East Ridge Annexation No. 2
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EMROIECT FILESV.ANU\1894.3\dots\ANNEX\Sta =nt of Principles and Policies-Annez.doc
July 27, 2005
East Ridge Annexation No. 2
property. Together, the layout of the street network and the streets themselves will contribute to
the character, form and scale of the city.
Policy CAD-1.2: Street Layout.
The proposed street network of this development will provide an integrated extension of the
community. The street system has been located considering the physical features, and to create
views and prominent locations for the proposed landmarks such as parks and other prominent
uses. The layout is a modified grid thereby providing a variety of pedestrian circulation
Principle HSG-1 : A variety of housing types and densities will be available throughout the urban
area for all income levels.
Policy HSG-1.4: Land Use Patterns.
There will be a variety of housing types and densities within this development.
Principle ENV-5: Natural habitat/ecosystems (wildlife, wetlands, and riparian areas) will be
protected and enhanced within the developed landscape of Fort Collins.
Policy ENV-5.1: Protection and Enhancement.
The existing wetlands will incur some disturbance; however, these disturbances will be
mitigated and buffered per City code. The undisturbed existing wetlands on the site will
be protected and buffered, with an average buffer depth well in excess of the minimum
code requirement. By orienting nearby housing to overlook the wetlands, the wetlands
and associated wildlife habitat will become an amenity. The existing hawks nest will be
protected with a minimum 450-foot temporary limit of development, per L.U.C. Section
3.4.1(N)(5), and the nest itself and the tree containing the nest will be protected also per
L.U.C. Section 3.4.1(N)(5).
Principle NOL-1: Preserve and protect natural areas within Fort Collins and the
Community Growth Management Area to provide habitat essential to the conservation of
plants, animals, and their associated ecosystems and to enrich the lives of citizens by
providing opportunities for education, scientific research, nature, interpretation, art,
fishing, wildlife observation, hiking, and other activities.
Policy NOL-1.2: Urban Development.
This proposal will integrate the wetland into this development by providing an adequate buffer
zone. This proposal provides additional open space around the wetland, and development of an
enhanced natural environment by planting native species in these areas.
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E:V'ROJECT FILES\LAND\1894.3\docs\ANNEX\Stmement of Principles and Policies-Annex.doc
July 27, 2005
East Ridge Annexation No. 2
The street corridors will provide for safe and convenient use of all modes of travel, including
motor vehicles, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Principle T-2: Mass transit will be an integral part of the city's overall transportation system.
Policy T-2.2: Transit Stops.
Higher density areas will support the future transit stop proposed to be located as shown in the
East Mulberry Corridor Plan at the intersection of Timberline Road with the collector road.
Principle T4: Bicycling will serve as a viable alternative to automobile use for all trip purposes.
Policy T4.1: Bicycle Facilities.
This development will have on -street bicycle lanes that connect the neighborhood center with the
residential neighborhoods and other Fort Collins communities.
Policy T4.2: System Design.
The internal street system of the development will provide for on street bicycle lanes on
appropriate roads.
Principle T-5: The City will acknowledge pedestrian travel as a viable transportation mode and
elevate it in importance to be in balance with all other modes. Direct pedestrian connections will
be provided and encouraged from place of residence to transit, schools, activity centers, work
and public facilities.
Policy T-5.1: Land Use.
This development will provide a mix of land uses and activities that will promote pedestrian
mobility throughout the neighborhoods and community.
Policy T-5.2: Connections.
Pedestrian connections will be clearly visible throughout this development and have been
provided where necessary and appropriate.
Principle T-6: Street Crossings will be developed to be safe, comfortable, and attractive.
Policy T-6.1: Street Crossings.
Street crossings will be designed to be as pedestrian friendly to the extent feasible.
Policy T-6-2: Intersection Improvements.
Corner sidewalk ramps will be provided at intersections where appropriate to provide for the
safety of pedestrians crossing at intersections.
Principle T-9: Each addition to the street system will be designed with consideration to the visual
character and the experience of the citizens who will use the street system and the adjacent
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E9PRDIECT HLES\LAND\1894.3\docs\ANNEX\Statement of Principles and Policies-Annex.doc
July 27, 2005
East Ridge Annexation No. 2
Statement of City Plan Principles and Policies:
The following was prepared for the original East Ridge Annexation and was approved at said time. This Annexation
is immediately adjacent to the original annexation and comprises 0.48 acres and does compliment the original
annexation as well as meet the components of the Comprehensive Plan and the following Principles and Policies
Principle LU-1: Growth within the city will promote a compact development pattern within a well
defined boundary.
This project will result in the annexation of a County enclave (now complete) and
development of land more centrally located than land previously annexed and located
further from the core of Fort Collins. As urban infrastructure is extended to the north, this
site will become even more centrally located.
Policy LU-1: Compact Urban Form.
The established L-M-N Zoning District will encourage a compact urban form of mixed -uses that
will be pedestrian and transit friendly. Proposed densities meet code requirements for the zoning
district, as demonstrated in the table above.
Principle LU-2: The City will maintain and enhance its character and sense of place as defined by its
neighborhoods, districts, corridors, and edges.
Policy LU-2.1: City Wide Structure.
This development meets the intent of the City Structure Plan of having neighborhoods, districts,
corridors, and edges which create identifiable places, achieves a compact urban form, and is well
served by all modes of transportation.
Principle T-1: The physical organization of the city will be supported by a framework of
transportation alternatives that maximize access and mobility throughout the city, while reducing
the dependence upon the private automobile.
Policy T-1.1: Land Use Patterns.
This development will have appropriate residential densities and will have neighborhood center
uses within walking distance from all residences within the project. The Land Use Patterns will
promote and support alternative modes of transportation.
Policy T-1.2: Multi -Modal Streets.
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