Mr.Rex Fletcher/ Department of the Army
9307 State Highway 121
Littleton CO 80123-6901 -
RE: Hearthfire P.U.D., Nationwide Permit 26,
. Corps File #199580615; Larimer County, Colorado.
Dear Mr. Fletcher:
As per the letter from Mr. Timothy T. Carey of January 13., 1997, regarding
above referenced Nationwide Permit No. 26: Condition Number 8 required:
"The applicant will conduct a spiranthes diluvialis survey for the north
portion of the project. This survey will be provided to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service for review and comment. This survey will be conducted
prior to starting work."
im Sill DARtic
1 —A, .
Mr. Theodore R. Boss of TR Boss Environmental and Biological Consulting had
prepared this study and submitted to Ms. Jan McKee of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service on February 12, 1997.
Ms. McKee has reviewed this study and has stated: "The Service finds the survey
acceptable and agrees that suitable habitat for s. diluvialis is not present within the
area surveyed." I have enclosed a letter from Mr. LeRoy W. Carlson of the U.S.
Department of the Interior which confirms the study is acceptable.
I believe this satisfies the requirements of the Corps for condition Number 8, but
should you have any questions or require additional information, please give me a
call at 970.484.1921.
GN Inc.
om Project Manager
cc: Hearthfire N8
� a � Boo
'Flo'rt E. c �°b`ado
CAW WDoc\Ilanhrire\ I647. Mpril 3. '97
United States Department of the Interior
Ecological Services
Colorado Field Office
P.O. Box 25486
Denver Federal Center
Denver, Colorado 80225-0207
ES/CO: ES/Species/Plants/
Spiranthes diluvialis/ MAR 3 11997
Survey Reports
Mail Stop 65412
Theodore R. Boss
TR Boss Environmental and Biological Consulting
308 Milky Way
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Dear Mr. Boss:
Based on the authority conferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) by the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 eI =.), the Service reviewed the Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute
Ladies' -tresses orchid) survey report prepared by you for the Richards Lake Development Company's
(Heathfire P.U.D.) proposed housing development in Larimer County, Colorado. As indicated in your letter,
the project is located on the north shore of Richards Lake in Fort Collins, Colorado (Township 8 North, Range
68 West, Northwest 'k of Section 30).
The southern portion of the proposed development site was surveyed for the orchid in 1995. This survey was
conducted on the northern portion which was not part of the project in 1995. The Service finds the survey
acceptable and agrees that suitable habitat for S. diluvialis is not present within the area surveyed. Therefore,
the Service concurs with the determination that the proposed project should not adversely affect the continued
existence of this orchid.
We appreciate your submitting the report to our office for review and comment and.your coordination with
our staff. If the Service can be of further assistance, please contact ]an McKee at (303) 275-2370.
LeRoy . Carlson
Colorado Field Supervisor
cc: U.S. Army COE; Littleton, CO (Attn: Rex Fletcher)
Reading File
Project File
Reference: IPM*T&E\ORCHID\ 1997\SDTRB0325. W PF
* Dominance of cattail, with high cover values; and
* Lack of the presence of common associated species (USFWS
Wetland Findings
Five wetland areas were identified at the north site (Figure 2).
The wetlands are described in a Wetlands Delineation Report that
was prepared by TRB in November 1996 and submitted to the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, who accepted the delineation.
Three of the wetland Areas ((A,B,C) are associated with backhoe
pits and a mechanically dug drainage ditch. Cattails are associated
with the edges of the water within the pits/drainage ditch (two
feet below the surface), with steep banks to the upland area.
Wetland Areas D and E have a wetland transition area from the
cattails to uplands in which Baltic rush (Juncus balticus) is
associated with upland grasses and ruderal forbs. Wetland Area E
and the adjacent upland area have been mechanically disturbed.
1995 Riverside Technology, Inc. Ute ladies' -tresses orchid Survey
(South Site)
The 1995 study resulted in no occurrences of Ute ladies' -tresses
Results of habitat surveys conducted by TRB With Regards to Ute
Ladies' -tresses orchid Habitat (North Site).
Based on a habitat suitability rating, TRB determined that the
wetlands and wetland fringes were poor and/or marginal Ute ladies' -
tresses orchid habitat.
Such habitat is characterized by one or more of the following
orchid indicators: .
* Highly disturbed area (e.g. grazed and trampled, and
mechanically disturbed);
* Steep slopes from wetlands to uplands (Wet;and Areas A,B,C);
* Presence of ruderal (weedy ) plant species adjacent to the
cattail and mixed with the Baltic rush areas adjacent to
cattail in Wetland Areas D and E;
at least temporarily during the spring or summer growing
seasons. Associated vegetation typically falls into the
Facultative Wet wetland vegetation classification category (as
used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for wetland
delineation). The species occurs primarily in areas where the
vegetation is relatively open and not very dense, overgrown, or
overgrazed. Although very rare now, it is estimated that it was
once common in low elevation riparian areas in Colorado, Utah,
and Nevada."
Prior to the first habitat analysis, the Larimer County Soil
Survey, the Wellington, CO -USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle,
aerial photographs of the site, and a Ute ladies -tresses survey
report for the southern part of the Hearthfire P.U.D. (Riverside
Technology, Inc. 1995) were reviewed.
Project Description
The Richards Lake Development Company is proposing a housing
development (Hearthfire P.U.D.) on the north shore of Richards
Lake in Fort Collins (T8N R68W Sec. 30 NW 1/4)) (Figure 1).
A Ute Ladies' -tresses orchid survey was conducted in 1995 for the
development proper (south site); however, the north site was not
surveyed because, at the time of the survey it was not part of the
Wetlands areas within the north site would be traversed by an
access road and/or be transformed into pond areas. The impacted
wetlands are palustrine emergent wetlands, and are dominated by
cattail (Typha spp.). The wetlands are maintained by groundwater.
At the time of the habitat surveys groundwater was approximately 2
feet below the ground surface.
The access road and ponds would -impact approximately 1.25 acres of
wetlands. The wetlands have been grazed by cattle and horses since
1977. Before 1977 the site was used as an irrigation pond
(reference the 1980 Larimer County Soil Survey).
On October 17, November 19, and December 27, 1996, T.R. Boss
Environmental and Biological Consulting (TRB) conducted habitat
analyses concerning wetlands that would be impacted by the
Hearthf ire P.U.D. access road in north Fort Collins, CO (Figure 1).
The data from the three analyses are used with regards to a
reconnaissance habitat survey for the Ute-Ladies'-tresses orchid
(Spiranthes diluvialis).
The habitat reconnaissance survey is to fulfill the requirements of
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Interim Requirements and
Guidelines for the Federally Threatened Species Spiranthes
diluvialis (USFWS, November 23, 1992).
The habitat analyses were conducted by Ted Boss. Dr. Boss has
completed the qualification requirements established by the USFWS
to conduct Ute-Ladies'-tresses orchid surveys. Information
regarding his qualifications is located in the USFWS Colorado Field
Office, Denver, Colorado (Ref:JBG*ES\ORCHID\1994\SDLSR176). Interim
criteria developed by the USFWS were used to identify the field
reconnaissance survey for the Ute-Ladies'-tresses orchid.
The USFWS (1992) developed a typical habitat description for Ute
Ladies' -tresses orchid:
"Spiranthes diluvialis occurs in seasonally moist soils and wet
meadows near springs, lakes, or perennial streams and their
associated floodplains below 6,500 feet elevation in Utah,
Colorado, and Nevada. Typical sites include old stream channels
and alluvial terraces, subirrigated meadows, and other sites
where the soil is saturated to within 18 inches of the surface
February 12, 1997
Ms Jan McKee
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Colorado Field Office
P.O. Box 25486
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0207
RE: Ute Ladies' -Tresses Reconnaissance Habit Survey, Hearthfire
P.U.D., Ft. Collins, CO
Dear Ms McKee:
Enclosed is a Ute Ladies' -Tresses Orchid Habitat Survey Conducted
by TR Boss Environmental and Biological Consulting (TRB). The
habitat survey was constructed by field notes by TRB with reference
to concerns by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in January, 1997.
If you have any questions regarding the Habitat Reconnaissance
Survey, please call me at (970) 223-5145.
Theodore R. Boss
TR Boss Environmental and Biological Consulting
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February 5, 1997
Mr. Thomas J. Dugan
Jim Sell Design Inc.
117 East Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
RC: Hearthfire Housing Project, Nationwide Permit 26, Corps file #199580615
Dear Mr. Dugan:
Reference is made to your request to proceed with construction of the island within the
existing pond prior to supplying the required water source information for the mitigated wetland
areas. Based on the reasons provided, that the pond is fed by groundwater and an additional
water source is not needed, the construction of the pond may proceed at this time without
supplying the water source information.
Please note that allowing the construction of the island does not authorize any impacts
to wetlands in or around the pond. Be advised that special condition 4 still applies for other
aspects of the project, and all other conditions that apply to this project must be followed for this
authorization to remain valid.
If there are any questions concerning this matter, please call Mr. Rex Fletcher at (303)
979-4120, and reference Corps file #199580615.
Printed on ® Recycled Paper
January 16, 1997
Mr. Rex Fletcher
9307 State Highway 121
Littleton CO 80123-6901
RE: Hearthfire Housing Project
Nationwide Permit I.D. Number 199580615
in Larimer County, Colorado
Dear Mr. Fletcher:
In response to the letter of January 13, 1997, from Mr. Timothy T. Carey please
note the following:
Under Item #4 of the special conditions "That the water source required
to support and sustain the wetland mitigation areas will be perpetual for
this project,": The developer understands that water rights will be required
to be purchased for the mitigated wetlands to provide the required water
source. In relationship to the island to be constructed in the "waters of the
U.S.," this proposed island is not located in the wetlands but within an
existing pond. Because this pond is fed by groundwater, it is the devel-
oper's opinion that an additional water source is not needed, and therefore,
is requesting that the construction of the island be permitted prior to
supplying the required water source for the mitigated wetland areas.
2. The native seed mix, as referenced under Item #5 is as follows:
Native Seed Mix Common Name
Western Wheatgrass, Bartan
BlueBunch Wheatgrass, Secar
Slender Wheat, Primar (Revenue)
Blue Gramma, Lovington
Sheep Fescue, Covar (Bighorn)
Switchgrass, Blackwell
Please review this information and let us know if the construction on the island can proceed.
Should you have any additional comments, please feel free to give me a call: 970.484.1921.
mas an
cc: Ted Bos raig Hash
Hearthfire Corres.
Se1leSl nib
1� l D _ _
�— aiD Ave.
117 E. MO SICo�orado 8`
MSWDmU1eanhfire%1622.IUanwy 16. M
In addition to the General Conditions, the following conditions apply only to activities that involve
the discharge of dredged or fill material and must be followed in order for authorization by the nationwide
permits to be valid:
(1) Water Supply Intakes. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in the proximity of
a public water supply intake except where the discharge is for repair of the -public water supply intake
structures or adjacent bank stabilization.
(2) Shellfish production. No discharge of dredged or fill material/may occur in areas of concentrated
shellfish production, unless the discharge is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by
nationwide permit 4.
(3) Suitable material. No discharge of dredged or fill material may consist of unsuitable material
(e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, etc.) and material discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic
(4) Mitigation. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States must be
minimized or avoided to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e. on -site), unless the district
engineer has approved a compensation mitigation plan for the specific regulated activity.
(5) Spawning areas. Discharges in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the
maximum extent practicable.
(6) Obstruction of high flows. To the maximum extent practicable, discharges must not permanently
restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the water (unless
the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters).
(7) Adverse impacts from impoundments. If the discharge creates an impoundment of water,
adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of
its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
(8) Waterfowl breeding areas. Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be
.avoided to the maximum extent practicable.
(9) Removal of temporary fills. Any temporary fills must be removed i their entirety and the
affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation.
Fact Sheet ,926
33 CFR Section 330.6 Nationwide Permits
(b) Authorized Activities:
(26) Headwaters and Isolated Waters Discharges. Discharges of dredged or fill material
into headwaters and isolated waters provided:
a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than 10 acres of waters of the United States;
b. The permittee notifies the district engineer if the discharge would cause the loss of waters of the
United States greater than one acre in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. For discharges
in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected special
aquatic sites, including wetlands. (Also see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); and
c. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single
and complete project.
For the purposes of this nationwide permit, the acreage of loss of waters of the United States includes
the filled area plus waters of the United States that are adversely affected by flooding, excavation or drainage
as a result of the project. The ten -acre and one -acre limits of NWP 26 are absolute, and cannot be increased
by any mitigation plan offered by the applicant or required by the DE.
Subdivisions: For any real estate subdivision created or subdivided after October 5, 1984, a notification
pursuant to subsection (b) of this nationwide permit is required for any discharge which would cause the
aggregate total loss of waters of the United States for the entire subdivision to exceed one (1) acre. Any
discharge in any real estate subdivision which would cause the aggregate total loss of waters of the United
States in the subdivision to exceed ten (10) acres is not authorized by this nationwide permit; unless the DE
exempts a particular subdivision or parcel by making a written determination that: (1) the individual and
cumulative adverse environmental effects would be minimal and the property owner had, after October 5,
1984, but prior to January 21, 1992, committed substantial resources in reliance on NWP 26 with regard to
a subdivision, in circumstances where it would be inequitable to frustrate his investment -backed expectations,
or (2) that the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects would be minimal, high quality
wetlands would not be adversely affected, and there would be an overall benefit to the aquatic environment.
Once the exemption is established for a subdivision, subsequent lot development be individual property
owners may proceed using NWP 26. For purposes of NWP 26, the term "real estate subdivision" shall be
interpreted to include circumstances where a landowner or developer divides a tract of land into smaller
parcels for the purpose of selling, conveying, transferring, leasing, or developing said parcels. This would
include the entire area of a residential, commercial or other real estate subdivision, including all parcels and
parts thereof. (Section 404)
Structural Discharge. Discharges of material such as concrete, sand, rock, etc. into tightly sealed forms or
cells where the material will be used as a structural member for standard pile supported structures, such as
piers and docks; and for linear projects, such as bridges, transmission line footings, and walkways. The
NWP does not authorize filled structural members that would support areas and other such structures.
Housepads or other building pads are also not included in this nationwide permit. The structure itself may
require a section 10 permit if located in navigable waters of the United States. (Section 404)
(c) General Conditions: The following general conditions, where applicable, must be complied with
for the Nationwide Permit authorization to remain valid:
(1) Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation.
is located;
- a discussion of the successes, failures, and problems;
- percent of ground surface area that is vegetated, percent of
vegetated area that contains wetlands species, list of prevalent
plant species;
- maps and/or drawings as needed for illustration; and
- photographs of mitigation area (to be taken from the same location
each year and submitted with each report).
B. The applicant will conduct a Spiranthes diluvialis survey for the
north portion of the project. This survey will be provided to the US
Fish and Wildlife Service for review and comment. This survey will be
conducted prior to starting work.
Although an Individual Department of the Army permit will not be
required for the project, this does not eliminate the requirement that
you obtain any other applicable federal, tribal, state, and local permits
as required. Please note that deviations from the original plans and
specifications of your project could require additional authorization
from this office.
You are advised that this verification of this nationwide permit
authorization is valid through January 21, 1998.
If your have any questions, contact Mr. Rex Fletcher of this office
at 303-979-4120. Please reference Nationwide Permit action ID 199580615
and Larimer County.
Timo y Ca ey
Proje anage
Copies Furnished:
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Colorado Division of Wildlife
Environmental Protection Agency
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
REPLY TO January 13, 1997
Mr. Craig Hash
Richard's Lake Development
5319 Paradise Lane
Ft. Collins, Colorado 80526
Dear Mr. Hash:
We have reviewed your request for Department of the Army
authorization to impact 1.25 acres of wetlands and 2.15 acres of waters
of the United States in conjunction with the construction of Hearthf ire
Housing Development project. The project is located in Section 30,
Township 8 North, Range 68 West, Larimer County, Colorado.
Based on the information you provided, this office has determined
that your work within Colorado can be authorized by the Department of the
Army Nationwide Permit found at 33 CFR Part 330 Appendix A, (B)(26).
Enclosed is a fact sheet which fully describes this Nationwide Permit and
lists the General and Section 404 only conditions which must be adhered
to for this authorization to remain valid.
In addition to the attached conditions, the following special
conditions must also be met in order for this permit verification to be
1. That 1.875 acres of wetlands will be mitigated on site and in
kind and function as the existing wetlands. These wetlands will be
constructed in conjunction with the existing wetland impacts.
2. That the mitigated wetlands will be placed out of the existing
wetlands, currently located within the construction site, and that
additional wetlands will not be impacted during the construction of the
mitigation area.
3. That the island will not exceed 0.5 acres above the ordinary high
water mark and the bank slopes of the island will be no less than 3v:lh.
4. That the water source required to support and sustain the wetland
mitigation areas will be perpetual for this project. The applicant will
provide the Corps of Engineers an acceptable water supply plan prior to
starting work on this project.
5. That native seed mix will be used for soil stabilization
throughout the project site.
6. The applicant will design and construct adequate vegetation
filter strips to aid in the control and prevention of sediments and
chemicals from entering Richards Lake.
7. That annual monitoring reports will be provided to the Tri-Lakes
Project Office no later than 31 November of each year beginning in 1998.
These reports will include, but not limited to, the following
- name of the project, permit number, and county where the project
Printed on ® necyclled Paper
Thomas I Dugan
4225 Westshore Way ♦ Fort Collins, CO 80525
.(970)226-1655 Fax(970)226-1635
September 15, 1997
Mr. Rob Wilkenson
City of Fort Collins Department of Natural Resources
281 N. College Ave.
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
RE: Hearthfire Filing No. 1
Department of the Army Nationwide Permit 26
Corps File #199580615
Dear Rob:
As we at last Thursday's meeting, I am enclosing the following documents for your review and files:
1. Dept. of the Army Nationwide Permit dated January 13, 1997.
2. Letter from Jim Sell Design Inc. dated January 16, 1997 to Mr. Rex Fletcher of the Corps
addressing items 4 and 5 of the permit conditions.
3. A letter from Mr. Timothy T. Carey of the Army Corps dated February 5, 1997 authorizing the
construction of the island within the pond.
4. A letter from Mr. Ted Boss to Ms. Jan McKee of the US Fish and Wildlife Service related to item 8
of the permit conditions. This is the Ute Ladies' -Tresses Reconnaissance Survey.
S. A letter from Mr. LeRoy Carlson of the US Fish and Wildlife Service accepting the above
mentioned Reconnaissance Survey, and
6. A letter dated April 2, 1997 from Jim Sell Design Inc. to Mr. Rex Fletcher of the Corps, again
related to condition number 8 of the Nationwide Permit.
Please review these documents and information and should you have any questions, feel free to give me a call.
Landscape hitect
cc: Steve Olt, Mike Coley, Matt Fater, w/encl.
Bill Yunker, Craig Hash, Brian Shear
Hearthfire Dev. Coor.