Bob Barkeep Re Lind Property,_ 10g Page 1
From: Susan Joy
To: "Troy.Campbell@searbrown.com".GWIA60.FC1
Date: 3/14/03 10:07AM
Subject: Re: Lind Property, Filing I
That's quite alright! I wish I didn't have to rush you like I did but I had some things I HAD to take care of
before I left at 5. 1 do need to talk to you about getting your plans ready for hearing though. The major
things that need to be taken care of are:
Interim/Ultimate design for all street connections to CR11
All offsite construction easements
The letter from the School District's Attorneys needs to be addressed
Final Grading for the lots - what's shown now is just overlot grading. We (Stormwater and Engineering)
won't let it go to hearing without that being completed.
Your street profiles need need to be completed (see LCUASS for requirements) and the curb return and
inlet information really needs to be there as well as showing how the streets are intersecting with the street
being profiled. The flowline stationing shown is not in accordance with our standards and needs to be
corrected as well. Please see the comments for more information.
The spot elevations shown in the Intersection Details need to be corrected and completed in accordance
with our standards. The mid -block crossing is not to standard and effects the profiles/intersection details.
The curb returns with inlets very close to them need to be detailed so that I can determine whether or not
they meet our minimum curb transistion lengths between the two.
Also, the driveways that are too close to each other (less than 12' apart) need to be moved like we
discussed earlier but moving them will effect the trees and the utility separation distances. I won't
schedule the public hearing until I'm sure that the utilities and landscaping requirements can be met -
especially where the more narrow lots are being proposed.
We are not the only department that decides when you're ready to go to hearing. The various utilities
have to be comfortable with the layout as well as the Stormwater dept. You may even need another Utility
Coordination Meeting depending on how this round of comments go. The plans need to be at 90% before
we'll schedule your project which means that the plans should be pretty much ready to go to mylars with
only minor comments remaining. The plans right now are about 60% complete and I'm guessing there's
still 2 or 3 rounds of review left based on the comments that are left, but that depends on how thoroughly
you can address them with your next round of review.
I hope that gives you an idea of where you're at until you see your comments. Let me know if you'll need
another utility coordination meeting and I'll set one up for you.
Susan Joy
Dev Rev Engineer
>>> "Campbell, Troy" <Troy.Campbell@searbrown.com> 03/14/03 08:12AM >>>
Just wanted to say thanks for meeting with us yesterday after our meeting regarding CR 11. We didn't
mean to keep you late - we just wanted to touch base on some of the items outstanding with the Lind
Property, Filing I.
Have a good weekend,