1. In recognition of the significant Clydesdale Park PID contribution to the condition of
the public improvements which the City will manage at the time of annexation, and
2. In recognition of the significant PID fund balance which will be transferred to the City
at the time of annexation when the lot owners begin paying City property taxes,
3. Grant Clydesdale Park lot owners a five year storm water utility fee phase -in at
the time of annexation at the rate of 20 percent per year.
Clydesdale Park Homeowners Association
c/o Colorado Association Services
1063 West Horsetooth Road, Suite 100
Fort Collins, CO 80526
July 24, 2014
Issue: Phasing in the storm water utility fee for Clydesdale Park lot owners at the time
of annexation
1. City code (sec. 26-514) permits City Council to temporary reduce the storm water
utility fee at the time of annexation. ,i��ll��' �II'���I�I�i�����;l;;l,,,•
a. Sec. 26-514 (b) states: "In the event thatiAd, City Council has determined at the
time of annexation of a lot or parcel,ld f island that the temporary reduction of the
storm water utility fee is justified) ins order to mitigate the economic impact to the
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annexed properties in light of the relevant circumstances, e,storm water utility
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fee applicable to said lot or parcel may5�be„temporarily reduced :the City Council
pursuant to the schedule set forth in the'ordinauce.1annexing said parcel or lot.'
2. Clydesdale Park voters approved_ a Public Improvement District (PID 50) in
November of 2012 and that.PID has,made significant road improvements.
a. The PID levies a property tax on all, Clydesdale Park jots of 16.258 mil.
b. The PID funds may only be used to maintain public�ir i�p�rovements in the road
right of way.
c. In an effort,to maintain the roads'in.high quality, tho�PID, in collaboration with the
Larimer County Engineering Department, spent about $9 thou. in 2012 to crack -
seal the roads.
d ,r As1part,of the Clydesdale Park annexation considerations, the Fort Collins road
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fltj. department surveyed the Clydesdale Park roads in late 2013 or early 2014 and
concluded°•that the roads met city standards.
�' el ii�11111iIn an effort to�upgrade the roads, the Clydesdale Park PID, again in collaboration
Dili„w,ith the Larimer,Clopnty Engineering Department, spend $143 thou. in June 2014
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tollchip seal all the1roads in Clydesdale Park.
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3. Once annexed, the remaining PID fund balance will be transferred to the City to
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be used to mauitam the'[pl ublic improvements in the road right of way.
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a. Clydesdale$ larklotsibwners will begin paying City property taxes upon
b. The PID fund balance at the time of annexation in the fall of 2014 is estimated to
be about $80 thou. Those remaining funds will be transferred to the City to
manage the road right of way improvements in Clydesdale Park.
4. City Council has granted temporary reductions of the storm water utility fee
during annexations.
a. We understand that the Council granted a five year phase in at 20 percent per year
when southwest neighborhoods were annexed.
b. Their phase -in reached the full storm water fee rate in year five after annexation.