Editorial Pago Editor.
A14, The Cobradow, Saturday, April 20. 1996 Kathleen D0, 224-7733
LeAnn Thieman
Group cites
As concerned citizens, our neighbor-
hood opposes the development of Regis-
try Ridge on the southwest corner of
Shields Street and Tnlby Road In ap.
proving this development, the Fort Col-
lins city staff, Planning and Zoning
Board and City Council arbitrarily ap-- .
plied criteria to meet the needs of the
deueloper, not the citizens.
We feel the development of 700 hous-
es, townhomev, and a mini -mall in the _
wheat strips, NEXT TO THE PRO-
POSED CORRIDOR, is wrong for our
neighborhood and the Fort Collinw1ove-
land greater community, because:
■ It is not in conformance with Fort
th confidence Collins'
p nabs naisavvee
(and naivet�), Plan and is not
we took }lleSe consistent with q
concerns to the the Plan for the 3
Planning and Region between
Zoning Board. and Loveland. r
Initially( we sir ■ It is hoc
ply aed fora within 3,000
valiance to feet of a major
make thedevel- emplo-vment
renter, or 1,000
Opflleflt MOre feet of a child -
compatible. We care center, or
were dlsil- 2,5w feet of an ,
lusloned as we eroanng school, !
listened to C
nor is it con- .r
staff vehernen tigrous m ex ab
ing urban de-
deknd the velopment as
Praied and Plan- required by
ning and Zonif� drys Land Use
Pau I - Guidance Syslaa
■ It is incompatible with the chamco-
ter, nature, and density of surrounding
■ it will produce mom congestion and
an increase in traffic that cannot be safe-
ly accommodated by existing roads and
suggested mad improvements.
■ It will strain existing services such
as police, fire, water and power. Children
will be bussed to overcrowded Loveland
■ It will not "pay its way' and taxpay-
ers will burden the costs.
■ It violates the intentions of voters
who approved an open -space tax to pro-
test the corridor between Loveland and
Fort Collins.
■ It is surrounded by city -designated
open spaces — Cathy Fromme Prairie to
the north. Coyote Ridge to the west, and
the proposed corridor to the south
■ It is an "island of development" sur-
rounded by munty.
With complete confidence (and '.
naivete!), we took these concerns to the
Planning and Zoning Board, certain that
our voices would be heard Initially, we 3
simply asked for a variance, to make the
development more compatible with the
surrounding acreages. We were disil. ,
lusioned as we listened to city staff vehe-
mently defend the project and Planning
and Zoning pass it -+
We appealed to City Council, with re-
newed confidence, only to hear city plan-
ning and legal staff defend it further.
Our requests and needs were drowned
out by those of the developer — and, ao•
cording to one council member, his threat
of lawsuit After nearly one hour in se-
cret executive session. the City Council q
approved the project For the reasons
stared above, we were left with tw rhwice
but to file suit against the city, City
Council and the developer.
This is not just about "not in our hcelt
yard.' We believe this project is wrong
for the city and county residents
On April 29, our committee will hold a
neighborhood meeting fmm 7 to 9 pm. at
Werner Elementary School, 5400 Mail
Creek Lane, to discuss our concems an
poorly planned growth in this area. We I
encourage others who share our coomm s
or want more information to attend. To
offer support or ideas, contact: CM-
PLANNING, P. O. Box 270-771, Fort"I
Collins 80527.
LeAnn Thieman lives in Fort Collins.