6. As a result of the above comments, the Utility Plans may have to be revised.
The contact person for revising the Utility Plans is Sheri Wamhoff, 221-6750.
7. The Poudre Fire Authority cautions that portions of the two proposed buildings
are beyond the 150 feet fire access as measured from the curb cut. This will
require the buildings to be equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system.
For further information, please contact Roger Frasco, at the Fire Prevention
Bureau, 221-6570.
8., The I-L, Limited Industrial Zone District allows warehouses and enclosed storage
as permitted uses. The key is that the storage must be "enclosed" in order to be
a permitted use. Consequently, the perimeter fencing must be solid to screen
the outdoor storage. The fence may be solid wood or masonry. Chainlink with
slats will not be allowed. Please revise the site plan accordingly.
9. Please add a note to the plans that there will be outside storage beyond the
enclosed yard.
10. In front of the two parking spaces, there is a location designated for one of the
Honey Locust trees. This location should be shifted slightly to the north since it
now indicated directly over a water line. Before planting, this water line should
be located. The tree should be planted about 10 feet from the water line. This
may involve shifting the other three trees slightly to the north also.
11. Please add the following note to the P.U.D.:
"No trees to be planted within 10 feet of a water or sewer line,
including the water meter pit, and no shrubs within four feet."
12. Please identify the surface treatment of the yard area. Is this area to be asphalt,
gravel, grass?
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please contact the Planning or
Engineering Departments if you have any questions regarding these comments.
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
xc: Sheri Wamhoff, Civil Engineer
Glen Schlueter, Stormwater Engineer
Comm ty Planning and Environmenta. !rvices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
February 29, 1996
Mr. Dennis Smilie
American Mobile Welding
2917 Loch Lomond Drive
LaPorte, CO 80505
Dear Mr. Smiley:
Staff has reviewed the request to amend the American Mobile Welding I-L Site Plan
Review and offers the following comments:
1. The northern 37.5 feet of the lot is encumbered by a transmission line easement
granted to Western Area Power Administration. The note on the approved site
plan states that this easement is a restricted area. Therefore, outside storage
and possible future building should be kept out of this easement.
2. There is a concern that the two possible buildings and miscellaneous outside
storage areas are not shown on the approved Utility Plans. Revisions to the
Utility Plans are needed to account for these structures. In particular, the
drainage and grading for the new buildings must be documented. In addition, an
Amendment to the Drainage Report is needed to address the increase in
impervious surface and,any changes to the drainage patterns. Also, will the two
new buildings require water and sewer services? If so, please indicate. Please
contact Sheri Wamhoff, 221-6750, to begin the Utility Plan Amendment process.
3. The east half of the site is currently shown on the approved plans to drain to the
east. Since new development is proposed for the eastern part of the site, it is
possible that offsite drainage easements will be required and it is also possible
that off -site drainage improvements may be necessary. These requirements will
be determined by the Stormwater Utility.
4. The proposed fence that is shown on the north side of the building goes across
the drainage swale and the detention area. This may be a problem if it impedes
the flow of water in any way._.-
5. The two western most miscellaneous outside storage areas appear to be in the
stormwater detention area. This may cause a change in the detention area
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750
FAX (970) 221-6378 • TDD (970) 224-6002