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14. There is a lot of loitering and vandalism that goes on in
this city block. There is a real concern on Washington's
part about safety and liability. Our customers may not mix
well with Arcade customers due to the age differences. The
arcade is open until 4:00 AM and this block is poorly lit
near the Train Depot.
A. The lighting for the parking lot and surrounding area that
will be installed for this proposed project should help cut
down on all of that. We cannot completely fence in the
proposed parking lot areas due to these offices having night
meetings. We are also concerned about conflicts in the
neighborhood and are willing to work with the property
owners on a proactive basis.
15. The City is exploring options of promoting pedestrian access
from Maple to LaPorte while at the same time recognizing the
security interests of the other property owners. We also
recognize that it is in the.City's interest that
Washington's customers do not rely on City parking on the
west side of the block.
16. I think this proposed project is an excellent idea. And we
welcome it. This project will bring much needed investment
into this area of the downtown which may act as a catalyst
for other property owners.
5. Does your building (Washington's) have a fire sprinkler
A. Yes. And there is a fire hydrant within 50 feet of my
6. Due to having a sprinkler system, the fire department
possibly has less stringent requirements on access to the
back of your building. The old hardware store, now a shoe
store, is also sprinkled and the proposed project will be
sprinkled, too. This may alleviate the concerns about
closing the north -south alley that presently connects
LaPorte to Maple.
7. Carl Glazer, Architect, represents Butch Stockover,
developer. Mr. Stockover intends to build a full -service
car wash -off and auto detail shop on College Avenue directly
east of the proposed Stormwater Utility site. Primary
access to this site is College Avenue. We have an onsite
circulation system and do not need the alley for access.
8. Can my patrons to Washington's use the proposed public
parking lot off Mason Street?
A. We will have to research that a bit further. We are
concerned about the potential parking conflicts between City
night meetings and Washington's customers. There may not be
an opportunity for shared parking.
9. Will the electric and phone utilities be buried underground?
A. We're pretty sure they will.
10. What will happen with the electrical transformers in the
back of Washingtons?
A. We plan to look at those and do something with them. They
possibly can be enclosed or disguised a bit better, however,
I doubt we will be allowed to move or bury them. It would
be too costly.
11. What is the time -table for development?
A. We should start construction in the winter of 196 (Jan/Feb)
and there should be a September 196 occupancy date.
12. Washington's would like to possibly share a common trash
enclosure/recycling pad with the proposed car wash.
13. The car wash facility would like to fence their property in
along the west side (alley) for security purposes. We do
not want our site to become a short cut to downtown.
PROJECT: Train Depot
DATE: May 16, 1995
APPLICANT: City of Fort Collins Stormwater Utilities
CONSULTANT: David Lingle, Aller-Lingle Architects
PLANNER: Ted Shepard
The proposal is known as the Train Depot Rehabilitation Project.
In addition to rehabilitating the Train Depot for use as city
offices, the northerly part of the block is proposed for a new
City Administration office building and parking lot. The Train
Depot and northerly parking lot are immediate projects while
construction of new administration building is a future
consideration at an unspecified date. A future building pad is
being preserved on the southwest corner of the block. This
builidng pad could be sold to a private interest.
1. The project is the Burlington -Northern Freight Depot. We
plan to renovate the existing building and build on an
addition on the east side along the alley. The existing
building is approximately 6,000 sq. ft. The total office
space when completed will be approx. 9,600 to 9,800 sq. ft.
The addition will be one -story -high and compatible with
architecture and brick materials.
2. There will be three vehicular access points to the building.
There will be two curb cuts off Mason Street and one
entrance off Maple Street. We are planning a pedestrian
walkway between 281 office building and the Stormwater
offices. It is planned that a pedestrian system will link
City buildings to Mason, Maple, and LaPorte.
3. We will keep the present grave site of "Annie", the freight
depot dog, where it is and possibly fence around it.
4. I own Washington's Restaurant and I am concerned about the
fire lane on the east side of our building and how difficult
it will be for fire trucks to try and make a turn behind my
A. The City will try to accommodate fire access to
Washington's. We do not want to put any building out of