Jeffrey A. Svoboda and
Wendy K. Svoboda
1317 Fairview Dr.
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Planning and Zoning Board
c/o Current Planning Dept.
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
RE: Development Proposal -property of 1320 Southridge Dr.
This letter is written to express our opinion regarding the development proposal on our neighbor's property
at 1320 Southridge Dr. We are not in favor of their proposal of garage and separate dwelling. We do not
have a disagreement that they need a garage but we are not in favor of the separate dwelling proposed to
pay for the garage. Our neighbors did sit down with us to explain their intentions, but we do not feel as
though changing the city's zoning in our area, allowing some one to build and maintain a rental unit on
their property, is either wanted or necessary. We recently purchased our home in July of 1994, and it was
our hope and understanding that because of housing prices skyrocketing, the neighborhood was becoming
more and more filtered with new home buyers with a fix -it -up attitude. This area is already overcome by
homes rented to college students, most who already violate the two unrelated family laws, limited parking
and excessive noise. Although we feel for our neighbors, who desperately want to build a garage, we are
not willing to forfeit our own benefits of single family housing to finance such a request. We have also
heard from surrounding neighbors that should this proposal be accepted by the city, that they, too, wish to
do the same thing. You must consider the limited space for homes in this area, and must know that
changing the zoning in this area could be devastating. We also understand that our neighbors have good
intentions to keep this rental under scrutiny of a clean, quiet renter but we have no guarantee that this will
be the norm, having been property managers ourselves for the last nine years, or that our neighbors will not
sale their property or move, leaving a question as to the new occupants.
We have expressed our opinions to our neighbors, so this letter should not come as a surprise, but we feel it
necessary to be explicit to the city, that we are NOT in favor of such a proposal. Please consider our letter
as a plea to halt any further proceedings to change the zoning in our area. If any further correspondence is
needed, please call us at (970)224-2015.
Je&eyA.oboda Wendy K. Svoboda