length of the buildings. There
will also be a masonry wains coat with an EFIS treatment on the upper walls. The mini storage
buildings along the north and east perimeters will incorporate projecting ribs along the fagade to
help break the building up into.aesthetically pleasing bays. The interior buildings will be of a
simpler design and use prefinished metal on the walls. The interior buildings will not be visible
from the perimeter of the site.
The project is designed to meet the Principles and Policies of City Plan. The site design
incorporates compact, multi - use design, buildings located along the street, articulation of the
architecture, and blending with the surrounding land uses are all evident in the proposed plan.
Thank you for your consideration and we look froward to working with you during the
development review process.
Thank You,
Land Im ges, inc.
Michael Chalon
Landscape Architecture — Site Planning - Photography
408 Whedbee Street
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
December 19, 2000
Planning and Zoning Board members
Troy Jones
Fort Collins Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Ref.: Project Description for Park South Commercial Plaza, Lots 3A — 3D
Dear: Planning and Zoning Board Members,
The site is located just south of W. Horsetooth Road, east of Manhattan Avenue and west of the
Carmike Cinemas. The site consists of 4 lots, 3A, 3B, 3C, & 3D, and is zoned C — Commercial.
The gross acreage of the combined sites is 4.81 acres. The existing zoning, which surrounds the
site, is C-Commercial on the north and east, LMN on the south and RL across Manhattan Avenue
to the west.
The site.layout for the proposed development is designed to provide a multiple use site. In the
northwest, comer of the site a multi - use building is proposed. The building will be two stories,
with'a footprint of 2,250 sf. The building is intended to provide a manager's office and a
residential apartment for the on site manager for the mini storage. The remaining floor area will
be for professional offices. The parking lot for the is located on the south side of the office
building, away from the main views of the site from the street. The remaining site layout is a mini
storage complex. The management office and residence will be housed in the office building.
The main entry into the mini storage development is from the north, off of the private drive, which
separates this project from the existing Autozone and proposed car wash. The entry is aligned
with the eastern drive into the Autozone parking lot. There will be a security gate leading into the
mini storage units. The buildings are laid out in a north — south alignment to minimize units' doors
from being on the north side of the buildings. The building alignment will attempt to maximize the
solar energy of the sun. The circulation pattern within the mini storage buildings divides the
buildings into a compatible size for the residential houses to the west. There is a center drive
running west to east and aligning with Walden Way. This drive breaks the site into 'blocks' that
correspond to the adjacent uses. A third west to east drive at the south end of the site is located
to align with the Dennison Avenue intersection. The two west to east drives are for interior
circulation, fire lanes and the access points to Manhattan Avenue will be for emergency access
only. The main fire lane will be located between buildings 7 & 8 and 13 & 14 and run north to
south. Another north to south fire lane is located along the east side of the site between buildings
9 & 10 and 15 & 10. The required turning radius' for Poudre Fire Authority has been shown.
The southeast area of the site is comproised of a portion of the regional retention pond. The
retention pond extends west into the property about 66' and runs about half of the site north to
south. The remaining area of the retention pond extends south of Carmike Cinema's site. The