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City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: PSCO
PROJECT: #7-95D Waterfield P.U.D., 2nd Filing-(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
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City of Fort CollinsCOMMENT SHEET
DATE: December 22, 1997 DEPT: Water & Wastewater
PROJECT: #7-95D Waterfield P.U.D., 2nd Filing-(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the
staff review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17, 1997
-Show and label City of Fort Collins 30" water main and associated
appurtenances in All views.
-See overall utility and landscape plans for other comments.
- sl-}Okti) .tea wT�.
Date: 2 Z —7 Signature:
X Plat X Site _ Drainage Report _Other.
X Utility X Redline Utility X Landscape
Citv of Fort Collins
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: Park Ping
PROJECT: #7-95D Waterfield P.U.D., 2nd Filing-(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
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PIS _ Site _ Oda
_ Utility _ Rdme U k _landaus
10. The previous plans showed a water quality outlet structure. Why was this removed?
Please provide measures for the treatment of the runoff from this site.
11. The basin widths used to model the on -site developed basins appear to be small.
Please use basin widths that provide overland flow lengths that more accurately reflect
developed conditions. Overland flow lengths for residential settings typically range from
100' to 250'.
12. The percent impervious values need to be based on the actual proposed conditions.
13. Please provide justification for the conveyance element parameters. It appears that
some of these values do not represent the proposed conditions of the site. —
14. Many of the 100-year sump inlet calculations assume ponding depths that are not
realistic, given the site conditions. Please verify that the ponding depths at the inlets can
actually occur and that the depths will not violate street capacity or inundate structures.
15. Please document the tailwater elevations used in the UDSewer models and provide
the input printouts.
Please refer to the redline plans and report for additional review comments.
4. There are several locations where the basin boundaries do not match the proposed
grading. Please verify the basin boundaries with the proposed contours and revise any
related calculations.
5. Vine Drive is shown to entirely drain to the south for the interim condition. This is
twice the amount of runoff that historically drained from the road. Please verify the
capacity of the roadside ditch. Approval from the Lake Canal Company must be
provided to release this undetained runoff into the irrigation ditch.
6. The future condition of Vine Drive and County Road 9E need to be further considered
in the design of the on -site drainage. There must be no on -site drainage swales within the
future road alignment. The future sump conditions of the road should be considered to
determine where these areas will drain and where these areas will tie in with the existing
system. Also, consider the future road alignment for location of the sump areas for the
two access roads for Vine. All proposed drainage facilities must be shown to work for
the interim and ultimate conditions of the arterial streets.
7. The proposed grading of the detention pond appears to block the existing drainage
patterns of the future school site. The pond should be graded to not block existing
drainage patterns.
8. The runoff from basin VD-2 is shown to be deducted from the 2-year historic release
rate. However, an undeveloped condition of VD-2 was assumed. The runoff from basin
VD-2 should be calculated for the future condition of VD-2. This runoff should be
compensated for in the 2-year historic release rate. The Lake Canal Company must
approve of the draining the street flow into the ditch undetained and untreated.
9. Provide more details of the drainage around the apartment buildings. Spot elevations
and drainage arrows should be provided to indicate drainage away from the buildings.
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: DEPT: Stormwater
PROJECT: I.J ATi:5Z P- E D \J ti &I
PLANNER:----o cz
1. The final signed agreement from the Lake Canal Company is needed before final
2. There are many drainage facilities that are located outside the property line of the
project. All of these drainage facilities will require off -site drainage easements, dedicated
by separate document.
3. The 100-year historic flow from the off -site basin to the north needs to be conveyed
through the site. This off -site flow must be included in the sizing of the on -site drainage
facilities. Provide a preliminary design that shows the off -site basin can outfall through
the site.
Cc--. NoM n+Frzh) 6061.
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PROJECT ' "' 0 M7
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: ELCO
PROJECT: #7-95D Waterfield P.U.D., 2 d Filing-(LDGS)
Final 5r
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1997
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— Ugly _ Redline Uft —
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: Engineering
PROJECT: #7-95D Waterfield P.U.D., 2nd Filing-(LDGS)
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, December 17,1907
Please resubmit the utility plans. I will reserve my comments ow-e. a complete set of
utility plans is submitted to the City.
f Md ,/ sik _ Dl>image Report eft
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As you are aware, the City is implementing a new development review process. Plan
revisions may now be submitted at any time. Planning and Zoning Board dates will be
assigned by City Staff when all issues have been addressed.
Please contact me for the number of folded revisions required for each document
prior to the submittal of plan revisions.
Please provide a written response to each of the above stated comments with the submittal
of plan revisions. Please contact me at 221-6206 if you have any questions or concerns
related to these comments.
0400AFIW -
Michael Ludwig, AICP
City Planner
xc: Tim Blandford
Stormwater Utility
file/Project Planner
al. Please provide elevations of all proposed fencing.
am. There are two fewer lots (cottage homes) than approved at Preliminary. Has
the Net Acreage changed? Ordinance No. 52, 1996 required the property
to develop at a "net' overall density of 6 dwelling units per. acre. "Net
acreage" was defined in the ordinance. Please submit additional
documentation which verifies that the "net' overall density (as per Ordinance
No. 52) will remain a minimum of 6 dwelling units per acre.
an. Please add a pedestrian connection from Pochard Drive to Merganser Drive
between Lots 73 and 74/75.
14. The Natural Resources Department offers the following comments:
a. The Natural Resources Department requests a meeting with the applicant
discuss the Groundwater Modeling report and the wildlife impact evaluation
and mitigation plan. This is motivated not so much by major concerns, but
just to insure staff interpretations of reports are correct and to make sure that
we are all on the same page. The meeting should also include City staff
from Stormwater, Engineering, and Current Planning. Please contact Rob
Wilkinson at 221-6600 or Mike Ludwig at 221-6206 to schedule this meeting.
b. The question of impacts of stormwater to the wetland does not appear to
have been addressed in the documentation received by Natural Resources.
Has this been completed? If so, Natural Resources needs a copy of this
C. Natural Resources will be evaluating the engineering and stormwater plans
for consistency with the site and landscape plan.
15. A redlined set of utility plans and comments from the Engineering Department are
attached. Please return all redlined documents to Mike Ludwig in Current Planning
with plan revisions.
16. A redlined set of utility plans, drainage report and comments from the Stormwater
Utility are attached. Please return all redlined documents to Mike Ludwig in Current
Planning with plan revisions.
17. A redlined set of utility plans and comments from the ELCO Water District are
attached. Please return all redlined documents to Mike Ludwig in Current Planning
with plan revisions.
This completes the review comments at this time. Additional comments may be
forthcoming as the various departments and reviewing agencies continue to review this
V. Is the information in the Land Use breakdown correct? Please double'check.
w. Please provide lot dimensions for all lots.
X. Please dimension the widths of all sidewalks.
Y. It appears that some notes are proposed regarding County Road 11 on
Sheet 4 of 10. However, the notes are not printed completely. Please
Z. Please show street trees on Conifer Street.
aa. Please show the names of all streets.
ab. The Final PUD Landscape Plan(s) should show all proposed landscaping
(shrubs, etc.) Please provide the species, size and quantities of all
landscape materials and actual designs of the shrub beds.
ac. Please revise Landscape Note #4 to reference that irrigation system must be
reviewed and approved by the Water and Wastewater Utility.
ad. Please revise Landscape Note #5 to reference that the escrow is for 125%
of the materials and installation. ' '
ae. Is any fencing proposed on the rear of lots around the wetlands? Are there
restrictions? Please provide fencing details.
af. Please show any landscaping from the First Filing where appropriate in a
lighter line weight.
ag. Additional parking lot landscaping is needed at the day care and commercial
ah. Final building elevations of all sides of all buildings must be submitted (not
typical elevations).
ai. Please label the specific type and color of all building materials.
aj. Please provide overall dimensions on the elevations of all buildings.
ak. Please provide an elevation of all sides of the proposed trash enclosures as
well as a enclosure plan. The enclosure plan needs to demonstrate that the
enclosure is large enough to accommodate recycling bins.
g. Please number the first sheet as "Sheet 1 of 4".
h. The project location on the Vicinity Map does not accurately reflect the PUD
boundary: Please revise.
L Please label all subdivisions/property owners adjacent to the boundaries of
the property on the Plat.
Please label all street names on the Plat, dimension the r.o.w. width, etc.
k. Please provide a match line for breaks in Plat information between Sheet 2,
3, and 4.
Please show all easements (access, drainage, utility) on the Plat. For
example, it does not appear that all information is being shown for the day
care and commercial lots.
M. General Note 3 indicates that the maximum building height is 40 feet. Based
upon the building elevations none of the buildings are even close to 40 feet.
Please revise the note accordingly. bv:
n. Please add information to General Note 9 pertaining to the height of exterior
pole mounted lighting. Ds�..
o. Please revise General Not 13 to state that bike rack locations will not
interfere with pedestrian access. Dv,-
. �
P. Please add the same notes requested on the Plat in comments b through6�
q. _ Please provide certifications/signature blocks for Natural Resources/Wetland
and the Ditch Company.
r. The Ditch Company requested a fence along the ditch as part of the First
Filing. Please add this to the Second Filing documents. gyp.
S. The match line information references a total of 9 plan sheets, rather than
10. Please revise. &�..
t. Please provide the street names for County Road 9E and County Road 11.v
U. How does the proposed construction of County Road 11 impact the Weiss
property (relation of bike lanes to fence that was requested at Preliminary,
irrigation lateral, etc.) ? Have all easements been submitted?
f. Please show the trash enclosure location for the day care building.
g. Please provide elevations of the proposed carwash building.
11. A redlined set of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Elevations is attached from the
Advance Planning Department. Staff wishes to meet with the applicant to discuss
possibilities for the re -design of the commercial and day care components of the
plan. Please contact Clark Mapes at 221; 6225 to schedule this meeting.
12. TCI of Fort Collins stated that if the development contains townhome/condominium
units, the owner, or owners association must provide TCI of Fort Collins a
Broadband Utility Easement before construction of telecommunication lines may
begin. For further information regarding this requirement, please contact Reneta
Santoro at (970) 493-7400 Monday through Friday 8:00 - 5:00.
13. The Current Planning Department offers the following comments:
a. Redlined sets of the Plat, Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and Building Elevations
are attached. Please return all redlined documents to Mike Ludwig in
Current Planning with plan revisions.
b. Please re -arrange the signature blocks on the Plat as noted. The preferred
order should be the Owner's Certification/Signature, Notary of Owner's
Signature, Attorney's Certification/Signature, Surveyors Statement/Signature,
Ditch Company's Approval/Signature, Notary of the Ditch Company's
Signature, Natural Resources/Wetland Certification/Signature, Director of
Engineering's Certification/Signature, and Planning and Zoning's
C. Please add a note to the plat identifying who is responsible for snow removal
on sidewalks along Merganser (behind houses). It should be the
responsibility of the developer/HOA.
d. Please add a note to the plat identifying who is responsible for snow removal
on the pedestrian paths. It should be the responsibility of the
e. Please add notes to the Plat regarding wetland protection information
required by the Natural Resources Department. At the time of Preliminary
PUD, this included fencing restrictions, pet leashing requirements, etc.
f. Please add notes to the Plat regarding the underground water table and it's
relation to housing construction on the lots (e.g. basement construction
restrictions, etc.)
7. The Streets Department offers the following comments:
a. Who will be responsible for sidewalk snow removal where lots back up to
Merganser Drive? Please clarify with notes on the Site Plan and Plat.
b. Who will be responsible for sidewalk snow removal on the two pedestrian
pathways? Please clarify with notes on the Site Plan and Plat.
8. The Light and Power Utility offers the following comments:
a. "Paired" water services must be coordinated with Light and Power plans prior
to the installation of the water utility system.
b. The locations of street trees need to be flexible to provide minimum lateral
clearance to streetlights (40' if shade tree, 20' if ornamental tree). Note: Any
changes to the quantities or species of trees will be subject to Minor
Amendment review and approval.
9. The Water Conservation Specialist stated that the landscape plan shall include
the total area (in square feet) for each landscape category. Landscape categories
are distinguished by their water requirements and intended maintenance level.
Examples of possible categories include, but are not limited to, high-water turfgrass,
low water turfgrass, low water planting beds, moderated water planting beds, and
non -plant areas (paved areas, etc.).
10. The Zoning Department offers the following comments:
a.. Please show phasing lines on the landscape plan if the applicant intends to
phase the escrow payment.
b. Please specify what type of ground cover is proposed for areas not
specifically noted (turf, native grass, etc.).
C. A bike rack is needed for the day care building.
d. The exit from the retail/business office at the comer of Cormorant and
Muscovy may be dangerous. The entrance to the C-store and day care from
Cormorant near Merganser also appears dangerous. Please consider only
2 entrances/exits to from retail and C-store and reverse the day care building
with parking on the west side of the building (please also refer to Advance
Planning comments).
e. The property is located with the Residential Neighborhood Sign District.
Please show the location of any proposed wall signage on the building
Section 3107. Parking and access aisles shall comply with ANSI A117.1-
1992 with slopes no greater than 1:50 in any direction.
e. Section 504 of the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by
the City of Fort Collins requires that exterior walls of one and two-family
dwellings located closer than 3 feet from a property line be of one -hour fire -
resistive construction. No openings are allowed in such exterior walls. A
parapet extending 30-inches above the roof surface is required unless the
structure complies with the exceptions to UBC Section 1710. Projections,
such as cornices, eave overhangs or exterior balconies shall not extend over
the property line and must comply with UBC Sections 1710 and 504.
f. The code section references above are taken from the 1991 edition of the
Uniform Building Code. The 1997 edition of the UBC is currently being
reviewed for adoption by the City. Similar provisions are contained in the
1997 version. The construction must comply with the building code edition
and local amendments in place at the time of building permit issuance.
3. The Poudre Fire Authority offers the following comments:
a. A minimum of two additional fire hydrants will be required at the southern
part of the complex along Merganser Drive and East Vine, and at the
intersection of Gallinule Drive and Muscovy Drive.
b. Commercial properties greater than 5000 square feet must be fire contained
or.fire sprinklered.
4. The Post Office requests that the applicant make an alternate street name
selection for `Blue Heron Drive".
5. The Mapping Department offers the following comments:
a. Please submit a completed plat with all information for easements, lots, etc.
b. Please check with Emergency Services for approval of street names (see
Police and Post Office comments).
C. The legal description provided does not match the boundary shown on the
d. Please make sure that the name of the project is the same whenever used.
6. The Traffic Operations Department has concerns with the County Road 11, Vine
Drive, and Timberline improvements that are being shown. Traffic Operations will
work through the Engineering Department and Utility Plan process.
City of Fort Collins
December 22, 1997
Country Club Farms, LLC
c/o Cathy Mathis
VF Ripley Associates
1113 Stoney Hill Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Cathy,
Staff has reviewed your documents for the Waterfield PUD 2nd Filing, Final that were
submitted on November 17, 1997 and would like to offer the following comments:
The Police Department noted that the following proposed street names need to be
changed: Cormorant (already exists); Harlequin (sound -alike exists); Blue Heron
(already exists); Pochard Drive/Court (several sound-alikes exist).
2. The Building Inspections Department offers the following comments:
a. Buildings which exceed 5,000 square feet in area must be equipped with an
automated fire suppression system or be compartmentalized by fire -resistive
construction as required by Section 3802, Uniform Building Code as
amended by the City of'Fort Collins.
b. Food service establishments and child care facilities require approval by the
Larimer County Health Department at the time of building permit application.
Please contact Jim Devore at (970) 498-6775 for submittal information.
C. Buildings shall be designed to comply with the Fort Collins Nonresidential
Energy Code (ASHRAE 90.1 with local amendments) or Residential Energy
Code (1995 Model Energy Code with amendments), whichever applies to
each building.
d. The site shall be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with
Uniform Building Code Section 3103 and UBC Appendix Section 3106.
Provide a designated and marked "accessible route of travel' among all the
buildings on the site and building exits and entrances and the public way
(public sidewalk). Accessible routes shall comply with ANSI Al17.1-1992
with running slopes no greater than 1:20 and cross slopes no steeper than
1:50. Where routes cross lanes for vehicle traffic, they shall be designated
and marked as a cross walk. Provide parking and signs per Appendix
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020