—--- -I / ---- ,''
23. Will the Payless plaza conflict with the drive-thru lane?
24. Your design would not be my first choice. I strongly encourage you to
compromise and seriously consider some of our suggestions. We are trying to work
cooperatively and proactively with you as this is the purpose of having neighborhood
meetings. I do not think you want our opposition at the P & Z hearing, or at an appeal
to Council. -
RESPONSE: We will look at your suggestions. I think there are things we can do
on the elevations. The plazas may be hard to visualize since we did not do a detail and
the area is covered by trees on the site plan.
25. Will the stormwater runoff be pre-treated so that it does not pollute the wetlands?
RESPONSE: Yes, we have worked with the Stormwater Utility. They prefer that
we construct two water quality ponds at the storm outlets so that solids can settle to the
bottom and contaminants be filtered out. We looked at many alternatives but the water
quality ponds seem to be best management practice. With these ponds, the wetlands
should be protected.
26. The buildings look better than last time.
27. Regarding the street trees versus view preservation, maybe an analysis can be
conducted to see what the impacts of the street trees would be.
RESPONSE: Our guess is that street trees would block the view since they
would be planted so close to the street.
RESPONSE: Keep in mind that the stucco band will be the background for
signage. The signage will be individual letters, no cabinets. Stucco provides the best,
background for high quality signs. Regarding parking, retailers do not like remote
parking that is not oriented to an entry.
17. Will there be conflicts with the left -in and Hobbit Street?
RESPONSE: Our analysis indicates there will be room for 15 cars in the center
left turn lane between Hobbit and the proposed left -in. Based on the volume and
frequency of trips anticipated for these two curb cuts, this should be ample room to
prevent the interlocking left turn problem where cars going in opposite directions
compete for space in the center left turn lane.,
18. No matter what you say, I do not like the left -in off Shields. The street is just too
19. The south elevation of the multi -tenant retail building needs work. Service doors
with security lights will not provide architectural relief. Please consider columns,
pilasters, roof breaks, or anything to enhance this area.
RESPONSE: We can look into this, especially on the western half.
20. 1 am concerned that our economy.may not always be booming as it is now. I
would be concerned about vacant tenant space like Raintree was for so long. Once we
get tenants in there, we need to keep them.
21 Are these buildings subject to the Big Box Standards?
RESPONSE: No, those are triggered at 25,000 square feet.
22. 1 was in the retail business in Campus West for ten years. As a shopping center,
Campus West is poorly designed. It is not supported by the townspeople, only
students. This P.U.D. needs to be more neighborhood -friendly to succeed. You need
more pedestrian plazas and amenities. You should provide more plaza space on the
south and create an exciting place for people to come to. You should tell your tenants
that there has to be a compromise and that the entire orientation and parking cannot be
to the north.
RESPONSE: Keep in mind that our plazas are not small. There are two of them
that measure about 50' x 30'. A lot can be done in this amount of space.
RESPONSE: We have provided four-sided buildings. There will be the same
amount of brick on all four sides so the south side will not suffer in appearance. We
have provided landscaping to screen the loading area.
13. How about providing more plaza seating on the south to take advantage of the
open space to the south? The P.U.D. does not seem to recognize the value of the
green area to the south. You could take advantage of passive solar with all that
southern exposure.
RESPONSE: We anticipate that the eastern endcap tenant of the multi -tenant
building will provide plaza seating on the east and south elevations. Keep in mind that
our retail tenants will need service entries on the south.
14. Will the northern entries be covered and protected?
RESPONSE: Yes, the entries will be covered but there will not be an arcade
across the entire north elevation.
15. The multi -tenant building should be shifted to the north, provide southern entries,
take advantage of the views. Colorado Grill in Park Central (Prospect and Lemay) has
a nice relationship to the Spring Creek Trail that is oriented away from the street. This
P.U.D. turns its back to the amenity.
RESPONSE: Again, I understand what you are saying. Our tenants are telling
me they must have a strong orientation to the streets in order to have exposure to the
arterial drive -by traffic. Without the visual relationship to the street, with a perception of
available parking, it is difficult to attract retailers.
16. If this project were to come through the system a year from now it would be
rejected. The City is in the process of adopting new design guidelines for commercial
development and this project would fail. The amount of parking along Prospect is
excessive and offensive. The buildings should be moved up closer to Prospect for a
stronger pedestrian orientation that is more neighborhood friendly. Parking should be
more distributed. My feeling is that the stucco sign band is a use of cheap material.
This should be upgraded. I support the protection of preserving the views to Long's
Peak since we need to have close contact with our natural environment to protect our
quality of life. Having said this, however, I understand that you have gained Preliminary
approval. In fairness, I do not think you should be forced into a re -design of the P.U.D.
But my preference is for the new urbanism, not the layout as shown.
8. Where is the Payless wall signage in relation to Shields.
RESPONSE: The wall signage would be about six feet above Shields.
9. Will the view of Long's Peak be blocked by Payless?
RESPONSE: Based on citizen input, we have pulled Payless back from Prospect
and located the multi -tenant building as far west as possible to preserve the view of
Long's Peak from the intersection. We have intentionally not placed any street trees
along Prospect for a distance of about 300 feet as measured from the intersection.
This should preserve the view.
10. 1 am concerned that the P.U.D. looks too much like Raintree Shopping Center
with the buildings pulled way back from the street and all the parking located between
street and building. This is a typical "auto -dominated" layout that would probably score
a negative five on the Visual Preference Survey. The P.U.D. contains no "new
urbanism" like pulling the buildings up to the street with imaginative store fronts and
putting the parking in the rear. It looks like a continuation of the South College Avenue
strip. Based on our advice from Peter Calthorpe, this project is too auto -dominated and
lacks pedestrian amenities. I am disappointed that as a City, we are all working very
hard to discourage this type of development.
RESPONSE: We talked quite a bit about new urbanism at the Preliminary and
during the previous neighborhood meetings. Our concern is that the neighborhood
itself is not a new urbanism area and that customers will still need vehicular access.
Our retail tenants tell us that a certain amount of parking, in front of the stores, is critical
to success. We have provided an eight foot wide pedestrian path along the entire south
property line to facilitate bikes and pedestrian. We have provided two plazas that can
be used for pedestrian spaces. The Preliminary P.U.D. was approved based on this
basic layout.
11. 1 must also comment that the east elevation of the Payless building looks stark.
This elevation needs work. How about an entrance on the east or south elevation?
RESPONSE: It will be difficult. The east elevation could probably be enhanced
architecturally but an entrance would not work for Payless. The south elevation is the
service area. There is no parking on the south since the building was pulled back from
12. You seem to be disregarding the view of the center as one comes up from the
south having been on the Spring Creek Trail. This will be a popular approach for Hill
Pond residents as well as other residents to the south.
RESPONSE FROM MS. REID: Yes, there is a cost to add a bus. Mr. Spiess has not
determined whether the new route can be accommodated within the existing budget or
will require additional funding. The Fall routing has not been worked out yet.
RESPONSE FROM MR. SHEPARD: Without knowing whether there is an added
cost, it may be difficult to assess this impact onto the developer. There is no
precedence of assessing a developer to pay for bussing students.
3. Having a large bussed -in population is one of the arguments for converting Irish
Elementary from a traditional neighborhood school into the Washington Core
Knowledge School. Will adding a seventh bus place Bennett at risk for being
considered a location for WCKS?
RESPONSE FROM MS. REID: Yes, both Irish and Bennett are being considered but
safety is a more important concern.
4. As a neighborhood, we support the neighborhood school concept and would
oppose Bennett becoming the WCKS. If this development places our neighborhood
school at risk, then we are opposed any mitigation measure that adds bussing and thus
places Bennett at risk as a neighborhood school.
RESPONSE FROM MS. REID: As principal, I am not opposed to this development.
This property will likely develop as a commercial property eventually as an in -fill project.
My concern is safety. The decision on where WCKS will be this Fall must be made
fairly soon, and probably before this commercial project becomes a reality.
5. The Shields Street elevation for Payless needs work. It looks like a blank wall.
More detail is needed. The condition of Preliminary is that this elevation should feature
architectural details.
RESPONSE: We will ask the architect to add details to this elevation.
6. Will the site have to be raised?
RESPONSE: Yes, in the area of the front of the Payless building, the site will
have to be raised. The site will still be below street level. Incidentally, the raising will
allow us to provide a sidewalk connection from Shields directly to the front entry of
Payless. Before, we did not think we could do this.
7. What is the relationship of Payless to Shields in terms of grade?
RESPONSE: The building floor elevation will be about five to six feet below
Shields. The site is presently about 10 feet below Shields now.
PROJECT: Prospect Park Final P.U.D.
DATE: February 29, 1996
APPLICANT: Mr. Tim Sittema and Mr. Ed Mullaney
CONSULTANTS: Linda Ripley, Ripley and Associates
Ruth Clear, Traffic Engineer
PLANNER: Ted Shepard, Senior Planner
The meeting began with a description of the changes made since approval of the
Preliminary P.U.D. (June, 1995) and since submittal of the Final P.U.D. (January,
1996). The amount of retail square footage has been reduced from 60,300 to 41,500
square feet. The architecture now features a pitched roof with eight feet of brick on the
wall section. A left -in only from northbound Shields is provided. All responses are from
the applicant or consultants unless otherwise noted.
1. At Preliminary, there was a concern that the left -in from Shields would create an
additional street crossing for kids walking to Bennett School from south of the site.
What safety measures have been taken to address this?
RESPONSE: Both the City and the consulting team have been in contact with the
principal from Bennett, Ms. Sue Reid, regarding this issue. Ms. Reid is available to
address this issue.
RESPONSE FROM MS. REID: Safety is our primary concern. Based on the amount
of traffic at the Prospect/Shields intersection and the development potential of this
particular site, we are investigating adding a new bus route for the Bennett attendance
area that is south of Prospect Road. This would be our seventh bus and would make
our school almost entirely a bussed -in attendance area. The two crossing guards at the
intersection would still be provided. Ron Spiess, Poudre School District Transpiration
Director, has been informed and agrees to look into adding a route for Fall of 1996, if
the project becomes a reality.
2. Is there a cost to add a bus? Can we make the developer pay for this cost
based on the impact of the project?