12) Wellbore shall be a minimum distance of one hundred fifty 11 50)
feat fro'
surface property line. if It Is not feasible for the operator to meet this minimum distan'
requirement, a waiver from the offset surface owner shall be obtained. Such waiver shall be
written and filed in the county clerk and recorder's office and with the Director. If it is not
feasible for the operator to meet this spacing requirement and the parties can not reach an
agreement, the operator shall apply to the Director for relief from this requirement.
b. Any interested person may apply to the Commission to have any tract of land
ddsignated as a high density area.
(1) A wellhead location shell be not less than three hundred fifty 1360) feet from any
occupied building or building permitted for construction.
(2) Production tanks and/or associated on -aft production equipment shell be located
I not less than three hundred fifty (3601 feet from any occupied building or building permitted
for construction.
(3) All pumps, pits, wellheads and production IdIloprrient
Otshall be adequately fenced to
restrict access by unauthorized persons.
(4) Where possible, operators shall'provide for of multiple reservoirs
by drilling on existing pads or by multiple completions or commingling in axisting wellbores
(see Rule 320). If any operator asserts it is not possible to comply with, or requests relief
from, this requirement, the matter shall be set for hearing by the Commission and relief
granted as appropriate.
(51 Exceptions to the rotation requirements set out ir) 1 and 2 above may be granted
by the Director if Rule 316 has been complied with and Ilia copy of waivers from each person
owning an occupied building or building permitted for constriction within three hundred fifty
(360) feet of the proposed location Is submitted as pant oflthe Form 2, and the proposed
location complies with all other safety requirements of the rules and regulations. An election
by any person to construct a budding less than three hundred fifty (360) feet from an existing
well or production facility, constitutes an election to waive the three hundred fifty (350) foot
setback rule. '
(6) The setback restrictions contained in Rule 603 b. shall not apply to wells existing
as of May 30, 1902, unless so ordered by the Commission after application, notice and
(7) All other setbacks or safety requirements set out in the rules and regulations of
the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission shall apply but in the event of a conflict,
the more specific requirement shall control.
C. When drilling or well servicing operations are inregress on a well where there
Is any indication the well will flow hydrocarbons, either through prior records or present conditions, there
shall be on the rig floor a safety valve with connections suitable for use with each size and type of tool
Joint or coupling being used on the job. i
d. Rig substructure, derrick, or most shall be designed and operated to prevent
accumulation of static charge.
e. Prior to initiating wall servicing operations, the well shall be chocked for pressure
and steps taken to remove pressure or oIperate safely under pressure before commencing operations.
f. Well control equipment and other safety requirements are:
(1) When there Is any indication that a well wig fowl, either through prior records,
prevent well conditions, or the planned well work, blowouts prevention equipment shall be
installed in accordance withRule 316 or any special orders of the Commission.
-22/01/96 15:21 COGCC 4 3032216378 N0.148 1?05
The rules and regulations in this section are promulgated to protect the health, safety and
welfare of the general public during the drilling, completion and operation of oil and gas wags and
producing fecli ties. They do not apply to parties or requirements regulated under the Federal Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970 (See Rule 212).
The training and action of employees, as well as proper location and operation of equipment
Is an important part of any safety program. While this section Is general In nature, it is considered a basic
part of the foundation of any safety program.
a. Employees shall be familiarized with these rules and regulations as provided herein
as they relate to then function In their respective jobs. Each hew employee should have their job outlined,
explained and demonstrated.
b. Unsafe and potentially angerou conditions es defined by these rules, should be
reported immediately by employees to the supsr�ilaor in ' rge and shall be remedied as soon
.es practical.
Any accident involving injury to wellsite parsoRnil or ` member of the general public whjch requires
hospitalization. or significant damage to equiprent or the wallsite shall be reported to the On and Gas
Conservation Commission as soon as practicable, but in no avant later than twenty-four (24) hours after
the accident.
Where unsafe or potentially dangerous conditions exist, the owner oroperatorshall
respond as directed by an agency with demonstrated authority to do so (such as sheriff, fire district
director, etc.).
C. Vehicles of persons not involved in drilling, production, servicing, or seismic
operations shall be located a minimum distance of one hundred (100) feet from the wellbore, or a distance
equal to the height of the derrick or most, whichever Is greater. Equivalent safety measures shall be taken
where terrain, location or other conditions do not permit this minimum distance requirements,
d. Existing wells are exempt from the provisions of these regulations as they relate
to the location of the well.
e. Exleting producing facilities shall be exempt from the provisions of these
regulations with respect to minimum distance requirements and setbacks unless tbey are found by the.
Director to be unsafe.
f. The Director shag have the authority to grant variances to these regulations after
consultation and concurrence of local authorities. In the absence of concurrence, the Director shall bring
the matter before the Commission at public hearing.
g. Self-contained sanitaryfac(lities shag be provided during drilling operations and at
any other similarly staffed oil and gas production facility.
h. Upon application, notice and hearing, the Commission may modify any setback
requirements provided for in Rules 603 and 604. Notice of such application shall be given to the affected
operator, the local governments[ designee and to the owner of the affected surface structure.
a. In oil areas of the state except those provided for in subparagraph b below, the
following shell apply:
t/ (1) Wellbore shall be located a distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet or one and
one-half (1-1/2) tines the height of the derrick, whichever is greater, from any occupied
bulding, public road, major above ground utility line or railroad.
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•22i01✓96 15c19 COGCC + 3032216378
NO. 148 903
Page Two
Mr. Steven Olt
January 22, 1998
The following specific issues would require modification as proposed on Sheet 2 dated
January 4, 1996:
1. Town Center Drive, Picket Lane, and the proposed traffic circle surrounding the
existing wells would need to be significantly adjusted or rerouted to provide for
adequate 150' minimum setback between the wells and public "ads. If the City
of Port Collins were willing to close the traffic circle and sho portions of the
adjacent streets during future wellsite workover rig operations, his requirement
could possibly be avoided.
2. Development of proposed lots numbered 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 108, 115, 116, 126
and 137 would need to be restricted in such a manner as to ensure that any
occupied dwellings would be a minimum of 150' from the wells This would be
difficult, if not Impossible, to achieve for the proposed lots numbered 39, 40, 41,
108, 115, 126 and 137. it would likely be necessary to reconfigure the layout of
proposed lots to provide for the 150' minimum setback.
If the Hoffman P.U.D. were constructed as proposed, a number ofproblems could
result. The City of Fort Collins would be putting residents of the development in a
situation that state and industry standards would indicate to be. unsafe. After
construction, the only options for remedying the situation would beivery costly and
could significantly impact the property values of adjacent residents or the owners of the
referenced wells. Legitimate claims of takings of private property would likely follow
any attempt to remedy the situation that did not include adequate compensation.
I appreciate your willingness to conslder;COGCC's input in this mattgr. If I can be of
assistance on this or any other issue relating to oil and gas, please �ontact me.
Yours very truly,
Richard T, Griebling
.32i01x'96 1S:18 COSCC -+ 3032216378
NO.148 P02
Roy Romer. Governor
1120 Lincoln St., Suite 801
Phono: (303) 894212100
FAX: (303) 894-2109
January 2.2, 1996
Mr. Steven Olt
City of Ft. Collins Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Qollins, CO 80524
RE: Richards Lake Development
Hoffman P.U.D. and Adequate Safety Setbacks. ''
from the Whiting Petroleum MSSU #30.2 & #30.14 iWells
Dear Mr. Olt: I j
Our staff has reviewed the Hoffman P.U.D. Preliminary Site and Landscape Plan, Sheet
2, dated January a, 1996 (partial photocopy attached) with respect to adequate safety
setbacks from the Whiting Petroleum MSSU #30-2 and #30-14 Wells. As you know,
the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCG) regulates safety with
respect to new oil and gas wells being sited near existing developments. COGCC's
statutory authority does not extend to the regulation of new developments sited near
existing oil and gas wells. However, the principles involved for safety considerations
are essentially the same regardless of whether the well or the development comes first.
i would urge the City of Fort Collins to apply the some minimum safety setback
requirements in the siting of new developments near existing oil and gas wells as
COGCC applies in the siting of new oil and gas wells near existing developments.
The referenced Hoffman P.U.D. as currently proposed does not provide the adequate
150' minimum safety setback from occupied dwellings and public roads as required
under COGCC Rule 603.a.1 (copy attached). The referenced area meets the COGCC
standards for a high density area, and if application were made under COGCC Rule
603.b. leading to high density area designation, a much stricter 350' setback would be
required. 1 am urging the City of Fort Collins to apply only i e minimum 150' safety
setback to the Hoffman P.U.D.
OEPARrMENT OF NATURAL MSOUROES: Jams 8. Lochhoad. Bap Wave gkmor
COGCC COMMISSION: Carolme 8iookwelb Allen Noinle- Brine Johneon- Logan MuMbam Mice1 Maft3po- Clauda Rebna• Marla YrBGme a
COGCC STAPP: MchaN r. Onehhng. Director• Brian J. Macke, Deputy Director- Mari Bea, Mager of EnghleerWe
Paoicia C. Beaver. Manager. ErtmonmennIl b Comm'seioo Agana- Marnan POGO09K MaMgar of Information
.22i01-'96 15:17 COGCC + 3032216378
NO. 148 1p01
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 894-2100
Fax (303) 8942109
/ 2Z Z 196
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