OKs plans
for bigger
Neighbors worry about
expanded New Belgium.
By JENN FARRELL our Hispanic heritage-
JennFarrell@coloradoan.com "1 feel, in all honesty, this
New Belgium Brewing brewery should never have
Co. moved a step closer to come into our neighborhood."
expanding Thursday night. The Matrixx nightclub is
The Fort Collins planning at 450 Linden Center Drive,
and Zoning Board unani- and there are other breweries
mously approved the overall in the northeast part of Fort
development plan for the Collins, Egon spoke out
brewery, which includes a
While water treatment facility and against the expansion,
community center as well as Cherie Willey, who lives in
brewery expansion. Mem- the area, had concerns about
bers Judy Meyer, Jerry Gaval- traffic and landscaping. She
don, Jennifer Carpenter and said she hoped the brewery
Daniel Bemth, voted yes on would landscape the expan-
the expansion plan. Some sion as nicely as the current
neighbors voiced opposition, area is landscaped and asked
and others had questions what could be done to mini -
about the development mite traffic.
The 49-acre site in north A sign at the facility al -
Fort Collins is zoned industri- ready
directs truck
al, and the brewery's pro- Y from
posed expansion fits with that streets, said New Belgium
zoning, Gavaldon said. He rer co-owner Kim Jordan.
ornmended that, as the expan- The community center
sion gets under way. Bucking- would be available both to
ham and Andersonville neigh- the brewery and to the
borhood residents and New neighborhood, said Angela
Belgium work together to Milewski, landscape archi-
benefit the community. test with BHA Design, which
"How manyother neigh- is working on the project
borhoods in Fort Collins In addition, she said, New
have two breweries and a Belgium donates $1 of every
nightclub in their back yard?" barrel produced to charity
asked Betty Aragon, who and is a big supporter of en -
presented a petition against vironmental programs such
the expansion signed by 123 as wind power and recycling.
people from the Buckingham "New Belgium isn t try -
and Andersonville neighbor- ing to turn their backs on
hoods "We are here to pro- the neighborhood,- Milews-
tect the neighborhoods and ki said.
New Belgium Brewery
looks at increasing its facilities
Current site of vine Drive
,M,.i New Belgium ji,
San Cristo Street
Buckingham Street
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